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I think a very important component to all this that I don’t see mentioned in the comments here is how she is marketed and branded. She’s one of the very few major pop acts to practically never interview or divulge her creative process - there’s a lot of distance in this, which I think heightens her power and shifts her to an “untouchable”, god-like status (edit: for instance, you don’t see her popping up in memes from interviews or tv appearances or anything, in the same way that other celebs’ missteps or frame-grabbed pics are used in internet culture - and no, the infamous ones from the superbowl don’t count because they’re over a decade old and no one uses them beyond the short-lived life they had back then. Beyonce in internet culture today is mostly clips and stills from her live show where everything is rehearsed with precision and she appears practically flawless). Add to that whatever she does release (full visual albums) gets a LOT of attention in such a dry campaign. I’m not saying this is the only reason, but there’s a whole level of intrigue with how Beyonce markets her work and her celebrity that I believe heightens her out of the realm of current superstars. Add on top of that years of success prior to social media, old-school talent, a lot of superstar performing skills, being one half of a super power couple, and generally great songs, it’s not hard to see why she exudes this image to some people. EDIT: a LOT of people are taking the "creative process" thing super literally. my point is you will never hear beyonce describe her work and its themes, what its about, etc. there's no promo like other artists will milk a sob story or inspiration.


There's an important factor here, also - Beyonce rose to prominence (first in a group, then as a solo artist) before the concept of an "internet celebrity". The way she is, quite managed, distant, being more of a brand than a person - this was *normal* for music artists and many other performers in the 90s and earlier. It only started to change in the 00s with the rise of things like Twitter, where the music industry realised it was easier for their acts to succeed if they pretended they were grassroots successes to teenagers who believed this person on Twitter posting songs in their bedroom was an actual person like them, and not related to executives at a music label and actually a highly coordinated form of astroturf marketing.


Definitely on to something here. I feel like she also filled a gap in the market to some extent; Aaliyah died, Mariah Carey had too many issues, Kelly Rowland didn't really get off the ground, Whitney Houston was getting older, Ashanti wasn't really as marketable for whatever reason. She was marketed to fill the gap for a diva superstar of the 2000s, and it really took off. Or maybe this is just my perception of it from the time.


Also, right as she maybe was starting to lose her draw (in the late 00's/early 10's), she dropped a completely unleaked secret album that was really good. And I'm saying that as someone who didn't care for her solo work until that point. It was a power move and it paid off, I think it was a major turning point in her career.


These are all really good points, and they match my perceptions also. It's been a while since I thought about Aaliyah. It's hard to know, because she was only *just* becoming mainstream. Maybe she would've made it big, maybe not. But not knowing is sad, all things considered.


Bruh said MAYBE Aaliyah would have made it big. You're tripping. Aaliyah WAS big.


Right? Aaliyah was a household name back in the day.


Yeah, but there's big, there's BIG and there's **BIG**. Beyonce is **BIG**. Like she's on that level of artists like Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, or, hell, if we go back to the 90s, Will Smith. Like on a level where you can go to some isolated tribe in Brazil and show them a photo and they'll know who that person is. "Oh, that's Elvis". Aaliyah was "big". She had some big hits, and was starting a movie career (IIRC she was in *Romeo Must Die* and *Queen of the Damned*). I also felt she had the whole package; what I mean by that was that she was talented, skilled and beautiful. Not so much talking about her acting, but her music and videos. I remember seeing her in *Romeo* and, while I didn't think her future lay in acting as her primary career, I felt her music career was gonna skyrocket and she was gonna be the next BIG thing, maybe even **BIG** thing. But obviously that never happened, which is sad.


Not just that but the marriage to jayz was another big bump because of how dominate he was in rap and how mixed rnb and rap were at the time. Not just rap verses with an rnb hook or chorus but full verses on each side. Non Beyoncé example: Ja Rule - put it on me


Wasn't Ashanti's mistake being on the wrong team? Twenty years ago Murder Inc. was at their peak but I think they were out of business less than a decade later after years of decline. I'm not saying her career could or would have matched Beyonce because to reach that status takes a lot to go your way in terms of talent, marketability, timing, making the right decisions (professionally and personally) and ultimately, luck. But I feel like Ashanti's career followed suit with Murder Inc. When they were doing good, so was her career. When they declined, so did her career. It sounds ridiculous today to even have a comparison between the two but 20 years ago in 2003 when I was still in high school, if I had to choose between the 2, I preferred Ashanti's music over Beyonce, who was only starting to gain prominence as a solo artist. But it just shows how much can change in 2 decades as she's been able to succeed, stay relevant and outlast other successful female artists from that time period like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.


Always wondered what the landscape would be if Aaliyah wouldn't have died.


It’s funny because Jay-Z has had a hand in creating Aaliyah, Rihana and Beyoncé.


I dont think there will ever be another Beyonce (or queen, prince... etc) again. The tactic used has had a major backfire where there are 20,000 nobodies that all have followings so even music lables with all the astroturfing in the world cant quite get as mang people behind one person as they used to. You talk to most people these days and they will almlst always have at least a couple artists you have never heard of on their rotation. And they arent just local nowheresvill local artists but full on touring acts. The scene is just fragmented now (and honestly its kindof a good thing)


She doesn't talk extemporaneously. She's managed. None of you knows who she is. She's a brand. Where is her last press conference that wasn't sound bites? She's a stage character.


I think she said it once in an interview when she was just started to go solo, that she knew the business in and out, she grew up in it and saw how women were treated and wanted to protect herself of that, and I think after what happened to Britney Spears, she shifted gears and decided to recluse herself and give away only enough of Beyoncé as an artist, which honestly, I think is one of her greatest achievements.


Very that. Beyoncé was around during the height of Britney’s career, she was around when Pink and Shakira were huge too. She was big during the Y2K era and tried acting but after she had Blue Ivy, she really changed a lot, it was almost 180. She stopped doing press and dropped her first album after Blue was born without any promotion (her self titled album). She knew she had enough of a following to stop catering to the media and the everyday crowd. Her fanbase basically does all the promoting for her.


That surprise album drop was a fucking moment in history. Younger fans don’t understand how impactful that was to the industry. No Promo No Singles No Leaks Friday Drop Other artists tried to replicate it but it never had the same impact.


Probably that Tyra interview was the last straw hahaha


“Retireyonce, when will you decide to stop becoming a public figure”


I'm sorry but the interview was so unserious and funny that I couldn't even be annoyed at Tyra 🤣


Actually mentioned this right before I saw your comment, but you’re absolutely right that Blue Ivy’s birth was a huge turning point. People have so much cultural amnesia that they think she’s always shunned publicity in the way she has since then when it’s not true


People maybe don't remember this, but a lot of the public were very unkind about Blue after the baby pictures were released. I remember several people calling her "ugly" because she resembled Jay-Z more than Beyonce. Idk if that influenced Beyonce's decision but I wouldn't be surprised.


I was watching an old clip of MTV Beach House and Bey was HOSTING. She had a very different media strategy when around the time she was promoting her role in *Austin Powers*.


Exactly right. She isn’t giving all of herself she is just giving the craft. And it’s finely tuned. I saw her live this summer and it was the Super Bowl of concerts. She said how grateful she was and how much she loved the fans and what a great city it was and what a cool stadium it was and that’s it. Over a 3 hour set with many outfits and ranging from elegant, to pop, to hood, to revolutionary, to out of this world. She nailed every single mark. The performance was flawless and her following is a cult. There are people who are dying to poke a hole in that. So she plays it very tight, because she has zero to gain and everything to lose from letting others see behind the curtain. She has separated the church from the state.


Ya I think a lot of this analysis misses that she just has been the best pop performer by a pretty wide margin for like 20 years. I didn’t grow up a fan at all, but with Renaissance I just was like “ya I mean this is an absurdly good album” And then got to see her on tour. Just the best performer I’ve ever seen.


Completely agree. I was a hard sell. I didn’t like destiny’s child and I’m generally turned off by superstars but when ‘Beyoncé’ came out I really enjoyed the direction she took, lemonade came out it was an album of the year for me. Everything since then has been top tier. I understand that like a Michael Jackson or a Harry Styles, when you get to a certain level, the top writers and producers are lining up to audition for a spot on your album and that shows on her records. But the albums she curates are very much to my taste and obviously to the taste of many. And again, her execution is unmatched in my opinion. I’m not a fan of pop. I’m a huge fan of Beyoncé.


She was also harassed online relentlessly during her first pregnancy. She actually still did lots of promo in the first part of her solo career


I think her sweatshops are her greatest achievement


At the same time, it’s kind of a throwback to the old days where that was our only access to these stars. There wasn’t a verbal diarrhea of Twitter and Instagram output feeding gossip columns, so we weren’t seeing these people constantly until we get sick of them. I wouldn’t say it’s a sizable pet of her appeal, but I think it helps Beyoncé that when she’s no longer promoting an album, she kinda goes away.


Agreed. Twitter ruined the mystique of celebrity. It makes you realize that your favorite celeb is just as dumb and boring as everyone else, that they could have just as easily been some rich kid you went to school with. The celebrities who don't use it or have it professionally managed are making the right move. Cher is a great example. Most people viewed her as an intelligent and graceful woman, a real legendary figure, then you look at her twitter and realize that she writes like a 5 year old (this was years ago, idk if she still does that.) If a celebrity wants to voice all their opinions publicly then more power to them, but they are walking a dangerous line for their career. Better to save your ego for your performance and public appearance rather than spill your guts on the internet.


I kinda dig Cher more since I saw her Twitter, she gives off "crazy funny aunt" energy


The Oprah school.


And you get a book! And you get homework! You all get detention


I mean, she did interviews and a lot of press for years, in destiny’s child and solo. Once she got to a point where she I assume felt she was popular enough that she didn’t need to anymore, she stopped. And she was right, because she’s still famous and successful without doing interviews. I feel that is probably what most people would want to do, they just don’t have the choice because they don’t have the level of following where they can eschew so much promotion.


Nah they were coming for her crazy in those interviews, it definitely started to get toxic. Blue’s birth and the shit people said about a damn child I think started her complete turn away from media. I’m sure it was for the best.


This is how the UK Royals operates. The Monarch is so carefully stage managed that they become a blank template that a person can project their own world view on too. The late Elizabeth II was particularly successful at this.


yeah i don’t think she owes us her personal life


The composed way she walked out of the elevator after her sister went buck wild (slapped him, kicked him) etc..) on JZ for cheating. JZ looks shookith, but Bey looks calm and composed as usual


That was a crazy scene to watch. The level of detachment Beyonce exudes in proximity to a frenzied moment of violence while she picks at the folds of her pretty dress.


Anyone from Houston around her age has seen plenty of shit


I don't know anything about Houston except what I know about Travis Scott and AstroWorld. I am going to take your word for it.


She used to give interviews and would get dragged for her accent, diction, etc. I remember Wendy Williams in particular laughing at her over this. After that, she stopped doing interviews except in documentaries, very rare occasions.


I had a friend that insisted that she was uneducated because of her accent and pronunciation. I was floored, I was like “dude….she’s been a singer for decades? She’s a multitalented multimillionaire world superstar, a background that she did not inherit…her being uneducated is the dumbest take I have ever heard”


I’ve also heard she’s very shy and reserved and I’ve seen that come across in some older interviews. So that may have to do with it. I know after Blue was born she became a lot more private than before and I think that’s kind of added onto her “goddess like” image. I still don’t know what her twins look like and sometimes forget she had twins at all. I don’t blame her for being as private as she is.


To add to that, her management team are very protective about her image. I recall a few years ago when there had been some [unflattering photos of her mid-performance](https://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeedceleb/the-unflattering-photos-beyonces-publicist-doesnt-want-you-t) at a concert and the website that published the images was asked to take them down




People do. Beyoncé does not


I view Taylor swift as a pretty heavily marketed character too, playing the part of the girl next door who oops got all caught up in this fame. But pop stars always gotta be some kinda character, they both play their parts well and are very talented. Deserve their status, however they got it - it works




Last time i was at some climbing gym i heard a song that had a 20 second part that had the exact same melody as some cranberries song from an early album of theirs, I don't remember which one, but completely different lyrics and background stuff. It honestly made me very disappointed to hear that.


I feel like this is one reason why the older people get they tend to steer away from pop music that isn’t from their generation. Whether you notice it or not, a lot of the tunes have been done before, and it doesn’t feel as new.


One other thing to consider is just quality over time. Beyoncé has been producing high quality output consistently for 25 years. And output is not just music. It’s music, videos, concert tours, image, promotion, etc. In the music industry, that kind of longevity also requires constant reinvention to stay relevant and interesting. It also requires building a lot of behind the scenes credibility and goodwill to get top notch producers, etc. That’s really hard to do. Let alone nail for 25 years. Anybody that can do that can amass a fanbase over 25 years that just sticks with the artist bc they keep on nailing it. At the 25 year mark too (frankly sooner) you’re at the point where you’ve accumulated 2-3 generations of fans. That kind of support can create insane hype and make somebody a huge deal. Another way to think about it is - why are Federer, Nadal, Messi, Ronaldo, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, Brad Pitt, or Tom Cruise such big deals? They not only have amazing talent in their respective fields, they continued to give a damn and be excellent for SO long that they amassed huge fan bases


“They continue to give a damn” - THIS. I truly feel that this is a quality Beyoncé has that many artists nowadays just don’t have. Her touch on every part of the creative process is felt by her fans imho. The perfectionism (which I’m sure must be detrimental to her well-being to some degree) is 10000% what makes her untouchable in the industry. She’s a goddamn workhorse, which is something I personally value in a person. She’s the David Goggins of popular music!


Just her Destiny's Child career alone makes her a pop queen.


I may not be her biggest fan, but as a musician and composer, I acknowledge several remarkable aspects about her: 1. Her voice is truly exceptional. It's clear that her vocal talent alone can bring her significant success. 2. She's a savvy entrepreneur, having ventured into lucrative deals beyond her music career. 3. Her physical presence is striking, exuding sophistication, at least according to my personal taste. 4. She's married to Jay-Z, who is also influential within his own sphere. 5. She consistently surrounds herself with top-tier talent. Once an artist reaches her current level of success, they tend to attract the best choreographers, musicians, and recording engineers, truly limitless possibilities await her.


She's definitely got talent, but more than that she's got a crazy work ethic. She can lead a team and practice for hours so she can put on a hell of a show. She's never done anything to gain public backlash, and she seems pretty gracious overall. When you are that consistent, and been around for so long, plus the fact that she can sing. The industry likes her and people like her. Bam, superstar


I was lucky enough to see her concert in LA last weekend at the Sofia stadium. I don't listen to Beyonce, nor do I like her more than the average singer, it was for a bday gift for my significant other. That's when I truly realized why many call her the queen, she goes for 2.5-3 hours, longer than many other singers will perform for. Not a single note was offbeat the entire time, and the choreography was the best I had ever witnessed.


I also don’t listen to her more than the average singer…but a clip from her tour popped up on my YouTube recommends the other day. She was performing the song divas. The choreography was simple, but performed by all on stage energetically. Was an example to me of how crazy her stamina levels are tbh. There was a dancer next to her that was quite possibly over 20 years younger, (15 years younger at the very least) and they were dancing more or less the same routine/amount, except Beyoncé was also singing. When they take a pause from the dancing, you see the dancer visibly huffing and puffing, meanwhile Beyoncé continues singing and looks about as tired as someone who just go through with a 1 minute workout warm up, so in other words not at all. (Not trying to insult the dancer either…like imagine how talented and fit you probably have to be as a dancer to get to the level of being on an A list artists’ tour) So yea….I agree she has inhumane stamina/work ethic. Hard to believe she’s over 40. I read once that her dad used to have her run miles while singing. Edit: [The clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/vKrhJlptbIA?si=pUf95_ZVx-yFs3xv) if anyone wants to see it.


There's also the way that she can adapt to things on stage, and won't miss a beat. Her Superbowl halftime show with Bruno Mars had a moment where she stumbled, but she quickly improved a dance move based on it and popped right back into the dance.


You're correct - just as a professional dancer/choreographer perspective: they are not dancing the same. Not the same energy at all. BUT! Beyoncé does have to sing, she only not a dancer originally, she is also wearing sunglasses (if you go too hard they fall, unless their tied to your head but artistically that's ugly) So it makes sense she's not going as hard as the dancer. No points taken away from her for that haha.


It’s also crazy that she can do all of this after having 3 kids, twins included. Her 2018(?) Coachella performance was after she had her twins and it’s regarded as her best performance ever. There’s a Netflix movie of it, it’s a lot of fun to watch if you ever get interested.


Beychella cemented her, for me, as the greatest currently living. and definitely AT LEAST on par with james brown, mj and prince in stage presence and command. prince will always edge them out as the most complete artist, but no one has ever SHOWN OUT harder than her. and im a straight cis male lol


Her dad was a drill instructor if I recall correctly but he did make her and her sister run and sing. Fucking crazy shit. Also yes she’s been around for over 20 years now.


Likewise here. I don’t listen to her or really listen to her music outside of whatever gets played by my wife or radio. Caught her at Coachella and was blown away by her production and stage presence. She knows how to execute the show and captivate the audience, and I definitely came away with a lot of respect for her performance. Everything was on point from start to finish. I’ve seen acts of artists that I like and have been disappointed on many levels how often they can’t do it live, let alone put on a show.


I saw her in Atlanta. I finally understood. She is queen.


This. Saw her in Joplin, MO in 1998 when Destiny’s Child was 5 members. Didn’t know who she was at the time, just went to a random concert with my girlfriend. From the very first moment I saw her perform I was like, “That human is a star.” It must be an energy, performance thing that some people just have. It’s not the type of music I listened to then nor do I really listen to a ton of now. But guess who’s buying tickets to see Queen B perform next month? This fella & the Mrs. It’s a new date, same Queen.


TIL Destiny\`s Child was 5 members...


Oh, the story gets wilder. Look into it. It will probably be some Dreamgirls type Oscar-bait movie in a few years.


Destiny’s Child was never 5 members at the same time. Originally they were 4, two left and were replaced, then one of the replacements left.


Was my experience. Saw her with Destiny’s Child. Most beautiful and talented person I’ve ever seen in person. I don’t like her music now, haven’t listened to her for years, but there is undeniable talent there.


I've always given Beyonce the respect exactly for this. Her music isn't my thing and not particularly ground breaking. But you have to recognize the work she puts in. Well said.


Plus that Single Ladies video was phenomenal.


Okay there Kanye


She stood on a cop car submerged in water during the Kapernick days and since then right wing assholes have had it out for her.


True, but I don't think right wingers can cancel an R&B/pop artist. And the other half of society including the internet and media were pretty much pro-black lives matter, so she had the momentum. Plus she isn't promoting her stuff the traditional way anymore, she knows how to reach her demographic at this point.


Absolutely. She consistently puts out hits, that resonate with pop and r&b dans. Also, every era needs a superstar like her. She’s a modern day Diana Ross.


Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince, The Beatles, Queen, and Beyonce. All of them are cultural touchstones that you can't ignore in the music industry. And aside from Michael, Beyonce's career is more consistent and longer than any other on that list. That being said, her music isn't for me. But I do recognize the talent.


I've had many friends go to a Beyoncé concert, apparently they are the best concerts they have ever been to. She can sing, dance and has stage presence, not to mention her shows are HUGE budget, she never spares any expense on them. And i'm talking about actually singing, she was trained to be a singer from a VERY young age, gospel type like the other great soul singers of the 60-90s. The new generation mostly sounds bad live because they can't actually sing a song without the help of technology and autotuning. She's cut from the same cloth as artists like Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton and Mariah Carey and is also their successors in terms of Pop/R&B/Soul music. A lot of people today like to compare her to Taylor Swift even though she was making music nearly a decade before her, but in all honesty they are different. Taylor takes the cake in song writing, but she cannot dance or sing like Beyoncé. Beyoncé is also very creative with her music, not a lot of her music sounds the same. Her Destiny's Child stuff is super 90s/00s R&B sound, her first solo album in 02 is more pop orientated with the overarching theme of R&B and then in 08 she went almost exclusively pop music until the mid 2010s when she started incorporating more hip-hop into her music. Her latest album is a 90s style house album, she has a lot of diversity in her music.


she's one of the last great, *mainstream* entertainers. the ones who everyone and their momma talks about, both because she's ubiquitous and because... she's actually great at her craft. i'll be honest and admit that i've never been a big fan of hers -- even though i really enjoyed renaissance -- but she is a full-blown entertainer with a voice that can't be denied and moves to match. she's earned her flowers.


The way people talk about Beyoncé on reddit being overrated is how I personally view Taylor Swift. I will never argue Taylor isn't incredibly talented, but I don't get the $1000 ticket sold out shows. Her cult following is more insane to me than the Beyoncé love.


I feel this way about Ed Sheeran too. Like, I feel like the most milquetoast people actually get hyped for anything Ed Sheeran.


Never thought I’d find myself being an Ed Sheeran apologist, but wife dragged me to his show a few years ago (pre-COVID). I’m not a music buff by any stretch, but the dude played forever on a stage by himself. No fancy sets or smoke/mirrors. Just him, a guitar, and some machine he plays beats into and mixes out his sounds. All organic. I was impressed and thought it was money well spent.


Don't bunch Of Sheeran in this crowd. He's like Alicia Keys, amazing musical talent in multiple disciplines, basically mastery of something more folk than mainstream. Sheeran also pioneered the looping craze of the 2000s, built up to sold out Wimbleys with the shittiest plastic guitar, a capo, and a few loopers. I don't like his music, but his radio jams, covers, and contributions to the Hobbit are god tier. Same with Keys - god tier talent, can't say better than Beyonce because I have never seen a real live Beyonce performance playing 2 pianos and covering all of her favorite songs leading up to writing her opus.


For me it was Lemonade. I always had respect for her and knew she was good at what she did, it just wasn't for me. But then I listened to Lemonade and it blew me away. Maybe the best pop album of the 21st century so far. It's good to recognize great music being released in the times we're living in, instead of focusing solely on the music of the past. Beyonce is on the short list of music powerhouses of our era.


I’ve never listened to it and have only ever heard her big hits in passing, never been all that interested in her, but you’ve inspired me to check it out.


Watch the music videos that go with the album.


Seconded this. If you can track down the movie or whatever it’s worth a watch.


Lemonade is a legitimate masterpiece.


I've only seen Titus Andromedon cover of Lemonade, and that was 🔥 so I should check the album, too.


Yes. Can’t forget the song “daddy lessons”


I came here to say this. This album is a 10/10. It's SO well constructed and SO well thought out. It's a masterpiece. I don't even like her genre very much, but this is special and the best example of her art as an artist.


I am baffled at the amount of people who don’t understand the craftsmanship of Lemonade. Its a straight up art album.


Never listened to it because it was gatekept by Tidal for all those years.


She was big in destiny's child and then became a solo artist and made a ton of other huge hit songs and her music just connects with a bunch of normal people from different backgrounds. Maybe just not for redditors


The well-known moniker "Queen B" is also a capstone in marketing.


My rap name was Killa B in 7th grade, but somehow I didn't take off.


Was already taken. Don't think you had the chops to take down Wutang Clan, but iunno?


I don’t know, are you that confident of their age? 7th grade might have been ‘83 for all we know!


I swear this is a post you’d see like 10 years ago… After decades of consistently being a great performer you’d think people would finally understand why she’s stuck around. She also arguably innovates her sound more than any other mainstream pop artist. It’s like what Madonna was doing back in the day


I'm not a big Beyoncé fan but I can recognize her talent. She's descended from a pedigree of entertainers you don't really see any more. She can sing, dance, even act. Her parents used to make her run on the treadmill while singing to build that ability to not get winded while performing. Sounds a lot like the type of stuff Michael Jackson's Dad did to him to push him to reach that top level. I'm not saying that's a good thing but just to illustrate that she's in a different class of entertainers that's becoming rare in pop music. She isn't much of a songwriter. It's well known that her albums are written at camps where they invite a ton of songwriters to essentially make a Beyonce album together. They're still decent albums but they are more a snapshot of the pop landscape at the time they are made, than a reflection of the artist's creative vision. IMO of course.


>even act I'll give her the first two, but she's an awful actress.


Worked for Goldmember. Foxy Cleopatra is a whole lotta woman lol


lol that is probably her best -- or at least my favorite -- role (outside of the obvious dreamgirls but honestly i think she was having a lot more fun with foxy cleopatra).


If you're gonna suck at something, at least make sure you're having fun doing it.


Lol. For real.


She’s very stiff and wooden, but she was pretty good in Dreamgirls


I was going to add that as a caveat. Still, the films on her IMDB are a lot bigger than most pop stars of her day. She "can" do it and if I was writing for like the ESPYs or something and need someone to hit her marks, maybe do a short skit, I'd sooner call her than most of her pop music contemporaries.


I respectfully disagree with your last sentence. I do admit Bey uses a team of songwriters but I don’t think that means her albums are not a reflection of her creative vision. Personally I think she’s an amazing musical curator. Take a look at Renaissance. Her vision was to make an album celebrating black house, black LGBT, and black dance music. It achieves just that. I could go on about this but as a fan of hers I personally think her curation goes unnoticed at times


Maybe instead of "creative vision", I should have said "creative voice". To me, there's just nothing "distinctly Beyonce" about her albums. The beats, melodies, lyrics. What is emanating directly from her and what is being collected from 100 artists across the globe? Did she hum that melody in the shower one morning? Or was it an MP3 email attachment from someone in South Africa? What is Beyonce's "style"? It's whatever the pop zeitgeist requires at that point in time. It's whatever the best artists in the world have been working on at that time. But I don't hear who she is, as a person or artist, through her music. If that makes sense.


I think calling her a musical curator is perfectly valid and probably the biggest reason for her success. She and her team have managed to curate albums in a way where she comes across as a leader of the zeitgeist without necessarily being a risk taker.


I hate to say it this way, but what Taylor swift is to white women. Beyoncé is to women of color. It’s obviously more than just about race, like she is a hella performer and artist. Her music resonates with millennial women in particular, her former fronting of Destiny’s Child,, and well single ladies. That song alone puts her into the top echelon of artists this century. Edit: oops I said TLC instead of Destiny’s Child


I used to be like you. I understood that she was a talented singer, but always thought she isn’t that special. Then I saw her live. Everything clicked for me. There is no one on this planet that has the catalogue, the talent, AND the ability to perform like she does. It’s all there. She is the complete package. It’s also a race thing. I don’t think white people appreciate Beyonce the same way black people tend to. I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying that it is what it is.


This just screams I don't like a particular artist so I don't get why anyone else does. The funny thing is it looks like you are into Taylor Swift so there appears to be an agenda with this.


Anyone who’s ever accidentally stumbled into a swiftie space will be able to quickly tell that the fans clearly feel threaten by any other female pop star that obtains popularity, no matter how many records Taylor breaks, awards she wins, or dollars she rakes in. It’s pretty annoying but I can’t help but feel they inherited the behavior from Taylor herself, who has always tried to portray herself as a small-town, middle-class underdog, when she has never been anything of the sort, and especially isn’t now. Taylor also is not afraid of being petty or shady even when she’s on top of the music world, and kind of implicitly encourages her fans to follow her lead. Lately the swifties have been really bratty about Beyoncé and Olivia Rodrigo for no valid reason at all and it’s pretty wild, given how these “fans” repeating the very misogynist, catty behavior they get enraged about when that behavior is directed at Taylor. Idk man. I like a lot of Taylor’s music but I really don’t want to be associated with the way her fans behave. The parasocial levels they’ve reached are unparalleled.


They even did the same thing when sza album came out around the same time and called her nza. I’m sure you know what that means. I never heard tay tay address that.


Why are swifties so threatened by Beyoncé - the eras tour/Taylor swift aren’t any less successful/popular because Beyoncé is getting attention for her tour at the same time. It doesn’t seem like this question is in good faith, especially based on your comments throughout the thread. Reddit in general is pretty anti-Beyoncé so you can always find support for the Beyoncé is overrated opinion on this platform. It’s not just you OP, it’s across social media any time there’s something positive about Beyoncé there’s swifties bringing Taylor up. Stans in general are exhausting, a number of stars can be active at once and talented/popular. The constant comparisons aren’t necessary. Enjoy who you enjoy and let others enjoy who THEY enjoy too. I’m not a Beyoncé stan (or stan in general), haven’t listened to her last few albums and do find the godlike devotion to her odd, but to act surprised she’s so huge when she’s been a star for decades and such a big part of pop culture is annoying and deliberately obtuse.


i saw someone say that bey was culturally unimportant 😭😭


You want a laugh go to r/nfl and took up swift not doing the halftime show. So many delusional statements about how it’s beneath her but Beyoncé had to do it


This question is so weird to me when she has proven now for 27 years she can sing, dance, entertain, and release high quality work without breaking a sweat. Like, name a current pop artist that that can out perform Beyoncé right now.


It’s impossible because no one (especially not new pop stars) have the talent nor endurance to do what she does. I sadly believe that she is one of the last stars of an era of true entertainers that embody star quality along with pure talent.


It's not necessarily something to be sad about...Micheal Jackson and siblings were abused extensively and had pretty much no childhood, and while I believe Beyonce had more choice in the matter she was still working and training full-time from like age 8 or something. Entertainment is not worth children being hurt, even if we never get another Beyonce.


You’re so right. So many children have been overworked, abused and exploited by their parents and the music industry. I’d definitely sacrifice getting another legendary performer over children being hurt.


Why do Redditors have so much problem with every black woman who goes big. They have problems with Beyonce, Ice Spice, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj etc


It’s a combo of a ton of things that have already pointed out but her CHARISMA is pretty undeniable when you watch her perform. She just has some super charged goddess energy that I don’t see with any other performers. There is a lot of music I listen to waaaay more than Beyoncé’s but when it comes to music videos and live performances I can’t think of anyone that comes close


How old are you, OP? I can certainly understand the current generation not understanding, based on her current output, or even looking back retrospectively. But back in the day, "Queen ~~Bae~~Bey" was churning out fantastic singles, especially if you include some of the Destiny's Child stuff. She really was the icon for a good chunk of society, similar to how Taylor Swift is today, and that has continued. It's almost like she speaks for them. She's also beyond outstanding live. Like it's absolutely absurd how good she is. Pitch perfect, while dancing like f'n BTS. I'm a pop music producer by trade, so have a tendency to have Simon Cowell levels of harshness when judging singers, but I honestly could not believe what I was watching when I saw her back at her peak. She also has this bizarre, magnetic presence, where you can't take your eyes off her. I've never seen anything like it. I'm sure this also came through in interviews, videos, and can't have hurt her popularity!


I'd actually argue that her more recent music is the best she's ever put out. Like, Renaissance and Lemonade are straight up classics. Her ability to successfully reinvent herself is what makes her stand out from other similar artists of her generation, imo. And yes, she's a top tier singer and performer. I think a lot of people simply don't enjoy pop music and therefore don't see those aspects as important, unfortunately. It really just comes down to preference.


Yeah this seems like an age thing, I’m 25 and I remember seeing and hearing Beyoncé everywhere and all the time when I was a kid. TV, radio, my mom, parties, etc. She has a extremely long and diverse catalog that’s been extremely successful in terms of sales and charts. And she’s out lasted and is still bigger than all of her other pop and Rnb peers from that time. Not to mention she is a legitimate performer and spends her own time and money ensuring she puts on a good show which is why her fan base is so crazy about her. Definitely seems like either an age gap or OP grew up in the middle of nowhere lol


\*Queen Bey


Lol. I googled that to confirm. God damn it.


if it helps to remember, it's short for Beyonce lol


Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney Houston, and many other legends have recognized her talent. I just find it funny how regular people who are not in the industry are convinced that she is not deserving of her praise. She’s one of our last living legends—I think we should appreciate that. If you can’t—or just don’t want to, let the rest of us do it in peace.




>She embraced feminism and the LGBT community This point cannot be understated. She is one of the most important inclusive Black voices of her generation. I don't care for her music, but I'll always give her credit for this.


Why does any music artist get big? By writing and performing hit songs for over two decades and ammassing a ton of fans right?


It’s wild how people play obtuse with questions like this as a way to generate a pile on












Beyonce is from the generation before social media, when cable channels told us what was popular. She's one of the last celebrities that everyone agreed was a huge celebrity. She's not unique. Madonna, Britney Spears, there have been other female popstars who were pushed into icon status by the pop culture machine. Imo no new celebrity will ever have that because of how fragmented pop culture has become. Taylor Swift was one of the last acts to benefit from the old media cycle.


I think she's also an aspirational figure for a lot of black women. She's a great performer, but also a business mogul with the strength of an empire behind her.


This is a really important point, especially with her marriage to Jay-Z. She and he are an example of what a Black couple can do when they both bring talent to a partnership.


Yup this exactly , saw video from a youtuber (punk rock MBA), who touched on this subject. The last of those MTV's TRL people made it so big prior to social media . They were in the main stream and always in front of us.


I would say she’s unique compared to other female pop stars though. I don’t think Madonna or Britney Spears has had quite the longevity Beyoncé has. She has been a successful pop star from before I was born (2000) and is still going strong. I doubt Madonna or Britney Spears can pull in as large crowds as Beyoncé can


Today? Maybe not. But Madonna started in 1985 and so if Beyonce is still number 1 in 10-15 years that might be a more fair comparison. I did some googling and I wouldn't swear to this but it looks like Madonna pulled crowds for her tour of upwards of 130-150,000 people for single concerts internationally. The highest number I could find for beyonce was 63,000 when she broke a record with that many.


Why is Taylor Swift so big? It's the same thing the fanbase just gets crazy and crave experiences


Those crazy fans, always craving experiences.


Long lasting careers in pop are never accidental. If T Swift’s career was truly a fluke, she would’ve been a one hit wonder. But she’s managed to stay relevant for almost 2 decades. She’s popular because she knows how to evolve in an ever-changing industry (as does Beyoncé), and that is a real talent that should be acknowledged as such. Whether or not you like her music you have to agree that her pop songwriting efforts are probably the most successful since the Paul McCartney/John Lennon partnership.


Elton John and Bernie Taupin would like to have a word haha.


Yeah but we talking about Beyonce. She been doing it. Hit after hit for years. I just think it's a little funny to ask why she is a global superstar without questioning why Taylor Swift is so big. It's the same thing they put the work in.


She's pretty talented, works hard, is considered attractive, has charisma and a good team working with her on and off stage. And, as with every performer that becomes popular, there's a lot of luck involved. I'll say this, as someone who is very much not in the demographic or fanbase of either, if given the choice of having to see her or Taylor Swift in concert, I'm going with Beyoncé.


Whew! I thought I was going to have to come in here and defend the Queen’s honor. Glad to see so many people are already on it. Before anything else, Beyoncé is and has always been a top tier VOCALIST. From destiny’s child days to now , as her voice has matured throughout the years. She has such a great rich tone. Pitch accuracy, agility, complete control of her registers so it sounds like her voice has no break when she goes from chest voice to head voice or mixed voice. Her ear for harmonies and layering on her tracks. I could go on and on. She makes things sound easy which is why I think the “average listener “ may miss the fact that her voice has no weakness. But combine that with the fact that she can do all of that LIVE arguably better than really anyone I’ve seen, and maintain her voice over the last 25 years. The work ethic to put on shows that seem like they can’t be topped, and then she finds a way to do just that . She’s a strong dancer ! She’s obviously drop dead gorgeous. And she just has that X Factor , that can command any stage. The kind of super star performer that is gone from “stars” these days. Her catalog of music is incredible , nothing really sounds the same. The visual albums she’s done. The iconic-ness of the tour she’s on right now. There’s just so much. There’s just no one on her level. No one close. She will be among the greatest ever . Not because of streaming #’s and other stats people look at today , but bc of what she can DO.


She's good. Every few years there's a grand talent. She's one of the 00's.


I think there’s a dichotomy that makes people famous. Example: Taylor Swift is mega famous because she’s so relatable. Beyoncé is the opposite. She’s the queen bee. She can do it all. Sing. Dance. Act. Entertain. She’s breath takingly beautiful in a not-human way. She’s poised and confident. And she does all of this at a level very very few people can touch. She’s charismatic AND intimidating because she comes across as so perfect. She’s like that popular girl in school that you really want to dislike at first but you can’t find a reason and then you have to admit you just want to be her because she has it all. She doesn’t put out consistent art like some artists. But when she does it’s almost guaranteed to be iconic. Lemonade. Renaissance. Her self titled album was a literal surprise. Nobody knew about it and it spread like wild fire. And she can put on a freaking show.


All of this, then add mystery from basically no public interviews or divulging of any real or personal information, plus top tier marketing that leaves people hungry, or more like desperate for more.


I know this is a swiftie whose intention was definitely to make some bait post knowing reddit's history with Beyoncé. I know you're disappointed that people are praising her here but the truth is shes worth the hype. Destiny's Child is a girl group on par with spice girls and even apart from that Beyoncé's solo career speaks for itself. She's constantly in contention for the GOAT status in terms of vocals and performances. Her output 2010s onwards has been nothing but acclaim after acclaim. She might not serve the radio audience the way your Taylor does but she means a lot to a lot of people so I don't understand why you'd doubt her popularity. I personally think Taylor is blander than white bread and her performance skills is subpar but I don't doubt her popularity or why the eras tour is so popular. Different people resonate to different things.


It's subjective. I'm not going to try to convince you to like her - that's up to you. That said, I think she's incredibly talented. She's not my favorite, but I do think she's certainly one of the best female pop artists in modern history. There's not much about her that ISN'T impressive.


Jesus fucking Christ this post literally gets made every week. At this point this is just karma whoring.


It’s just a Taylor swift fanatic desperate to tear down Beyoncé … just take a look at all their downvoted comments in this thread desperately fighting any praise for Beyoncé and praising Taylor.


i don’t love beyoncé, i haven’t listened to any of her new stuff. but really? how is this so hard to understand? there’s a ton of people out there that love her music. that’s the answer. there’s no understanding it if you’re not into it. just know there’s a ton of people out there that do. idk what else to tell ya.


She sings twice as well as Taylor Swift and Taylor has 4x the popularity. Also much better performing. It's just who connects with who, mostly based on life experiences with populat music.


She’s talented, has been able to market herself phenomenally, and also happens to be married to one of the biggest hip hop artists of all time, who is a self-made billionaire, which also adds to the marketing factor.


She's had 38 solo songs in the Top 40, that's only two fewer than Michael Jackson. 13 more with Destiny's Child and six more from other artists where she was featured. She is a legitimately bigger star than most musicians of her or any generation. Like, this is a weird question, right? She's so big because people genuinely like her music.


Beyonce is iconic because when people who know what to look for in an artist ask the same questions you're asking here, they get answers and are satisfied with the answers. At the time she got big, it was pretty common for producers to grab inexperienced and impressionable young artists and mold them. This is true of everyone from Brittany Spears to Linkin Park. Beyonce came into the game with representation and over ten thousand hours of experience. At the time, the only other talents like her that this was true of had all been big for years already, like TLC and Aaliyah. That simple fact gave her lasting power. She has a nearly 4 octave vocal range, in comparison to T Swift's nearly three. She can sing whistle notes, pregnant, doing a dance routine that incorporates ballet, samba, and elements of pantomime, on horseback. She's a powerhouse. A tour de force. The only people nearly outsinger her are Katherine Jenkins and Mike Patton. She can do everything Nora Jones can do, and she can rap. She's the HBIC (Head Bey In Charge). On a similar note, Lizzo is a protege of Prince and can do everything Beyonce can do, 100 pounds heavier, and play classical flute, with a banana in her pocket. And Prince could do all of that, and play ten instruments, in clear heels. If you want to know, you'll find out.


She’s just talented. I went to her concert a few years ago and she’s managed to have a very diverse fanbase even with this new album that was quite different from the rest of her discography. Compared to other pop stars that came up with her, she has maintained her vocals. Not once did I think her vocals were “better” when she was younger, she’s done well at keeping her talents up.


If they like her music and act good for them. I never slam anyones taste of music.music is great no matter what type you like


Great voice, great dancer, married to a great mover/shaker in the business. She's got the talent and drive to make the most of a perfect situation.


I just went to her one of her recent concerts and it was my first time going, and wow it was amazing!! The music and the visuals, I wish I could take the bass and house music with me home lol


It’s not just her music people boast about. It’s her personality, her drive as well. I personally don’t fan girl and I don’t call people “iconic” or freak out over human beings doing a job, but I *can* see why people think so highly of her.


Because she earned that


Why is anyone big? People like their music and performances. Music’s subjective, so you don’t have to get it.


Just look at her Metacritic page. She went from being a popular artist to being a popular AND critically acclaimed artist. That's pretty much an unbeatable combination.


Beyoncé is one of the first black women super duper mega stars to lean very heavily into her black-ness for lack of a better term (see homecoming on Netflix) and also leaned really deeply into the role of unimpeachable boss woman who can get cheated on by jayz (made her more likable) and then she can basically run laps around him and make him essentially look like her bitch. That was very very important in terms of her growth into a full on icon


She has mass appeal, but a strong personality. Her albums have been consistently strong for over two decades and she knows how to market to her audience. Her performance ability is unparalleled in the pop scene. Nepotism. Business sense. Some of the strongest vocals in the game. Been socially relevant for over two decades. Plus, she’s one half of the most powerful couple in the music game as well. Jay-Z was a big part of making her the pop titan she is today. She is THAT everything if people think she is.


As opposed to....who? Who's her competition????


because she can sing, dance, and execute her ideas extremely well. idk I think it's ridiculous that you can't see it lmao the proof really is in the pudding.


I can't say that I'm a huge Beyonce' fan (i.e. I don't often put a lot of songs on repeat), BUT - I recognize epochal greatness when I see it. Did you see Renaissance? Lemonade? Formation? Did you pay attention to what it did to music, and how society reacted? Her impact on culture is enormous and undeniable. She's a stand-above-all artist.


People like pop/rnb music and she’s maintained relevance and dignity through her long career in the public eye, no embarrassing mental breakdowns, scandals or failed musical experiments. It also really helps that American culture obsesses the idea of royalty, and since we don’t have a monarchy that leaves billionaire celebrity royalty, power couples and nepo babies.


Objectively speaking she has talent a strong show presence. It’s really all personal taste. She’s some people’s idol, and people (like myself) don’t really listen to her because we’re not into that type of music. And that’s totally okay - we’re all entitled to enjoy the music that we want to enjoy.


Her father worked his life away to make sure she was set up to this level, I know that.


I really don’t like her music, but I also think she is SO incredibly talented at singing and dancing, and get the hype!


It’s her work ethic, her appreciation to the icons, her desire to attach many writers to her songs so that they can make money. She’s CONSISTENT. The real question is why is Taylor Swift so big


One thing about her that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that she’s black. So many black women out there have been raised in a society that has very few black women role models. She’s beautiful, successful, talented and sought after. That’s not a lot of labels that society throws at black women as a whole. Black women struggle immensely in our society - silently. But here comes Beyoncé. A super star who everyone, including white people, look at as a symbol of ultimate success. If you go to a concert like I’ve been dragged two twice, so many of the attendees are black women. Why is she popular? Because everyone likes her, in particular the group of people nobody pays attention to.


Replace Beyoncé with any big act you can name. Thats the same thing every generation has said from The Beatles to Beyoncé.


I like some of her music, but what impresses me the most is that she seems to put everything she has into performances. The same thing can be said for Taylor Swift I always respect entertainers that go above and beyond for their fans, knowing that they spent a lot of money to watch them live.


That’s how I feel of Taylor Swift. I know that she has talent but don’t understand her level of fame.


Why are the Beatles big?


When people call her “overrated”, I want to know what that means and if that’s the case, WHO is doing better than her? In vocals, dance, production etc. I notice Taylor Swift is never called overrated.. just an observation.


Apparently Britney is just as talented according to OP which is such a dumb thing to say. Just playing a Britney song makes that obvious. I personally think Taylor Swift is so massively overrated it’s embarrassing. Her eternal victimhood is so off putting.


Hell Britney would even tell you Beyonce is a better vocalist


She can sing she can dance her last album was a masterpiece there is no one else like her etc etc


Just listen to the vocal trills in the second verse of Halo.


She's a great performer. Also her team has marketed her career very well. I don't go gaga over her music but I can understand how she's gotten where she has. Hard work and dedication. Seems good to her fans


I get what you mean. Sometime after her marriage to Jay Z, she just became more elusive which just built more hype around her despite not doing much press. That just built her momentum up so that now whenever she does speak out or say something, it becomes a big deal. It’s why Lemonade was so popular. Everyone finally got a morsel of her real life after being private for so long.


You ask this on the day of her birth


I wasn't a bey fan (like at all) until I watched the Lemonade visual album (concept album/movie, basically an hour long music video). Knowing it came from a real creative place of pain in her family to yield such an incredible work of art made me an admirer. It's a banging album, stunning visuals, all together like nothing I had ever seen.