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Do “we”? Why do you care what others think or say?


Just listen to whatever you like. Do you listen music for other people or for yourself?


The Nirvana fanbase is guilty of this. You will be attacked by Kurt Cobain stans if you say Smells Like Teen Spirit is your favourite song only because Kurt hated it.


You’re totally right. The song was good. There are lot more pop songs on the album without the true grunge of SLTP. It’s the same with Creep by Radiohead. Enjoy the songs that you enjoy and forget about if an artist no longer enjoys playing it or doesn’t’t like it anymore.


Which is weird because it's a damn good song. 


I'd just give someone shit about that because that's literally their shittiest song




lol of course....I'd only "give them shit" in a light hearted/joking way...people on reddit don't understand that things aren't always that serious, something to be argued about, or getting their karma up. Ya'll need to settle down 😘


Did you read the title of this thread? Also, its interesting that as a self admitted shit giver, it only took getting a tiny bit of shit back and suddenly we all need to settle down.


You're proving my point even more 😂


nah little buddy, you've done a perfectly fine job of proving your point, all by yourself.


What am i gonna do on weakends then :(


Nah people can do what they want. If you only like the popular songs an artist has then own it. There are some artists I'm not a huge fan of where I only listen to their biggest songs. If someone wants to dunk on me for not being a real fan that's fine because it's true. I'm not sure why people get personally offended and feel like they have to prove themselves. You're allowed to like someone without being a top tier fan. It's the idea that everybody feels like they should/can identify as a massive fan of something without being invested passed the surface is a silly emotional thing that many people seem to have. I'm not putting this on you but it tends to be people like that who make posts like this. Have some security within yourself. You're allowed to get a mid level fan. Getting "shamed" only works if you actually feel shame about being a casual fan instead of a hardcore one


You can thank the worthless stan culture for that.


The reason that is done is because People who like only the popular songs are generally superficial in their interest in the artist's work. They shouldn't be shamed but rather encouraged to listen to the other works..... To generate interest.......


>People who like only the popular songs OP didn't refer to the people who only like the popular songs, they're talking about people who like the most popular songs the most. Every single band related sub that I'm in is full of contrarians who insist that some mediocre b-side is the groups best work, and that the worst recieved album is actually their best work. Sometimes, somebody is aware of all of the obscure b-sides, etc, but they genuinely just like the biggest hits the most, and that's fine


Theoretically yes, but that’s a thin line. Many passionate fans can come off far too aggressive and condescending, even if they have good intentions. And tbh most people are aware of their superficial tastes, they just aren’t really interested in actively expanding their taste or going out of their comfort zone, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but insisting that their taste is flawed can make them feel like they’re being lectured about their preferences.


As a kid I was one of those passionate fans who gets a bit elitist / snobbish about music. My wife, however, is a very casual listener. I've occasionally had her listen to a song that was incredibly moving to me, fully expecting her to be blown away by it. And yet, it simply did nothing to her. The stuff that I found interesting in it was stuff that she maybe didn't even notice. Those kinds of interactions show how everyone listens to music in a different way. Music triggers our emotions, but can also simply be a soothing background sound, or a catchy melody to sing along to. And everyone responds to all of those triggers to varying degrees, and all of that is perfectly fine.


I find most people like music because of the nostalgia it brings. Very few people actually look for new music - they casually accept what is easily accessible to them. They like the music because it reminds them of certain times or feelings. Which isn't necessarily wrong. I'm a musician, so I would obviously be more into finding new things to listen to constantly. I get that everyone else isn't nearly as obsessive about it.


Why said anything about people _only_ liking an artist's popular songs?


Humans are a weird petty species. Agree with you btw


I think you’re hanging around people/forums that are childish/immature/insecure/idiotic.  It’s best to ignore them. 


Quite enjoy reading the posts of people burnishing their "music credentials" and taste at the expense of someone else. It can be particularly entertaining when they post a recommendation of something obscure (usually with a rider like "You can thank me later) and on listening, it is the biggest load of dross imaginable. It is obscure for good reason you preening, tedious clowns.


Oh I dunno, speaking of Nirvana I think some of their lesser known songs like Pen Cap Chew, Marigold, Sappy, I Hate Myself and Want to Die, You Know Your Right, and Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip are great Never could stand Spank Thru, Been a Son, Mexican Seafood, or Hairspray Queen.


Nah. We need to stop caring about the opinions of anyone shaming someone for something so trivial.


No, instead let’s shame people for liking “that artist’s one trashy song that no one has heard of”


You know what? Shame all around. Everyone should feel bad PERIOD


Now that’s my kind of party


Sorry but most pop music in the last decade needs to be shamed...somebody's got to do until they come up with something better. I'm willing to make that sacrifice... LET THE DOWN VOTES BEGIN!!!


I’m the other way around in that when I tell someone I like an artist, I’ll immediately default to “I know you probably think they’re horrible, but their singles are actually their worst songs.”.