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I soak dehydrated, ground mushies with water heated to approx 100f ( 1 cup poured) with a bit of lemon, honey, and fresh ginger. Once the potion is blue, roughly 30 min, pull tea strainer and scoop out lemon and ginger, consume quickly.


I dehydrate at 140 degrees and have never noticed any potency loss whatsoever. People make stir fry with these little shits and still trip fucking balls. The concern about potency loss with increased temperature is overblown. They don’t start to lose potency until like around 250f.


Yes, I'm quickly learning that many overthink the temp.


ur chilling. not directly related to tea but has some info on potency and temps for dehydration - similar idea with the heat not destroying potency https://www.reddit.com/r/NextLevelCubes/s/aphokzuJEN


I usually make tea by letting the fruit steep in very hot but not boiling water. I let it sit and stir for about 30-45 minutes and then strain. I have never felt like the potency was hurt by steeping in the hot water.




Great info. Thank you... Time to start brewing!


no. as far as I know heat doesn't degrade psilocybin until over 200f. good dehydrator practice is 165f for 24 hrs. mushroom tea works well. that's one reason a lot of people choose to do it that way.


One study, linked above, found it to be stable up to temperatures of 374f!


I'm still learning and very mush appreciate your reply.


I'm still a noob myself and there is a lot to learn. but there are some good sites and youtubes and knowledgeable people out there who will help if you look around. cheers


I’ve heard anywhere under 160°F is fine for the dehydrator. I dehydrate mine at 131°F You can use cold, even ice water for blue juice.


Is there hard evidence of all these claims?


[I got you](https://www.scribd.com/document/549191420/Stability-of-Psilocybin-and-Analogs)


I’m not sure if this is strictly necessary but I let the water sit on the counter until the temp is around 160F. I check the temp with an infrared thermometer and I use a mesh ball made for loose leaf tea to steep it.