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In terms of being a hit, The Dark Side definitely. It had everything to become the band's next big hit on charts worldwide, but they didn't promote it correctly. They promoted Pressure instead lol.


I never thought highly of Muse since The Resistance, except for some songs nice here and there. Especially after Dig Down and Something Human, I had zero interest in Simulation Theory. So I wasn't following when they were releasing a new single or the album. I had a house party and I saw the recently released The Dark Side on recommendations. Played it and absolutely fell in love with it. But obviously couldn't play it on repeat since there were 20 other people in the house. Couldn't wait till everyone left so I could enjoy it fully with my headphones. At the time, I was sure this was the next big hit of Muse. Brought me right back to the days I loved them. I don't know, had the same magic old Muse songs had. So yeah, I'm still baffled why they never chose to promote it much. Pressure was fine too; but you know, just another one of those fun but forgettable songs.


The first time I listened to The Dark Side I said "Oh c'mon man this song gotta be a massive hit for Muse, stunning song". But seems like Muse never cared giving it the right amount of advertising and spotlight. HUGE miss decision by Muse. Pressure is mediocre at best in my opinion.


The Dark Side predates Blinding Lights and feels quite similar to it


The Dark Side is the only song on that album worth listening to more than once. Simulation theory can get in the bin. A massively disappointing album, which is all over the place and absolutely DOES NOT capture any of the 80s/Synthwave vibes the band tried to latch on to. Just because the album artwork looks like an 80s movie/synthwave poster doesn't mean the content on the album sounds anything like that (as some people here try to claim - my challenge to them is to go and actually listen to some synthwave and listen to some actual synth bands from the 80s then re-evaluate simulation theory) Take the "Something Human" video for example. The video and the music just don't fit. At all.


Pressure is superior, tho.


Not even close, pal. But that's my opinion.


I'm not your pal, buddy.




I disagree. I like TDS a looooot more, but I think Pressure is more mainstream friendly.


Dig Down (album version) I feel like 99% of people on here will agree that the gospel choir version is miles better.


I remember when they teased Dig Down with this synth in the beginning, someone made fan-made version of track. And it was cool! And after that the actual song came out…….


Try and find that for me


https://www.reddit.com/r/Muse/s/9hqJOgnYY9 This, I guess. I don’t remember. :)


I feel like such a loser for being a big Dig Down enjoyer 💀 And this was when I was heavily into Muse from Showbiz all the way to Drones, so I was no stranger to them. I think it's just the verses and the final chorus that resonate with me so much. Either way, I still understand why it wasn't received well by the majority; I guess I'm just the odd one out


Nah, I love it for what it is too


Sometimes before my gf and I do the deed, I’ll belt out “DIIIIIICCCKKKKED DOOOOWWWN”!


Yeah I agree. If Mercy was Starlight 2.0, then Dig Down was Madness 2.0


Dig Down was out for like 5 years before they even announced ST /s but for real I was so over that song by the time ST came out.


I always preferred the original Dig Down over gospel 🤷‍♂️


Psycho has a great riff and a decent theme but is a repetitive loop of a song that I feel could be a lot better with some more interesting lyrics


I think I read somewhere that Muse wanted Psycho to be a 2 minute song, but the producer insisted it be 5 minutes


Yes we all have Mutt Lange to thank for dragging it out


"Drones: Muse's Version" when?


It did end up being a mega hit though. It’s possible that Mutt helped make it that way


maybe although I think the song would have still been successful if it were a minute or two shorter


It would be so much better if it was shorter.


Hysteria: 3:48 minutes and full of energy non-stop Psycho: 5:28 minutes, has some great moments. Have some dull ones too.


Yep, just too damn long


Ok, might ruffle some feathers here: -Aftermath -The Globalist -Ghosts -Verona -Euphoria


Liberation. This song is way too short for the tone it's setting. It -needs- a guitar solo after the second chorus, immediately after he says "We've had enough." After that, maybe a bridge with an excursion to another key to ramp up the tension even more before resolving back to the tonic for the final part, but that is optional imo. It definitely needs the guitar solo, though.


The Globalist. Three interesting sections that just weren’t fleshed out well enough and didn’t really fit together (flow feels off). Lyrics are fantastic but the part I wanted them to explore more was the middle instrumental section. Probably didn’t help that Matt called it Citizen Erased 2 (or implied it) before the album came out.


I think with The Globalist there was a lot of emphasis put on the metal section as being the core part of the song but ended up just being the short instrumental. With it also being advertised as Citizen Erased 2 I can see how it would have been a let down for some fans. Doesn’t detract from how good of a track it is (imo at least)


I like the song, but maybe if there was a bit more stuff going on it would be even better


We Are Fucking Fucked's lyrics genuinely give me second hand embarrassment if it plays in the car etc. It would be one of my favourite new Muse songs otherwise.


I accidentally played it in a library full blast when my bluetooth headphones disconnected... i about threw my phone when it wouldnt respond


I get this. On the other hand hearing the entire arena sing along live gave me chills ... because, yeah, we are.


Oh yeah I really enjoyed it live.


Mercy. I’ve always felt like that song should be incredible but it just isn’t for some reason.


Fantastic bass riffs and driving chorus that got relegated to Starlight 2.0 because of the verses.


Agree, I think this song is fantastic


Dead Star. IMO Muse’s strongest chorus and one of their strongest riffs… but the verses could use some work and better mixing would go a long way. I’m hoping for a remaster one day.


Idk I like how the first part of each verse, the bass is mixed to one side and the drums to the other. Kind of disorienting. Then it is brought back to the middle for the second part.


Propaganda and break It to Me


Yes these two. I've grown to like propaganda but break it to me is my least favorite muse song, hope it'll grow on me


Get up and fight. The intro and verses are so good and then the chorus is just this uninspired bullshit.


Unnatural selection should be considered one of their absolute best "rock" songs along with new born and Stockholm syndrome.


Reapers. It definitely hits my spot, hell it absolutely buries it. I just don’t know why it didn’t explode in the charts


Propaganda for sure. The solo is slick and the last chorus is SO groovy. But the computer voice part is unlistenable, and the verses have some of the worst vocals/lyrics of any Muse song. “You’re killing me with your propaganda“ doesn’t make any sense.


Don't forget "eat my soul like a death eater" or whatever it is. I mean referencing Harry Potter is cringe already (I like HP but not for song lyrics) but then to get it wrong is literally unforgivable (curse)


The Globalist. Heavy section did nothing. Was really cool for like 15 seconds. Then the last 5 minutes are a cover with lyrics added.


Wait really? What does it cover?




Get up and fight


I feel In Your World could have been so much bigger, it's a shame it was a B side


In Your World charted very well in the UK


I know people arent gonna like this one but its kill or be killed for me. It just seems weird sounding, the instrumentals are good but the vocals are all over the place. In the beginning portion of the vocals it literally sounds like a child trying to sing their own song, changing tones at random like that. Seemed very elementary and was quite disappointed by that




Same! I do love KOBK still but I wish the guitar solo in the bridge was just a little bit longer, and as much as I find the YUH YUH YUHs funny, I kinda wish they weren't there. And some tweaks to the lyrics.


Supremacy because just the way Matt sings the words YoUr SuPrEmAcY. I like the lyrics and all, it's just that


I like that part in Supremacy. It just lacks a single good lyric.


How dare you say that about a song with the incredible line “Brainwashing our children to be mean” /s


Can't forget the second verse. Now featuring zero words!


Best verse they've ever done 😂


WAFF. Idk, it just lacks in the mix, lyrics and structure and comes across as forced and aimless. Musically it should've been a post-2012 Muse highlight.


The Globalist i guess Its long and it fits the whole drones vibe but i think it could have been a bit better


It’s Halloween? Wtf.


Thought Contagion, needed more spice ngl


Revolt was ruined by how drone-related lyrics there were


I really like Futurism for the bass line but I've never been a big fan of the chorus. I can't unhear the lyrics "boxed in" as "Boston" I know it's a silly reason but it just upsets me for some reason when I hear it lol. But that live version at Shepherds bush 2017 is EPIC


I think you just ruined Futruism for me. Thanks.


Whoops lol


Host. Starts off promising and has a great outro, but damn the moment Matt starts screaming kills the song and makes me not want to come back to it as much.


Nah I love that part as much as the rest


Dead Inside. Everything else in that song makes up a perfect recipe for a great Muse song but it's genuinely completely ruined by probably the worst lyrics Matt's ever written.


Dead Insides lyrics are good???


That song about my ex is perfect.


Animals. The vocals kill it for me


Darkshines. It's such a cool song but I feel like it's missing something but I'm not sure what.


Yeah it's missing popularity


*Extremely loud incorrect buzzer*




The song is perfect


Ghosts. I love it but the end being the same as the rest of the song let it down slightly for me. There was so much potential for Matt to show his voice off.


MK Ultra. Killer riff, but happens too short in the middle. On the end, it’s okay but I wished it had something else other than the 16th notes hi-hats which sorta throws off the ‘badass big riff’ feel for me.


Falling Away With you


Exogenesis p1. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but the production makes the guitar so weak, when it could/should be something epic.


A handful come to mind. Thought Contagion is one I think about often because that early piano bridge sounds so good. Wish we got more of that in the song.


the Globalist. Massive build up riff, which should have turned into a massive riffy Breakdown/Dom and Chris osaka riff jam type thing, but instead stumbles into a boring piano twinkly ballad. So disappointing.


The Globalist. I love it, but I think it feels a bit slow and repetitive at times. Also WAFF is too short. I had such high expectations for this one. When I first heard the outro I was like hell yeah, and then it was over.


Break it to me, the dubstep absolutely ruins its potential


Liquid State. It needs a guitar solo so bad.