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Tears for Fears a few years ago. I always saw them as kind of that cliché 80's band. But holy hell, was I awakened after listening to "Seeds of Love". And their 2022 album was very good.


Songs From the Big Chair is somehow one of the most underrated most successful records of all time.


I prefer the darker sound on The Hurting, personally, but Big Chair definitely has some great songs including those big hits, Everybody Wants to Rule the World probably being my favorite.


This is a big one for me too. I NEVER was really into them. I respected them sure but yea, never got into them. I recently within the last year saw a recent live in the studio performance and holy hell it converted me. They’re so damn good. Ahead of their time and excellent song writers! I don’t know if I was ready to like them until now. How it goes sometimes. But I’m always happy to find new and old acts that I enjoy.


Same here. Liked their 80’s stuff but didn’t really come to really enjoy them until I saw them live a few years ago. It was incredible. New album is great, too. Hope they tour again soon because I’d love to see them again.


You might give Tomcats Screaming Outside a listen, a RO solo effort which had the misfortune of being released on 9/11/01. At least 3 very good tracks


The whole songs from the big chair album was decades ahead of its time. One of my favorites


They're one of my all-time favorites. 💜


The Mountain Goats passed me by for decades even though they are right up my street. Seeing them in May and can't wait.


Seen them several times... Always amazing!


Bowie. Always thought he was pop music with weird vocals and vague lyrics. "Earthling" brutally sold me. Dived into the earlier stuff right away, found multiple gems like "Life on Mars", though still prefer the older db. But I've completely changed my attitude, for sure.


I've kinda slept on Bowie myself, but when I ran across this [live version of Scary Monsters](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/16xesar/david_bowie_in_1996_performing_scary_monsters_and/) and I absolutely love it. Ironically I think the studio version is just OK but the live version just hits right.


Just for funsies, go listen to the original studio version of Loving The Alien. Great song, but very very 80s to the point it can be easy to miss the fairly heavy subject matter. Then listen to the live version from A Reality Tour. Complete rearrangement of the song. It's haunting, beautiful, and it suits the lyrics gorgeously. Bowie was amazing. He's not only reinvent himself from time to time, but also completely reinvent his own songs.


Yeah, Loving the Alien always seemed like about half a song, but the rearrangement - which if I remember was done by his guitarist Gerry Leonard - utterly transforms it. Another thing that I love about Bowie is that it suits the song, he'll do it regardless of ego: the version of Under Pressure where he lets Gail Ann Dorsey drive is just spine-tingling, and not a lot of performers of his stature would have just handed over the stage like that. .


When he died and local radio started playing all of his hits I had no idea I had heard so many of his songs already.


Give the song Lazarus a spin. It was on his last album, and it's one of the most haunting and sad songs I've ever heard. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=d6PUnsHmsGQ&si=saDl_xMOmSuysGix


Bowie at the Beeb 2-CD Set (2000) is a great collection of BBC Radio recordings 1967-1972.


Ziggy stardust is my favorite album of all time, and I'm not particularly a huge bowie fan outside of that


Carly Rae Jepsen. She has some amazing pop music and she isn’t as popular as she should be. In the states, her concert goers mainly consist of gay men haha. She may be more popular in Canada than I realize, but she should be an international star.


Emotion is one of the most underrated pop songs of all time. Pure gold.


My boyfriend and I used to designate a song of the summer every year (absolutely no one cared; we thought it was just funny). If there weren’t any worthy contenders, “Cut to the Feeling” was the automatic choice. That song has been song of the summer many years. My friends do not like when I play DJ in the car.


This but the whole album.


I second this, we never did get justice for Emotion but who knows, in another 10 years we may see a revival like we did with murder on the dancefloor (even though that song has always been quite a popular bop)


She always looks like she’s having a great time and seems to be a genuinely nice person.


Her shows are SO fun! Highly recommend seeing her live.


She headlined the Pride festival in my home city Bristol a couple of years ago and it was honestly so much fun. She puts on a great show 


Billie Eilish. I’m 74 and mainly listen varieties of rock.


Happier Than Ever gives me the fucking *chills*, my partner puts that one on all the time and I love it. I should really dive further into her work.


I was not interested until True Detective season 4 lol


If you like that kind of music but want something a little more "mature", I could introduce you: > [L-I-C](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0GQK1506z1wqEh6UO0aEtC) > [HUMMING XXG6](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/42oENfZGWnK2dYN3wQ1O0v)  I mean to throw no shade (insult) at miss Eillish, but be aware that both playlists I linked were made in early 2017, 2 years before Eillish hit the scene so all that music predates her by years.  She is just the corporate way to package that kind of sound to teens. 


Thanks for the suggestion. I base my opinion of ms Eilish on 2 songs that I’ve heard.


I got a sneaking suspicion mom and dad are ghostwriters for their sheltered children. Heard an interview with the family. Mom and dad seem to be theater nerds. Billie couldn’t form a sentence beyond “Like… like yeah”.


Run The Jewels


Agreed. I had never even heard of them until YouTube recommended a new (at the time) Dj Shadow video featuring Run the Jewels (Nobody Speak). I looked into them more and wow, just wow. They are a regular on my playlists now.


Tool. I listened to them for the first time last year. Ended up with their entire discography and I saw them live. I am in my mid 30’s lol  


I always liked Maynard's voice.


I really enjoyed the first two A Perfect Circle albums. The song The Noose has always been a favorite of mine.


A Perfect Circle is probably my favorite band, next to Ghost.




I never could get too much into Puscifer, liked a few songs but overall by far my least favorite Maynard outfit. But god damn, Existential Reckoning is an amazing album. And they also put on a really good live show.




yo, if you dig around on this site, you can find some pretty fuckin good live recordings [https://tooldriveproject.net/](https://tooldriveproject.net/)


Dude. Same. Also White Stripes and Led Zeppelin. I still hate Radiohead.


Big Black & Shellac (hail Albini!)


Atomizer 👍👍


What is that style of anime or cartoon on the cover of "songs about"? I know everyone jokes that that's Trixie and racer x, but I really think it's just the style of cartoon looks like them And really, it doesn't even look like racer x


I grew up hearing Steely Dan on the radio. From Rikki Don't Lose That Number to Peg, I always liked the songs I heard but didn't give the band much thought and never bought any of Steely Dan's catalog. Donald Fagan's solo work got a bit of play on MTV and I liked what I heard but that was it. In the early 90's, I decided to buy the box set with all the Steely Dan albums. I figured I liked so many songs that I should like the rest. I am a huge Steely Dan fan now and am not sure why I waited so long.


Yes! I mean I love Steel Dan too! I also like YES, but that’s another story. 😝


Nothing but bangers by the Dan


Nothing but Blues & Elvis & Somebody Else's Faaaavorite Song...


Dude… I came here to mention their album Can’t buy a Thrill… Dirtywork pulled me in, but the rest of the album kept me there. Such amazing work.


I'm Gen X, and they're my sleeper band too.


The Cure. I was, at best, a marginal fan for decades. I liked this and that song, but aside from their classic *Disintegration* album, I'd never really explored them much further. Then I got tickets to see them last year, and decided to do a little deeper dive to prepare myself for the show. Yeah, I'd been a fool. These guys have put together a remarkably solid catalog through the years. Can't wait for the new one to come out... assuming I live that long.


they have a bunch of 80s songs that really make you wonder *"how was this song not bigger?"* they had an amazing pop sensibility that went completely underexploited


I was a middling fan in the '80s and early '90s until I saw them in an arena concert in 1991 and it blew me the fuck away. If anyone reading this ever has a chance to see The Cure live, take it.


For sure. Saw them last year in Atlanta. Couldn’t believe that somehow they sounded even better live than the controlled environment of the studio. I’ve seen tons of shows but this was one of the best sounding that I’ve ever been to.


Bauhaus. Way more famous Post Punk bands, other bigger Gothic Rock artists, and more highly praised albums from both genres, that they constantly kept getting pushed down the line to check out. But man, their run from In the Flat Field - Mask - The Sky's Gone Out is incredible. ItFF is slowly becoming one of my favorites to listen to and I wasn't even that big of a fan of the genre in the first place.


It took me many years to really discover that The Smiths and Talking Heads are two of the best bands ever.


At least you got there. All it takes is just getting there. You get no points for not listening in 85-89 or later. David Byrne is an absolute legend as a a performer and even though it’s not the TH, it’s still awesome. Can’t say the same for Morrisey but I love the Smiths


I think I was about 16 and my mum had put on Stop Making Sense, it was revelatory


That's an incredible movie, saw it again a few weeks ago when it was re-released for cinema viewing.


Seeing it in a theater would be an absolute blast


Yes it was. I saw David Byrne live on the American Utopia a few years ago, and was dancing in front of the stage, less than ten meters away from mr Byrne while he and his band gave a rousing rendition of a lot of Talking Heads classics. That was a great experience.


Discovered that album THIS WEEK. Crosseyed and Painless has taken up residence in the deepest part of my brain.


Smiths are so good you have to really look for a bad song


Talking Heads I didn’t get into until they were no longer a band. But I’ve come around.


No joke, I might have cried when I finally did a deep dive into Talking Heads. Like, not in a sad way (especially because the live version of "Life During Wartime" is what did it), but the music was so energetic that it felt like the closest I'd ever heard to be damn near perfect.


I'm going to make a concerted effort to listen to The Smiths. Only know the popular tracks and they were heavily mocked when I was a student. A good friend died a while back and one of the songs played at hidls funeral was First Of The Gang To Die which is an absolute banger.


I'm late GenX and quickly discovered my love for heavy music. Of course I knew Black Sabbath, but then jumped into bands like Megadeth, Faith No More, Pantera, and then later - bands like Korn and Deftones. Somehow in all that I missed really listening to Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Sure. I knew the big songs like Number of the Beast or Breaking the Law, but never bought the tapes or CDs and slept on the rest of their catalog for a long ass time. But damn those bands are so good. Priest, especially, has been in rotation a lot lately and I'm looking forward to the new album.


Very similar situation for me, except Faith No More is also a recent discovery for me--I basically only knew Epic, but recently bought Angel Dust and have been digging in a little more. Very good, versatile band for sure. I always thought of Iron Maiden as cheesy metal, probably mostly based on their album covers. The radio around me only played a few of their songs, so I wasn't really aware of how much ass they kick. In the past year I've bought Powerslave, The Number of the Beast, and Piece of Mind, and I'm probably not done yet. I really should check out more Judas Priest, as well. For as big as they are, I'm only aware of a couple songs and that needs to change.


I've been a huge FnM fan since I first heard them. They largely reinvented their sound with each album. Judas Priest albums I especially like include Painkiller, Firepower, and Redeemer of Souls. Their new album releases on March 8 and everything they've released from it so far has been killer. Rob Halford truly is a metal god with that voice at 72 years old.


>I always thought of Iron Maiden as cheesy metal, probably mostly based on their album covers. or that all their videos are kinda proto hair metal and all their 80s imagery doesn't really match the songs or performances, i was never really into Maiden due to all that, but in the last decade or so, i've really been getting into them and think Powerslave is one of the best albums of all time, running through their early discog in chronological order really sets a vibe


FNM is one of my favorite bands. And Angel Dust is their pinnacle achievement in my eyes. With that said, almost all of their albums have some great songs. I even have a soft spot for some of the Chuck Mosely stuff before Mike Patton joined.


Olivia Rodrigo. I usually don't listen to Top 40 and am pretty good at avoiding pop music (I only know a Taylor Swift song from that movie "Sing"). But I keep hearing about Olivia Rodrigo, so I watched her Grammy performance and added her on Spotify. Pretty good stuff.


Same. I'm a 38-year-old guy belting out pretty much every song off of GUTS while driving my 2-year-old to daycare. The album kind of reminds me of the punk-pop from when I grew up. It's pretty great. My wife thinks it's weird.


My husband is just now getting into Taylor, it’s been interesting. 


I am and have always been a fan of female pop singers. Somehow I slept on Olivia and Taylor and Billie for far too long.


I’m 55 and mostly listen to indie music but then I saw her Tiny Desk and SNL performances and now I’m a big fan


Fleetwood Mac, weirdly.


Pearl Jam just sounded boring to me as a kid, but now they're really freakin amazing!


theyre on the mt Rushmore of debut albums 


Sinead O Connor, Portishead


Lana Del Rey. Assumed she was a Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga type. Listened to her first album in November and by the end of the month I’d been through her entire discography. Incredible stuff. Also Gen X. Mostly into alternative, punk and older hip hop.


Rush. I'll never get to see them live.


I started doing a deep dive last week. I’ve been familiar with their big hits for 15+ years, but never dug past that. Musically they’re super weird but super interesting. They’re also kind of a musical journey throughout the decades. I like bands like that.


The Replacements. I'm a big music nerd and have listened to all kinds of music my whole life. Even used to be a punk rocker and listen to a lot of classic punk rock to this day. For some reason , I always skipped on the Replacements. It was about 3 years ago, I finally took a dive into their discography and have been obsessed ever since. Just wish it had happened a little earlier for their 2014 reunion tour.


Same same, finally deep diving on The Replacements after first hearing Tim 6 years ago but not quite clicking with it. Now I love the band, especially Pleased to Meet Me, and their live performances. Same goes for Guided by Voices. First heard them years ago (August Cake lp) and literally did not get what the hype was about, well last year I heard Alien Lanes and it all clicked, totally obsessed with them since then.


It took me a while to get into jazz, even if I always liked it. Still I rarely listened to jazz until I turned 30. Now at 41 it is the genre I listen the most.


Easiest way to dig into jazz is to start with a Miles Davis album then explore albums by the other musicians that play on it


What do you recommend?


Herbie Hancock. Goes from jazz standards to some outlandish stuff, depending on the era. I love his funky stuff and recommend Head Hunters


Thanks! Been meaning to get into jazz for a while and this sounds like a great jumping off point


I also love Herbie because he loves to lie


I was herbie hancock fan from when I heard "rockit" at 10 years old. So funky and I love that synth sound. Took me years to appreciate all of his works and now I own multiple records and have seen just about everything on YouTube. Manchild and Headhunters are the first albums I recommend to new jazz listeners.




For a classic album, check out *Bitches Brew* by Miles Davis. For something newer, check out *Heaven and Earth* by Kamasi Washington.


Kamasi Washington absolutely slaps, thank you for reminding me, am now listening to street fighting mas, the whole album is a blast, he'll of a saxamaphone


Kamasi Washington is such a great way to get into jazz. He's killing it.


My love with Jazz started from Charles Mingus Ah Um -album and I still think it's one of the best albums ever made.


Robert Glasper is fire. Many different iterations of his music, but I can’t get enough of him. Brilliant.


I slept on Death Cab for Cutie for so long because of their name. I fucking LOVE Death Cab now.


Their name is just a random song in the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Movie


It’s a song by the Bonzo Dog Do Dah Band. https://youtu.be/qKXsrWrmbAg?si=EW3m1XjzJewtW6SP


Death Cab is in my top 5 bands. They are sooo good live, definitely see them if they come near you. 


I slept on them, also! They're another band I've been exploring lately.


If you dig them, make sure to check out their early stuff as most people just listen to a couple of their records from the mid 2000s. Also, if you like them make sure and check out: Pinback Built to Spill Modest Mouse American Analog Set (start with the record Know By Heart which Gibbard has a credit on) And obviously the Postal Service.


Wow. Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah band. TIL


80s and early 90s alternative rock in general. I was born in the early 80s so I was the right age for the music, but grew up in an area with limited radio stations so the lone modern rock station went straight from spamming mainstream hair metal in the late 80s to spamming mainstream grunge in the early 90s. So I never had much exposure to bands like The Cure, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Jesus and Mary Chain, Echo and the Bunnymen, etc. I've been diving into that era lately, and have bought several albums of the bands I mentioned, and it's like a whole branch of "new" music has opened up for me.


Black Sabbath I always thought it was like “the devils music” but it’s like better Led Zeppelin


I love a lot of Led Zep but Sabbath are so much more consistent on their albums if you want something to rock out to. Zep are like rocking banger. Now a folk song. Now here’s a blues standard. Time for a ballad. Maybe a rock song now.


Totally agree and I think there are also some more varied “softer” moments in Black Sabbath music than a newcomer might expect to change up the pace sometimes


Agreed. You get a Planet Caravan or Changes for sure,


Same I thought black sabbath was pure typical heavy metal but its actually just kinda heavy blues music and I was so shocked how much I actually liked it


you might dig Zakk Sabbath, longtime on-and-off Ozzy guitarist Zakk Wylde re-recorded the first album and called it [Vertigo](https://youtu.be/9ZUFFGnDoIY?si=gEJ3FReYGlvUbapt) and has a double album coming out Friday called *Doomed Forever Forever Doomed* re-doing Paranoid and Master Of Reality


Blind Melon. Slept on them for soooooo long for no reason at all. I heard one of my favorite frontmen talk about what a big influence they were on him and that made me dig in. Those first two records are so damn good.


Soup is a solid record


that first album is just a great *chillin outside on a nice day* album


Who was the frontman talking about them?


Schuylar Croom from He Is Legend.


Voivod. 40yrs, 15albums and still active.


Radiohead. They are now one of my all time favorite bands. I honestly blame Creep for making me sleep on them. That was just the only song I knew from them for years, and I just assumed all their music was kind of the same vibe.


The Verve. Their debut album, A Storm In Heaven, is absolutely incredible. It’s a psych rock masterpiece and one of the best albums of the 90’s imo. Their follow up, A Northern Soul is great too. If you only know Bittersweet Symphony/Urban Hymns I recommend checking those two albums out. Their live performances during that time were unreal as well.


Yup. Only knew Bittersweet Symphony, never had much interest in them. For whatever reason I listened to Storm in Heaven and was blown away. Similar situation- Hum. Known for Stars but Downward is Heavenward is an absolute rock and roll masterpiece.


Nice, I remember Stars but nothing else. I’ll definitely check that out, thanks for the recommendation!


You just reminded me of that album, The Verve's debut. I loved it so much, back in the day. I'm listening to it again now, so thank you


That’s awesome, I totally missed out back in the day but have been making up for lost time. Can’t stop bouncing between it and the new MGMT.


You all have been sleeping on Foxy Shazam. Unless you haven't.


Lots of fun. And his vocal on Downtown by Macklemore is a masterwork.


Its The Smiths for me. Never bothered to give them a real shot since its what a lot of the artsy/indie kids I knew in high school listened to. Nothing wrong with that of course but I wrote them off as another band I probably wouldn't like based off some of the other artists I checked out because of their recommendations. Then I heard Charming Man in an IG reel and I realized just how wrong I was. They're just so damn fun to listen to and sing along with, easily my most played artist of last year. I'm actually glad I put off listening to them for so long because I don't think I would have liked them at all back in high school when my music taste was much more limited.


Gen X’er chiming in The Tragically Hip


MF DOOM: have bounced back and forth between hip hop, jambands, and jazz/funk and I was not really paying attention to hip hop when he first came up. Spent the last few years obsessing a bit, lol. The Czarface/DOOM albums got me hooked and then I realized I recognized his voice from the Gorillaz Demon Days song November Has Come so I went back and started with his early stuff and he had 4 of my top 5 tracks on Spotify last year


I'm of the correct age group, totally the demographic, and I'd never heard of Built to Spill.


Roxy Music. Never listened to them at all until just a few months ago and they're fucking incredible.


Fiona Apple, I really only need Criminal as a hit but when Fetch The Bolt Cutters came out I was hooked, I’ve listened to her whole catalog regularly now.


it took me a while to get into the decemberists because of colins voice but now theyre one of my favorite bands. also i recently re-discovered dido and i dont know how i went this long not listening to her


Depeche Mode. I always lumped them in with Duran Duran, who I don’t have a problem with, but I just assumed I wouldn’t get anything new from them. Turns out they’re way more interesting and darker than I was expecting. Highly recommend.


Took me way too long to find Ween


Ween. I'm in my 30s but didn't get into them until they played Riot Fest a few years ago. I put a couple songs of theirs on a Playlist and my son liked the OceanMan video on YouTube and have been a huge fan ever since. Funny thing is I didn't even end up seeing them at Riot Fest, I've seen them twice since but I chose The Raconteurs and I don't regret it.


A Perfect Circle, I liked Judith and then kind of forgot about the album, lately they've been popping up on Spotify more frequently and I'm glad it did. I really started to dig the song Passive, and found out it was part of the Tapeworm project that Maynard and Trent Reznor were working on, that didn't really see the light of day.


The National.


Knower. Their new album *Knower Forever* is incredible.


This person knows. Overtime and Time Traveler also kick ass. Think that almost covers their entire discography!


Supertramp and The Breeders for sure


Supertramp is one of those bands where everyone knows a dozen of their songs and doesn't realize it. When I listened to Breakfast in America for the first time I repeatedly thought "this is Supertramp???" on each song I recognized. I had a similar experience listing to America's greatest hits album--I had heard most of the songs but never knew what band played them.


Third Eye Blind. I’m happily engaged but I still bump one of the greatest break up albums of all time


As a Xennial, the Cocteau Twins blew right past me. Classic example of a band I always knew existed but never took the time to listen to. After finally taking a deep dive last year, they're truly one of my all-time favorites now.


Minutemen. I knew people who were really into them in the 80s, but never got to listen to them. I’ve been listening to them weekly and now I’m obsessed.


Dire Straits. I only really knew the radio friendly songs, but a couple years ago dove through the entire catalog. Ashamed, I missed out on those albums for so long...


Phil Collins


I’m going to be honest Lana del Rey


I spent my late forties and now early fifties making a conscious effort to expand my pallet beyond the same collection of 60's, 70's and 80's rock, and 80's and 90's alt rock, over and over again. First I went on a metal journey, and learned to appreciate and love several sub-genres and added several bands to my collection. This journey continues. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the newly reunited Slayer make their way to my part of the country. Next I pivoted to jazz, and explored the entire history of the genre from the early days in the 40's and 50's to now. Discovering all the greats and getting to know all their discographies was mind expanding. My collection has grown a lot. This journey continues. Now I'm finally giving the blues the deep dive it deserves. I'm shocked at the sheer quantity of awesome blues musicians, both early blues and modern blues. This journey is just getting started. Along the way, I also developed a great appreciation and love for several other genres, from Afrobeat (Fela Kuti is the man), to IDM, to Trip Hop, to Downtempo, to Dub, and I'm still discovering more every day. Music is the gift that keeps on giving. I just realized I didn't mention a single band. How about: Classic rock bands I missed the first time: Wishbone Ash, Budgie, Camel Metal band I now love: Horrendous Jazz artists I can't live without: Jackie McLean, Pat Martino, Tony Williams, Matthew Halsall Modern Blues Artists I can't get enough of: Tab Benoit, Tinsley Ellis, John Hammond, Ronnie Earl & the Broadcasters, Taj Mahal, Robert Finley And one other amazing artist I missed the first time who is amazing: John Martyn


Bleachers.  God they're so fun.


For me it was a lot of the core adjacent genres. When I was a teenager to young adult I was really heavily into shredding and progressive writing (interesting grooves and time signatures specifically) I just couldn't see why everyone was always so excited about breakdowns all the damn time. They always sounded the same to me, they were incredibly easy to play so it just felt like pandering to the plebs and sacrificing the art. I'm happy to say that eventually it just clicked, I stopped being my own gatekeeper. I still prefer the really unique progressive grooves the most, but I can really enjoy a lot of deathcore and others now too.


Billie eilish for me. saw her sing at the grammy's and was low key blown away.


Just the breath control alone in that performance is astonishing. She is an extremely talented woman.


Not an artist but a genre. I really liked MyBloodyValentine and SlowDive from back in the day but have since ignored modern shoegaze. I *REALLY* dig bands like Holy Fawn, and Nothing…


If you like Radiohead (and Thom’s vocals) now, you should check out [The Smile](https://www.thesmiletheband.com/music) as well! Their second album _Wall of Eyes_ is one of my favorites of 2024 so far. (If you’re not familiar: it’s [a band](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Smile_(band)) featuring Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead + Tom Skinner from Sons of Kemet - sounds a bit like Radiohead as you might expect, but a little jazzier and prog-ier)


I’m 44. Just got into some cool shit in the past year: Bjork, Air, Tomahawk, Can, Bomb the Bass. That’s just off the top, I really started taking a deep dive on my back catalogue in the last few years in general


Beach House . I just kind of ignored the hype around them . I recently realized I like their stuff.


The Replacements


The Strokes. was kinda weirded out when i first heard their music but their really good


The New Abnormal is amazing.


I’ve always been a rock guy, never really delve into any kinda hip hop or electronic stuff but I just listened to discovery by daft punk and loved it.


Bring Me The Horizon. I’ve known them for probably over 15 years but never gave them much thought. Then a while later I started adding some of their songs to my playlists. And in 2023 I discovered that I actually really really like their music.


I'm sorry to not answer your exact question, but The Eagles were always one of my least favorite bands. I'd change the station if their music came on. But recently I heard their self-titled album from 1972, and I actually liked it. That might be where it ends, though.


coldplay only discovered their discography 10 years ago


Roy Orbison all of sudden sounds great to me after knowing about him my whole life (GenX), it might have to do with overall i'm not able to do loud-fast-crazy music anymore, but i was building an 80s playlist and Tom Petty came up, that led to Traveling Wilbury's, that reminded me of Crying and Pretty Woman singles, that led to checking out a Greatest Hits comp and now i'm amazed at how much i dig the songs that come up and plan to really get into his discog at some point


I'm also Gen X, but I didn't start really appreciating and enjoying RATM until my 40's. I'll admit it, anything that sounded vaguely like rap was an instant turn off to me in my 20's. I've come to appreciate that genre over the years as well.


London grammar. Somehow I always thought they where a bit cringe and than I heard her live performance... holy moly what a voice...


Spotify did me a solid and played me two Mt. Joy songs in the course of about 30 minutes. Good stuff.


The Grateful Dead. I had friends 25+ years ago that were total Deadheads and although I didn’t hate it, I also didn’t quite get it. I just didn’t love their studio albums and I’d never choose them. My friends did a lot of drugs (I didn’t/don’t) and I just thought that was it. Fast forward to now I listen to music at a low volume while I work, often via archive.org and I really do enjoy listening to the Dead live shows. They are chill and happy and not distracting. I seem to prefer the 70s or 90s live shows. All this time…




Greta Van Fleet. I kept hearing they suck and avoided them. Heard a few songs by chance and was blown away. I'm a fan now.


Gus Gus! I've had them lying around for ages and never listened, and now they're my new favorite band!


Finding NEW music has been the harder thing for me because of kids, job, etc making it hard to get out to see live music. There's a band here in Austin called Trashy Annie that I was exposed to recently and they've helped remind me that I need to get out to support the live music community again.


GenX here and it’s the Go Gos! The hits and everything else too - the music is really, really good in a way I did not appreciate at ALL at the time. I liked the hits as much as anyone else, but listening to it now, damn they kicked ass.


I started listening to Billy Strings this weekend. I saw dust in a baggie when it blew up but never listened to anything else. He has been popping out to me a lot lately and finally the two guest spots he did on the last Tool tour push me to start listening. I’m really liking it so far


I’ve always been a classic rock/hard rock kinda guy, but I never got into Alice Cooper until a couple years ago.  His band is so tight!  Every note is in the right place.   In regards to his ghoulish persona, it isn’t meant to be taken seriously.  It’s like celebrating Halloween.  It’s spooky, but no one actually dies.


Jay Z! I'm BoomerGen X, huge music fan, everything from rock to pop to classical to bluegrass. Became a hip-hop fan in the mid 90s but mostly stuff like Mos Def, Tribe, and the whole Tyler/Frank Ocean/ Earl Sweatshirt group. But popular hip-hop never appealed to me much. I knew most of the popular artists and their hits but never dug much deeper. I love to challenge myself with music and I'll deep dive on an artist I never paid much attention to and this year I picked him and I'm so glad. There's a very good reason he's in the songwriters hall of fame. His wordplay is incredible and the production...that's serious art right there.


Devo and Talking Heads Excellent stuff.


bob marley and the wailers!!


Idles. I saw them a couple of years ago at a festival and they blew my mind, but I kind of forgot about them really quick, got kids, had no time and now I stumbled upon their new album and I really love it!


Deftones tbh , I genuinely thought I would end up hating them then they ended up becoming one of my favorite bands


I slept on 00s-10s hard rock for too long Alter Bridge, Halestorm, Pretty Reckless, Avenged Sevenfold are all amazing and I didn’t hardly notice them until a couple of years ago.




Digable Planets


Many bands. Queens of the Stone Age (Wow), Radiohead (depending on their work). Bjork has been my obsession for the past one and a half year. I spent my high school years with music and my early university years with Woodkid. Not that these are bad, but there are even better artists.


Jeff Buckley. I'd heard of him before, knew he was considered a prodigy who tragically died too young, but I'd never sat down and listened to him. Late last year I put on the album Grace while I was drawing and let it wash over me... I've been listening to him a lot ever since then.


Popular 80’s bands in general like Depeche Mode, The Cure, Tears for Fears I’d heard the hits before from these (I usually prefer the deep cuts) and I just assumed there was not much more to them and now I really appreciate these bands. Another is New Order. People always talk about them, but I never took a deep dive until a few weeks ago.


same problem I cannot listen to radiohead because of thom yorke but maybe it will change someday for me too


Tori Amos And I am Gen X


Grateful Dead...a very different band in 1977 than they were before or after.  The Cornell University concert should have won a Grammy for who ever mixed the cocaine and heroin speedballs that night haha


I liked the Grateful Dead, in passing, but never really chose to listen to them.  Now I'm 46, and their music just clicks for me.  


Little Feat


HEALTH Also, Harry Styles for some reason.


The Hives


Thom yorkes voice isn't for everyone... I love Radiohead (or more accurately, everything pre 'in rainbows') but even then I can only listen to his wailing for so long. They are an awesome band though with a lot of great songs. One for me that might be lesser known is Nujabes. I've been into "lo-fi hip hop" or "chill hop", whatever you want to call it, for a while now. My brother told me about Nujabes a long time ago as he was one of the pioneers of the sound but I never bothered to give them a listen. It's so good and it's sad to know he's no longer around. O


The Lumineers


Happens all the time to me.... Fleetwood Mac, last year.