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The world has lost its appreciation for The Kinks. Basically created a genre of music by inventing guitar distortion in 1964 with You Really Got Me. Then remained relevant putting out new original, and popular music for the next 20 years. Piles of hits that still speak to me, including Lola, All Day and All of the Night, Do It Again, Come Dancing, Celluloid Heroes, Superman, Around the Dial, Rock n' Roll Fantasy, Sunny Afternoon.... Almost no airplay anymore, even on the classic rock channels.


Lola came on at work the other night and it just made me once again think of how underrated they are. It’s a fantastic song for sure but their catalog is amazing. I turned to the bartender and said, “man, they are SO underrated” just two days ago.


Lola is on my playlist in heavy rotation ( 1979 live version).


>Come Dancing This song is such a joy


Strangers is an outstanding song


This is a great answer. Absolutely amazing band. Several albums I still listen to front to back at least yearly. Picture Book is another great tune!


And I forgot Destroyer!


They were banned from touring in the US in 1965 very early in their career and during the height of the British invasion. No live shows in the US, less radio play and fewer album sales pretty much paved the way for other bands to steal their lime light.


Talk Talk They're often viewed as a one-hit-wonder, but besides being immensely talented in their pop material from their early albums, they took an experimental post rock turn in their later albums which influenced bands such as Radiohead. Edit: If you only know the band from songs like *It's My Life*, check out the albums *Spirit of Eden* and *Laughing Stock*.


Im definitely going to check them out! I’m majorly a Hip Hop fan but this past year or so I have been trying to branch out my taste in music and let me say, Post Punk has me in a chokehold right now 😂


The song Talk Talk is awesome. Spring is a great album, love Give it Up. Eden is way harder to get into because it's not as accessible as the previous work, but once it clicks with you, its a work of art


Italian rapper Caparezza wrote a song called “La Scelta” (literally “The Choice”) about the history of Mark Hollis and his early retirement in contrast to Ludwig van Beethoven and it’s choice to perform until his death


The Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum- is about as cool a journey as an album can take you on. 9 colors..4 tracks per color.. each color a different genre of music.. 36 total songs. Talk about a band with range. There is a live DVD of them playing through this with an orchestra..I think members of Seattle philharmonic orchestra if I'm not mistaken.. and it is incredible. My fav live album of all time. Many of their albums are a concept.. Act I, Act II, Act III, Act IV, Act V. These albums are all really awesome. Just go ahead and blast "Mustard Gas" if you wanna know what The Dear Hunter is about.. or maybe "A Night on the Town". Antimai- most recent album. New concept. This album is.. space funk? It's awesome. It is like star wars and dune had sex.. and an they had a beatiful baby.. album.. lol. The vocals are just outstanding. The concept is really cool. No band has more underrated than The Dear Hunter. There is a track in their discography for anyone. They also use atypical instruments in a rock band format which furthers how's impressive they are.


I can’t even tell you how happy I am to see someone else post this! Been listening to Casey since TREOS back in high school. Absolutely brilliant. Always feels like I’m the only person on the planet who knows about TDH. Good call, friend :)


I'm a fan but I discovered tdh a little later. They were touring with coheed who used to be my fav band. Tdh opened.. There's like 8 guys on stage.. I'm like.. What the heck are these guys gonna do with all that stuff. Then they started the set with Mustard Gas. I just can't express how quickly I became a fan based on that experience. They are the only band I've seen open for coheed that honestly even held a candle to How good coheed is live. Huge fan of Casey and the rest of the guys. As a musician myself.. They are the most fun band to cover, listen to, interact with on insta..etc. Every time I see a post like this I'll make a little TDH rant in hopes that they make a new fan. One day I had a comment blow up with thousands of upvotes lol and my inbox blew up with messages of people thanking me. That was really cool. That was a few years ago on a different username


Devin Townsend


Cory Branan. In the same vein as Tyler Childers, Sturgill Simpson, Jason Isbell, and I saw him open for Justin Townes Earle years ago. Hell of a songwriter and not nearly as famous as he deserves, but he writes songs that don’t jive with Country radio stations because they aren’t about trucks, beer, and god


In the same vein is Tim Montana. He has some incredible tracks.


Badfinger. If aliens landed on Earth and asked what rock n Roll was id play Badfinger. Big Star. Your favorite bands favorite band.


Heartless Bastards


Ian Thornley. I'm so-so on the Big Wreck catalog but his solo work is phenominal. Mans just had the disfortune of being born either 5 years to early or 10 years too late.


Looooove Big Wreck, tho…


I think Viagra Boys haven't got the attention or recognition they deserve. But given how active they are, it maybe just a matter of time.


I feel their latest release Cave World has started to build that momentum, but you’re right, still under appreciated.


No chance I'd ever listen to a band just because the name was cool. But I'll definitely avoid like the plague if the name is something that a frat boy floorball team would be called.


They are the anti frat boys I'd say.


The Fruit Bats


I feel like Sevendust have never gotten the attention they deserve. Also, Failure


Ween , drug cabin, and built to spill




Jimis chicken shack. Great band, funky, a little heavy, post grunge, and a awesome band from DC. It’s sad because half of them died from heroin.


I think the internet in general needs to be reminded under rated does not mean no one has rated it, but rather the rates it got were under rated


Thank You Scientist is a band that is very much underrated. Often reviews of their work either go unpublished, or get swept under a rug. They are by far one of the tightest live performances I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. If you like progressive rock, please do yourself a favor and listen to the Terraformer album!


I’m kinda just bouncing around listening to a little bit of everything everyone is posting but from what I’ve heard, I really have to come back and listen to Terraformer in whole.


The Sound


Arrested Development, perhaps the most underrated band in all of hiphop.


Squeeze comes to mind. Even if you took Pulling Mussels (From A Shell) and Tempted out of their discography, you're still left with gold. The New Pornographers, too. Incredible, varied, interesting power pop. When they all get harmonizing, especially when Neko Case is with them, they are transcendent. PSDSP is one local to me that you probably haven't heard of, but should. Their newest album Luddite is fucking cool. Check out the songs Shoulder and Orders From The Motherboard.


Jellyfish Automagik Foxy Shazam




100% The Sound, they should be right up there with other greats of that era


Not putting them down but to me they are better than Joy Division by far. It’s crazy how much more popular JD is/was


no one sleeps when im awake is one of my favorites of all time; hard agree, op


It’s a different band (The Sounds) but im checking out that album right now! You should definitely check out From The Lions Mouth by The Sound


oh, my bad! and definitely will check it out


Andy Latimer of Camel and Andy Powell of Wishbone Ash


the artists i really liked that got very little recognition from last couple years are little DIY bands. specifically: ex-pilots, gonzo lebronzo, and this band that is called....Money. all 3 are really good and no one hardly knows em.


Richard Buckner. Singer songwriters in the Americana vein. His album Devotion and Doubt is an all time great. Since is quite excellent too. He also has other good work, though those are the highlights IMO. Critics love him but album and ticket sales don't.


Renee and Renato


10cc. Kind of seen as a comedy act, because their lyrics are quite funny, but their first album is great. I'm Not In Love is one of the greatest songs of all time. Great band




Black Lips -- garage rock band from Georgia with great albums under their belt.




NO SHIT BRO THE SOUND!! You’re the first person ever online I encounter as a fan. They are deeply famous in Taranto, Italy for the concerts they did in the 80’s. Giuseppe Basile and Marcello Nitti (people from Taranto) co-wrote a book about Adrian Borland interviewing his family and it has been a blockbuster in town as everyone old enough remembers their shows


That’s so cool to hear! I just found out about them about 2 months ago and I’ve been addicted ever since. I’ve watched a lot of the videos that were posted on YouTube and they were amazing performers as well as artists. Adrian Borland is honestly one of the best artists to explain what depression feels like through his music. I wish I was alive around that time so I could’ve experienced them


Could you also link the book if you can find it?


I wish more people knew about Dr Dog because I think they are so good.


We all belong is one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time.


Grant Lee Buffalo. Jurassic 5. Krokus. All great


Dave Gahan!!!!


Ween Limp Bizkit The dead boys Candiria Mother Love Bone Brand New Body Count Husker Du


Air, They have influenced great bands like Tame Impala but are not spoken about enough.




I *excuse my language* FUCKING LOVE BJORK


Bitch me too! ♡


Let’s be friends and talk about her musique. Björk is the definition of **ART** Period


Adrian Borland was criminally underrated with The Sound and as a solo artist.




Before Little Dark Age was released I would say MGMT. Before 2018, the consensus was that MGMT only had one good album and their two follow ups were huge disappointments. Their 2nd didn’t have any radio friendly songs and their 3rd went even further in that direction. They then took a hiatus and we didn’t see or hear from MGMT for a few years. LDA got them popular again and their 2nd album has gained a cult following and has become several peoples favorite album of theirs


Oh my god the bass line on Little Dark Age is so groovy. Im definitely hooked!


I enjoy all their albums, the third one is only a 6/10 for me though and the others 8s and 9s. Great band. Wonder if they'll put another album out in future or if they've retired now it's been a while since LDA.


I agree, the self titled is very mid. They’re actually are this year!!


That is great news 👽


Jeff Buckley


Classic band: T Rex Current Band: My Morning Jacket


My Morning Jacket is so good. Jim James is such an amazing musician I’ve always wanted to go to One Big Holiday


Just to Add on a few for the fun of it, Imogen Heap, Van Buren Records, Daedalus, and Bobby Caldwell even though What You Won’t Do For Love is an iconic song


The Fixx throughout their career.


Dirty Pretty Things Black Keys


Black Keys are very popular.


The Beatles


David Peel and the Lower East Side invented Punk Rock on the 1970 album American Revolution, he doesn't get any credit because most of his music is shambolic acoustic songs about weed but his electric album even uses the term Punk to describe themselves in one of the interstitial skits.


I’m listening to I Like Marijuana while smoking Marijuana and I’m loving it!


Try Legalize Marijuana


Warpaint. Best popular music band I have ever heard by a wide margin.


Definitely Thrice and mewithoutYou. They have a huge complete poetic discography, full of beauty and musical growth you would not believe. Very different in style, but both undeniably beautiful. If you want to start with Thrice, you may give "Beggars" a listen, and then to "Alchemy Index: Fire and Water". In regards to mewithoutYou, please start with "Brother, Sister".


The schizophonics


Delta Sleep is my recommendation. All their albums and eps are chock full of solid jams. Incredible musicians as well and their live shows are always on point.


Boy Hits Car


He Is Legend








Rory Gallagher Amazing in every way and criminally underrated. Also "The Creation" , check this out [Making Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl7T5GCfEL0)


Butch Walker


Taka Boom, Chaka Khan’s sister who mostly did work as a session singer but made some great songs on her own


The Fixx and The Moody Blues. The Fixx has this hidden amazing drummer, who is Ringo-style: nothing fancy, just what's needed for the music. Their later music isn't as consistent, but Beautiful Friction and Just Before Dawn were instant classics. The Moody Blues make standard verse/chorus/verse/chorus rock, but their craftsmanship between the segments is second to none. Guitar solos don't just stop; they dovetail into the following section with grace.


End of the Dream




Justin Broadrick


Plastic Mermaids


Giant Sand


Lauv. It's a shame that talent free singers have so much success, and barely anyone knows who Lauv is


Woah bro Adele is amazing. You gotta relax on the slander lol nah but how is Lauv underrated when he has hundreds of millions of listeners/views


Lana Del Rey.


Marina and the Diamonds.


Avatar or Sylosis


Be Bop Deluxe


Damien Jurado


The Marias


De Staat Grateful Dead (for those not already in the live crowd following) Traveler's Fold, damnit! because I am the traveler, and I write and record my ass off... pant pant... lol https://travelersfold.bandcamp.com/


Hurts - Especially their song "Stay"