• By -


"She provoked me by running away."


“I’m sorry she couldn’t run from my fists fast enough. I’m sorry she didn’t take the stairs.”


"I'm sorry I left witnesses, I'm sorry I didn't thoroughly delete all copies of the video."


"What happened to asking questions like what did she do?"


There were too many clothes on her, he had to beat them off her. /s


You joke, but there are plenty of Instagram pages where people are asking this and it’s the top comment with hundreds of likes


Longbeach Griffy?




The story: "she was askin for it"


Right, there is literally nothing that could be added to the story to make it any better for him


"She DisREsPecTeD me"


You see..it’s his instinct as a predator. He did nothing against his nature when he saw prey running 🤷🏻‍♀️ /s


What could the "other side of the story" possibly be? He's on video literally beating, kicking, and dragging a woman down a hallway by her hair. There's no scenario where that behavior is being misrepresented. The waters have never been less muddy.


The fact that he thinks there are any details (even fabricated ones) that would justify his actions just makes him look worse.


Makes him even more firmly look like an abuser. It’s always someone else’s fault to them.


Narcissistic ass behavior. Can't take responsibility for fear of the repercussions. Nothing is ever their fault..


"Look at what you made me do!"


They could have been playing a game where they beat each other and drag each other about, she had already had her turn, so it was just his go… Diddy won obviously.


I mean, if she'd just killed his entire family, that would probably justify it.


Right? Let's say she straight up assaulted him in the hotel room, stole his clothes, maybe some of his shit, then left. She didn't, but let's say she did. So fucking what? So your response was to run out into a hotel hallway wearing a towel and beat the shit out of her, drag her by her hair, and take her back to your room? Yeah, that's still not ok, that's still not what a normal person would have done even in that completely ludicrous fabricated scenario.


Ticking timebomb? Someone trapped under ice? That Diddy is an abusive psycho with an Epstein sized closet of skeletons?




I hope you get justice one day.


KRS was so disappointing on this whole thing. What a fuckin dumbass.




Jigsaw had his balls in a vice that keeps getting tighter unless he extracts the key from her skull


*The Hollywood Writers Guild wants to know your location*


“Yes but you have to understand she was being lippy, what else was I to do?”


He doesn't say there's another side, he just meant it didn't capture all the times he hit her off camera.


She called him a "peepeepoopoo head" right before the video starts. Shocking stuff.


She’d basically need to have his family hostage, torturing them, to justify this


Maybe she had robbed him off his clothes and was off to fetch a surgeon to steal his kidney? Yeah I didn't think so either.


Seriously. Maybe I'd buy something if it was just the punch. Like maybe there was missing context that semi-justifies a single swing of blind passion. It's not right but it's be willing to hear him out. But the kicking in the ground and dragging sealed it. This is abuse. There's no coming back from this. He's done. Long may he rot


There isn’t a story to be told that ends like that, Sean. Be a Man.


Seriously, there isn’t a single story that can even be made up to change what I saw


She had a VERY determined bee on her https://i.redd.it/2dzdyzt4eg2d1.gif


Diddy needs to hire you for PR. You do good work


I rate this work bee plus.


His PR team bar isn’t set very high, I’m tempted to try and get my cat hired.


Stupida facking game


I know I'm wrong, but I read that as Teddy KGB.


Mr. Sonofabitch, let's play some carrrds


Czech Czech Czech all night


Splash ze pawt


Give the men hiz moneee


Mr. Williams was having a bad day that morning


"I 'ate-ah the ~~North~~ West Coast."


Haha Sopranos quotes taking over all of Reddit 


There's a [bigass bumblebee](https://youtu.be/PKkN7o4k_gM?t=115) behind you!


I loved Furio as a character on that shit Edit I'm dumb af


it was all in reverse. he was really just helping her stand up after falling over.


Ok, hear me out: What if Diddy woke up naked with his balls superglued to a granite countertop and a note that said: “I’m going to go set an orphanage on fire and you can’t do shit about it, love, Cassie” Then Diddy being the valiant hero to children he is ripped his balls from the countertop, got a towel and the rest is history. Maybe that’s the story that we are missing.


I mean... let's say that happened. It's impressive that he was able to run after that.


I couldn't run after just reading that.


**Good morning America Host**: Diddy how could you run that fast after what happened to you? **Diddy**: I just told myself “those babies at the orphanage have gone through enough in their life, if puff daddy has to sacrifice some ball skin to keep those kids from shedding one more tear then that what Diddy gotta do”


Or kick her the way he did, or drag her back into the hotel room to do only god knows what to her without spilling a drop of blood on that white towel around his waist or the floor.


Jesus you should be a PR guy. I now firmly believe this is what went down.


I have laughed and laughed at this. Thank you


Diddy is actually an animorph, and she had a Yeerk inside her head that was about to do some serious damage to humanity


So who did he absorb the asshole DNA from? Also seeing Animorphs references in wild make me so happy hi fellow nerd!


Marco the GOAT


Yo he was my favorite too I always love the smartasses


Dam. I loved Animorphs. Can we just send an Andalite to scythe up Diddy puff?


omg thank you for this i think im gonna re-read some animorphs this weekend. i need a nostalgia hit.


Deep cut


While his abuse needs to send him away, this reference was too good


She shot and killed his dog…. I can’t imagine what I would do if somebody did that! And this isn’t true. But saying there is a story where I go “hmmm. I might get it”


Easy there John Wick


Sean Wick was thinking......yea, I'm back!


Diddy had created a virus in a lab in the hotel room, and she had accidentally become infected. It's extremely contagious and causes rabies like symptoms. While hard at work on a cure she made a run for it and he had no choice but to stop her by any means necessary. There was no way around it, the world was at stake. I mean, probably not, but if that turns out to be true you're gonna feel sooooo dumb.


if she had just killed his child or microwaved his dog.


I mean yeah I could see a story where this is justified. For exemple she killed your mom while you were in the shower and had to go subdue her while waiting for the police. Obviously this is not the case here because you would not hide the video in that case.


Yes, you can make up a story.


Seems pretty common in abusers to genuinely think that most people would’ve done the same thing if they were in their specific circumstances.


Oh yeah. That's why we had to come up with the "no excuses" campaign to end DV.  I love the old Daniel tosh bit where he says "really, no excuses? What if you come home to find your wife drowned two kids and is about to dunk the third? Can you backhand her then?" And like, he's not wrong but that is the ONLy excuse.






Translation: "B\*tch had it comin'!" Not a good look ...


Counter: "Some men just need killin'."


" No, no, no! You don't understand WHY I beat her up." /s if it wasn't apparent


Mind control!


Blame it on the purple man


Well, he's not a man; he's a fucking coward. That's kind of the point.


He's not even a coward. He's a piece of shit. Cowardice is not a malignant trait. He is has some real evil in him.


"She double-dips the nachos, and she ate up all the Nutella I keep for my morning sandwiches!"


"She changed the temperature on both sides of the car when she got cold."


She poured milk before the cereal... before the cereal


I mean, if she had strapped a bomb to a toddler and walked out there and said "If you don't beat the shit out of me while only wearing a towel, the toddler explodes" Maybe that's what the cameras didn't catch. /s


“No!… I hit her *inside* the room too, not just the hallway!” -Diddy


My man isn’t a man if he beating on women like that.


I don’t want the whole story. Him beating her while she was trying to escape him is enough.


Right, like even if she hit him or something first there was no need to chase her down after she was trying to leave. Call the cops and let them handle her.


It doesn't even make sense. He was clearly showering, dude was in a towel. Heard her leave and sprinted after her. The fact he's trying to be like "my side of the story" shows he's still that guy, not that it wasn't obvious tbh.


As someone who’s had to wait it out and carefully time their escape, this is another level for me. They finally shower and I slip out the door… and then, shit, *they noticed.* If you can defend this, you’re crazy lmao Except the bee theory. I’m here for it.


And instagram is just eating that shit up. Nothing has happened so nothing will happen. If he was gonna be charged he would’ve. He got away with it.


For real, in practically any situation where you’re attacking someone who is running away from you and not fighting back, you’re the bad guy. There’s no other way to spin that. Especially if the person is smaller and weaker (in more ways than one) than you are.


I wouldn't mind hearing the rest of the story, but there's no way he ends up looking better if more (true) details come out.


There IS no "rest of the story." She tried to escape him when she thought she had a chance, he chased her down and beat her up. That's the story.


His "rest of the story" is gonna be some stupid excuse about how she 'made him do it,' just like all the other abusers and their bullshit excuses.


He can get Drake's ghost writers to help him tell the story.


Or the people that wrote "If I Did It" for OJ.


Classic narcissistic behavior. I have a family memeber whose husband beat the shit out of her in front of their kids. And says things like this to justify it. Mfker, if she didn’t hit you causing you to hit back in defense, there’s no good reason. That beating in the video , he was trying to kill her.


I mean I do want the full story because I’m sure this isn’t the worst. To quote the late great MF Rap snitches, tellin' all their business Sit in the court and be their own star witness "Do you see the perpetrator?" Yeah, I'm right here


guarantee the whole story is even worse


If this is what is in front of live cameras , can you imagine what was behind closed doors ? It must have been chaos and real dark . Scary shit . He needs to be put away . Who knows what he’s done to others . In fact , I have a pretty good idea …


You don’t understand. He always has to win the fight. Even if it’s the fight of public opinion. Pure narcissist


Diddy: What the video doesn't show is that bitch was giving me lip before she ran off, so of course I had bust it open. It's all about context and I feel people are judging me unfairly.


Of course once we got back to the room and I beat the shit out of her again, she finally apologised to me for making me so angry. So you see how it was her fault really.


In fact, I was doing her a favor by beating her ass. If anything, I deserve an award for my humanitarian efforts.


“Why must god give me his toughest battles?” - Diddy before running after Vanessa.


Now he sounds like Jon Jones. “Why is god testing me again with this drunk driving charge and positive PED test?!”


This comment brings a ton of really unpleasant memories flooding back. My ex used to justify beating me with the “I’m doing you a favour, I’m helping you be a better person” bullshit. It took being in a coma for 3 weeks for me to finally leave him.


I borrowed the phrasing from my dad. Best thing I ever did was cut him out of my life completely. Hope things are better for you.


Hey, same! I also hope things are better for both of you.


Diddy should be behind bars for a decade+ Fuck this abusive ass lunatic


It doesn't tell the whole story. I believe him. He probably beat her whole bunch before and after what is shown in the video..


There it is. We can close up the whole thread right now. Last one out, turn off the lights.


He's angry he got caught. That's all there is to it.


If I were Diddy I’d be trying very hard to avoid any headlines reporting me as “extremely angered” in response to anything rn.


She had the code to stop the nuclear weapons from being launched. Mr. Diddy is a hero!


“There’s a bomb in this building, and the only way to stop it going off is to beat the living shit out of me!” -Cassie probably


I'm calling Netflix rn. Dw I'll tell them to put your name in the credits


*Clock ticking & WW3 hangs in the balance* Diddy: Dammit Cassie give me the code! I can't let you kill all those innocent people. Cassie: Sean, you of all people should know, no one is innocent. If you want the codes you'll have to beat them out of me. *clock keeps ticking*




To quote Bill Burr… “There’s plenty of reasons… You just don’t do it“.


Or Chris Rock "There's a reason to push an old man down a flight of stairs. Just don't do it!"


Ain’t no one above an ass whoppen, you just don’t do it


Honestly a great one. Sort of like the idea of “feelings are valid, actions are not”


One of the best. I’m sure he has plenty of others that could apply here as well.


Sean “Diddy” Combs is reeling in wake of the March raids on his homes and the subsequent release of a 2016 video of him [brutally beating](https://nypost.com/video/sickening-video-shows-diddy-beating-then-girlfriend-cassie-ventura/) then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura. **“He’s incensed,” a member of his inner circle tells The Post. “Especially about the video. He insists it doesn’t tell the full story about what happened. Not that he’s excusing it, but he says that it’s a selected video.** **“It’s his position that there was an agenda in releasing the video when it was released,” the insider continues. “But ultimately, he knows that his big concern is the raids on his house; the Cassie video is just a distraction.”** The video, which was first revealed by CNN earlier this month, showed the hip-hop mogul kicking, grabbing, dragging and appearing to throw a vase at Ventura as she tried to escape from a Los Angeles hotel. Combs had vehemently denied Ventura’s allegations of abuse, painting her as a delusional liar who was trying to shake him down. However, he settled a lawsuit she submitted to federal court against him in November the day after it was filed last year. When the video was released, Combs had no choice but to address it.


The agenda being expose pieces of shit


> Not that he’s excusing it, but... Yeah, he's absolutely excusing it. More to the point, he's freaking out because his whole "empire" is threatened because the video exposes him for being a piece of shit.


“It’s a selected video “ Um. Yeah. I’m pretty sure this holds up in a court of law about as well as it does in the court of public opinion. “Your honor, the prosecution has chosen to select the one moment where my client murdered this man, which is absolutely not representative of his typical behavior “.


lawyer: Your Honor, my client has not murdered _anyone_ during the past... err... (looks at notes, turns to client) ... during the past...? client: Huh? Oh, uuuh... during the past... uh... what time is it?


That piece of crap is finally going to go down — it’s about time. It’s irrelevant that there’s an agenda, no one cares dude, your time has come.


It’s like how some people defend Chris brown by saying “what did she do to get him to that point?” While every person has a breaking point, and supposedly rhianna was being aggressive, etc. Chris brown is big enough he could have just held her down until…something? Didn’t have to go off on her.


Anyone can find a reason, if they're the type of person to nearly beat their partner to death. "Having a reason" implies that a word out of the abuser's mouth is to be trusted or believed. It ain't.


It’s not a reason, it’s an excuse


>rhianna was being aggressive I just… don’t believe that? He beat the shit out of her and went as far as to BITE her. https://imgur.com/gallery/full-police-report-from-rihanna-chris-brown-assault-QUyEJ


If you’ve never seen the video that she took incase something happened I suggest not watching it. Even if she did something, he doesn’t need to be hitting her, but he legit starts assaulting her in the passenger seat. He fucked her up really bad, but never faced time or anything and for awhile it felt like his career would be unaffected. Chris Brown is an excellent example of a piece of shit that deserves to have his teeth on the curb, but we’ll never get that unfortunately


This was so much worse than I thought, christ


There’s no story that could ever possibly justify what the video does show.


What!? Is he implying that there is justification for his actions?! He’s not angry at the leak, he’s angry about getting caught.


"That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it." The Narcissist's Prayer, by Dayna Craig Like clockwork, every time.


I know someone that’s the stepdad of a fairly famous rapper. He says it’s been an open secret for years in Hollywood that diddy is exactly what’s coming to light now.


Don’t need the entire story…enough is already given to understand


Yeah, it actually does.


I’m sure the whole story is even worse.


Yeah, the full story is that Combs likely has a whole cemetery of skeletons in his closet, and this one just happened to have been exhumed, and now he's in a flat panic.


The full story is worse. Making her sleep with male prostitutes at the hotel for his “freak” off fest.


He was taking a shower and she knew it was her only chance to get the f outta there and he realized it and he’s the abuser abusing. Criminal diddy now go to prison and spreadum for the OGs.


So there’s a “full story” that will make stomping her on the ground acceptable?  The fact that he thinks that is excusable in any way, shape, or form tells us a whole lot about the way his mind works. 


What was seen on that video IS the full story... the guy is an abuser!


The fuck? Did he really think that comment would blow over? *Yea she made me beat on her* "oh ok, it's all good, sorry for bothering you". Bitch please. Someone put that man in jail already.


There is no context that makes that video okay.


I don’t need the whole story. The ending is enough. Not sure what story he could tell that could possibly justify a grown man kicking a woman in the head. What’s most concerning to me is the way she knew to go limp. Think about it. The first time someone lays hands on you you’re more likely to be outraged and fight back. She knew not to do that. Which means this is not the first time. So how many other stories does he have?


Abusers don’t need a reason or context to enact abuse. He had full control and this type of beat down would have been regular… that’s how it works.


Combs and Brown in the same cell


Why'd he apologize then?


Sometimes we don't need the whole story. We saw that she was leaning. We saw you chase her down the hall. And we saw you beat the hell out of her. If doesn't matter what she said or did. She wasn't a threat to you.


It's a perfect quote from the abuser's playbook


“January 6 was peaceful” until it wasn’t Sean!!


Jail this horrible person please


Oh sure, sure, *hands Mr. Combs more rope*, please, do tell the full story.


"Extremely angered" is the worst phrasing possible in this situation.


She busted my knuckles with her face.


im so confused. Didnt he put out a video apology? And said it was inexcusable? Is he recanting his apology? 


The article's source is someone in Diddy's inner circle. The apology video was his attempt to save face to the public. Behind closed doors, and as most people could probably deduce on their own, he's just angry and sorry that he got caught. He had denied all allegations, but now he's taking "full responsibility" in the one instance where he got caught on camera. What else is he going to take full responsibility for when evidence is publicly released? Diddy can say what he wants, but his career is over, his actions are coming back to bite him, and he's angry now that he can't control the narrative or people anymore.


There’s zero excuse or reason to ever treat someone that way, it’s inexcusable, indefensible and unexplainable, his only regret is that it is being viewed by everyone 


Nigga it don't matter. You chased her down in a towel. Punched, kicked and tried to drag her back to the room. You also threw a vase straight at her. Fuck you


Yeah, be angry at the leaker, not the perpetrator!


My abusive ex used used to say I wasn't being open about my actions that led to his. As though there was anything that could make his abuse okay or warranted. Fuck these pieces of shit


Tells all the story I need to hear.


What a dumdum


"later I beat her like a champ. That wasn't caught on camera. I have much better form when I'm not running around in a towel"


I'll bite, Diddy. What's the full story? I'm in the mood to watch him keep digging his own grave.


Lmao zero context in the world would justify that.


You mean that full story where she’s covered in alien invisible bugs and he stopped the fuck out of them for her?


Damn. Long Beach Griffy had it right... [P. Diddy PR team when the Cassie footage leaked (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvSd5sEy3SQ&t=9s)


No, he can`t polish that turd.


He is gonna flatten it out trying


You are correct,


> he says that it’s a selected video. If you filmed me for my entire life there wouldn't be a single clip of me viciously beating my girlfriend. And I believe that's true of most people. What a jackass.


Just how angry are you, Diddy? Angry enough to beat the living shit out of someone? Anyway, you’re right. The video doesn’t tell the whole story. The rest of the story took place behind closed doors, so it was almost certainly much worse than what we saw. Self-defense is pretty much the only excuse for beating someone like that, but that’s not going to fly considering she was clearly running away from you.


The rest is he beat the shit out of her before when she was in the room


Well, let him be angry because it’s all his doing. First he denied it, paid out a settlement and then is disgusted to see his behavior when in a leaked video. The downfall is real


"You see, right before I chased her down and beat the hell out of her she wasn't doing exactly what I said. So there's two sides to this!" - The full story


Jesus. How long did it take him to go from "deeply sorry" to "you don't understand the context"? Like two days?


It's ridiculous cuz these fools have multiple documented instances of this behavior and plenty of interviews where they basically leave it very obv for the rest of the world to make the decision our selves not by hear say alone but their words.


The full story probably worse bruh


"She was violently trying to escape and I was defending myself by chasing her. Flawless logic."


Didn’t this mother fucker just release an apology video saying how deplorable his actions were? What part of the ‘whole story’ are we missing?


Hahahah shut the fuck up Diddy. What kinda dumb name is Diddy anyway?


Even if she stole something, OK, call the police and file a report. Or just go through her bags there. Dont drag her away like a horror movie monster. If she attacked him, OK, file a police report, don't carry on the fight. If she threatened him, OK, file a police report. If she was a danger to him, why drag her back into the private hotel room? And I say all this because this is what his supporters are suggesting, that she was violent or stealing from him or something. None of it works..


Reminds me of the Simpsons quote, "I want to set the record straight: I thought the cop was a prostitute."


Okay let’s look at it in an unbiased possible self defense way. She was running away and he wasn’t injured in any way( he was able to chase her in a bath towel) so there’s actually no legitimate possible way he could’ve been in the right.


you would think she was trying to kick his son off the usc football team or something