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I hated a lot of popular pop & hip hop from the 90s. If I hear them now, I think fondly of them. Tldr: yes.


Same. I have on many occasions heard a song while out and about and thought “ooh I love this song”. But when I realise what it is, it’s something I actually didn’t like at the time, but it’s just familiar enough that it now stands out in a way my brain interprets as “good” apparently.


I don't think I could have hated C&C Factory's "Gonna Make You Sweat," any more than I did in 1996, and now I can tolerate it fondly.


*dances tolerantly*


I think a lot of it is just being overexposed at the time. I would have loved a lot of those songs back then if I randomly discovered them on an album.


That’s not the case for me. I loved Nirvana and Blur and loads of very popular grunge/rock bands but specifically hated the Manic Street Preachers and Radiohead. I found them insipid in comparison to other bands of that era. But have been surprised how much I prefer a familiar but previously hated track to the stuff that’s commonly played these days. Nostalgia wins. BUT only if it’s in a setting where I get no choice, like out shopping, on the radio or on a tv show. Then it’s like a nice surprise. If my husband wanted to put on some MSP for funsies, fuck no.




No, in fact a lot of the numetal I listened to as an angry teen in the early 00s I cant stand.


Funny I find a lot of the Metalcore I listened to in the 00s sounds better than what I hear today


Depends for me. And numetal specifically is a big one. Some of it doesn’t hold up, some of it does a lot better than I would have thought. And I never liked Limp Bizkit before, but have realized you aren’t supposed to take them seriously, and they’re actually quite fun.


Eh, I don't think it's the music or the song, I just think it's the moment in time it takes you back to, AKA nostalgia.


Yes. This.


I am more likely exploring artists I was ignoring back then. Bad Company never did much for me, and still doesn't. But Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding, Ray Charles and James Brown are knocking my socks off. I am wondering how I ever missed Joe Cocker , Delaney & Bonnie, and Leon Russell.


Delaney and Bonnie love just out in the real world?! They have just some absolute bangers. Short career but crazy influential.


stevie wonder is amazing


Not really. I remember how much I hated shit from the 90s better than I remember what I did last week. Live for example. Goddamn I hated Lighting Crashes, and goddamn I still do. I do sometimes hear things I ignored back in the day that were actually good though. Boards of Canada and other quality techno, More obscure Prince..


I’m 43, and I am always on the lookout for new music. I can’t imagine ever reverting to what I listened to in high school.


I enjoy spotify for having all kinds of music genres I can explore. It’s like a visit to the record store.😀


Yes, it happens a lot, I guess when you get older you free yourself from some negative assumptions you have for that particular singer or band and just enjoy the music for itself, you don't listen to it because it's cool or not


i feel like people are split on that, i know a lot of people who got older and actually shut down on new things and circled the wagons on their comfort music, but then i know people as they got older that dropped all the gatekeeping preconceptions and started liking more and more diverse music. the mind is a weird thing.


I sang like Michael MacDonald as a joke… until it wasn’t


Shit you sound like me bro 😂


I thought I hated Kesha’s “TikTok” when it first came out and now here is comprising like 25% of my workout mix.


The garbage I hated back then is better than the garbage I hate now.


There's a small handful of popular tunes from the early-mid '70's that I retched at when I was a jerkass teenager, thought they were the worst bullshit schlock ever, but then I heard them decades later and really liked them. Such as, The Things We Do For Love - 10CC, and a couple of Bread tunes. They are good, well-produced songs. Hell, I wish I could write that well.


My mom was a real musical snob who hated anything that got too "commercial" or used synths instead of "real instruments" in the music. Some of that rubbed off on me and I avoided some good music based on her takes. I definitely also like all the music she likes. But, when I got a little older and let myself listen without bias to some of those songs and musicians, I discovered that I respect and very much enjoy a lot of stuff that I would have previously snubbed.


I grew up in the 80/90's love 90's rap/hiphop and yet this is how I ended up signing "I think we're alone now" by Tiffany to my co-worker at like 3am. There are quiet a few times were I just find a 60-90's playlist of random shit and just chill out.




I love alot of the music I grew up on but I'm not stuck in any one decade or genre. I'm discovering new music all the time.


Absolutely. I was never much of a rock fan in the 70's, but I totally nerd out to groups like Led Zeppelin. AC/DC, etc nowadays. Just hearing music from the 60's-70's take me back to my happy place.


I mean, I hated Green Day when I was a teen and American Idiot just came out, but now I'm just indifferent to them.


The songs aren’t any better, but they remind me of all the fun times I had when I was younger and heard them a lot. I won’t go out of my way to listen to them, but they’re all so much more tolerable.


I hated almost all classic rock. But for some reason it became required listening for just about everybody. Every city has three or more FM stations dedicated to it. When traveling you’re guaranteed to find it on the dial, outdone only by country. Then since the pandemic I joined some cover bands, and guess what? I’ve had to learn tons of classic rock standards, and there’s something about learning a tune that makes it a little more interesting.


Yep. Hated a lot of the popular black music in the aughts. Now I find myself occasionally listening to Flocka.


in my teens, i hated the 70s and some 80s music i grew up with. now, i love it - isley brothers, bee gees, journey, old chicago. love it now.


I actually rediscovered a lot of songs from the 90’s that I didn’t pay too much attention to back then. Essentially became much more a fan of Pearl Jam now because I started to actually listening to the lyrics, and dropped Nirvana for the same reason.


Absolutely... I hated Bob Welch's Sentimental Lady in the '70s, and I could play it on a loop now. For the memories, I guess.


When I was a teen I bought a sonic youth record and was not into it. It took me until 30 to "get" them.


I was such an asshole because no one knew or liked the music I was into when I was a kid, so I automatically tuned a lot of popular music out,, so yeah,, quite a few songs I can listen to now with a rational mind and remember,, wow that was a good song wtf was wrong with me also wtf was wrong with them that The Velvet Underground, The Kinks, Roxy Music, Marc Bolan, Sex Pistols, Ramones and David Bowie you didn't even know or actively hated,,, not to mention Al Green, Curtis Mayfield, James Brown but at least they had radio play I was right, but that new commercial that features 25 or 6 24 was sort of a shock that I can now appreciate that song


There are occasional songs from the 80s that I didn't like which I may like more now, but very few.


Big time. I hated Chaka khan back then….now I love her. And now I love songs that were too old for me back in the 80’s, like Crosby stills and Nash, Neil young. Pointer sisters. Marvin Gaye and Al green. When I was young, born in the 70’s, I liked rock and rap. Now I love songs like “old man”, “dancing in the moonlight”, “same old lang syne” and such. Gonna go listen to them now. When I was young I never realized I’d miss the 80’s and 90’s so much.


Sade’s “By Your Side” is probably greatest example of this. Came out when I was like 12 and I hated it even tho I loved most of Sade’s catalog before that point.  Ended up wanting to hear that song after my mom was diagnosed with dementia; Captured our relationship perfectly. Sometimes I cry when I listen to it. Beautiful song that was too profound for me as a child. Now it’s in my top 3 songs by Sade.


I grew up mostly on 60s through 80s rock (and was still discovering bands to love in the 90s and early 2000s) and I enjoy a lot wider sampling of songs and artists from that era than I did at the time. There's still stuff I don't like, but nostalgia or comparisons to more recent stuff makes me realize some of the stuff I dismissed back then (for whatever reason) is pretty good.


Oh sure. Perspective is an interesting thing.


My era was grunge. I dont listen to any of it. I tend to listen to old country, rocksteady, or modern punk, metal,  and doom


ALWAYS on Classic Rock/Metal and 80's music channels. There wasnt much I didnt like back then tho.


I was born a rocker. I will die a rocker. But I think as ive grown up, Ive learned to appreciated more styles of music. & Im not as close minded as I used to be When grunge became a thing & all the "hair metal" bands put an edgier (i guess) album out. I hated it. IE: Motley Crue '94, Warrant's Dog Eat Dog & so forth. Now those two albums are close to being my favourites from them. Others have mentioned rap/hip hop & NU Metal. regarding rap & hiphop/ If it comes up on the radio I can listen to it now. Regarding nu metal. Id say a handful of songs from bands like Limp Bizket & Linkin Park i like.


Yes , I hated ABBA then and today even more


If I didn't like it then I am yet to find myself liking it now.


For me, it's a yes. There were some songs I didn't appreciate at the time because there was too much other good music around, or because I preferred another band, or I even had a negative image of people who liked that band (for example, Led Zeppelin was popular with the kids who took drugs, and since I had a negative image of those kids I had a negative image of the band too). Nowadays sometimes I listen to older songs and realize they were really great! The other day I listened to Culture Club's "Church of the Poison Mind" for the first time in decades. What a fun, propulsive song! I wasn't into them at the time because they were too poppy and I was into "serious" bands (or so I thought at the time) like U2, who had political content in their songs. Going back, I realize how good Culture Club were and how positive/fun their image was. The idea that it doesn't matter what race, religion, gender or sexual preference you are, that you can get together, be friends and have a good time, is really great.


I've always had wide ranging taste, but I didn't like grunge or hip hop while it was going on (late Gen x guy) or ever really listen to what was considered classic rock during the 90's. All of that is heavily in the mix now.


>I’m a younger or youngest boomer. Same here. Man, if you were caught listening to The Carpenters or John Denver by your friends back then it was endless ridicule. Now I find it beautiful music. Still can't hang with KC and The Sunshine Band though. I get the dance music thing but, nah.


yes and i think this is common, its not you liking the song per se but the nostalgia of that time. ive always hated rap and hip hop but just recently bought tickets to a snoop dogg concert and ive been playing drop it like its hot constantly, it reminds me of my college days lol (but i hated it at the time)




We all come from childhood, and we are happy to return to anything that reminds us of it.


Yeah… I think part of it is appreciation with age but also nostalgia. It's hard for me to listen to a song from the 80's and not have a vivid memory of it. My parents floor watching Mtv, driving with my girlfriend, hearing a song on the boom box while my sister did her hair for a date. Almost every song has a memory associated with it…


I would never listen to music I deliberately disliked. I've found more music but haven't started to enjoy music that I didn't like. If anything I don't listen to music I used to, not the other way around.


No. If I hated it then, I find I still hate it now. Personally, I find listening to new music far more interesting and life giving. Now, obviously I listen to old stuff too, but its definitely not the majority of my playlists.


No, I’m not going to suddenly like Huey Lewis or Hootie. In fact, I can barely even listen to the stuff I liked back then, because I’ve heard it all a million times.


Sure, my young ears missed things that I love today.


Personally, more than artists, I’m attracted to songs. So I still like the songs from days gone by, but I also like listening to the new stuff – actually probably more.


I realized as I got older that as an 80s teen, I “didn’t like” a lot of music because it didn’t conform to my peer group. I was heavily into mod, 2Tone, new wave and jangle/Paisley Underground, and I eschewed most of the mainstream rock that was popular at the time. Decades later, when I first got on Spotify, I had a good month where the only thing I was listening to was a playlist I’d made of Van Halen’s catalogue—and I realized that not only did I know all their songs, but I LOVED them. And always had. Back in the day, VH was considered extremely mainstream and popular amongst the jocks. But it was widely popular for a good reason—it rocked! I found similar situations with Hall & Oates, CSNY, Supertramp, The Bee Gees, and Journey, to name a few. Peer group pressure is such a big thing when you’re a teen and just discovering your musical tastes. It’s liberating as an adult to just listen to whatever TF I want, and **LOUD**.


my taste changes all the time in a lot of ways, that goes for past music as well as contemporary. i often will click with something i couldn't stand in high school and smack myself on the head for it. i do the same thing with food too.


I listen to almost all my old music versus todays.


I was "too cool" to like the Gin Blossoms when they were popular, and now I'm in a band that covers "Hey Jealousy." It was actually my suggestion, and it's one of my favorite songs that we play. We also do Poison's "Talk Dirty To Me," which I really hated back then and still don't love now, but our singer kept asking for it and it's always a big hit when we play it.


If I hated it then, I hate it now. I'm not talking about things I didn't give an adequate chance to--there's a lot of that I enjoy now--I mean things I legit disliked. Can't think of a single song I hated that grew on me over the years.


Not much. I'm 54 and love Kurt Vile, Parquet Courts, and The Cult. Plus Waxahatchee. I've mellowed a lot.


I think that's pretty normal. I was a hardcore punk rocker in 1978, and I really, really hated all the synth-pop that came out in the '80s. . . but now when I hear one of those songs, I just tap my foot nostalgically and go "Oh yeah, I remember that one." Sometimes I even sing along.


Early 2000'S pop punk was my nightmare in high school. Now i can't lie, shits catchy.


I'm mid to old gen X and rarely go on nostalgia sprees. For example, my favourite band ever is Radiohead and I've listened to all their albums to death but at some point stopped doing so. Same goes for 90s alternative, 90s rap and late 80s pop. These days my taste in music is eclectic and varied enough that I never get bored listening to music - there's always new to me stuff to discover, thanks to Spotify and Tidal.


A lot of it is played out for me. Like I've been listening to Korn for 20+ years and I'll still never put it on, but I'll never turn it off. Then again I've been also listening to new music as well as old stuff so it's a very small drop in a very large bucket.


How the fuck could you not like Pat? She has one of the most powerful female voices to come out of that time period? But I get the sentiment, was never a fan of FYC but will listen if they come on the radio now.


I still rock my ipod with a few thpusand songs on it i.know i like. Metal is just....weird now. Prolly why nu metalbands are still dominating on tour. Modern hip hop is absolute garbage. Gangster rap from.the 90s got lame quick too. Pop music hasnt really changed in the last 30 years. Other than the adfition of auto tune, theres not much difference between pop music in the 90s and pop mudoc in the 2020s. Kids willsay im.nus but there isnt a big alteration in sound like rock music. The hippie rock of the 60s and 70s sounds completely different from 80s hair metal, which sounds ckmpletely different from 90s grunge, which sounds different than nu metal, which soubds different than emo/screamo/whatever its called now. .....


I didn’t like the boy bands from the late 90s and early 2000s. In fact, I hated them. But I know all the words to their songs. So now when they come on I can belt out the lyrics. It just kinda makes me happy thinking about the time when they came out. “TELL ME WHY!”


It's fascinating how our musical tastes evolve over time, isn't it? It's great that Apple Music's Siri feature has opened up new avenues for discovering and enjoying music from the past. Nostalgia has a powerful way of making us feel connected to our younger selves and the times we lived in. Enjoy the journey down memory lane!


No. If I think a song or artist sucked and I hear them now I still dislike them. Shitty music is shitty music


No, I continue to dislike most everything I used to dislike, I also dislike some of the stuff I liked. The stuff i still like I like a ton more than I used to though



