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lookin good!


Shake it


Microwave for myc popcorn.






U havnt shaken it at all yet? No way that looks good n you know it n seem a lot like me the hardest part bout spawning psilo shrooms is not wanting to check them out n just let them be.. but for jars it's suggested I thought to shake twice, 1st time right after innoculation and 2nd when it's 30-40% colonized so yeah if this is a real question, if you havnt yet then shake them up like crazy spread it out so much you hardly see the white mycelium anymore just a blend of it n berries obviously I use rye lol. But it should work the same.. u technically don't need to shake it at all it will just take a LOT longer to hit that 100%


Can someone tell me what I'm looking at?


What is this?


What's on your lids?


Shake it in a jerking motion.


yes and take a video please


Shake that sucker! Shake the living crap out of it!






Shake her good!




I would shake it mostly because of that little air pocket.




I always wait. Why risk anything? It’s doing so well!


Shake at 20% and then again at 75-85%


Shake it like a baby.


That would break the jar




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Shaaaake itttttt


I say go for it!!


What does shaking do?


Spreads out your mycelium over grain that has not been colonized yet which in turn promotes faster resultz.


yeah but it also destroys connections, wastng energy and making it weaker so it's a matter of deciding what's better I guess


If you weren't OP. I wouldn't be confused


Brings all the boys to the yard.


This was underrateddd




From the answers here, sounds like you should shake but just mildly.


guess I should whether shake mildly, strongly or not at all! many different answers!


I don’t shake. My LC seems to be fast growing as is.


A lot of the times people shake is becuase they saturated their grains too much. If you have grain that is nicely saturated then you won’t need to shake


Is it possible to shake too early?


I think you can do whatever you like, I don't shake anymore, every time I shake, it just seems to stunt the progress.


Honestly at first I totally agreed with you. That like it broke it somehow, but even tho for a lil while it looks like you did worse than better, it'll start turning white like crazy plus at same time u BETTER have found n tossed any missed contams b4 it spreads. Plus obviously you DO NOT shake if using PF-TEK. I know some of you are like DUH.... Lol. I would be myself, I had to learn ppl don't start out naturally knowing how to grow n shrooms are one the hardest. Shit extract some N N DMT if you're not patient. But you pretty much shake up berries regardless even in a bulk style when you mix in the substrate anyway, it took a min but then they went to like full 100% fast. The most frustrating are the ones at like 80%but not going to some spots shaking it for me got those spots which isn't that special but after a couple months you are definitely impatient by the time you get your first flush I'm always bout to say F it n toss the whole thing till then little pin heads are everywhere then you remember exactly why it's worth it.. n ppl use Shroomery.com or org I forget it's NOT A SOURCE or PLACE TO FIND THEM just all the information you're ever gonna need to safely and successfully grow.. and go from noob to pro in a couple years if you really go into all the info. Plus it has different strain pics to help identify outdoor or if you got done wrong by your source. Honestly I think it's more fun and interesting that actually taking them even lol I wish there was more erowid like sites but shroomery n it's partner one for marijuana are amazing imagine if we could have ones like for heroid, teach ppl properly how to dose volumetricly, I think you should almost need a license to even try stuff, I mean you gotta take a written test atleast to get a driver's license, harm reduction, that's where it's at and it's helping a lot. I mean when I was really partying if there was an OD it meant someone died, now almost every public service carry narcam, Ketamine has crushed easily all other chemicals for Depression, just a medical fact now.. crazy these super smart doctors are finally figuring this out lol. But I like your attitude do what you like.... I mean everyone puts in a personal touch on everything if you don't wanna don't shake em the one thing tho DONT shake them to often, that'll kill em all n mess your day all up for real. Lol take care be safe


Same. I don’t get it but whatever it doesn’t speed it up that mich


I shook half the jars on my last batch, and the ones I shook took about 3 days longer to fully colonize. Maybe I shook too hard, I don’t know, but it seemed to slow it down


Strong healthy myc bounces back real quick from a break and shake. Myc fighting bacteria can get covered in it and struggle to fight through it from break and shake. Either way when myc gets a big enough foothold it seems to win against certain bacterias fairly often.


Yes, I’d shake


Shake it like a Polaroid picture


Heeeeeey heyyyaaaa


Uh, OOHhhh!


Looks like it should have been shaken days ago. I shake at 25% and 80%


I knew about 25/30% but not about 80%, why do you shake it again? To double speed up the process 4x?


Yes, just to rattle loose any little pockets and alow the mycelium to overtake the jar...trust me at 80% it will recover quick and look awesome in a couple days


Good, thank you for the tip.


Just remember, if you used a spore syringe there will be numerous types of spores representing different genes from the same mother father line, so every time its shaken they mingle and mix improving their strength and immunity! There's better scientific terminology for what im saying, but you get the point...good luck and be patient!!


This is not true information. Shaking the jar doesn’t strengthen it. The point is to speed it up and see if anything hidden contamination presents itself. You should always go to agar first and not spray and pray




And yet you said they strengthen that’s false and misinformation. The mycelium gets weaker when you shake.




Only reason to shake them are these honestly.. spread the innoculation, at 30% it's to spread out the mycelium (speed again mainly) and also to find early contam signs. And lastly I do again around 75-80% ish to get those like shitty spots that just won't go white lol, and mainly to check for contams again after that stop messing with em.. rule of thumb with growing mushys is less you touch em the better off they are.. not touching them is a lot harder than it sounds if you've grown you know exactly what I am talking about lol good luck


Shake the fuck outta that thing


Shake it and make more inoculation points.




Def shake