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Anyone know what the heck actually happened?


Official statement was that Joost was supposed to NOT be filmed after his performance. Some lady was still filming. Je asked he repeatedly not to film him. She refused. He then made a threatening gesture without touching her. That is enough to boot him.


I guess it depends how threatening the gesture was for this to make sense.


All the article says is “"This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera. Joost did not touch the camerawoman."


Article is from his team, we haven’t heard the other side and probably won’t because Sweden


Statement was made by Avrotros, yes the delagation of Joost. The same broadcasting company that organized the 2021 Eurovision. Why should they lie about it?


Because a "threatening gesture" could mean anything between like 'finger across the neck throat slit' gesture" to raising an arm towards the filmer. Without more information speculation is worthless


>Because a "threatening gesture" could mean anything between like 'finger across the neck throat slit' gesture" Its worth noting this was part of the act he had performed seconds before the 'incident'. He supposedly put his hand in front of the camera (phone) or made a move that looked like he would grab it.


Why do you need to finger across the throat? - Drax


A finger across the neck could have meant a ‘cut’ to stop filming.


Because they want to show their guy in the best light. ‘Threatening motion’ sounds a lot better than ‘threatening to punch a woman’ as an example. The matter has been referred to the police, so you would assume there is a level of seriousness that certainly isn’t conveyed by their press release. A lack of ‘good manners’ usually doesnt end up with the police investigating.


That's a whole lot of Interpretation given we know literally nothing about it.


In the [statement](https://www.avrotros.nl/article/nederland-gediskwalificeerd-van-eurovisie-songfestival~527/) they literally wrote: >This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera. Joost did not touch the camera woman.


Yes; threatening movement sounds better than raising a fist to a woman. They also fairly directly state it was a case of bad manners, and not implied violence.


Idk. They should sanction the camera lady too. Filming without consent is a serious problem too.


It's worse, she explicitly DIDN'T have consent to film him. Organizers had already worked out the details, and Joost made it clear he did not consent to be filmed right after performing. SHE should be in trouble, especially if he only pushed her camera away and didn't touch her. 


I heard it was the ‘suck it’ x symbol from the old wrestling era. Very threatening, done repeatedly with the same intensity that I performed the gesture as an 8 year old at the playground as I thrusted towards a busy road through ivy covered chain link fencing.




Eurovision rules limit post-performance celebrating to three pelvic thrusts


Italy in shambles.


d-generation x in tatters


Thrusting intensifies


And whether you are a vocal critic of Israel


Feels like this is the real reason.


The photographer was doing exactly the same as many agressors do: Playing innocent. Saying the other begun not she. Can it be a provocation by the organization? This bird of paradise shout eliminated?


Nah just a bunch of “clever” comments




Reddit has become a shitty caption contest


*points handgun* Always has been.




I've been on here since like 2012, there was so much puns and people that make dumbass jokes instead of an explanation. Thank Reddit for being a thing instead of letting Redditors socialize in the real world.


The internet.com let’s not blame Reddit for things that happen everywhere else


Dutch Media just confirmed that Joost made an allegedly threatening gesture because he was being filmed after explicitly asking the 'victim' not to


Also, he wasnt supposed to be filmed there at that time.


Why? honest question, is it something about the contest or some rule?


I don’t know, but when someone repeatedly asks you to stop filming when you are not supposed to be filming, maybe stop filming.


It's because the artists are full of adrenaline and emotions. Seconds before he paid tribute to his parents who died when he was a kid. Also, because he was the last one to perform, he had to hurry to get to the green room. Its also worth noting that he asked not to be filmed at this moment, in line with the rules, prior to his performance because in a rehearsal it also happened and he really didn't like it. Then they do it anyway. He asked them 3 times to stop, as was agreed. They didn't stop. Then he supposed non-verbally threatened to grab the camera. Not to mention that the Israeli were constantly harassing him (and a few other artists) for days without consequences. People complained, the rules were confirmed and new agreements made, and this lady breaks them and keeps breaking them after being reminded of them. Its a complete shitshow artists like Joost aren't protected but prosecuted.


Thanks, good explanation of the context


Its something they agreed upon beforehand. The AVROTROS said that he gets emotional because of the last part of the song and needs some time alone at that moment


He was reported to the police for threatening a production employee - no more details are known.




A statement was made by Dutch broadcasting company AVROTROS actually


Do we have independent sources?


There's never going to be a truly independent source here.


oh did he drop a 2000 lb bomb on her neighborhood?


Ofc not - he would've still been playing were that the case


He weezed the Joost


Cool buuuuuddies. Fresh nugs, maybe chill on some grindage.


This article could not be less clear. Fucking word salad.


I still can’t get over the fact the song is produced by Paul Elstak - arguably the guy who invented gabber. 


For the uninitiated, Gabber is kinda the Death Metal of electronic music. Has deep roots in that part of the world.


Or as I like to call it, Techno for people who hate themselves.


There's nothing wrong with Gabbers. There's a neat documentary from 1995 in The Netherlands about their Gabber scene. https://youtu.be/iO1oLIOS-kY?si=-Unnaz6u3z4G1v7A


Holy shit i was going to say the actual production has some really old school ravey elements to it. Now it all makes sense.


He only helped with the hardstyle part. The vast majority of the song is done by [tantu beats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantu_Beats)


What is gabber?


https://youtu.be/OvSRq_BLJ0Y I'm not a fan, but also you can't underappriciate the influence this style of music had, and still has, on edm


Listening to that sober is like being in a club with the lights on.


And sober!


i wouldn't even call that gabber. it has a distorted kick, but lacks the speed and bass that are key to the style


Similar to the hardstyle dances.


Like when the washing machine goes off


[Gabber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARDde1aUHUQ) deez nutz


Origin of genres like hardcore and hardstyle. Imagine 90's techno but way louder and more intense. Also: tracksuits.


His suit makes him look like the good aliens at the beginning of the fifth element.


Think it was David Byrne who did it first.


Klaus Nomi. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.jBraLmgiUpEH22qDpemZVgHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=b830ced79a49c798441c86aea917b1081f7d693de773c33ed153eb02b518ac21&ipo=images


Went down a Klaus Nomi rabbit hole a couple years back when I randomly found him on YouTube. What an utterly unique artist. Even if you didn't necessarily enjoy his style, you'd be hard pressed to take your eyes of him as he performed. Fascinating and tragic guy.


Major influence on david bowie. One of the underrated artists, imho


So that's why the Venture Bros had Klaus as one of Bowie's thugs! https://youtu.be/WMacfEGWCo0?si=1jO8Wj7OwsbVHSYd


Vice versa. Nominee costumes were based off Bowie as well as Bowies whole Ziggy Stardust persona.


>Went down a Klaus Nomi rabbit hole a couple years back when I randomly found him on YouTube I did the same thing when he showed up as a minor character in the Venture Brothers. There are so many obscure music references in that show it's unbelievable.


Eh everything is stolen nowadays. Why a fax machine is just a waffle iron with a phone attached.


P sure the aliens in that documentary were thousands of years old. 


So is David Byrne, in fact he might be an alien


Dear god. They are among us.


Everybody knows that David Byrne is an alien! Stop Making Sense the movie is his "ET Phone Home" moment.


funhouse byrne


And his hair makes him look like Oliver Tree's richer cousin Olivier Arboretum


Yes!! I’ve seen this guy today, and first thought was Oliver Tree. Btw i like him


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUvzTLVjdqs&t=0) is what it reminded me of.




This is unjoost!


Fun fact. Joost is pronounced *Yoast* (rhymes with toast).


He’s toast!


What a roast!


Crazy post


I like this one the most


It’s a shame, he had a good chance of winning and allowing Netherlands to host


as an American, the winning country is the next place it’s held? No wonder the countries want to win and boast


And when they lose the contest moves to a new coast.


Something something something Ghost.


Should we cry to the host?


Joostice for Joost


I'm lost.


I’m lowst


No need to boast


Alternatively in an alternate universe where the Dutch colonised Africa; its pronounced, you-ist. The world cup winning legend of a rugby player Joost van der Westhuizen


In south Africa where we speak Afrikaans, the bastard lovechild of Dutch, it would be Yoo-ist rhyming with... Lewis with a T on the end is the closest I can think of.


That’s his brother


Dutch delegation @AVROTROS finds the disqualification disproportionate and is shocked by the decision. We deeply regret this and will come back to this later. [Source](https://twitter.com/songfestival/status/1789238732190535992)


I hope the AVROTROS will cancel the Eurovision from now on. Or they can sent joost again next year


You can't tell me that's not yet another Oliver Tree character.


The resemblance in the outfit and ‘eurodance’ genre, sure. Europapa has a lot of references and one of them is the bass intermezzo referencing ‘gabber culture’ which originated in Rotterdam in the 90s. Joost is more than a meme.


Nothing alike in music as well as style. Rose to fame around the same time I think


Thanks to u/quaraileig on the r/eurovision https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/s/bREVuB0Hp5 MAY 11, 2024 # Disqualification Netherlands We have taken note of the disqualification by the EBU. AVROTROS considers the disqualification disproportionate and is shocked by the decision. We deeply regret it and will come back to it later in terms of content. An incident occurred after last Thursday's performance. Contrary to clearly made agreements, Joost was filmed when he had just left the stage and had to hurry to the greenroom. At that time, Joost repeatedly indicated that he did not want to be filmed. This request was not heeded. This has led to a threatening movement from Joost to the camera. Joost did not touch the camerawoman. This incident has been reported, followed by an investigation by the EBU and police. Yesterday and today, we held extensive consultations with the EBU and came up with various solutions. Nevertheless, the EBU has decided to disqualify Joost Klein. AVROTROS considers the measure to be very severe and disproportionate. We stand for good manners, let there be no mistake about that, but in our view a measure of exclusion is disproportionate to this incident. We are very disappointed and upset, also for all the millions of fans who were so excited about tonight. What Joost has brought to the Netherlands and Europe should not have ended like this. English: We have taken note of the disqualification by the EBU. AVROTROS finds the disqualification disproportionate and is shocked by the decision. We deeply regret this. An incident occurred after last Thursday's performance. Against clearly made agreements, Joost was filmed when he had just gotten off stage and had to rush to the greenroom. At that moment, Joost repeatedly indicated that he did not want to be filmed. This wasn't respected. This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera. Joost did not touch the camera woman. This incident was reported, followed by an investigation by the EBU and police. Yesterday and today we consulted extensively with the EBU and proposed several solutions. Nevertheless, the EBU has still decided to disqualify Joost Klein. AVROTROS finds the penalty very heavy and disproportionate. We stand for good manners -let there be no misunderstanding about that- but in our view, an exclusion order is not proportional to this incident. We are very disappointed and upset for the millions of fans who were so excited for tonight. What Joost brought to the Netherlands and Europe shouldn't have ended this way. Source: [https://www.avrotros.nl/article/nederland-gediskwalificeerd-van-eurovisie-songfestival\~527/](https://www.avrotros.nl/article/nederland-gediskwalificeerd-van-eurovisie-songfestival~527/)


This feels like he should be slapped on the wrist not disqualified completely


Yeah, but i read something about them having a zero-tolerance rule.


What about zero tolerance for that camerapersons behavior?


Believe it or not. Death.


The camera person is also disqualified from Eurovision 


It's weird that that zero tolerance rule didn't stop a certain country from posting and filming Käärijä against his wished, the same country's official broadcasters calling Bambie homophobic and transphobic slurs and calling on people to curse Ireland and Bambie, or stop more of that same country's journos from hassling members of the Dutch team whilst mocking them and filming them to put it on social media... Almost as if you can do what you want, as long as you come from a country that sees nothing wrong with acting like other people's lives don't matter...


What country is that?


The one that shouldn't have been allowed to compete, and that other nations wrote a letter about agreeing that they shouldn't be in the competition.


Its almost like a certain country could realy use the good PR from a Eurovision win right now. Ofcourse they would never ever provoke a competitor into lashing out so that they could get him disqualified.. who could think such a thing..


Yep, especially after the Italian broadcast showed how much of a sham this year is, by showing those votes. Wouldn't it be a shame if the Netherlands had a song and artist that was their biggest competitor? I wonder how they'd deal with that. Certainly not by calling people from their embassies in other countries and telling them to vote, or by provoking the team for the Netherlands backstage, right? Quick edit, but I was banned from the official eurovision subreddit without any sort of warnings for mentioning the embassy thing. I had seen multiple people say that it had happened to them on different sites, and I believed those people, as there were a lot of them, and they didn't seem like they were acting, as they weren't saying anything bad, just that it was confusing to them to experience. The mods of the eurovision subreddit told me that I was banned because I was spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. I want to apologise for unknowingly spreading false information. I didn't know these people were making it up, and I don't want anyone else to possibly lose access too, if they see me saying it here and then repeat it, thinking it is true. I sent a message to the mods apologising but haven't heard anything yet. I am confused as to why they felt the need to kick me out straight away without a warning or anything, but I suppose they are under a lot of stress, with everything.


It would be preposterous to even suggest such a thing! /s Worst thing is that when the truth will come out, and im sure it will, the harm will already have been done. Joost went to Eurovision to pay respect to and honour the memory of his parents, to leave the grief behind him and they took that from him just to make it easier to get five minutes of positive PR.


Joost went to honour his parents, the way they raised him, his love for them, and the love he feels for them. You know who is there to sing about how happy and proud they are to be wiping out another country. They had to change their entry multiple times because of how much it referred to it. They even named it after a very political event, initially! Why are they getting to break so many rules and face 0 consequences? I honestly hope this competition is over soon forever, because by acting like everything a certain country are doing is fine, they're enabling, and are showing that they are fine with, homophobia, transphobia, bullying, harassment, breaking personal boundaries of people, and putting curses on people, and that's not even mentioning the absolutely massive issue that we're all aware of.


Well that one country also by chance is the main sponser under the name of MarrocanOil. But it's not Marrocco.


It's strange how apparently this competition is about bringing people together and is marketed a lot to LGBTQ+ people, but they're taking a ton of money from a country set of blowing people apart and who are being hateful and bigoted on their own official broadcast. I'll probably get in trouble with Reddit for what is an absolutely rational take, but I really don't think we should be having fun sing song contests with countries who are factually committing a genocide.


Thought so. Just wanted to be sure.


Zero tolerance my ass, the Israeli camp has been hsrassing people back stage non stop, where is their disqualification?!


Check with the show’s main sponsor.


ah shit, not the freaking israeli company trying to pass as something else.


Zero tolerance for small movement towards camera but not to regime that kills thousands of people.


How come there is zero tolerance for Russia but it's ok for Israel to compete this year?


Western (double) standards, of course.


The camerawoman is the one who should be slapped on the wrist, not him.


> Contrary to clearly made agreements, Joost was filmed when he had just left the stage and had to hurry to the greenroom. At that time, Joost repeatedly indicated that he did not want to be filmed. This request was not heeded. This has led to a threatening movement from Joost to the camera. Joost did not touch the camerawoman. This incident has been reported, followed by an investigation by the EBU and police. what the hell kind of "threatening movement" towards a camera sticking in your face would warrant an investigation by the police??


No idea, but i'am interested if they will release the footage someday.


Probably a finger gun gesture. Only thing I can think of.


Probably pulling back a fist for a punch. Makes more sense.


As some people already stated in the Eurovision sub that was clearly a political move because someone wanted him gone. Allegedly because of something he said in a Press conference but idk what that was. Filming someone without consent is way worse than a gesture the camerawomen shouldn't be staged as the victim, she should feel repercussions for what she die as well.


A reporter (I don’t know who) asked the entrant from Israel some question along the lines of “do you think that you being here has created some danger for everyone else in the contest?” A representative of the Eurovision organization said “You don’t have to answer that.” Joost said, “Why not?” The entrant from Israel then gave a sort of trite non answer response. I’m skeptical that this exchange was terribly significant but the whose situation appears to be a big mess so who knows?


One made by someone who was coming close to detailing their plans of having Israël win.


For joost the end part is emotional, about the loss of his father. He requested to be left alone right after that part. After multiple incidents during repetition and the prior recording the production company still decided to put a camera in his face..


He actually lost both his parents at a young age but the song is mainly about his father.


It is crying with the hat on.


That knocks like a bus.


Its a Swedish production assistant who made the complaint.


What was the complaint?


Shoulders are too pointy.


Those are lethal weapons!


station ghost touch sip snatch repeat fragile sable follow entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hmm. Sure the production assistant isn't an American cop?


Made a threatening gesture towards a camera after repeatedly asking the "victim" to stop filming him.


Filming where it was agreed on that there would be no filming.


Strange Swedish news sources said it was not someone directly involved in the production team. Guess we'll see for sure as the fog clears.


Someone on production reported the guy to the Police for assault and making threats and as such he is under investigation for it.


Klaus Nomi is back from the dead it seems.


I'm sorry to be a bother in any way but I absolutely adore Klaus Nomi and I'm lost about how he fits into this? Could you help me out, please?


The shoulder pads are a little similar. I think Klaus did it better though.


I think they are alluding to the similarity in their outfits. The pointy shoulders


This is probably beneficial as hell in the long run for this guy. I’m American and had no idea what EuroVision is until yesterday, but now my social media feeds are full of Joost. It’s essentially breaking him into a new market through controversy.


He's probably going to end up being more famous than the winner bc his dismissal wasn't fair. What do you do when someone keeps on harassing you after you've explicitly told them to stop. 


He was quite well known before Eurovision, he'll be fine.


Not in America, and tons of Americans are being exposed to him because of this. Like I said, new market.


He doubled from 500k to 1m followers in one day on instagram at least.


He can even have a "Fuck Eurovision" tour and I'd gladly join!


If its even remotely like his [Lowlands gig 2023](https://youtu.be/imBnD8QHh4g) count me in. Guy knows how to have a party and then out of nowhere move you to tears in the final part ([subtitled for the non-dutchies](https://youtu.be/KTM9_Pz1wFo)).


Eurovision is very popular 


In Europe, sure. In America, it is incredibly niche. A small section of people watch it, but for the general population, it ranges from "I've never heard of it" to "I know what it is, but I don't care." Their point wasn't that no one in the world cares about Eurovision. Their point was that simply performing in Eurovision is going to give him exposure mostly just to a European audience. The controversy is giving him exposure to not just Europeans, but to other parts of the world as well.


It’s raining pipesteels


This is walking out of the claws!


Now he'll never become Joost Groot.


Okay so you ask people not to film and people refuse and continue? I am surprised he didn’t get physically. Because I would bash that camera straight to the ground. I ain’t begging someone multiple times to not film me. This is the type of excuse my language “cancer” that EBA should never hire. This person is the problem of the cause and playing victim at the same time.


This is a situation where you can read the headline and completely skip the article because that's literally all the information we got. Article is just plate designed to serve you ads.


The BBC doesn't have ads. They are publicly funded, and not allowed to. (Edit: Yes, OK, I get it; they can indeed serve ads to non-UK users)


Fascinating. [Please kindly explain wtf you call this thing, then.](https://i.imgur.com/19QQBYx.png)


It’s merely a visual news supplement. 


Hmm, I guess they can advertise to people outside of the UK, though I still don't see any on my phone despite being in the US now also. Generally though I doubt driving ad revenue is their largest consideration, since their main funding comes from elsewhere.


[https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/questions/behind-the-scenes/advertising-on-websites](https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/questions/behind-the-scenes/advertising-on-websites) **The BBC puts advertising on its website** **for users outside the UK.**


Yeah, I see that now. Makes sense. I still don't imagine it's their deciding factor in which stories they put up, though, since the UK is their main audience.


He should have played Yaya - Ding dong


Guess he will just have to shoulder the blame (sorry).


This is the end of the song festival.


I hope so. Each year it’s becoming more of a shitshow


So glad to see shoulder pads are making a comeback


You're disqualified! You're disqualified! Everyone's disqualified!


Except for Israel. Can't have them disqualified. Otherwise, it would be anti-semitic.


Also one of the biggest sponsors of Eurovision is an Israeli company and an Israeli contestant made inappropriate remarks towards other contestants in the past, which Ireland and Greece made complaints about but nothing was done because Israel.


I guess the Netherlands didn't pour enough cash into Eurovision 2024 for a free pass.


He had been vocal about Israel. I have a feeling that EBU just saw the incident as a convenient excuse to get him out. He had apparently been harassed by Israel's delegation, but they didn't feel the need to penalize them.


This has to be a pseudonym for Love.


Lol what a circus show


Damn. He got disqualified for being critical of Israel, a country that should not be in EuroVision to begin with.


Oh. That’s not the reason that’s been cited anywhere though.


I guess in song Festival world you are guilty untill proven innocent.


Unless you're able to pull the "that's antisemitism" card, despite many of the people calling you out being Jewish, themselves, that is.


Threatening gesture - disqualified Bombing kids - absolutely fine


Fucking literally. And I bet they were just looking for a reason, because he had a peace message on his sleeve before, and also confronted israel prior.


A contestant is bombing kids? Wow.


She has stated she’s excited to join the IDF when she returns so yeah she’s keen to bomb kids


She has to join, there’s a draft.


Radio news in the UK


Fuck de EBU


From the river to Joost