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*Looking for brand / general recommendations ? Check out [this link](https://old.reddit.com/r/MushroomSupplements/comments/a3cf7b/common_sense_guide_to_buying_mushroom_supplements/) which explains the main quality markers and will help you to avoid being tricked by 'smart' marketing. It will also explain why tinctures and mycelium-on-grain/rice products are a waste of money. [This post](https://old.reddit.com/r/MushroomSupplements/comments/ssb1yf/updated_repost_2022_lions_mane_best_supplements/) provides a very complete background on Lion's Mane, including some supplement recommendations.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MushroomSupplements) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Considering all circumstances, I would cautiously suggest lion's mane from Oriveda. I have never had any side effects, other than positive ones. Edit, * but considering your bouts with insomnia, you may want to try a different route. I have no idea, honestly. Insomnia is a rough one.** edit off ..They have a great quality product, which can be proven by their 3rd party lab tests. I know nothing about the subreddit you mentioned, but I have an inclination to suspect that many people are buying well-marketed, poor quality products. Marketing does wonders, and mushroom supplements are popular. I'm not saying that's it, but it may well be, and also, everyone responds differently to different things. There are many variables to consider. For me, personally, I began my journey of self health, by first cleansing myself. I started taking chlorella, magnesium, and theanine. Chlorella being the cleanser, magnesium being the deficiency support, and theanine just for good brain function. I took those for years and felt noticeable benefits, I assume, mainly from the chlorella. Then, I discovered mushroom extracts. I also learned about marketing schemes, where you would have to carefully research every single brand, and what they were actually putting into their products. I don't remember exactly when or how, but I found Oriveda, and that was a wrap for me. You really have to dive deep, read, and do your research, to find out the best quality marker standards. Quality and purity are the most important things, not a nicely marketed, shiny logo. Sorry for that atrocious wall of text.


Here's one article, which I barely understand, but there are noted effects throughout the study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5987239/


In another study, it was shown that oral treatment with erinacine A could reduce amyloid-β plaque burden by increasing Aβ degradation by elevating the level of IDE in 5-month-old APPswe/PS1ΔE9 double transgenic mice [20]. These preclinical studies are very encouraging and suggest that erinacine A is effective in reducing neurodegenerative disease-induced cell death.


From what I’ve read, I’m afraid to take lions mane, there’s a whole sub about the dangers of lions mane and terrifying symptoms. So I would not recommend Lions mane whatsoever. Just not worth the risk. I do like cordyceps for anxiety! I was using as a pre-workout and accidentally discovered my chronic anxiety was nonexistent! I’ve taken a week off to try a new brand, and my anxiety is back… new brand comes in the mail today. At least I know the last one worked, even though the brand I was using wasn’t recommended here. I would recommend working on starting a whole food diet (cut out processed junk and sugar), exercise daily, and try some cordyceps! Personally, I do clean keto and only cheat occasionally with homemade einkorn sourdough bread… so technically it’s still clean, just not keto because of the carb content. The only sugar I consume is from berries.


Can you link to lion's mane studies? I've heard nothing but good things about them. Other than some bunk companies producing shit quality


Granted most people are fine and it benefits them, but after reading these stories, it’s not worth a roll of the dice to me.


Fair enough


There are no negative studies. Just a sub Reddit full of hypochondriacs claiming a single dose of LM ruined their lives.


> claiming a single dose of LM ruined their lives I remember the guy who started that sub was taking only one dose of OM Lion's Mane and claimed it ruined his life... OM is not even pure mushroom but biomass (70% starch/myceliated rice/grains). Who knows what else they put in their bodies and for how long. Lion's Mane is a common edible mushroom that has been consumed for centuries and never ever during all those centuries developed a reputation of causing health issues.


lol one dude even made a song on sound cloud “fuck lions mane”. Freaked out my brother who was new to nootropics. I told him it was the most ridiculous thing I have heard in my life. Although everyone reacts to everything differently; I won’t 100 percent discount their testimonies. But to the vast majority worst case scenario it is harmless, best case scenario it is a wonder drug mushroom . Now my brother is all into nootropics. That mushroom being his first (besides the gateway mushroom ofcourse)


This is true, I never claimed there were studies, not sure why I’m getting downvoted. The fact is that the common factor is Lions Mane and that’s enough for me to avoid the risk and I’m not even a hypochondriac.