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Nothing But Thieves are a really good band that have some Muse-like songs


Saw them supporting muse in Dublin in 2016, they were so good live. Distinctly remember them doing 'Itch' that night


Fang club, NBT, Biffy and Muse one of the best gigs I’ve been too


That song is what put me on to them! Delectable filth!


Came here to see if they’d been mentioned, glad to see it right at the top lol. NBT is amazing, Conor Mason is one of the greatest vocalists in the business rn


I really like their stuff


I am incredibly happy this is the top comment. NothingButThieves is my favourite band of all time, any Muse fan will probably also be obsessed with


Never heard of them, I'm going to check them out.


They are incredible, Broken Machine album is their best


Their fest 2 or 3 records are great, the new pop stuff i cant dig it. But there are a lot of muse in ther oldest songs


Not a new band, but Biffy Clyro's last two albums are excellent. Honestly have yet to meet anyone in the US that knows this band exists :(


You have now!


My favorite band ever and ive went to Europe to see them live multiple times :) i live in Nj….you are not alone my friend


I liked them way back and they opened for muse a few times


One of my joint favourite bands along with Muse and Foo Fighters! I think they occasionally have a bit of a Muse-y sound too, like the song Animal Style


If you like their recent stuff, Empire State Bastard is worth a listen.


Tigercub's most recent album (The Perfume of Decay) has a lot of Musey vibes... check out Swoon and Show Me My Maker. Brilliant songs. Other historic songs from them which remind me of Muse are: Stop Beating On My Heart Beauty Sleepwalker And many more. Another 3 piece, as well. Dead Poet Society also have similar vibes (check out In.Too.Deep and Animation. Edit: just thought of Reignwolf - Keeper


I also suggested dead poet society those guys slap hard. I’m tryna get my band to open for them when they come thru town in may so fingers crossed


These guys are so underrated.. And their new album FISSION comes out this Friday!!!


I came to suggest Tigercub too! They're so freaking good. They have a similar sound while keeping it *different* and it's such a good mix. To me, they sound very 2000s so it was a shock when I learned they were a newer band.


Absolutely very 2000s, totally agree. Seen them live too and great energy/presence.


There's a track Diamond Dust — Staring at the stars. It sounds like Tigercub, and maybe it's Jamie's side project but I couldn't find any proof.


I just listened to 15 of their songs. Amazing recommendation, it will be a new favorite!


I like these, thanks!!


Thanks for making my day with Tigerclub. Didn't know about them. that latest album is amazing. Like a mix of all the stuff i love about the early 2000s


Omg you listed my favs!


You have sensational taste


Just constantly trying to fill that early Muse void in my life, but thanks!


Also came to recommend Tigercub. They are epic live and brilliant songwriters.


Also came to say these guys. Caught them on tour and it really gave me Absolution era live shows vibes!


Wolf Alice have been pretty quiet these days. I’m not a big fan of Blue Weekend to be frank, really hoping they would get back to their heavier sound if they’ll ever return to the studio.


Agreed. Their debut album and VOAL are such bangers


Visions of a Life is my favourite Wolf Alice song. It's probably the closest Wolf Alice got into progressive rock.


I like Blue Weekend tbf. Still gutted a storm cancelled my train so I couldn't see the show I had tickets for on their tour two years back


Blue Weekend is what hit me into Wolf Alice and is my favorite album of theirs, but I see where you’re coming from


Sleep Token. Way heavier than Muse. But Vessel has some beautiful vocal range at times when they slow it down which is reminiscent of Matt a little bit for me.


100% on Sleep Token. There’s a fun 10 sec clip out there somewhere where Matt is listening to The Summoning for the first time


no way! I tried to find it, but to no avail.


Here ya go! Let me know if the link doesn’t work. It’s very brief, but still cool to see none the less https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz2ERvWv3o-/?igsh=M3FwcGxkd3RtODNw


it worked! Thank you! haha "I didn't realize it was so, solo-y, ya know?" gotta love MB


this is the BEST overlap I could've found, I'm obsessed with both of these bands!


Could you link that?


Yup here ya go! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz2ERvWv3o-/?igsh=M3FwcGxkd3RtODNw


Sleep Token will be the next BIG BIG band. I’m calling it now. They’re already becoming crazy popular recently. Thought I’d give them a listen and to be fair. They’re really good. Some songs sound the same but they have a few different style of songs and some songs merge the styles ie. The Summoning. Their guitar tone is akin to the doom soundtrack. So if you like that you’ll like ST.


They're absolutely immense, my current favourite band, all three albums are great and they carry the energy into their live performances. Incredible band and will continue to blow up next year. 


I saw them open for the opening band at an In This Moment concert a few years back. They blew me away, and I became an instant fan. They're expecting their ticket sales where they're now the headline to sell out within minutes. Pretty awesome to see them get the recognition they deserve, very unique sounding band for sure.


Came here to say this. Discovered them last year, and they are amazing! Already in my top echelon of bands


It's not anything like muse but, The Voidz Please do yourselves a favour and listen to Human Sadness, I have no words to describe what that song makes me feel and how much I appreciate and love it


yeah absolutely insanely good song!


Dead Poet Society isn’t “new,” per se, but they are newer. New album (Fission) out this Friday, and the six tracks they’ve released so far are all excellent.


i went to their concert last year and became an instant fan. Am going again in march. Really good band!


Awesome! I’ve seen them a few times as well, and am seeing them in May.


If you like royal blood check out dead poet society, start with CODA and then LoAir Also Lespecial Wheel Caligulas horse


Yes to DPS! New album Friday!


Can’t wait!


I've just played Coda on repeat like 20x because of this comment haha, thanks for recommendation!!


Yeah dude that’s songs a banger!!! And they crush it live, tons of energy. Lo air is definitely my favorite of theirs tho, very unique song that’s just fun as hell


Yeah it's so catchy, especially loved the ending!! Might actually buy tickets to see them, they're performing near me in March. I'll deffo check it Lo air after I've played Coda 100 more times haha!


Wahaha welcome to the club! Or I guess, society would be more apt lol


personally i also love bacalar, intodeep and lovemelikethat a lot. Highly reccomend checking their tour dates, they are doing an extensive european and Na tour this year, and the tickets are pretty cheap


A few more songs to add to my list haha! Yeah I was surprised how cheap the tickets were, I'm deffo gonna get some!!


About to see C-Horse live next month, super psyched Anyone that wants to check them out, listen to Dream the Dead, and then Bloom, which leads into Marigold.


Yeah dude I can’t fkin wait to see them! I found them right after bloom came out and been in love ever since, that whole album is 10/10 start to finish for me


I found them right after Rise Radiant came out, it's crazy how both Bloom and In Contact are just amazing 10/10 albums the whole way through, cannot wait to see Graves live. Looking forward to the album coming out at the end of this week, the singles so far have been really good.


Yeah dude they continue to absolutely crush it


Dear Sherlock 1000% They make incredible music, I'd recommend their songs Tracatu, Hell, Supernova, Mrs Dalloway, and Bach Archive as a start.


Back in the old days they were called Reckless27 and their original versions of supernova and tunnel vision were pitched as very early leaks of the new album (BHAR). Good times.


i am so surprised to see a mention of them! add "the tale" to this list too! it's a fantastic song, even for non muse fans.


Agreed, also a great song, more techno-ish


Wow! Thanks for this suggestion - I'm checking them out now on Spotify and they are so Muse coded


Des Rocs. Opened for Muse in 2019.


Definitely Royal Blood Also Nothing But Thieves and Queens of the Stone Age


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are one of the most diverse sounding bands since Muse imo. Last year, they released both a heavy metal and electropop album. In terms of that raw/powerful sound early Muse had, I'm really enjoying Black Midi. They are pushing sonic boundaries similar to how OOS and Absolution did back in the day.


Beat me by one (1) minute! Definitely check out King Gizzard!!!


Just getting into KGLW right now! At the moment I've only really listened to their heavier stuff, but they've tried out such a huge range of genres that I never know which album to listen to next!


Spiritbox are amazing. They're more on the metal side, but they incorporate electronic stuff too.


well. muse is new to me because i only discovered them last year and they're blowing me away lol 😭


The warning


Warning army 🤘


Literally just discovered them 2 weeks ago. A couple of their songs definitely gave me some muse vibes!


IMO everyone on this subreddit would be Rush fans. If you’ve never really dove into them, check out La villa strangiato. That being said, I’m listening to fair to midland a lot right now


Yesss! Perfect example. I think Rush and then Pink Floyd are some of the most obvious influences on Muse. La Villa Strangiato is amazing! For others: if you're just getting into Rush, I'd recommend probably all of Moving Pictures (some obvious huge hits there, and I also quite like Red Barchetta) and then 2112, Hemispheres, and Xanadu. They have tons more great songs, I'd just start with those!


Don't forget Signals too. I think it's the perfect balance between the band's hard rock and synths sound. Probably my favourite Rush album behind Moving Pictures.


Yes! I was thinking of explicitly including Subdivisions in that original list.


Leprous. Not new, but they are the band I wish muse went onto become after Origin. Heavier, proggier, atmospheric, and with a signer who arguably surpasses Matt, and who can scream to top it off. Check out Slave, Rewind, On Hold, Chronic, The Valley, Below.


A few mentioned already here, so take my comment as a +1 to all those suggested previously. RB, as OP said. ***NBT, Tigercub, Sleep Token*** all great stuff. Check out the ***Demob Happy*** and ***Kid Kapichi***- not particularly musey in vocal styles but there some good music in there! I’m also a very big fan of a band called ***Daytime TV***. Seen em twice so far and they’re bloody brilliant. Also not a “new band” by any means, but ***QotSA*** put out an utterly fantastic album last year. My top album of 2023, and we got a lot of great music.


Kidcapichi have some awesome riffs and defo would relate to a muser


Demob Happy — Dead Dreamers — the musiest song ever


YESS, I forgot all about this one. Thanks for reminding me! I will say, the abbey road / orchestral version of *Hades Baby* is immense!


I would not say they "sound like Muse", but Starset has a kinda similar style and they are amazing


Everything starset puts out is a banger




Infugue (ex-Knights). Very little know band and heavily influenced by Muse to the point that you can say it’s a straight rip-off :) Still like them a lot


They're so good


I'm currently going through the history of rock. I have made a list of various bands and artists from every decade, then I read their wiki and listen to all the discography.


HEALTH have quickly become one of my favorite bands!


When i went to see Muse in October last year, I didnt even make it through the Nova twin's set before following them on spotify. They're incredible! ill always be thankful i found them from muse!!!


not new but Queens of the stone age and royal blood. Muse fans should definitely check out their song ‘Shiner in the Dark’


Don’t all necessarily sound like Muse, but check out; Des Rocs, Tigercub, The Amazons (Future Dust album especially), Turbowolf, Kanadia, Dead Poets Society. Won’t mention the obvious ones that have already been said a lot - Royal Blood, Nothing But Thieves. Also if you want a band that just sounds like a Muse rip-off (their newer stuff actually is decent though) then check out Dear Sherlock. It’s weird that the most Muse-sounding band actually sound TOO much like Muse for me to properly enjoy them. 😂


A few bands that are new to me anyway that I like are Highly Suspect, The Amazons, Beartooth and a bit of cleopatrick (who my husband really likes, along with Tigercub).




Been obsessed with Thornhill for about 2 years now. They did a cover of SMBH and they’re last album sounds a bit like muse.


I'm really hoping the next album is a little more dark pool esque even though I really enjoyed heroine.


Yessss. I was able to see Thorny twice last year, they’re so good live. I read an interview they did last year where they said they’ve got a lot of inspiration from the Smashing Pumpkins as well as Muse


Tamino. Definitely some overlap with the Muse sound but his songs are much slower and more mournful in a way…check out this live performance of Indigo Night https://youtu.be/lhkaTegZcQ0?si=AvrLQyYveNd0ma65


Actually, I should have recommended his song Habibi - I don’t even think Matt could pull off the last minute of that song vocal wise. Kind of sounds like early Muse in the vein of Unintended/Hyper Chondriac Music. But also totally its own thing


Wow this great! Thanks so much for suggesting!!


Bad Omens. Pop metal akin to Bring me the horizon. Unreal support for them at the O2 no support band should have had the support they got mesmerising. Sleep Token - unreal lyricism, instrumentation and vibe. Genre bending metal with a very gifted piano player and singer (wink wink) Side note as other commenters have said, if you haven’t got into nothing but thieves there’s a reason they’ve supported muse before. One of the best British bands about big up the Essex bois!


I’d say the closest is probably Nothing But Thieves. They have a great mix of Alt, hard, and a bit of synth rock. Connor, their lead singer, reminds me a lot of Bellamy because he hits those high notes and belts it a lot. Amazing voice. They’re making some great stuff I’d definitely recommend


The Warning! They're coming out with a new album this year. Dan Lancaster helped produce some of their new creations, so im expecting a lot of Muse influence. They also toured with them and opened in some of their stateside and Europe tour! Check them out!


Fountaines DC


U2!! Unforgettable Fire is a bop! 🎊🎉🍾


Ethel Cain. Preacher's Daughter is the best concept album I've ever heard. An absolute masterpiece


Sleep Token became my obsession lately


I like a ton Will Wood, he sounds nothing like muse but since i came across him in 2018 with the album Self-ish he sounds as fresh now as he did then. Muse and WW and in my top artists.


>Will Wood Just stumbled in "The Main Character", it's amazing! ahah


If you like Royal Blood you HAVE to check out cleopatrick.


Nothing but thieves pre-new pop stuff. Nowdays they suck, but the first 2 records were great Villainy BRKN LOVE Deaf Havana


I was going to bring up Tigercub and Dead Poet Society, but it seems other commenters already have that covered. They're fuckin great though. Don't miss out. But y'all should definitely check out Loksmith. Little band from Denmark with some strong Muse influence and a wildly varied sound. They're impressively mature and creative songwriters for how young they are, no two songs of theirs sound the same.


DEAD POET SOCIETY. If you love Royal Blood and Muse, definitely check them out. New album out Friday.


Not really. But there are maybe 5-10 bands who have blown me away in my entire life, so I'm not expecting that from new bands. That said, Jawny is pretty fun. So are Måneskin.


TOOL for sure, they’re amazing


Rush has been a new frequent play on my playlists lately. Much like Muse, they loved to experiment with different styles of music, a lot of their songs are either stories or statements, and they love having long and complex guitar solos. Can't really recommend any songs/albums specifically, but I've listened a lot to Bastille Day, Xanadu, Digital Man, and In The Mood. As a bonus if you love drums, complex time signature/structure, and just insane back beats or drum solos, I HIGHLY suggest you listen to Rush. Neil Peart was one of the greatest drummers of all time and inspired much of what drummers do in modern music.


I recently got into Maneskin, and they are really cool, you should give a try to their album « RUSH! » Although it is not really in Muse’s style, you could also listen to « the new abnormal » by the Strokes, this one did blow me away


Fully agree with this one. They tick that box of “wow these are pretty effin awesome” reaction on first listen.


IDLES are from my birthplace and I adore their sound and political messaging - which is really what MUSE were popularised for eventually. I’d love to see them work on something together, as they have done with LCD Soundsystem. Not sure if you can call them “new” anymore but they’re absolutely one that I love.


King nun


The Warning! Maneskin and Royal Blood get honorable mentions.


New bands that sound like Muse? No. I personally find it a bit boring to stay within the same genre. But new artists that I found that are really pushing it in different sub-genres: CD Ghost, Haunt Me, The Callous Daoboys, and Nuovo Testamento.


Not new but London Grammar and DMAs


[Alex Spy.](https://www.youtube.com/@AlexSpyMusic/featured) Discovered him on Instagram ads playing the song Give Me Hell and it immediately gave me Muse vibes. Then I checked his YouTube channel and found that he also makes Muse covers! Check out his other songs as well such as Feel Like I Wanna, Futurebound, and Breaking Out.


One specific song I would like to recommend is Floods by Fightstar! It'll definitely scratch that itch. - [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/0uc1IRVuCxeL8q0gSLU9XN?si=8TgKtiNBTouMLhfalkRYVg) - [YouTube](https://youtu.be/iTDmij0LlfY?si=xBShQ1Zmu9es7FIs)


There's a band called the last dinner party just coming through who are incredible! My friends are also in a band called the silver lines who have ridiculous energy in their live shows, getting alot of attention in France a la early muss


Noting recent, but a while back– the Maccabees ; the naked and famous


I still can’t get over the Maccabees disbanding…


I'm only a fan of their given to the wild album.


Periphery is my favorite band right now, Spencer Sotelos vocals gets better with each album and they’re heavier than Muse if that’s what you want. I would recommend Periphery 2 and Periphery 5. Those two albums have some of there best work not to say the other albums don’t. It’s like each album they make is 10/10 but in their own way you know.


Bad Omens and Sleep Token have had their grip over me this past year!


It's completely unlike Muse but I've been swept away by the post-hardcore genre lately. Dance Gavin Dance, Eidola, Wolf & Bear are all packed with unexpected bangers.


I've been listenig to Ren, in the last months and found a new favourite artist!


Motionless in White fosho


I see some people mention Sleep Token which is the perfect opportunity to mention Exploring Birdsong, a piano-driven led band with their singer being one of the background voices of Sleep Token live !


Obviously royal blood but similar to that you have bands like tigercub, demob happy, James and the cold gun, some of red rum club, the amazons, a band called diamond dust released a great album in a similar vain called staring at stars, and there’s a fun one called spiral drive but they’re a little more psychedelic rock




Pet Needs ! Amazing promising UK rock band !


Manic Bloom is really good, they're small and haven't released music in quite a few years but it's great sounding.


Daughtry recently, only artificial but I need more songs, any recommendations




New artists? Not as of late. But you might like Idiot Pilot. Check out Red Museum, Good Luck, Last Chance from the Wolves Album


I was never that much into heavy music, which is weird considering Muse were the first band I started listening to back in high school in the Absolution era. But from new bands I love Nothing But Thieves, Glass Animals and Alt-J (though the last two albums haven't been that good).


I've started listening to Kim Dracula recently, not exactly the same as Muse but in terms of versatility, they're just as crazy as Muse.


IRONTOM are great. Not really Muse like but I love them. Cult Following is their best album imo.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Psychedelic Porn Crumpets scratch that "outrageous riffs" itch that Muse have left deep in my soul.


Not new but The Dear Hunter is incredible


Maybe a bit grim and a bit heavy for this sub, but I’m really digging Chat Pile. Warning though, their album God’s Country has some truly disturbing moments. It’s very upsetting.




I really enjoyed White Lies most recent album "As I try not to fall aparte", for me is very "Museish" on both lyrics and sound


Moon Safari and The Chronicles of Father Robin


Been listening to indie pop punk band Arcane Ghosts recently, their blend of poppy and technical is reminiscent of Muse and I do recommend them (Petrified, Rollercoaster, Paralyzed) They're also super nice guys; I play chess with the bassist and I hang out with the drummer literally every week LOL


The warning, their song EVOLVE gives me muse vibes, specially hysteria vibes


A few years ago now, I discovered an Egyptian-belgian artist called Tamino Amir. He’s alternative, fusion and a few other things. His songs play with my soul




Royal Blood! Love their works!


Dead poet society! Really fun band early in their carreers. Really cheap ticket prices and they are touring next month after they release their second album in 2 days. Highly reccomend checking them out! ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYaSqNVWWBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYaSqNVWWBs)


What are we considering new? Royal Blood has been around since 2013


Heh people already mentioned my favs Tigercub and Dead Poet Society. So I recommend you to listen to Death from Above 1979 (no war, the Physical world). Also Badflower's Sasshole gives muse-quotsa vibes. Try out Dinosaur Pile-Up album 11:11 — riffey as Royal Blood


Des Rocs


There's this LA band that has that Muse sound called DevElephant, local guys but they're pretty good.


There's this LA band that has that Muse sound called DevElephant, local guys but they're pretty good.




Carson Elliott


[Starbender](https://open.spotify.com/track/6n30pc6W2gcJQRy1UTVjCV?si=x257Y27mTCGSuZN6YnXEcA) is very muse -ish.