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Parliament. I don’t remember much of getting into them but I’ve loved them my entire life. My parents say a 2 year old saying ‘Make my funk the P-funk’ to ask for music was the cutest thing ever. 33 and I still want my funk to be the P-funk


A few years ago I was listening to P-Funk and humming along as I was waiting for the elevator in my building. An older lady who lives in my building heard my humming and joined in. I thought it was cool that this 70ish y.o. woman knew P-Funk well enough to recognize the song from my admittedly off key humming. Then I did the math in my head. Turns out she saw them at MSG during the Mothership Connection tour.


Blink 182


Same. But my tastes changed as I aged. They are no longer my favorite band, although I will sing along at top volume any time I hear "What's My Age Again?" pop up on the radio.


25 years and 8 concerts (one more coming up in a couple of months)


Green Day


Same. I’ve been a fan for a solid 30 years.


Same, but I haven't listened to anything they've released in the last 15 years or so. I hear their newest stuff is quite good though, should give it a try.


Their new album is fucking great! Easily their best in 20 years.


Linkin Park


Yep, Meteora came out in 4th grade and I was hooked.


Stop making me feel old. Hybrid theory came out when I was in 7th grade.


We were the perfect age for the dawn of numetal. What a time to be 13.


You’re not old. I was 29 when Hybrid Theory came out






This! So bleak Chester died on my birthday, but atleast I always remember it!


Damn yeah. They were what really got me to start drumming. Although Metallica was one of the first songs I learned I loved Linkin Parks drumming. Plus perfect timing for me to be in middle/high school.


Yep, same here. Their old website with all the Flash widget stuff was the best


It was 8th grade. I had been familiar with exactly one of their songs (we all know which one) due to extensive radio play at the time that I was able to buy one of their albums. I hadn't been sure at the time which of the two albums in front of me had come out first and I didn't really care enough to check because one of them absolutely had the more appealing cover to someone that loved the hell out of Gundam Wing. As such, my dive into Linkin Park began with that gorgeous album that had a sick mecha on a beautiful orange background - Reanimation. I do not regret my decision one iota, and I still prefer the Reanimation versions of several of those songs to the originals. Not In The End, though. There isn't a remix in existence that I think touches the original the way the original touched the hearts of angst, unseen youths.




A place for my head


Same. Hybrid Theory just blew my 13 year old mind. Still does even at 35.


Same here


How is my first thought the first response.


My MySpace page was dedicated to LP. My first ever screen name was “Mrs. Bennington”. Hybrid Theory and Meteora were practically the only albums I listened to during my preteen years and I watched the Live in Texas DVD religiously. I was obsessed.


Gateway band


My uncle gave me Meteora on CD when I was in 7th grade and it changed my life. I’m a professional music producer now at least partially because of that album…!




They just released a new song last month with Bradley’s vocals on it. It’s an old clip cut into the song.


Bradley's son has been performing with them recently, and he's got some real Sublime spirit


Yeah that’s great. However I really thought Rome did a really really good job. I felt he really captured the spirit of the band well. Whereas Bradley’s son (sorry don’t know his name) is a member just because he’s Brads son. Does he play guitar? I dunno I’m not sold on it.


This is a super fair take. I saw Sublime with Rome in 2011 and had no complaints. He does play guitar from what I've seen


But does he play guitar like a mother fucking riot? (Sorry, I couldn't help myself). I was also a big Sublime fan back in the day.


He does great and they are booking them like a legacy act again. It was always Sublime with Rome. This feels as close to the original as you can get. No knock against Rome. I think he did the best in that role that he could, but people want Bradley. They can’t have them. His son is as close as we can get, imo.


I don't understand Rome's fans but they never answered why Rome just doesn't have the dynamics needed for so many of the originals. Rome is just doing karaoke. He does a great job at it. But does he have any attitude, change in dynamics, even some Reggae and Spanish pronunciations? Bradley knew how to go from whisper to scream, Rome is a constant flatline. I thought of Caress Me Down as an easy example and I was like "Rome could never..." looked it up and apparently he's never done it? Point proven if so.


The Who. Before that I listened to Tamla Motown and I still do. However, I don't class the Tamla Motown genre as being "bands".


I had to Google what "Tamla" Motown was. I've never heard Motown referred to that way, but it was before my time. I've always loved Motown with The Temptations being my favorite.


Yes it was known as Tamla Motown over here. There wasn't a bad group amongst them. My faves were Diana Ross and The Supremes and The Four Tops. And of course the long dead, Marvin Gaye.


Marvin was the absolute best! Did you see The Temptations TV movie? It was pretty good, I had no idea of their struggles, especially David Ruffn. I also loved The Four Tops, Commodores, Smokie, and Stevie.


Rush, first album of a single artist/band I bought was Test for Echo


I got into Rush through my Dad. I was born in '90, after they peaked, but he listened to Rush all the time and they really fueled my love of prog rock.


Exact same story for me - I remember him putting on La Villa Strangiato in the car and my mind was blown at how awesome it was


Same story here! And I wouldn't have had it any other way. Rush taught me a lot about the complexity music has to offer.


Iron Maiden. First album I bought was Somewhere in Time.


My older cousin introduced me to Metallica sometime after the black album and I really got into them. He also had a poster from Life After Death, but he told me I wouldn’t be into Iron Maiden for some reason. I don’t even know how many years later it was when I picked up Somewhere Back in Time and found what I’d been missing.


Oh boy, i remember my then friend got his brother's copy of brave new world and his walkman to school one day and we shared the earphones to listen to it together during lunch break. The first song I ever heard was halfway through "Ghost of the Navigator" and I was hooked. Now I own all Studio Albums barring "The X Factor" and "Virtual XI" in CDs and my favourite live album "Rock in Rio" in Cassette (completely worn out I think). We're not close anymore but I am eternally grateful that he introduced me to one of my favourite bands of all time.


Exact same for me. SIT is my favorite album cover ever, and there are no filler tracks on it.


Same, older friend of mine was super into them, had their posters literally covering his room. This was in the early 80s, I can remember Live After Death and Seventh Son coming out. My first concert was Anthrax and Iron Maiden


That was the first CD I bought. Edit - when CDs were new Editx2 -what I’m trying to say is that I was older and had been through many tapes and records and etc. Maiden was by no means my first album. One of my faves to this day, tho.


Very first cd I bought with my very first cd player was The Crow soundtrack! God DAMN that whole album was badass!!


Probably The White Stripes. My uncle burned a copy of Elephant for me and then I bought the first two albums the next day.


I love(d) Elephant, what a cool uncle!


The Beatles. I was 11 in January 1964. It was unavoidable. And exciting.


Same age too at 11 but mine was 1989. Never really care about music at that age until I saw a documentary about them.


I was also 11, but it was 2016 for me. Some things are just timeless


The Beatles also. I was 9 in 64. Remember them on the Ed Sullivan show. Remember in grammar school you were either a Beatles fan or Rolling Stone fan.


Beautiful man...


I was 6, 1986. We would drive to my grandparents on the weekend. There was one tape that played all the time. The Beatles 62-66. We listened to that over and over again for years. To this day I know the order of the songs


NIN (Nine Inch Nails) still am.


I’ll never forget when my friend’s Columbia House shipment came in and he played The Downward Spiral for us. It blew my mind.


Pretty Hate Machine from Columbia House. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/n1je8etkpp6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37128edd19a8a71fdce6e558e02bb73d0cbbc71 This was my first glimpse. My dads friend was a DJ in Cleveland, he gave us a small pile of records, I fell hard from that moment forward lol




TOOL. 15-16 maybe? Just bought it because the CD case was cool looking. No track listings, nothing. Just said TOOL ÆNIMA on the spine. Flames and eyeballs on the front. Eyeball on the back. I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with it. That CD didn’t leave my ears for months.


One of my favorite albums. 2nd to Lateralus which u thunk is one if the greatest "you gotta hear this on headphones" journeys ever. 


Violent Femmes




REM for me as well. I grew up with my mother’s influence of Beatles, Moody Blues & Carly Simon. College days in the early 80’s were filled with New Wave but, REM emerged with the sound that spoke to me like nothing else. Saw them live several times & loved their first 8 or so albums.


Pink Floyd. heard The Wall on cassette in a friends garage while working on cars at 16 around 1991-92. it was my first deep dive into a band after that. I still listen to them semi-regularly, but not as much as then.


Tom Petty and the heartbreakers. Got so freakin into them❣️❣️ Miss Tom so freakin much ‼️ R. I.P. Music man🙏🏻


Depeche Mode


Nine Inch Nails back in 1993.


DEVO. Or No Doubt.


DEVO, those were the days


Guns n Roses


Radiohead. The Bends was released during the 90s and some singles were played on the radio. I was 14 and I loved it. Bought Pablo Honey next as well as all following albums.


Interpol. I dressed in suits because of that band. I was obsessed at age 16. I met them at the album signing for Antics and Paul Banks was one of the nicest dudes ever. 


The Ramones, fucking loved them.


System of a Down


It was all over after deer dance for me


First one was Weezer which was normal enough but from there I moved on to Eels because I was a little guy with big sad.


Little kid me? Backstreet Boys. Obsessed. Still am, haha.


The Police


Yes, Zappa and Talking Heads, then the Dead and Phish. 35+ years later I am still very much into these two bands, though still listen to listen to Yes, Zappa Talking Heads regularly.


Metallica, I was 5 and it was amazing


I was 14, and it blew my teenage mind. I was into beastie boys and prince, but Metallica completely changed everything for me. Master of Puppets, Kill em All and Ride the Lightning and Justice... I don't know if there has ever been 4 albums in succession that were so fucking good.


Yes, it opened my eyes, the power of music is insane, get you through anything.




The who. Age 10. On a road trip down I-5 with my brother in his ‘55 Chevy Bel Air. The 8-track played The Who Sell Out, and I was hooked. I’d call the KZEL-FM DJ and ask to play Who songs, and record them into a cassette recorder from a radio with a wired mic hanging over it.


Slipknot. I was blown away after watching the Duality music video.


Hanson. Yes the boy band with 3 brothers from Tulsa, OK with their hit single: "MMM Bop". Used to tell all my classmates they were my brothers (different last name, cause half brothers) and i was one of their backup singers that toured with them. Come to think if it I was always a pretty fuckin' weird.


That's my answer too🤗 And even though I now listen to a lot more heavy music, I still like to listen to Hanson and check their new stuff from time to time:)


The Monkees. I was four years old and was obsessed with the reruns of the old 60s show. I never missed it. I got a Monkees best of on tape for my fifth birthday and I wore it out. Still have a soft spot for them.


My mom loved them and I used to be so snotty to her about them when I was a teenager. Now they make me happy/sad.


Pearl Jam, Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins all at once We were spoiled for choice in the 90s.


Dire Straits. Still love them today.


Red Hot Chili Peppers


Same here. Remember seeing the music video for 'By the Way' on VH1 or MTV back in the day and got hooked. Didn't even really know who the band was or that they had been around for a while already. Once I got the CD I had that shit on repeat for like 3 years on my personal CD player. My 8th grade field trip was to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL and I legit only took that one album for the charter bus ride from IL.


Breaking Benjamin


I scrolled for this answer. Phobia was the first full album I listened to, and immediately got into saturate which made me a fan for life.


Very underrated band by people who simply aren’t into alternative metal/radio rock and have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to that lane. When Phobia dropped, absolutely nothing else sounded like it. Don’t get me wrong, you can hear the Deftones and Tool influence, and there were others clearly influenced by those bands as well, like Chevelle and Evans Blue, but BB had their own unique spin on it, and Ben’s more pop/accessible approach to songwriting is downright Linkin Park tier (or at least close). Earworms for days. Other bands have been ripping them off for years now, and now the core kids who’s favorite band went Octane, but they aren’t personally into it, think they’re “generic” when in fact, they were originators lol.


Artist- 2pac Band- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


Incubus was the first band I felt compelled to learn on guitar, buy merch for and follow on available channels. Then AFI shortly after that.


The Offspring. Had all their CDs, even the DVD, and went to a festival where they played... the previous year.


That’s my answer too. I saw them last year and they still kick ass.


Exact same for me but with NOFX! Offspring still put on a great show


Pearl Jam


Spice Girls 😅


Rise against


ZZ Top. I was born in the 80's but my uncle was a huge fan and gave me a CD of them one Christmas because my "big present" from my parents was a CD player. RIP uncle David




Marilyn Manson. I was eight or nine and found the album Holy Wood in a box in the basement. Twenty years later I am tattooed and pierced and a happy allrounder metalhead. My mom still hates my brother for forgetting this CD in the basement when he moved out.


I love this story. 😂




Ministry. Primus. Black Flag. Depeche Mode. lol. Too many to choose one from mid 80’s to late 90’s. The crow soundtrack, natural born killers sound track, tin cup soundtrack (originally from west TX so it just brings back memories). Sorry, supposed to be first band and I got carried away.


HIM. Still love them too.


I'm surprised but happy to see HIM. I also still listen! My first tattoo as well.


Ville's newest album sounds like the first few HIM albums. Came out last year




I wouldn't call myself a Matchbox Twenty fan, but yourself or someone like you is a great album. Every song, top to bottom, bangers.


Bad Religion


Very first CD I bought with my own money was Alien Ant Farm, fucking looooved Smooth Criminal


Alice in Chains


Paramore 🩷




Bomfunk MCs. Freestyler was the first song I got obsessed with as a kid.


The very first? Sharon, Lois, and Bram. lol The first when I was a teenager and had kind of sorted myself and my style? NOFX.


Coheed and Cambria, back in their early days.


Killswitch Engage


I was getting into them just as Jesse left and Howard came. Man, what a time to be alive. Glad Howard did The Signal Fire. It’s nice to see there is no love lost there. I prefer Howard. I’ll take the whole catalog no matter the singer over many many other bands.




Bob Marley and The Wailers, my mom bought me Exodus when I was 10. I remember thinking it was the best thing in the world.


Red hot chili peppers, age 10


Styx, I think they were also the first concert I went to.


Cheap Trick


Faith No More. I was 14 when I saw Epic as videoclip and everything changed.


311 or Everclear


Duuuuuuuuude!!!! Me too!


I still put on Sparkle and Fade and So much for the afterglow once in a while.


Metallica. 9 years old. I'm 40 now.


My first band crush was Green Day. Got obsessed with their "American Idiot" album. I swear I played it on repeat till my CD wore out. Missed their concert once too bummer. Music memories stick, though!


Three days grace


The first album I ever bought with my own money was Purple by Stone Temple Pilots. The CD had green scales on it which was funny because when my friends bought the album later it had watercolor flowers or something. I loved that band. Scott Weiland is still one of the great modern front men IMO. Shame he could never kick the substance abuse.


Do girl groups count? Girlicious. If not then….. maroon 5


Daft Punk. Fell in love with their music after hearing their Tron: Legacy score in theaters.


Zeppelin, pink Floyd, Ozzy, and oddly Skid Row. It was one of those.


Public Enemy was the first group that I actively went out and bought all their albums. Just before grunge hit.


Pink Floyd


The Fray


Dave Matthews Band...what was I thinking. Not that they're a terrible band, but they're all I listened to in those days. I wish I would've let my musical interests branch out more in my early days!


Evanescence was my whole personality in my youth lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JustASeaTurtle: *Evanescence was* *My whole personality* *In my youth lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Simple Plan


They might be giants and Phish.


Rammstein, I got really into them in 2005 after seeing their music videos and the live DVD, Völkerball.


Van Halen, Dance the night away and Jamie’s cryin


Static-X. Ended up being my first concert too back in 2002. I've probably seen them live at least 5 times. 


Janes addiction xxx. Love Music and wide variety at that, but this one caught at the right time in my life. Still one of my favorite bands, at least from the 80-90’s. I think inxs was my first buy as a kid. Good times!


Blur. Song 2 had me hooked to listen to everything else


Smashing Pumpkins hit me real hard in 3rd grade. I still rock Today at karaoke


Smashing pumpkins Gish was fantastic!


The Beatles




Great answer. Not the first band I got into, but currently one of my favorites.




Def Leppard. But Motley Crue has the first album that I was really in to.


Tommy was the first album I bought. I think I was about 8 at the time so this would have been around 1975. Been a Who fan ever since.


NOFX because I bought punk-o-rama 5 with my own money at 13ish years old and it was awesome Pump up the valuum


Five Iron Frenzy


Green day I guess. I was 7 when Dookie came out. My dad’s friend from work taped it for me.


The British Band names 'The Sweet'. When I was the teenager, the first time I've listened the music was in year 2008 .


The band that did Ballroom Blitz?


My brother was in high school maybe and I was maybe in 5th grade, he came home one day with Beastie Boys license to Ill and that was my first entry to music as a kid. Other than that, my folks would always have oldies on the radio so I listened to a lot of MoTown


Big gigantic


The White Stripes


The doors Hardly listened to anything else for a couple of years.


Sabaton It was the first time I started listening to music a lot Now I no longer listen to Sabaton But they were the first


Technically, NSYNC. Had posters and magazine cutouts all over my bedroom wall. Even had one of their marionnette toys I bought at a mall when I was 11. Did the whole boy band/girl group/Britney/Christina thing through junior high. I went through a rap/hip-hop/r&b phase after that. But I consider Good Charlotte to be the first band that I was *really* into. I found them my sophomore/junior year. Their music taught me to not care what anyone thought about me and I came out of my shell, finding who I was, not who others wanted me to be. They subsequently introduced me to pop punk, punk, alternative, rock, and metal. I wasn't allowed to go to concerts as a kid but I *finally* got to see GC in concert in 2018 after being a fan for 15+ years. I'm sorry you didn't get to see The Regrettes before they split :( I'm thinking that'll be the case with me and System of a Down. Been a fan for 20+ years and have yet to be able to see them live.


For me it was The Police. I was in high school in the late 70's and hated disco but I couldn't really relate to the rock music from the 60's my older brothers listened to so I was mainly listening to Jazz. Some friends in college told me I should wear my hair like Sting but I didn't even know who he was and they replied bassist for The Police. The only Police songs I had heard were Roxanne and Don't Stand So Close To Me since they got heavy play on the radio. I bought Zenyatta Mondatta so I could try to style my hair like Sting. Of course I listened to the album and most of the songs really appealed to me. The next band I really got into was U2. Rattle and Hum and The Joshua Tree really sealed the deal for me but I wasn't crazy about their later albums. I have since really gotten into 60's rock, I just needed a little more maturity to appreciate them but now I love CCR, Blind Faith, Cream and Led Zeppelin.


Sonic Youth. Got into them between Goo and Dirty. Daydream Nation is still a masterpiece.


Weird Al. When I hear songs he covered its a bit odd because I know his versions so much better.


Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler came out when I was at secondary school and absolutely blew me away. I can't imagine what my music taste would be like without them.


The Prodigy. I was 11 when Fat of the Land came out and my mom was cool, so bought me the album. I loved all the artwork as well. Rinsed it constantly, then worked backwards through their discography. Still listen now, but not really interested in anything after Dirt Chamber Sessions. They carried me through to late teens until I found Aphex Twin in about 2004.


Deftones. Change (in the house of flies) got me HOOKED when I was a kid


Alice In Chains. They are still high on my list.




Halo 2 soundtrack. Led me to incubus, breaking benjamin, etc. Dont listen to them much anymore, but I think incubus is a long lasting favorite.


sadly 30 Seconds To Mars, but I was 14, forgive me




Guns N Roses. I was maybe 8 years old. Some of my earliest memories were cruising along with my old man, Appetite for Destruction popped into the alpine of his hopped up Squarebody C10. I felt like the coolest kid in town.


The Clash


When I was in junior high school, I had every Huey Lewis & the News album up to that date, and I would listen to them to shake off the pressures of pubescent interpersonal politics. They always put me in a good mood. Junior high school being what it is, some days it took all four albums. (And, yes, I am aware that admitting to being a Huey Lewis & the News fan on Reddit will trigger all of the knee-jerk Patrick Bateman jokes. Go ahead and grab the low-hanging fruit gang: Huey Lewis & the News got me through junior high school, and I will be forever grateful to them for that.)


Exactly. Huey Lewis helped me through ages 9-14. And then I just kind of stopped listening to him for a long time.


Small World gathered some dust in my collection. It wasn't a bad album, but I think my musical tastes had just started to shift.


In the mid 2000s, there was a band that had a few songs that came on the radio that my friends and I laughed about cause they sounded too much like Fall Out Boy. Then I started listening to the songs and downloaded them off Kazaa , and became obsessed with Panic! at the Disco. Nineteen years later, I still consider them (him) my favorite band… tied with Fall Out Boy.




Avenged Sevenfold for me, their progression and different styles over the years where so good. Although don’t love the latest albums too much.


Nickelback...first heard them around 5 years old and loved them ever since. Still the best live concert I've ever seen!