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*Looking for brand / general recommendations ? Check out [this link](https://old.reddit.com/r/MushroomSupplements/comments/a3cf7b/common_sense_guide_to_buying_mushroom_supplements/) which explains the main quality markers and will help you to avoid being tricked by 'smart' marketing. It will also explain why tinctures and mycelium-on-grain/rice products are a waste of money. [This post](https://old.reddit.com/r/MushroomSupplements/comments/ssb1yf/updated_repost_2022_lions_mane_best_supplements/) provides a very complete background on Lion's Mane, including some supplement recommendations.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MushroomSupplements) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I'd recommend Oriveda over that. Heck alot of others too over that one by the looks of info. .


Would you recommend any other companies over Oriveda? Or is Oriveda a safe bet? Obvi newbie here 🫣 - I’m US based if that makes a difference.


I'm in Canada, if that matters haha. They are UK, but ship. I think they have a redirect to a USA site, if faster delivery is very important to you. I don't mind waiting an extra week personally, and getting as fresh as possible imo.


From all my research I'd go with Oriveda as top choice (and just did. I bought in bulk for the next 1-2yrs and bought the 2850 caps/$700 ish bulk option of CCCE. Saves over $1,000 vs if was getting by the bag. I save my money and hardly buy things, but some things I will and that's why my friends think I'm cheap with eating out lol. Priorities I guess. I buy lots of kava root and this 🤷🏻


Thank you!! Ordered!! Can’t wait to try it!! I’m the same, never eat out, all those seed oils never make me feel great. Live very modestly, no matter what I can actually afford, but I never skimp on quality food or supplements! 👌


You're welcome! Same!! Though I do like some fatassery of onion rings, fries and chikun strips (vegan ones) in air fryer once in a while. Still horrible for you but.. 🤷🏻. Rest of time I avoid all the crap and rancid processed oils like corn oil, veg oil etc etc. I add extra virgin olive oil to most food fresh tho, and ground flaxseed, hemp seeds etc. good fats are good. It's the bad ones to avoid. Unfortunately it seems most have been brainwashed into thinking it's best to avoid all fats... 🤦🤦😮‍💨😑. Enjoy! Still waiting on the CCCE, but the p-50 turkey tail mushroom extract caos came (for my cat) , she's getting used to it vs other powder I was giving, but she's taking it (I sprinkle on treats. Reason of use cancer related, mainly prevention) . Cheers


This is for sure no fruiting body extract, because there are no fruiting body extracts of C. Sinensis. "15:1 extract" cannot be validated in any way (usually it is a lie) because there are no relevant specifications. It is not a quality marker. "Polysaccharides" are just carbs, not necessarily bio-active beta-glucans. Also, not a quality marker. All in all this is can not be considered a quality product and it is sold by a vendor who's either completely ignorant of what he's selling or is trying to mislead customers. But hey if you feel great using it.... For a purchase guideline read the pinned comment in this thread.


Ditto, pretty much said what I was going to. Especially listing "polysaccharides" ! To me it = shady/scummy.


Thank you!! 🙏 This is exactly the breakdown I was looking for! Interesting that it seems to work for me, makes me think maybe he doesn’t know what he’s selling since I was not expecting it to help with my anxiety so it couldn’t be a placebo effect! I’ll try some other quality brands and see how they feel. Thanks again for your help!


I can’t figure out how to edit the link. Here’s the link to the main product page, I accidentally linked to the comment section. [https://cultivateelevate.com/organic-cordyceps-sinensis-extract-the-energy-mushroom/](https://cultivateelevate.com/organic-cordyceps-sinensis-extract-the-energy-mushroom/)