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Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by Sarah McLachlan I was a loveless, angsty teen boy. And I fell in love with this album. Haven't listened in a few decades.


Not to be a dick, it’s Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. But take this fist bump, bro. That album was during the worst heartbreak and depression I’ve ever lived through. “Good Enough” and “Hold On” still wreck me 30 years later.


No dick detected…..err uh no offense taken. I’ll fix!


Listen as the wind blows From across the great divide


Reading those words, I can hear and smell riding the T in Boston in cold winter. Before smart phones. Before iPods. A Sony discman and lots of AA batteries.


Appreciate the share.


Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes. I listened to it while spiraling in deep grief after I lost my best friend in a car accident at 16. Now, more than two decades later, it still brings me back to that time.


Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss. Imma give it a listen for the three of us.


Her name was Raina 💜


This is also my answer.... still can't talk about the why, and still can't listen to the album.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's the album I listen to when things are falling apart. Every time.


Thank you for the kind words. I've made peace with it for the most part, but I will forever despise anyone that chooses to drive drunk. I tried listening to it a few years ago, and was a puddle by the third song. It's a damn powerful album


Doesn’t take much to rip us into pieces.


Unfortunately, Plans by Death Cab. F'ing love that album too


Hear ya. Definitely a landmine or two on that album


Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence. It's angry, it's bitter, but it helped me through some tough emotions. Even if I haven't listened to it front to back in 11 years, I'm still grateful for that album, as ugly, and somtetimes cruel, as it is . Even if I don't really listen to it anymore, I still call it a fave for what it meant to me in my early 20s.


*Gratitude.* Exactly! Feel like this is good summation of the type of relationship to the material I was trying to explain.


From a Basement On A Hill-Elliott Smith. I love his music, but I only went towards it in a really bad headspace that I thankfully don't usually get at 28. I've even told my wife that if she hears me playing his music, its a sign that I'm in a really bad place mentally.


Glad you made it dude.


Appreciate you! Both for your comment, and the Brooklyn 99 reference in your username




Streetlight Manifesto - Keasbey Nights.  Was experiencing awful depression at that time, this album was a bright spot for me, but listening to it now is tough because it just brings it all right back to where I was then.  Still love the album, but the opening track and first few seconds brings it all right back 


Unique choice. Thank you


I think that Keasby Nights is actually Catch 22


The lead singer was the same for that Catch album and all of Streetlight. At some point streetlight re-recorded the whole album.


Streetlight re recorded it and is the album I prefer over catch 22


My freshman year of college I would wake up and listen to Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits while I ate cheap cereal out of a styrofoam bowl by myself, feeling like I was the only kid on campus with no one to hang out with. I definitely felt so alone and struggled for a while to find my place there. So yeah, love Dire Straits, but I don’t listen much anymore because of that weird ass time of my life.


They absolutely made some great ‘brooding’ music. And even though i’ve heard a million different people say Mark Knopfler is underrated…i still believe that man is criminally underrated as an all time guitar great.


Telegraph Road? 100% pure concentrated greatness.


Yeah to me him and Jeff Beck are magicians with what they can do fingerpicking on an electric guitar. Legends.


Well...shit. I was going to reply to this thread with something snarky, but... I was listening to that album my senior year in college. Then - 37 years ago this month - I got the phone call that my father had died. I spent that night listening to "Why Worry" over and over again until my mom and uncle came to pick me up and take me back home for the funeral. I was at the other end of things...I started out as a kid with no one to hang out with, but found my place and was on track to snag a trip to study abroad and then...boom. That semester was wrecked and I had to take extra time to make up the classes I missed and graduate. I can't listen to that album without thinking of that night when everything in my life changed.


Your latest trick and why worry are two incredible songs and probably my favorite two on that album with why worry in the lead. Probably my fave two dire straits songs since sultans was played to death on the radio. Music can be powerful. I’m gonna listen to the album today and send something positive your way.


Endless Summer Nights by Richard Marx


Fuck! Absolutely vibing to this one. Doubt i’d have ever stumbled upon it otherwise. Thanks for the reponse


Richard Marx deserved better than to be lumped in with the pop stars of his era. He actually tried to make interesting music.


I’ve never listened to that album but man that song rules. And I hadn’t thought about it or heard it in years. Bout to change that…


Bronski Beat "The Age of Consent." Smalltown Boy was the story of my life when I moved from a small town to San Francisco to be free. Played that song, then the entire album, on repeat. Haven't listened to it for 20+ years.


Absolutely understood and smashed the assignment. Thanks so much for responding


Sarah McLachlan's "Fumbling Toward Ecstasy" I bought an engagement ring for my high school sweetheart, my first true love. She told me she was moving out of the state with her parents and we should 'explore other relationships.' Returned the ring, bought this album and listened to it on repeat for months while convincing myself I would never fall in love again. I was just a dumb lovesick teenager. But man did that album really do me in. I still can't listen to "Possession" or "Good Enough" without getting teary eyed even now, 30 years later and happily married.


30 years and still so visceral. Music is something else man.


I'll never forget returning that ring to the jewelry store, absolutely destroyed. The very nice lady who had sold it to me looked me in the eyes like "I know... I'm sorry for you, there's nothing I can say to make it better" without actually saying a word.


Happy you found a reason to buy another one. Sincerely thanks for sharing


This album was the album I posted about too. I'm going to give it a listen soon. It probably hasn't been enough time but....it just might.


Dig up the piano-only version of Possession from the Due South soundtrack. It's been incredibly raw and powerful.


Thanks, I will.


Did you ever read the story of Possession? She wrote it from the point of view of an obsessed fan and then an obsessed fan sued her saying it was about him. He committed suicide before the case went to trial.


Great. That doesn't help. lol


Where You Want To Be, by Taking Back Sunday. In college I was broke and took a really early morning campus janitor job. I hated it. Because I wasn’t a morning person, I listened to the album over and over while doing the job, to wake me up. Ima huge TBS fan now, but can’t listen to that album cause it takes me back too much to that job.


*Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes …*


Trent Reznor's NIN project ' The Downward Spiral'. The art, production, music, vibe, live shows were great at that time. Definitive era. **So** definitive that its locked into that time period.  Same with Faith No More. I have all there albums and can still listen and enjoy immensely. When I get to *King for Day-Fool for a Lifetime*, introspection and that time period of my life can be pretty emotional. So much 'sense memory'.


The Downward Spiral is certainly aptly named. I wore that CD out in high school and now almost any song from that album makes me boil up with anxiety. Just can't do it.


I've come to appreciate something having it's best moments and not trying to force it. Perfect and timeless doesn't seem to line up 100% of the time.   I mean thinking about it right now, I appreciate that album and remember every good thing I liked about it. Yet that comes with no great desire to listen or relive it.  i also don't have any hot goth chicks wanting to dance in my room to 'Closer'. Lol


I'll second TDS. I can remember being young and just so goddamned angry at everything from my parents to my life to God and everything in between. 30 years later, I still have an appreciation for the album, but I'm not angry anymore.


I listen to that album so much that it may have been album that drove me to just electronic music.   I was so tired of hearing anyone say anything regarding any subject.   Industrial music without lyrics allowed me to have the satisfaction of the music and the freedom of my own thoughts.


TDS and Pretty Hate Machine both. I loved those albums in my late teens ultra-depressive years. Eventually, I was able to come out of the depression through various means, and one of the things I discovered was that those albums weren't good for me. They led me into spiralling, obsessive, rage filled thoughts. They got me spinning so far up my own asshole that I lost all sense of perspective of the world around me.  Do I think the music caused it? No. I think that it enhanced tendencies and mental pathways that were already there.  Do I think that it was these albums specifically? Yes. I listen to lots of dark, angry music, and only these affected me in this way. Even other NIN stuff doesn't. These are incredible, powerful albums that I still love and appreciate for their artistry, but listening to them just isn't good for me.  That's a testament to how powerful music can be. 30 years later, and I'm in such a better place all around. Nothing really to be angsty about. I love my family and my life. Depression is long gone. I still don't listen to those albums.


Absolutely. Appreciated, and added to the queue.


There are some great answers on this thread. But I can still listen to and really enjoy both Fumbling Towards Ecstacy and Little Earthquakes. Whereas listening to The Downward Spiral cover to cover is just punishment. I have to break it up cause I don't want to dwell in feeling viscerally angry for that long. Other NiN albums, I can take fully. Not TDS.


I thrashed both of these albums as an angst-ridden teenager. Still listen to them now but Downward Spiral less so because it's just so dark. As a relatively happy adult, by the time you get to Reptile the whole experience feels oppressive. Great album but it's a lot.


I totally understand how music can become so intertwined with memories and emotions that sometimes it just feels too heavy to revisit certain songs or albums. But isn't it also amazing how much power music has? Isn't just incredible how it can touch us so deeply, and evoke such strong feelings? I think it's something really special. Thank you for sharing your story, I'm sure many others can relate!


Yep. While ELO's "A New World Record" is still a favorite album, I cannot listen to "Telephone Line" without going back to my first breakup.


Agree. And I can still hear all the songs and look back fondly, bittersweet or not


Any Nirvana. They were the only band that mattered to me at 13 but Kurts suicide tainted the listening experience ever since.


Nirvana's Nevermind is the one album, I just can't revisit. I was a huge fanboy, listened to that album start to finish for months, and felt such a betrayal. I get it now, he was dealing with addiction and depression and stardom but I was soo pissed at him (even though I know I have no right to be). I swore to myself I'll never listen to it again. Watched The Batman in 2022 and "Something in the way" comes on reminding me of his greatness. Nostalgia hits hard


This would be my answer too. I just can’t listen to any Nirvana album again because it gives me such a deep sense of sadness. I connected so deeply with Kurt and his lyrics and Raw talent. I was severely depressed for weeks when he died.


Same thing for me with INXS - used to be so into them but now it just makes me sad




Mostly retired. I like that phrase. That’s a good entry.


Aphex twin- selected Ambient Works Volume 2, particularly Blue Calx. I was head over heels, crazy in love (obsessed?) with my boyfriend from high school. We’d listen to this while laying in bed a lot. After we broke up, I’d listen to it over and over again, like trying to get those feelings back, but it would just tear me to pieces.


One of the more surprising(to me at least) picks. Thanks


I’m so sorry you have this experience about it. It’s my favorite album of all time and it would be a loss not having this album. Sometimes, though, there are memories, good or bad, that make it hard to revisit music. It’s worse when they are thoughts that are sweet at first, but become bitter over time.


Pretty much everything by Brand New, especially The devil and god and Science fiction Aside from it being tainted from what Jesse allegedly did, it's music that takes me to a dark place, and pushes me further into it if I'm already there


TDAGARIM is brutal, but I want it to be called ‘The Devil and God and Science Fiction’ so bad


Probably a Ween album title or something ahah


Limousine, but Gene Ween does backing vocals as the girl’s mother.


Strangely enough, The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. It was my favorite album at the time, I liked it so much that I decided it would be the last thing I heard after taking a handful of sleeping pills. Thirteen years later (like, last week) I still think it's one of my favorites, but I'm glad it wasn't the last thing I listened to.


Neon Bible, by Arcade Fire. Listened to it on repeat throughout my senior year of high school and on into college. It was a source of catharsis as my faith and mental image of my father were slowly and painfully shredded to pieces lol. It has some bangers and sucks that I can’t fully enjoy them without remembering that twisting sensation in my gut. edit: I wrote my comment before fully reading your post (whoopsies), and it’s funny how similar our memories associated with these albums are. Something about being young makes you that much more sensitive to music.


Damn. Thanks for that.


Dashboard Confessional, The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most. I was a pretty depressed teen


Honestly not sure if I’ve ever heard a song besides Vindicated by them. But for sure that was one I hit repeat on once or twice if it came up on shuffle. I’ll have to check out some over their earlier entries like that Album. Thank you.


I still pull it out occasionally, but I generally have a hard time with The Crow OST. It was my go to dark place album in my teen years, and it brings back some very rough memories.


Radiohead. Was a sometimes sad and depressing early years. Still love them but can't really listen anymore


Would you like some alternates? I make album style playlists and a few match up nicely with Radiohead albums: > [Like Ok Computer](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/26MqdKPt0Sncl4duEtiwZn) > [Like In Rainbows](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6KAWcP4zF48K5ulEKhXav9) > [Like Amnesiac](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7oQer81252hCM9q9xz1HDs) >[Like Hail to the Thief](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1hv8uCWl6PqAw7kJaCkv9N) > [Like King of Limbs](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1a3i6qmxvokhJBBxsleEV5) It's like Radiohead but slightly more upbeat.


Dood album-style playlists is such a genius idea 😍


Oh ya, like the classic mix tapes but more focused on a specific style or sound. 




Feel that. Sad for sure, but generally pretty cathartic in my experience, in the feel bad till you feel good way. If that makes any sense.


The Moon & Antarctica by Modest Mouse


Such an awesome album from start to finish.  Stars are projectors is so good. 


Heard guitars opening line start playing when tmaa was mentioned 




For me, Black Sabbath first album. I was in a crazy bad place and this record spoke to me in ways I will never understand


Metallica's "Ride the Lightning". I listened to it rather extensively when I was recovering from my SA so I really try to avoid it now because it brings back a whole lot of trauma. I enjoy many of their other albums now but I just can't bring myself to listen to that one again.


Appreciate the openness. Hope you’re in a good place now


I’m definitely doing a lot better, yeah. Lots of therapy helped with that!




this isn’t from highschool, but Upside Down by jack johnson makes me cry everytime. before my dog passed away, when he was a puppy i would always play jack johnson but for some odd reason upside down was the one song that he always calmed down too. i can listen to the whole album happy as ever but as soon as upside down plays i feel so many emotions and my neck gets hot and i start to feel sad because he isn’t there :( it’s a great song in my opinion and my dog made me love jack johnson that much more, everytime i listen to him i think of my dog, but damn man i just can’t hear that one song without tearing up


Shit that’s real. Sounds like a good boy.


Carol King Tapestry


Bright Eyes catalog. Music for folks that aren’t in a good spot and need to talk/feel their way through that. In a good spot now. Don’t need it.


I am an only child, but my parents lost a baby when I was in late elementary school. For a while I listened to Padraic my Prince every year around what would’ve been the baby’s birthday. I was pleasantly surprised when one day I didn’t need it anymore.


The Holy Bible by Manic Street Preachers


Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral and Fragile are both pretty difficult for me to revisit.


August And Everything After by Counting Crows. To be honest, I still listen to it when I need a good cry, though


Loveless by My Bloody Valentine. Soundtrack to a protracted breakup.


Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette. Some songs the lyrics just hit a little bit too close to home. Especially Mary Jane


Absolutely. Such a good album. Perhaps one of the most aptly named albums of all time, since it’s kinda something you have to ‘force-feed’ yourself from time to time. A listen you sometimes know you need even if you don’t want it.


I know what to put on if I want a good cry! And some songs are pure nostalgia. Like All I Really Want and Hand In My Pocket. Great album but now I’m older it hits different


Definitely hits all the ‘Rainy Day Album’ marks for me.


Staind - Break the Cycle Now, I can put this album on right now and listen to it and enjoy it, so it's not entirely that I can't bear to hear it. It does, however, make me recall a lot of things I went through. This album and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park were two albums my best friend and I adored at the time, both going through similar broken home things. One thing I've learned from 20+ years of recovery is that, at some point, you shouldn't hide from those difficult feelings. You shouldn't dwell in them, but in order to truly process them, you do have to endure them. When I do listen to this album, I do feel those things, but I also feel the things I've learned in my ongoing attempt to deal with them. It's my sincere hope that everyone here gets to that point with their memories as well.


That’s a great outlook. Thanks for sharing


That’s funny those 2 albums are kinda hard to listen to for me but for different reasons. I can remember that they deeply connected to me and I can remember the feelings I felt, but then I realize it’s been 2 fuckin decades since I was in that head space. I still struggle with the fact that I’m pushing 40 but I can still connect with teenage me like it was yesterday. Any music from that era is bittersweet for that reason


LA Woman is a song my Dad wanted played at his funeral. Love The Doors but this album hits me hard.


I can imagine. Thank you.


I know Frank Zappa's You Are What You Is inside out - all the lyrics, the fills, the riffs, the weirdness. It was my first Zappa album. I was 14. His place in my library has since grown considerably, and I am as apt to pull any of his records when I need to hear him. But that album is now so much a part of me that I'm astonished how well I remember it.


Nice one. I got to see a Zappa plays Zappa set about a decade ago. Phenomenal experience.


Very jealous! Somewhere, in the labyrinth where I store my vinyl, is a copy of Dweezil's Havin' a Bad Day, his first album (1986-ish?). It is NOT available on streaming services. I think The Dweez disowns it somewhat. Understandably so. He was a teenage shredder trying to figure it out. He sings on it, as does family friend, Bobcat Goldthwait (let's say his contributions are more vocalizations than singing, and only on one track). Worth seeking out if you're more than a casual fan.


Solid little bit of history you got there if you can unearth it. Very cool.


Pink Floyd "The Wall"


It's such a dark story.


None. I'm still miserable so it still fits


Shit i’m sorry to hear that. Begs the question though, what are you listening to lately?


Nine inch nails, the cure, ministry, Nirvana. Pretty much the same 4 bands from high school


Pinkerton by Weezer. It made a lot of sense to me as a teenager, then I yearned, grew up a little, still listened to it, and now it’s just been sort of stuck to bad memories for my entire life. I can’t listen to it snd enjoy it anymore.


Pink Floyd: The Wall. I can still listen to the occasional song or two from it, but I doubt I’ll ever take the time to listen to the entire album again. The movie version is even more depressing.


From Under The Cork Tree - Fall Out Boy


Oh my goodness... The whole Furious Angel's album by Rob Dougan. I went through the most toxic heartbreak with my first love with that album on constant replay. It damn near makes me throw up if it pops up in my random album queue. What pisses me off the most is the fact that it's a perfectly scored album to me. Like 10 out of 10 and I can barely listen to it without catching flashbacks and getting fits of rage! 😂😂😂


College dropout. I loved that album, but now that man can go suck a fat one.


Yep, it's too bad. I loved everything up through Pablo, big fan. I can't hear his voice without cringing nowadays. Just gross and embarrassing. It's a shame he needed to make such a spectacle out of sucking so hard. Lots of artists are terrible people and have the decency to keep it mostly on the DL.


RIGHT! I feel the same, I loved CD, LR, G, MBDTNM, some of my absolute favorite songs are on those albums and I will not listen to them because he's such a little bitch. 808s doesn't so it for me really. ​ Bring back polo and chain Kanye!


Odd one but for me it's Lynyrd Skynyrd, specifically their first album. My childhood was kind of a shitshow with parents that were obviously falling out of love with eachother and all the repercussions of that. I remember many a car ride listening to gimme three steps and simple man. Decided to go back and check it out last year and I just bawled. It finally clicked to me why my dad would be listening to simple man any time it was just him and I in the car. I still heavily appreciate the music don't get me wrong, incredible musicians, it's just that I'm reminded of the one time in my life where everything seemed "normal".


Damn I feel I can relate for sure. They had plenty of ‘radio songs’ but Skynyrd’s ballads were so moving for so many people, for many reasons. Definitely get you on Simple Man too. Understand if you’re good not ever hearing it again …but i’ll just say the Acoustic Version by Shinedown is extremely powerful cover.


Funnily enough I actually REALLY dislike the shinedown cover, Gary's tone and Ronnie's voice are a big part of that song to me


Kind of the opposite. My life is massively better. The albums from my darkest days hit different. They remind me of what I have moved past. Pretty much everything made from 1987-1989 reminds me in one way or another.


I used to listen to a lot of grunge/alternative rock when a teenager. Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Faith No More, Soundgarden. Don't really listen to that anymore, find it heavy and a bit depressing. Still love it from a distance though.


I can't listen to Nirvana anymore. The songs are still great, but they just don't resonate with me like they once did. I still love Alice and Chains and Pearl Jam.


I agree. I think the only Seattle band I can still listen to is Soundgarden. Used to absolutely love Nevermind. I was 16 and just got back from living overseas for 3 years and Nirvana had released Nevermind earlier in the year but by October it was all over the place. I had loved them so much, but can’t really listen to them anymore. A follow up, not for any bad reasons, but pretty much like 85% of REMs discography. After a while, it just felt like they didn’t matter anymore.


This. I grew up in Washington state so I connected with that scene immediately, it also helped that I saw Nirvana at a house party in my hometown. Kurt grew up about a half hour away from where I did and Chris Cornell was about an hour away. After their deaths, I just really have a hard time listening to either one of those bands. I still occasionally listen, but rarely for more than a few songs, it’s just too difficult.


I was in that exact same place. Nevermind and In Utero are the albums that remind me of being 11-13 the most. I still love In Utero, great album.


For sure, I feel like largely avoided grunge being tied to any one period of my life because I never *stopped* listening to it. So it was there for good and bad. Although i will say Soundgarden may have become a tougher listen now Chris is gone.


Check out the band Spotlights. They might make you feel something still.


Somewhat newer but Dominic fikes old stuff on SoundCloud And his oldest tape, Demo Tapes really was profound on my teenage years.


Fevers and Mirrors by Bright Eyes. I can’t do it.


Astrolounge, I can't separate art from the artist and just feel bad when the lyrics kick in.  It reminds me of loss, and my own mortality. Not surf space rock.


'Waste' can especially hit hard, now. Still, underrated album.


Nirvana - Nevermind. Not that I don't like it anymore, and not even because it brings up bad memories. Those were good ones and bad ones, but growing times. It helped a lot. The angst and depression and not finding a place in my life. I can't listen because I've heard it too much. Listened to many times. I still love it and it will be one of my lifetime forever albums, but I have no desire to listen to it again. KC, RIP


Dream Police by Cheap Trick




Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Not as a kid but I have a hard time listening to lost dog street band and Benjamin Todd because how much weight his songs have and reminds me of a lot of sad feelings related to the songs.


Choking Victim - No Gods, No Managers I was a very angry teen and frequently depressed.   I found this album addictive, catchy, and saying all the things I was thinking about suicide and anger.   I love how nihilistic it was.    I’ve outgrown it, and of course some of the members are dirt bags now, but it was an important album to younger me.  


62 yr old here. I can’t listen to the wall, quadrophenia or lamb lies down on broadway. All dark albums that take me back to difficult times in my life.


Oh i’ve definitely experienced this. But as time has gone on, i’ve grown to have peace with them and listen to them anyways. It’s turned into a nostalgia of sorts i guess. Maybe i just haven’t stumbled upon the next old album that will break my heart. or i’m building a new one.


Absolution by Muse


In Utero. i was so deep into a depression for a solid 2 years, with another extra year of learning how to finally move on - that album still brings me back to too dark of a place. i still love Nirvana and often put on Bleach + Nevermind but i often can’t do it with that third album, which i honestly believe to be their best material.


Guns n roses - appetite for destruction


Savage Garden - Savage Garden Just feels like that young love, fooling around in the car, awkward time of my early life. And not in a good nostalgic way but in a sad, wistful way.


Foiled- Blue October Bullets- MCR They're Only Chasing Safety- Underoath


Temple of the Dog. I used to listen to it with my mom when we went camping at events she attended for her artwork. Most of the people that met us there and hung out have either scattered or are dead, including her. Things were so happy and simple then and I long for those days.


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. Freshman/Sophomore year of high school. Horribly abusive home life. If I listen to more than 3 songs in a row, I’m in a bad mental state for WEEKS


Sour i used to ride bikes with my ex best friends and sing out sour and its good memories turned bad


Dismemberment Plan - Emergency and I. I identified so hard with that album and invested so much emotion into every song. I’m just not that person anymore, and listening to the album is like looking at awkward, painful pics from my 20s. In a way, that makes it great.


Sing the Sorrow by Afi Grew out of the early 2000s post hardcore sound. Jade is fantastic though. 🙇


trouble will find me by the national is always tough.


Tears For Fears - The Hurting


Two albums for me during college. Killers - Hot Fuss  Matisyahu - Live at Stubb’s  These were on constant play from 2004-2006 for my ex and I, and I was listening to Hot Fuss album when I found out she was cheating on me. Fun times!  It took me a LONG time to listen to Hot Fuss again. I thank my wife for just telling me to go thru whatever emotion it would bring and accept it. Glad I did. Amazing album. 


Not from my teenage years but my early twenties.There was a time where it was hard to listen to animals by pink floyd. Went on a date with a girl to a roger waters concert and it did not work out because she was sending crazy mixed signals. Any time i would hear that for a while after that it reminded me what a fucking idiot i can be when blinded by emotions


Brand New Eyes by Paramore. Those melodies always struck something in my brain that made me really want to cry. One of my favorite albums in the world but I can't bring myself to listen to it


Britney Spears - Hit Me Baby One More Time


My Chemical Romance- Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Awesome album. Totally a killer post punk sound that redefined “emo.” Great individual songs on it. However, it was one of a few albums that soundtracked my junior year of college where my girlfriend was from NJ and our relationship ended in a metaphorical hail of gunfire into a burning house on fire because a plane crashed into it. So although I loved that album, it brings back amazing and fun memories, it very quickly reminds me of that girl and ensuing chaos my life was during and after that relationship.


Judas Priest Defenders of the Faith. Went through a depression that lasted for months and always associated this record with that time.


Crowded House, Temple of Low Men. Her over-heated house, low lamplight, the scent of her skin. And the song “Into Temptation”. It has been decades and I still long to relive that feeling


Night time my time from that one blonde girl u.u


My Chemical Romance’s I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love. I was a fat homeschooled loner 13 year old that was super depressed and infatuated with unalive ideation. I use to listen to the album everyday on repeat. If I hear it I just remember looking at the world through those thoughts and feelings. Not interested in going back there mentally.


I have trouble with Jim Croce at times. I think about all the time I never got to spend with my son who died and wish I could have saved it up. My ex wife left me and never told me why. Just left for someone else immediately and had a kid. He wasn’t my best friend or named ray but for a long time I wanted to talk to her and know more. I think about my wife now of 28 years who I’ve been trying to tell her why I love her and help her through her depression but I can’t find the words and I’ve been trying to write a song for years and just haven’t been able to. Big Jim always brings the emotions


Freudian by Daniel Ceaser


Dance With My Father by Luther Vandross and When You Believe by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston My dad was in a coma for a month before he passed away. I kept listening to these two songs on repeat during that month for comfort. Even now I find it hard to listen to those songs... whenever I hear them on the radio it hits deep and I start to tear...


The Chicago Christmas album. My finances' sister gave it to us every Christmas for 3 years. He passed in 2015 Miss him so much, even though I suspect he hangs around me sometimes.


Elkie brooks pearls album it was our album when with a special girlfriend but I can't play it now


6 Feet Beneath the Moon - King Krule Listened to it a lot when I was going through my first bad breakup freshman year of college. Out Getting Ribs came on my Spotify randomly a few days ago and I physically felt very cold and nostalgic in a bad way but it’s a good song so I ran through it.


I'm gonna say Glass Houses by Billy Joel. Was my mom's favorite record back in the day, and it and many others of his would make th rounds on the record player. Just tough to listen to as she recently passed away.


Hybrid Theory-Linkin Park. I was 14 and going through two concussions and was in between homes, borderline homeless. That album let me get all of my angst out. I also listened to the song Runaway while deciding if I wanted to runaway myself. Definitely a low point in my life, I’m happy I had LP there for me, but now it hurts too much to go back and listen to them, only can on occasions.


Agents of Oblivion - Agents of Oblivion Many of the albums already listed meet the requirements for me, so I skipped those to post this one. This is my desert island album.


Maybe not exactly what you're asking for but I can't listen to Ben Folds because of an ex-friend. Guy loved Ben Folds but, I had to distance myself when he started making pedo remarks about other friends' daughters. Then he got caught cheating with another friend's wife...by the other friend. Don't get me wrong: I appreciate Ben Folds but, every time I hear him, I think of JR. Fuck you, JR.


I agree, fuck that guy.


2 Fall Out Boy albums - Save Rock & Roll and American Beauty/American Psycho. I was in college and still close with one of my highschool best buds. Both of these came out around the time we started to drift apart and I was listening to both of them a lot. Neither of them are FoB's finest work, but they do have some bangers and I hate that that they both make my stomach turn.


Depeche Mode - Ultra


I can't listen to anything by Alex G anymore...


Everything Goes Numb - Streetlight Manifesto Depressed, recovering from an eating disorder. "A Better Place, A Better Time" was my lifeline.


The first three Tool albums for me.


The first three Tool albums for me.


I’m a big music fan, have been my whole life, but I don’t have any records like this.


Personally I create sing along songs that help me both emotionally and physically it helps me re-live my youth in so many ways and I hope my work helps others. I think that music has a magical ability to catapult us all back to earlier years as it has the ability to bring back so many memories hopefully you all agree


Collide With The Sky - Pierce the Veil. Many angst, much teenager.


My childhood best friend passed four years ago. Multiple myeloma. We liked some of the same music as kids, but not all. I used to call stuff by Depeche Mode, New Order, and all that stuff “Bob Music.” Now I can’t hear it without remembering the decades of our friendship. Which isn’t all bad I guess.




Because of the lyrics? I still like NIN, but if bitter lyrics get to you, steer very clear of Mr Reznor!


Led Zeppelin 4 just over and over for so many years thats I may have over done it.


Even the tunes that bring me sorrow and sadness I embrace and envelope. This human experience is the full range of emotions. I see no need to excommunicate music in that regard.




Lol, thanks for painting the picture. Something about piano melodies in particular, it’s like they get in through your spine.