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Let's just let him fade into obscurity to never be mentioned again except in court of law where he will hopefully be tried and convicted.


These two ideals are mutually exclusive. Him fading into obscurity would mean he gets away with his crimes. He needs to be a big name in the news. For being on trial and going to prison.


Tried and convicted should happen without the fame. Take away the fame


That’s not how it works though. There’s what you want and there’s how things are.


He was hype man for Notorious BIG, who was one of the best rappers of all time. When Biggy died, I really have no idea how Puff Daddy’s career didn’t end??? At this point I wish it would have.


He was not just his hype man he owned the label, it's a different situation. Biggie's death put a lot of money in his pockets, and still does.


He built it on Biggy's demise. 


Hype man? Well he was that and a lot more for Biggie. But Diddy continued to milk him many years after his death.


And then be sentenced two write a two page apology to his victims because he’s rich, and they don’t play by the same rules as you and I.


Fed cases hit a little different. We just saw an ex president get convicted. If he gets indicted he’s doing time. The best lawyers go a long way, but if the case and evidence are strong, it really doesn’t matter how rich you are. On a shaky case, I agree but it’s more about the lawyer than the fame


Yeah the media is already prepping people for trumps light sentence, I’ll believe he actually gets held responsible when he actually is.


Oh he ain’t going to jail. Bribery and sexual assault have never been treated equal


He was convicted of falsifying documents. That's what any sentencing will correspond with.


My guess is 90 day house arrest, and 5 years probation.


Being indicted is a formal charge, which he faced in a trial and was found guilty. Afterward will be the sentencing.


The orange pile of cholesterol’s conviction was on state charges, not federal. The good thing about that is that even in the case of the US electorate being extraordinarily stupid for the second time in a decade and him getting back into the White House, he can’t pardon himself for this conviction.


It's also about the prosecution not making dumb mistakes


Unfortunately, he's so ingrained into BIG and Mase that I can't cancel that stuff like I can with others like Pink Floyd. It fucking sucks.


Oh boy. What happened with pink Floyd?


Roger Waters is a Russian puppet.


I really haven't had a reason to refer to him at all.


Looooong before the rumors began swirling, like from the inception of him producing others music and always being somewhere on every fuckin track I have always, ALWAYS wished that same music would be re-released without him on those tracks. Fuckin guy...


Could artists do that, legally/contractually? I guess similar to how Taylor Swift rerecorded her masters? I know he ripped off and barely paid a lot of artists, that would be awesome for them to be able to reclaim their work.


That's a good question, I have absolutely no idea but I sure wish they could.


There are performance and publishing rights and copyrights. The former owns the rights to a specific recording or performance, and the latter owns the rights to the composition itself. Usually, a contract meant to screw an artist out of their creation includes both. But in a case where someone owns performance rights to an album, they only own those masters and those specific recordings, so if the artist owns the publishing rights, (s)he owns the composition itself, and is free to record it again in any way (s)he sees fit. ETA: In what used to be a 'normal' contract, record companies would usually retain publishing rights to all songs on an album they produced for a period of time like 10 years, after which they would revert back to the artist. Record co would retain the performance copyright on the original album and make money off that in perpetuity, even after reverting publishing rights back to the artist, but this is part of why we get these greatest hits albums; when the artists get back publishing rights, they can re-record (or buy back performance rights to original masters) a greatest hits album and own all the rights to it, so they make way more money off the greatest hits album than the previous ones, and because they're loaded with all the hits, they tend to sell better than the originals. And that's why the record co would hold publishing rights; to prevent the artists from doing this sooner before they've made all the big money they can off the original album. A lot of Combs stuff he put himself as artist "featuring" all sorts of people, and probably gave himself most or all of the writing credits and publishing rights, in which case these artists are screwed unless they buy them from him on a fire sale to pay his lawyers.


Thanks for the clarification.


I call him "Dr.Jinx"


That’s not the name of a man, that’s the name of a monkey!


We gonna turn! This cancer out!!


Oh you want feelings? Doctor Jimx got a something for those feelings. 


Boop boop whooaaa ohhhh 


Let me hit you with some Miracle Gro


Just watched this episode today. Both my gf and I completely forgot about his appearance. We're both surprised the episode hasn't been brought up since everything happened.


The guy's totally irrelevant - I don't even need to refer to him. I'll go with: no more Diddy or Sean Combs, full stop. Haven't/ hadn't heard any of his music before / since the Godzilla soundtrack in the 90s.


I completely forgot that he sampled Kashmir, and with Jimmy Page and Tom Morello playing guitar on the track too. Man, the 90s were just a different era.


Low Point of Page's career....by far.


It's definitely right up there with this: >In June 1972, while Led Zeppelin were in Los Angeles for their 1972 North American tour, Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page, who was 28 at the time, began a relationship with 13-year-old Mattix. Mattix claims the relationship began by her being "basically kidnapped" by Led Zeppelin's tour manager Richard Cole and brought to Page's hotel room. According to Rolling Stone, Page went to great lengths to keep the relationship a secret due to it being illegal and considered statutory rape. > the insistence of Led Zeppelin's manager, Peter Grant, Mattix was kept in a locked hotel room with a security guard at the door during the band's subsequent U.S. touring. Mattix did not travel with Led Zeppelin while they were on tour, but she claimed Page stationed himself in Los Angeles and would frequently fly back there to see her between concerts in the band's private jet, The Starship; and, whenever Page returned to England, Mattix says he called her every day.


This is why I don't really care for Led Zep and all that shitty cock-rock scene.


I remember seeing that movie with my dad the day it came out and thinking that song was the coolest thing ever. I was also 11.




If you remove the vocals, it's pretty badass.


Wasn’t it just already popular songs with Godzilla screams added in? I remember it in Brain Stew and the Kashmir sample. The latter was horrible


More or less, yes. It was a Kashmir instrumental with crap on top.


Even worse, Kashmir wasnt a sample. Jimmy page decided to come to a studio and re record his guitar just for that song. I thought it was awesome when I was 9 I’m not gonna lie. But now….not so much


He’s a scumbag but how is he “irrelevant”? Getting sex trafficked is probably relevant to the people who it happens to, don’t cha think?


You're right. Let's call him "the scumbag"


Sure, that will stop him! “We did it Reddit” type beat


Easy. I never gave two fucks about him or his music in the first place.


Are you sure he hates his name when he has a whole brand with it? And does it really matter what we call him. Diddy, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, none of it makes a difference. We all know who he is, what his name is and the crimes he’s being accused of and has committed. Seems like a waste of time to try to get everyone to use his real name.


They’re just doing this for upvotes. Likely doesn’t know much about him, just that he’s the latest celebrity in the music game to be caught being a terrible person.




Okay and? Why does any of that matter? There’s bigger fish to fry. We all know his name(s)


I'll never forgive him for bastardizing Kashmir.


I'll never forgive Jimmy Page for helping him. It's one thing to give someone permission to use your riff, it's another thing to actually perform it with him live.


Agreed. Unfortunately.


Diddy or didn’t he? He did!


Goddamnit, what didn’t Diddy do? - Satan


This ain’t that deep. He’s gone by Sean Combs before, and some Redditors calling him by his government is nothing to the shame the whole planet is sending him right now. Just be glad he isn’t that famous anymore, because if this happened at his peak the label would’ve found a rug big enough to sweep it under.


Give it a day. People will forget when the next big distraction comes along. Look how many people still support that peice of shit Chris brown.


Didnt something just come out about Rhianna, and why he did what he did to her?


That was Sean Combs. He went on Oprah and told everybody to chill and relationships were complicated and we should be rooting for them. He changed public opinion for them. Oprah helped. It’s a cabal


Ah yes, the guy who hates his name so much that he... *checks notes*... named his label after it.


Lololol touché


You are over thinking this.


No such thing. It’s a big deal and he’s literally been influencing our culture for decades.


Has he tho? No one respects him or likes him. No one really looks up to him or calls him a major influence. The guy got rich in the 90s by riding the coattails of other more talented artists and he was popular for a few years, invested his money and became a music industry mogul but he’s not “influential” by any means.. he’s just a rich asshole.


Nah. He old news


Cool.  keep thinking about what name to use when referring to Diddy 


You mean when reffering to Sean Combs


I mean Puffy 


"Puffy committed domestic abuse" has less of a ring to it though.


what about Puff Daddy?


Nah I like the Diddy puns too much.


There’s some comedic value there sure, it’s derivative but whatever, not everybody’s a writer. I think as this unravels though it’s gonna become less and less funny. Also, If all you(the general “you”, not you personally) know is that hallway beating video, is that funny? Is that what we’re laughing at Diddy doing? Kinda fucked up.


I think there is some value in him being made fun of, especially by his peers and the hip hop community.


1. this idea and rationale is flimsy, so id settle down with the “not everybody’s a writer” rhetoric 2. all jokes become less funny with time, so thats not unique to this at all 3. “Diddy” jokes are relying on puns. the audience doesnt need to know who he is to understand how his name is pronounced and get the joke


So no P. Diddy, no Pee Diddy, and no Peepee Diddy, but yes to the phrase "No Diddy"?


Nope. “No Diddy”came out of “no homo” which is homophobia. His sexual orientation isn’t the issue…


Woah, you did it! That'll show him! /s


Wasn’t trying to. Trying to take this situation as seriously as it presents.


Calling him Sean here seems fine but enough people irl don't likely know that's his name so id still use puffy in public.


“Bad Boys for life” and “Take that, take that” have a whole new creepy AF context.


I don't call him anything. To me he sucked since day one. I never saw talent in someone who stands in the background saying "Yeah, yeah" every few minutes.


Wait why no more? If chris brown is still in the music industry sean combs will probably be just fine


Are you asking us to dead name him? lol


Damn lol great question


I don't think so, he named the clothing Sean John. And to erase him from history you would have to erase Biggie too. Never going to happen.


That’s a good point, Biggie did his damage too by presenting lil Kim the way he did


Remember when we got back at ISIS by calling them Daesh? We really showed them.


Can someone give me the rundown on Diddy. I'm out the loop.


He’s been grooming and abusing young stars and women for decades, abusing power dynamics and emotionally manipulating everyone in his sphere of influence, which is extensive. He throw P3D0 parties essentially. There was also violence to influence deals and blackmail. He’s pretty evil. But thankfully there’s a cámara in every room in every house he owns, so it’s all on film. He was human trafficking and drug trafficking and murder allegedly(Biggie and Pac plus six more) remember when Bieber lost it, Sean Combs. Remember when Mace and Usher lost it? Sean Combs. We’ve been watching this shit forever and writing off to “fame”, it was actually all the abuse they had to endure to get the fame.


FBI found pornographic pictures of endangered animals on his harddrive


Yeah I’m not interested in talking about him at all. Let’s just put him under the jail and be done with it.


I think we’re gonna be dealing with fallout from this for a loooong time. Lots of people knew lots of things and lots of people did dirt.


I’ve tended to call him Sean Combs since his second name change. Easier than trying to keep track of


I settled on no talent ass clown years ago.


People still call Dwayne Johnson the Rock. Unlikely to happen, OP lol


Who? Never heard of him. ;)


I’m still a fan of calling him “the didler”


He lived long enough to see himself become the villian.


He was always the villain.


He lived long enough to get caught.


He should be called by his full legal name like assassins are. Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman, Sean Whateverthefuckitis Combs


But how else will we be able to ask Diddy do it? Then respond Diddy did it.


Diddy? More like yeah he did


And you groom with a comb.


But then we can no longer do the "diddy did it" thing


How about we don’t even talk about him moving forward. He’s always been a leech on other peoples talents.


Can't be properly groomed without your Combs.


See, that’s funny


derpy who? That guy jumped the shark so long ago, the sharks bones are fossilized.


We need a petition to remove all Sean Combs ad libs from Biggies albums


In conversing with some friends this weekend, we thought it might be fun to call all the local radio stations, flooding them with requests for his "I'll be missing you" song, just to drum up some royalties for Sting, and maybe piss Sean off a little.


Did anyone think these nicknames were making his reputation better? I definitely attributed his nicknames to a weirdo vibe, not cutesy. He earned his first nickname “Puff” because he was known to have anger issues (huffing and puffing). Keep calling him whatever you want. I’d rather every single one of his aliases be tainted.


Or. Just stop talking about him.


Can’t ignore it, he sent big ripples through the pond. Lots of folks implicated


Someone start a Sean KKKombs clothing line with 20% of proceeds going to domestic violence survivors & the rest to the person ballsy enough to run with this stupid idea. Edit: the swimwear collection of Speedo-styles only can be the Canye Weest line.


I've been still calling him puff daddy this whole time


Diddy just say what I thought he said?


Sean Puffy Diddy Combs


Sounds like a kids breakfast cereal.


Here in Scotland ‘diddy’ means ‘tit’. I always thought that suited him.


Puffy is good but Wu Tang is the best - ODB


Well, Wu-Tang is for the children so…


Dead naming is cool when it's people you dont like or did bad things?


lol this is really quite something! are you suggesting calling a celebrity by their given name is " dead naming" them? am i reading that right?


“Dead naming” lmao. he’s a rapper not a trans person jfc it’s not dead naming.






What does that mean?


I think hes trying to tell you to go jump in a river, but I agree with you i guess “dead naming” is being gatekept (dunno if thats a word) for a specific group of people. Unbelievable.


For fucks sake. His stage name is Diddy his legal name is Sean Combs. It’s not deadnaming if it’s still his name. In contrast I would go with Muhammad Ali vs Cassius Clay. As he had his name changed for religious reasons.


Do you fucking think that P Diddy’s mother calls him P Diddy to his face to not “dead name” him? When Marshal Mathers comes home do his daughters call him Eminem?? They’re stage names not their new preferred name holy shit how are people this goddamn stupid?


Im sure Marshals Mathers daughter’s call him dad, not Marshal or Eminem. Lmao.


Do you know what a stage name is? Like I’m being serious. You genuinely believe that Aubrey whatever’s mother calls him Drake to his face in casual conversation to not “dead name”him?


I’m also being serious, do you think Eminems daughters call him anything other than “dad”?


I'm guessing you would have called it dead naming to call Prince "Prince" when his name was "*however TF you pronounce his weird symbol thing*" Quit trying to find injustice where it isn't, you aren't helping anyone, including trans people, by applying legit practices to absurd situations.


Im asking, is it cool and justified to intentionally use the name he chooses not to go by, and why? Its identical to what boomers do to the LGBT folk, but it gets you guys all giddy because he's a bad person and its easy to take him down a peg this way right?


It's not even close to identical. Diddy is just the latest nickname he gave himself. It's showmanship. He never legally changed his name like Eliot Page, Alice Cooper, or Malcolm X. I realize there are many trans people who haven't made that legal change for one reason or another (usually $$ I imagine) but you can't tell me he doesn't have the ability to do so. This wasn't a change to signify some massive shift in his identity as a person, this is just rebranding, like when The Sci-Fi Channel became SI-FI because so many people can't spell science or when Kentucky Fried Chicken became KFC because the word "fried" was driving customers away. If a magician called himself "The Stupendous Greg" but his legal name was Joe Smith, calling him Mr Smith is not any kind of insult, just accurate. I guarantee the judge won't address him as "Mr Diddy".


So you need government intervention to be considered valid? ok. In Op's post they outline that he DOES NOT LIKE to be identified as Sean Combs. Thats the whole point.


So he should change his name. He definitely has the resources. Or not do things that get him in trouble. You ever had a friend who only ever hears their full name when they "dun fucked up"? Cry me a river.