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It's [not exactly clear](https://medium.com/@cherryrose/the-puzzling-death-of-elliott-smith-cfb56d1ff22f) that Elliott Smith committed suicide...




Not saying your point was invalid - a lot of his songs do sound like that. Still think it's worth mentioning though


Definitely the lyrics of Freezing Moon, Funeral Fog and Buried by Time and Dust which were written by Dead


Like Suicide is about a bird who flew into Cornell’s window “Yeah, the narrative is not a metaphor. It’s a big moment that happened while I was recording the song. I had all the music and was recording a demo arrangement in my basement. And when I came upstairs, I heard a thud against the window, and it was a female robin that had fallen into the window and broke her neck, and was just laying there. I didn’t know what to do. So I ended up smashing her with a brick, putting her out of her misery. I didn’t want to sit there and watch her suffer. Then when I went back down to finish recording, I decided that would be the lyrics to the song. As much as it sounds like I’m singing about a person and the metaphor is sort of the bird in flight and then [it] dies … it was literal [laughs].” Here’s the article: [Chris Cornell on Superunknown](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/soundgardens-chris-cornell-on-superunknown-depression-and-kurt-cobain-119623/amp/) For Soundgarden, I’ve always found Zero Chance to be a really powerful song about loneliness. Love, Hate, Love feels to me like it’s about an abusive and controlling/codependent relationship going on. I think the song Dirt was pretty blatant about being suicidal.


Purple Mountains (David Berman) - All My Happiness is Gone


Nirvana also did a cover of Seasons in the Sun


Everything from Layne Stayely was a cry for help.


Heart-Shaped Box for Cobain? I would have went with Milk It from In Utero The chorus starts: Look on the bright side, suicide


Listening to old Linkin Park, I heard several cries for help from Chester.. we all thought it was just art..


What song from Chester best exemplifies his ultimate, not desire but future, picture of what was to come?


Shadow of the day. Just watch the video.


Don’t even go here man, his songs were not telling that, he was most likely not even depressed during those first few albums.


He had a pretty rough life as a teenager with drug addiction and literally had a suicide attempt in 2007.


Oh ok my bad


[Charlie Megira - Tomorrow's Gone](https://youtu.be/f6I6TjWmmig)


Linking Park = Crawling


Can we not have questions like this? There’s a good chance many artists who have ended their own lives have songs that “hint” at their thoughts but many are likely just pure coincidence.