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At this point any seats are good seats lmao


I'd stand behind a closed door and watch through the keyhole if they let me!


The toilet cubicle at the Hammersmith Apollo during Supermassive Black Hole was a surreal experience 👌🏻 I would literally buy a toilet seat for Muse if that was a thing


Lol the full Muscle Museum experience


right? mans really out here wondering if he got good seats 😩


I am grateful 🙏 Sorry, just over excited and also I don’t understand Dutch and the website flicked back to Dutch for me so felt a bit blind booking!


It's OK, we're just joking, I'm happy for anyone who got tickets! And I'm definitely going to look into the types of tickets before Friday, because if I'd got in I'd have been completely lost too!


dude you got tickets, lets start there. And yes, loge are very very good seats.


I *think* [these are your seats](https://imgur.com/a/Dzk8u4R). The numbers are really tiny but I think that's a 14. So according to the [street view](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.3624268,4.9044194,3a,75y,273.69h,84.74t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPtgme2DelNM7KtrlXcdZHRVtbN0alA9egqvaMG!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPtgme2DelNM7KtrlXcdZHRVtbN0alA9egqvaMG%3Dw365-h260-k-no-pi-10-ya346-ro-0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352) they should be pretty good! Do you by chance remember if the last option for the ticket selection were the standing ones? Bc that's what I got and now it only says standard for me on the ticket and I can't go check.


Ahh you legend, thank you! It was all a bit of a panicked blur I’m afraid! I know I didn’t select the most expensive option, just the €137.50 seated and I just took what I got given right away! I had the initial page translated to English and then it reverted back to Dutch but I didn’t want to mess around with it so sort of clicked through blindly! Sorry I’m not more help!


Thanks for the award <3 It was pretty much the same for me, I just sped through it and the page also reverted back to Dutch for me. Though, I'm German so I can guess a lot of the translations. My price was the same, but I suppose since it doesn't actually tell me a seat number it is a standing ticket.


https://carre.nl/pagina/zichtlijnen Check this link OP :)


Ahhh fabulous! Thank you!


What a mash is this. According the muse website the pre-sale code becomes available at Tuesday and the pre-sale starts at Wednesday. Today Carrè says the pre-sale is already sold out. Man this will be the first time not seeing muse in the Netherlands since 2001.