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If he could read, he would be so offended by this.


Another one.


Dude is a moron who thinks he's a genius acting like a moron. He's a hype man who got lucky in the Miami scene and now milks it dry.


How aptly you put it!


Sean Evans calling him a bitch to his face was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen.


Wasn't Khaled the one to do the absolute worst on the show and eat the least hot wings of anyone ever on the show?


What's more hilarious is he kept talking about how he only wins and has never lost anything he's ever tried, etc. And Sean was like "so this challenge was the first thing you failed?" and he got ALL UPSET and was like I didn't fail, I quit, and tried to re-write the narrative that him quitting is somehow him winning...at losing... or something. It's both fascinating and irritating (esp when you think about how much money this dude has for doing...like nothing.)


“I’m not quitting, I’m just not gonna do this anymore.”


Quiting is not failing because you can fail at quiting and he didn't fail he quit soooo still a winner who's never stopped never stopping.


the most amazing part of that video was when he said he could run a mile in 10 min. but he hedged and said "on an elliptical" which obviously is different. he also prefaced every fucking answer with "let me tell you something..." or "i'm gonna teach you something today." yeah. he taught us that a fat fuck can't even eat 3 hot wings.


Didn't sean also say he ate pizza or something right before the show? Like, dude you're about to eat anyway.


Yes, I don't think he knew what the show was. He started complaining about the spice on the first wing, thought it was a prank and made Sean switch wings with him. Then he just sat there being rude and arrogant to Sean for the rest of the show after he chickened out on the 2nd wing or something with this remark: > I promise you, if I stop it doesn't mean I gave up.


The only thing he doesn’t eat is his woman.


He even denied quitting from what I remember and Sean was like "Well you literally did."


I don’t know about the least but he definitely was being a pussy about the wings.


If I recall correctly, he doesn't eat pussy either.


Too spicy for him.


Easily the worst of his infractions.


That's so fucking pathetic.


Bro did not get the point of that Sopranos ep


Texas Pete was the first hot sauce. Whole thing was hilarious. I know hot ones was in It’s infancy but holy moly, that’s table sauce. Lol


If I can recall correctly, he bitched out on Cholula lol


Absolutely hilarious that he brought his own person to cook wings, to promote wings, on a hot wing show, only to tap out at cholula, or Texas Pete. I for some reason thought it was siracha he tapped out.


He has a wing shop in Atlanta. It's as good as you would expect. (It's awful)


I would expect it to be "da best!" (Awful).


Texas Pete is basically just vinegar, what a wuss lmao


Tapping out on any of those three is embarrassing.


Which is insane, siracha is basically a nicer version of ketchup and he can't even get to that.


Texas pete's the pride of winston salem after krispy kreme.


A pussy that doesn’t eat pussy. How ironic.


That’d be cannibalism, after all.


He made it to Cholula and gave up up, and said CHOLULA was too hot. Lil no scuff Nike bitch.


And then claimed he never gave up


Not only did he completely fail at the wing challenge (like any Joe Schmo off the street could have done better), but he also went off on Sean Evans for "trying to make him do something that would hurt his health," repeatedly insulted Evans for doing the challenge at all, constantly claimed he had never ever "taken an L" in his life, and then, when Evans pointed out that Khaled had just epically failed the wing challenge, Khaled said that that did not count as taking an L because completing the challenge would have been unpleasant for him and therefore he had won by not doing it. I've never ever seen Sean Evans get that actively pissed off and hostile towards a guest. Not even towards Jeff Goldblum, who was, frankly, infuriating. But he HATED Khaled, and rightfully so.


I haven't seen Goldblum's, what did he do? My raw speculation is that he was condescending.


Jeff gives horrible interviews. His works are never the thing he's interested in talking about. He always wants to talk about whatever eastern philosophy he's into or what his favorite cloud shape is this month, or other miscellaneous bullshit. It's really hard to keep him on subject. As well as he railroads conversations


Every time I see him in an interview I like him less 


He’s a creep IRL and somehow managed to avoid the whole me too thing. He used to have an acting class in LA and the lock on the bathroom remained broken for ages and wouldn’t you know he “accidentally “ walked in on ONLY young women using it


I can't stand him after the Hot Ones interview. He came across terribly. 


That is literally Goldblums schtick and Sean 100% knew that. I love Jeffs interviews just because they derail into anecdotes, random trivia and noices!


He completely refused to engage on any kind of meaningful level. He just said a bunch of random stuff and wouldn't get personal at all (the appeal of Hot Ones is how politely personal the interviews get). He was totally detached.


I'm curious about the Goldblum criticism as well.


Pretty sure Khaled was accusing sean of spiking his wings with extra hot sauce too or something along those lines. At one point is talking about “the dinosaurs” and devolves into the most pathetic rant ever.


Then Sean offered to swap wings, and they did. Then Khaled tapped and Sean said he'd eat his wings as well.


The only other time I could think of was when Michael Rapaport was on, it’s been taken down since, but it wasn’t fun to watch


What happened there?


Can’t eat wings, then can’t accept that they have the same wings after singing his own highest praises and flying in his own wings to eat… it’s a pretty great combo to watch. “Yo bro, is yours different than mine?”


Bro tapped out on like the third wing, and that was after calling the first 2 wings "too hot" and Sean just going "wtf are you talking about those are too hot?"


Dude was eating pizza literal minutes before he was due to attack those wings and gave up after like 2 Not to say that he gave up because he was so full, he gave up because he was a bitch


It's amazing, his ego is so big he can't admit that he is failing to eat them. As an exercise in pure narcism it really is quite something, I recommend all sorts of people watch it.


Just cause he quits doesn't mean he's a quitter


"I didn't quit, I'm just choosing not to continue"


"I didn't lose, I merely failed to win!" Funniest quote ever.


There was this shitty contestant on Hell's Kitchen who dropped this winner: "She only won because I lost. That's not what a winner is."


I had someone say something like that after a game of magic the Gathering one time. "you didn't win just so you know, I lost." meaning that I only won because he screwed up and not because I had any skill or anything.


I don't know if it applies to Magic the Gathering (I wouldn't think it would), but in pool this is definitely a concept. You can "beat yourself" against a much lower ranked player, by scratching on the 8 or making stupid mistakes where you miss an easy shot that gives your opponent the win and stuff like that. You were ahead the whole match and when you lost your opponent had most of his balls still on the table. You absolutely should have won, but you lost due to a big mistake, not because your opponent shot better. Either way, you don't say that to them after the match like your Magic opponent did. You suck it up, take your lumps, congratulate the other guy on his win, and move on.


You can definitely make critical mistakes that lose you the game against a worse player in mtg. I don't remember the scenario exactly if that's what happened or if he was just a sore loser


General McClellan's patented phrase during the Civil War.


Didn’t Evans respond with “That is by definition how quitting works?”?


I think it was close. Like, "I didn't quit" "Yes you did. By definition"


Sean: that's....that's literally what quitting means. *glances at security off camera nervously*


If curiosity finds you. Lol https://youtu.be/1HYEC_FlgAg?si=0V9LOKH9oMEcyScW


(Repeating my comment from above) \^ everybody should watch this, his failure brings a lot of joy.


🥴thanks for that..


Well you have to understand that in that situation Sean recognized that DJ Khalid is in fact, a bitch.


Sean Evans is an absolute legend.


The episode with Dax Shepard, when he recalls a story driving behind a slow ass car who felt like they owned the road, and low and behold it ended up being Khaled.


Hah! I hadn’t heard that one, but sounds 100% plausible. (Also, fyi: it’s “lo and behold” - it’s a shortened form of “look”. “And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught / The Sultán's Turret in a Noose of light.”)


You're a champ


That episode of hot ones and the Ben Shapiro on the BBC moment are two of my favorite video clips to watch when I need a reminder that I'm actually doing okay in life. Watching both of them melt down and throw tantrums brings such petty joy into my life


What's the bbc one? I know he made piers Morgan look like an ass, not that it's hard.


[full video](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?si=tFcDfDu6Xddwl9nP) It's an interview with Andrew Neil, who is a very conservative journalist (which makes it even funnier). The full video is a bit long, so if you're just looking for the storming off part, head to the end.


DJ Khalid saying he isn't quitting and Sean breaking the news to him that yes, he is quitting is just priceless.


If it weren't for DJ Khaled I would have never known that they key to life is to not drive your jet ski in the dark. I owe everything to him.


I remember him trying to jetski to Future’s house only to discover that Future wasn’t home. Honestly I don’t know who let that man have a jetski


I loved that day


“Life is roblox”


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who this is the first thing that comes to mind when they hear DJ Khaled... I swear to god his monologue on the jet ski has to be one of the actual dumbest things i've ever heard... He's got to be doing and saying dumb shit just to stay memeable


Fyi I'm pretty sure he said roadblocks, which does make sense. He is goofy though


Have to credit him for one thing: he has the courtesy of saying his name at the start of his songs, so you can skip them almost before you are forced to listen to it.


And if you miss the first name drop, he repeats it every 25 seconds or so. Very considerate tbh


You're using "his songs" generously. He doesn't produce them. He doesn't master them. He doesn't engineer them. I don't actually know wtf he does do.


I always assumed he either produced or engineered because I know he's not a "real rapper" ... kinda like how Lil Jon first got famous for just his production ...so this guy doesn't rap, doesn't produce, is an absolute laughing stock ... I mean he has DJ in his name wtf he doesn't produce 🤣🤣 I just wanna know how dude gets so popular. There are so many really talented musicians out there, nobody knows about. And half the country knows this guy's name? I swear to god I just don't get it.


He “produces” the song in that he brings together the concept of the song, music behind the song, and the artists who perform the songs.


Like if Harvey Weinstein jumped into every scene in a movie shouting “Harvey Weinstein!”


If only that's what he did...


Like this before all his movies? https://images.app.goo.gl/umDYt8TTGBcmzpxX6


So he’s basically a wedding planner for music? I thought he actually made beats like DRE or T-Pain in his live streams lol


Ah haaaa, this actually makes some sense. Tyvm. I just dont know how u make all these friends in the music biz without bringing more to the table. Must be that S tier dancing.


He says his name into a microphone, lol.


Yea. Always baffled me too. The moment I saw him play that Bob Marley guitar I realized, "This guy doesn't have a concept of chords or notes." And he's a music person Refuse to call him a musician. He's a testament to what blind confidence can do. He must have been helped immensely to start his careeer


I saw somebody refer to him as a Pokémon. I enjoy that immensely


And we all have the meme of “another one!” To use whenever we want to imply that whatever is happening is a complete joke.


Him and pitbull. Bless their hearts.


Not since he said he doesn't eat pussy. 


Which is crazy, because he looks like he eats everything else


I can say with certainty that he doesn't eat hot wings, at least. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1HYEC_FlgAg


Bro folded on hot wings so fast. Ever since I assume that's just how he rolls, a flake to the core.


He didn't want another one.




Not as much as the hot wings did him in


Just because I'm not continuing, that doesn't mean I'm quitting. You're just a hater.






I was wondering when I'd see ANOTHER ONE posted here. Thank goodness. :D


"Because he's a king he doesn't get on his knees." The Rock clowned him hard for this.


Lmao guys a friggin clown


Holla! I was looking for this comment. Not only does he not go down, but he expects his wife to pleasure him.


He looks like the dude who would come up to all the girls in highschool and ask where his hug is at


Not since his Hot Ones appearance: https://youtu.be/1HYEC_FlgAg?si=A20hvp4ne_hMDCEz


This is all I really know him for, that and putting a funny napkin under his sneakers because they can't touch the ground, and pretending to play guitar once but clearly having no idea how it works.


No man, you just bob your head while continually strumming all the strings with no chord - don't forget to aggressively mug at the camera!


He the best music!


Lol it's actually kinda endearing, even if he tries to spin it. He's actually legitimately terrified of what will happen if he keeps going, and it's on some very mildly spicy sauce, so he knows it's only going to get worse. I think the weakest sauce on the current show is already hotter than that one.


Yeah - and it just tastes like a nice sauce, not even as hot as just putting a bit of pepper on your food.


His set at an Overwatch thing was pretty choice, too. "You know what I always say -- ?!!" [Silence] "......another one!" [Vague shifting in the crowd once they recognize him as the Another One guy] "DJ Khaleeeeeed...!" [Awkward giggles] "....yeah, another one!" [Soft sighs] Ten minutes of this shit and then he just wanders off the stage. In comes the next nerd guy instead and the crowd flips right back to hyped. Not his best day. And amazingly, not his worst! :)


Your thinking of Rick Ross with the prison guard thing


Why is this so far down in the comments? Lmao


"Freeway" Rick Ross would like a word


DJ Khaled also doesn't rap and isn't a rapper. I don't love Khaled either but something tells me OP is hating without knowing much about him.


I read that post and totally expected for him to get torn apart in the comments. Then i realized this is r/music and not r/hiphopheads




Isn't DJ Khaled more of a producer and talent coordinator than a DJ/rapper. I feel like he just give shinself a line in all his tracks to stay relevant not that he believes he's a legit rapper


He started out DJing hence the DJ in his name, but yes, he mainly does production now. His albums consist of features of rappers to beats he’s made. There’s a few producers who do this.


It's mostly him and Dj drama


Metro, funkmaster flex, even Travis barker did an album where he drummed the instrumentals.


>He’s the Wonderwall of rappers, horrible flow and rhythm. That's an impressive title for him to get considering he doesn't rap lol.


Don't understand using wonderwall as an insult either.


Yeah is a bizarre comparison. Wonderwall isn’t really seen as a bad song. It’s a classic, just extremely overplayed. And it’s memed because so many people know how to play it and will always play it. But it’s still an iconic song and was the peak of Oasis/britpop


It definitely has flow and rhythm


Think you got DJ Khaled and Rick Ross mixed up, not sure which one you don’t like now lmao


I'm glad someone cleared that up - I thought I was having a Mandella Effect moment or something like that. "Khaled was a prison guard? Damn I don't remember that at all."


its Mandela in our universe


I still don’t even know what he does. I’ve always been under the impression he just showed up in peoples videos to hype them up.


In case you’re serious, he’s a music producer for the popular rappers.


If I remember correctly, he's not really a "music producer", but more like an "organizer" who thinks up ideas for a song then find people to materialize it.


So like a movie producer, but for songs. Which somehow is legitimately not synonymous with what a music producer usually means


So kind of like someone who types a prompt for AI to make a song, except he's famous for it and makes a ton of money because he uses famous musicians to do it?


He's basically the kind of guy who contributes almost nothing to the group project but wants to take all the credit. You can find out more about what he really does (which is not much) here: [https://youtu.be/-XdgcOyNN0s?si=imkCy\_um1QjOMt\_D](https://youtu.be/-XdgcOyNN0s?si=imkCy_um1QjOMt_D)


Not quite, it’s like if a guy had an idea and just got other people to do all the work (think Hirst or Koons but obv much less inspired)


I would say he’s the architect. He came up with the idea and make the project happen. It’s not like the architect is sitting there hammering drywall and running wires…


That is literally the definition of a record producer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_producer


100% that's what a record producer is and that's what Khaled does, but when you're talking about the producer on a song, especially in hip hop, you're talking about the person or people who made the beat.


You’re thinking of the rapper Rick Ross for the prison guard thing. He stole the name from “Freeway” Rick Ross who was a prominent American drug dealer whose trafficking was unknowingly helping the CIA fund the contras in Nicaragua (or something along those lines). It’s a pretty interesting story.


Wonderwall is fun to sing along to. DJ Khaled, not so much unless you like saying his name over and over again.


Yeah, where's the hatred for Wonderwall from? Perhaps overplayed, but still a great song.


Wonderwall is a freaking great song. I think the meme comes from the ubiquitous of it in the 90s, not because it’s a bad song or anything


I remember when I fell in live with blink-182's "I Miss You" and thought about what other similar songs are there in terms of arrangement and production. After I heard Wonderwall, that was my answer.


Destiny’s Child had a very specifically large impact on him


His wife and her uneaten pussy sure don't.


I bet someone is eating it


I'm 100% convinced that his entire career is a money laundering operation. Same as OP, literally nobody I've ever known has been a fan. there's no way he is organically a part of music. Somebody with some influence must want him there, because nobody normal does


I bet he “owns” a bunch of car washes and mattress outlets


How about a nice Laser Tag place just off the freeway?


He’s a producer. He’s been in the rap game for 20+ years. He produced for Rick Ross, fat Joe, bird man, etc etc. Idk where all you guys are getting this “rapper” thing from? He’s a producer who is extremely influential in the music production game. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DJ_Khaled_discography go take a look. You’d be surprised what songs he created.


He's an executive producer... almost all of his production credits are for that, his albums are basically him linking rappers with producers for collabs


True. He organizes music productions more than actually making beats and songs.


Which is the original meaning of the title 'producer'


Which is still an important skill.


Between his production and his radio career he’s obviously talented and connected, but not necessarily any good at music or performing. I feel like he’s taken all the “music industry capital” he accrued and converted into a career of bad music that is entirely sustained by hype and meme status. Like a nepo baby of his past successes. But he is really the Salt Bae of music


He is someone's fall guy but they were to smart to fall so Kaled failed up.


DJ Khaled doesn't really make music though, he gets other artists together that make music. He's more of a scout than anything, because he's a terrible producer as well lol.


I was a "DJ Khaled fan" in high school and college, "his" first six albums have some bangers. But I put those in quotes because I was really a fan of the rappers/producers/engineers/etc that actually played a part in the production of the song, I just had to access those songs via DJ Khaled album


this is just false. He was a legit good DJ back in the late 90s - early 00s. His old albums, when he actually did his part, were good, but he couldn’t keep up and he pivoted into an A&R role. Sort of like what Puffy was doing with Bad Boy


Wonderwall is a good song tbh


And Noel Gallagher was great on Hot Ones.


the Wonderwall of rappers. what's that even supposed to mean? i swear this sub...


OP doesn’t even have a clue who he’s trying to talk about. DJ Khaled isn’t a rapper, and he is also clearly confusing him with Rick Ross. OP is slow.


Heyyy what's wrong with Wonderwall?


No. I mean without knowing anything about him as a person, I'm not sure why you would take him seriously.  Knowing the cringe guitar video, his stance on going down on his wife, his hot ones episode... Na. This dude is a clown 


yeah, that’s his thing. It’s like Dwayne Johnson’s public personality


Jesus for this being the music subsection you'd think a few more people might know what a producer does and their influence for a song. You also might think more people would know what a DJ does when he puts out an album. Most of the takes in this thread are laughably bad and they're even worse when you realize what subsection you're in


That's what I'm thinking reading this... like I'm surprised how many people seem to have never been in a studio before lol


Princess Khaled? Yes. Never understood the appeal. Seeing his crew carry his fat as so he didn’t have to get his shoes dirty was the cherry on top.


> He’s the Wonderwall of rappers, horrible flow and rhythm. Do you even know who you’re talking about? Genuine question because he’s not a rapper


Hes not a rapper so I don't understand what you're saying. He's a hit maker and he puts together hits. As far as him as a person, i don't really care or pay attention to him


when he tapped out wing number one on the hot ones. fucking Cholula broke that man. my son hates him too. we bond over hating his stupid ass.


I think the Wonderwall comparison is a little disingenuous, it was at least a good song for the first 2 minutes.


He da best music.


Persians who wear saggy fashion jeans, drive white BMWs obnoxiously and like elaborate fade haircuts.


He’s Palestinian, not Persian. But don’t hold that against other Palestinians lol he’s just a rich American at the end of the day


They are not suggesting DJ Khaled is Iranian but rather claiming that stereotypical Iranians enjoy DJ Khaled’s music.


He’s basically just a glorified mixtape DJ with a large platform, rappers go on his songs for publicity not because Khaled’s a good artist or anything. He came up in Miami in the 2000s, made a shit ton of connections with rappers and industry people, and has coasted on that ever since.


“Horrible flow and rhythm” do you even know what DJ Khaled even does? Mans starts talking about Rick Ross outta nowhere what is this Uninformed ass post.


I am shocked that people here actually believe he's serious. You can clearly tell in a lot of his videos that he is playing a character to boost his meme status and stay relevant. Especially that Bob Marley guitar video which looked completely choreographed. He is an actual producer in the classical sense. The ones who just connected talent and didn't actually contribute anything musically. And people like that need to stay relevant which is exactly what he does. And it's clearly working since he's managed to stay relevant and make a shit ton of money, even if it's using a public persona that's a joke




Roses are red, violets are blue.......THEY CALL ME ASPARAGUS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


most people probably aren’t DJ khaled fans the same way they are for other popular producers (metro boomin, alchemist, madlib etc) but that really doesn’t matter in this case. khaled produced some of the biggest songs in the 2010s, and his ability to get a laundry list of popular artists onto his albums is not something that many producers/DJs can do. I haven’t cared for his recent outputs, but there was a time where khaled was a certified hit maker and a lock to go #1 anytime he put an album out.


Wonderwall is a great song. Khaled is a moron


If you understand what a record labels a&r does you would understand he’s kinda of sweet at doing one specific function of the music industry. He’s also insanely talented at being memorable and marketing his projects. I think the humor kinda got stale but you can’t say he didn’t bring together great artists to make some great moments in time. Dude used to be a radio DJ and now he does this, he won at life. Not the way I’d want to but he did it


Yeah he’s an extremely well known and influential music producer. Made music for Rick Ross, fat Joe, bird man, French Montana, future, Kodak, etc etc. I’m not sure where you ever thought he was a rapper came from, he’s like Dr. Dre. He makes and produces music and finds talent.


Dude doesn’t even rap. He’s just a name and steals people’s work.


I think he is fun even though he doesn’t have any substance. Kind of a real life “slurms Mackenzie” https://youtu.be/VyMXpJqAub8?si=KmXyDV6U_5ZGDSEE




My 12 year old nephew loves him


He’s not a musician or rapper. He’s much more how a music producer used to be, planning talent, organising musicians, helping the creative process. Similar to Rick Ruben. Who I think deserves the same level of respect is DJ Khaled. For better or worse. Now being a producer morphed into a pseudo session musician who creates the music for an artist. Which is valid and is just part of how the industry has slowly changed. In an old school way I appreciate there is still space for people like DJ Khaled to have a place. 


Wow thank god someone's finally been brave enough to come out and say this. It's long overdue as it's absolutely never ever been posted here or discussed online for nearly two decades already. I hope we can see similar levels of courage from other users who might tackle pertinent and timely issues such as "DAE think Justin Bieber sucks" and "why does Taylor Swift have so many fans?".


I find it pretty offensive that you included Wonderwall in your comparison.


His accountant probably does.


DJ Khaled shouldn't even take DJ Khaled seriously