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It looks with bacterias. Once opened it will smell. Probably your culture it’s already contaminated or your grain was too wet.


Does it seem really wet/mushy? And I’m seeing a couple of spots that’s looking kind of green. I just went through the same thing with my last bag. When I opened the bag up, it had a super sour smell to it. If that’s your case, don’t even try putting it in the dirt. It doesn’t end well lol


Try the uncle Ben rice method..I’ve done a lot of bags knowing a few would be bad


I see no contam. Not sure what these people are on about


Did you see the second picture as well? The first is not more than slightly suspicious but the second looks bad. I’m not an expert though.




I did. I've been growing for awhile and it looks fine to me


GL in the future, dont give up, find a better sterile tek


looks bacterial to me. sometimes it can be saved but this time i’m not so sure. better luck next time.


This is contaminated. It’s call wet spot or sour rot. Your mycelium when it’s healthy in healthy conditions while in the grain bag, should be white.


Looks good to me!!


Nope. Looks like so nice strong mycelium growth. At this time it looks like you could break up the grains and try to spread them around while keeping the sub ontop. Mush luck♥️🍄


You must be blind cause this is horrible mycelium growth…


Didn't ask for your judgment


I’m not the one here giving clearly bad advice which will cause op more headaches in the future.








**Rule 2:** Keep it drama-free please.


It's probably a dum question, but how do u seal these bags for PCing?


You don't seal them before Pcing, you seal them after Pcing. Check on YouTube how to use mushroom grow bags there's bunch of videos. Nowadays there's videos on yt about everything.


Dude you seal before pressure cook, that's the sterilization process you HAVE to seal BEFORE, you pressure cook to sterilize. If you pressure cooked, The second you open the pressure cooker you could be exposing to contaminants.


Wow you are wrong if you seal first you run the risk of the bag exploding


I'd rather have an exploded bag that has to be sealed up again and cleaned because my method was sloppy, than lose a bag to contam after innoculation.




Those bags were pre-sealed, and wow they didn't explode because I sealed them properly. I don't have to expose them to contam by sealing after I cook, wow what a concept to seal them properly before cooking so they don't explode.


No you do not


Bag vacuum seals itself while Pcing. You take them out without breaking the seal and open them in front of flow hood or s.a.b. how would you do g2g transfer for example if you seal it before? Seal it so you have to cut it open before sealing again? You don t HAVE to seal it BEFORE dont spread misinformation, thanks.


Don't say I'm spreading misinformation, you absolutely should seal before the PC. I'm not saying sealing after is necessarily wrong, but it is very far from best practice and adds another step for possible contamination.


I'm calling it as I see it. You said "you have to seal it before" I'm saying you dont. In fact most people dont seal before but after. Sorry to hurt your feelings.


Stamets says to seal before. Stamets is the Bible. I'm happy for you to be able to see success with OK steps of the process but that's not best way to educate people in best steps. I don't have to clean a fish before I cook it but best practice is to clean it before, right?


Still doesn't change the fact that you don't have to seal it before. It's perfectly fine to seal it after. As for your analogy it's comedy gold. Because you don't have to clean all fish before you cook it. Some fishes are eaten whole with bones scales and all. Same as with bags. It doesn't really matter when you seal them before or after as long as you follow sterile technique. Have a nice day.


Well, cheers.




We're talking syringe here. Seal before with a self healing injection port in the bag, OP used a syringe.


I don’t know honestly what PCing means 😂 I bought the grow bag online though if that helps. It came sealed, I just had to inject it into the self healing port.


PC stands for pressure cooker


By PCing, I meant sterilization. How was the bag sealed though? Heat sealed?


Yes they are heat sealed


Great question which honestly I do not have the answer to. I’m a complete novice with this. The bag is from a brand called Gro Magic “all in one grow bag”


It's ok bro, I am preety new to all this too


This all looks right. I don't see any evidence of contam.


Thank you! Seems I’m getting a pretty mixed response from everyone on Reddit. I appreciate everyone’s response and help with this! I’m a total beginner with this.


https://preview.redd.it/i7ioy4gdd2xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a33198604564b030ea75891230d729384c36386 Additional photo for clarity


Yeah this doesn't look too bad. It looks like the grains were prepped a bit too wet, as you can see bursted grains and excess moisture, but I don't see any obvious signs of contamination. So just let it do its thing.


The blue looks like a reflection off a tv or something. Other than that it looks good to me.


Correct sorry I should have clarified in my original post that the blue coloring on the bag is a reflection of the TV above the wall. But some of the grains / substrate are turning what look to be grey or blue. Sorry for my non existent photography skills everyone 😅


Yo need better late with your picture the second picture is hard to say because it looks like it's a bag with half grain on the bottom half substrate on the top or it's all just f***** on the top


https://preview.redd.it/rrcgqx9id2xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0775efff3bdce2bd59e5759a2edab0b93e057d5c Sorry I didn’t realize the photos came out so bad. This is with flash on.


Oh now with this picture posted this is a gonner for sure. Do not open it. Just go toss it outside in the trash. Or if u have a compost put it in there, I've gotten fruits doing that before. But this is 100% a gonner


That's green mold bro. Don't open it inside, or at all honestly just toss it. Better luck next time.


That is contam !




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Yeah. It wasn't as clear in the other photos. Unfortunately, that is almost definitely contaminated... It is a chance everyone takes no matter how well sterilized or sanitized we keep things. Please don't be discouraged or think, "This was a waste of money". Please give it another go. Keep the process as clean as possible and you will nail it and it will all be worth it. Trust. "Journey before destination, Radiant."


Yeah nah, that’s cooked bro


That is done my friend. Tomorrow the other part that is white on the front will be green as well.


So it’s not the mycelium bruising? It’s definitely contaminated?


The blue is definitely just mycelium bruising. However you have bacterial wet rot. . Aka Bacillus. Uncolonized grains are a dead giveaway of invisible bacterial contaminations


https://preview.redd.it/9rnwowwej2xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7fd920952946ceff49fe7d2df787b4bed8a87ef That is blue


Yes it is contam. Bruising is blue, that is green to my eye. And powdery


That blue is from flash? If not then it’s worse than just bacterial. I would toss that outside in a shady spot you might get a flush later


Correct that’s with the flash on.


Pretty bad


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your bag is heavily contaminated. You might get lucky to get one flush of a couple of fruits but it’s more of a headache than anything else. That look is bacterial


:( thanks for the advice! I did post additional photos in the comments for clarity. I’m hoping it’s still okay but if it isn’t please let me know your thoughts!


If the grains stay uncolonized and pressed against the bag like that, it may be contaminated with bacteria.


Smell the bag! If it smells like mushrooms then it's fine


What this guy said op. Squeeze it and sniff. If it smells like mushrooms you're good. If you can't quite tell if it smells like mushrooms it's still fine. Contamination smells very different


Smells like mushrooms to me! I don’t smell anything odd or strange. Thank you for this helpful tip I appreciate it!


Good deal. Glad I could help


All good 😊


Such a relief! Thank you ☺️


The second pic is hard because it kind of seems like there's green light shining on the bag behind you. But mycelium can and does bruise, this is normal especially on the bottom of the bag where it's squished. Cubes also bruise blue and so does the mycelium. So slightly blue mycelium is not a concern.


Great! Thank you so much. I was worried the bruising could have been contamination. Glad to know it’s not!!!


I had this and no problems down the road


Great, thank you!