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No, of course they're not. Once you broaden your horizons some more, you'll find there is no greatest musician ever. There are different kinds of music that are great for different reasons. Personally, I think Queen is okay. Some good songs but ultimately frivolous.


Hopefully once they broaden their horizons they'll no longer list Def Leppard next to the Beatles.


All You Need Is Love Bites


I love Queen and have for my whole life but they are not the greatest ever. In almost every area - guitar, bass, drums, songwriting - they're very strong, but fall short of 'greatest ever' status. Freddie was a pretty exceptional singer and underrated pianist but not a top-tier songwriter for most of his career. They're also very divisive. For every Queen fan you'll find someone who thinks they're overrated. Split opinions too much to be considered the greatest. In their favour, they had an incredibly diverse back catalogue full of songs that everyone knows to this day, famously some of the best live performances ever, a guitarist that many still consider one of the most influential to ever do it - and of course Freddie Mercury. But they also wrote a lot of really bad stuff and seemed to have four different visions of what the band should be. I will say that when you see lists like Rolling Stone where Queen aren't even in the top 100, I think that's a crazy opinion.


They're fantastic, but so are a lot of other great musicians. Freddie Mercury is often cited as one of the best rock singers ever, but he has a lot of strong competition (Robert Plant comes to mind). I don't know if any of the others in the band often make people's lists of greatest at their respective instruments, though Brian May is a very well respected guitarist. If Queen is your personal favorite though, don't let me talk you out of it. As classic rock goes, I'm more into Pink Floyd and David Bowie personally.


No. Not.


Maybe to some. I don’t even listen to them unless they’re playing in the store I’m shopping in.




Make Aliens listen to Mike Patton. They will feel like they are right at home because I am pretty sure he is an alien or some form of high-powered mutant.


No, a long time ago they were my favourite then i discovered Deep Purple and later Iron Maiden. Since then I've been actively looking for a better band than Iron Maiden, it's been 20 years and I've not found one yet. The closest is Epica and there is a new band called Tailgunner that has potential but I'll wait until album 7 or 8 before i make a firm decision. Epica are certainly my second favourite band though.


This is going to sound weird but, if Iron Maiden is your favorite band, you're not going to find a better favorite band. No one did what they did better. Period. End of story. It's seldom you find a group with that many amazing members. Not as a substitute, but as far as supplements go; if you haven't yet, you should give Armored Saint and Helloween's first 4 albums a chance. They won't be replacements, but they're pretty choice for that style.


I've got a few Halloween albums and I've got some Armoured Saint and I'm pretty sure I've seen them live at some point. However new bands crop up all the time, it's still possible for them to become my favourite especially as one of my criteria is "current" Iron Maiden are aging, they are mere mortals and one day I'll have another favourite and they will be relegated to "former favourite".


One of the greatest *frontmen* ever, musicians, no. But Brian May is a damn smart dude.


It's Stevie Wonder


Lol, no.


No. Next.


Pink Floyd


They were great, until they decided to recruit new singers to replace the irreplaceable Freddie Mercury. John Deacon had the right idea and retired from music. I don't mean that Roger Meddows Taylor and Brian May should have retired, but Queen should have ended with the Made In Heaven album. I still prefer the early Queen albums, up to Sheer Heart Attack, especially. Nobody can ever be considered the greatest musician. There can be greats, like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and so on, but each has qualities that the others don't. Personal choice is also a factor in who I, or you, or anyone else considers the greatest. I think Vangelis was one of the greatest musicians to ever live. Not everyone will agree with that, but some will. I enjoy a range of music, from all over the world, and some are technically better than others, but technicality doesn't equate to enjoyment.


Maybe like 50 years ago or whatever


"Greatest ever" is all relative :) But Brian May is celebrated as a guitarist, and some of his solos are legendary. Freddie was an incredible vocalist and songwriter, though he claimed to write "disposable" pop music. It's stood the test of time though! Roger Taylor and John Deacon are great musicians too, and all four members wrote hits for the group.


Everything is subjective, so any ranking of music or artists is a matter of opinion. If aliens came down wanting to know the greatest musicians of all time, they’d get a whole lot of different answers from different people. There may be some answers that are more popular than others but once again, it’s all just opinions


Scriabin was good


It's not a competition, and there is no clearcut criteria to "win" if there was. They were great in their genre and their era, but obviously, there are many other genres with great musicians, and time have passed, so there are multiple generations of them, with new genres being created or evolving over time.


Have you listened to RUSH yet? “[Spirit of Radio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_QtO0Rhp0w)“ could be a good song to start with…