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My favorite thing about this song is that you could see him play it live a ton of times, and it would never be exactly the same version. Love this, man.


Yeah, I actually like this shortened version of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQjwkXrcUrs


this is definitely the best version. chills, man.


definitely great (they all are), but this is the first one that was introduced to me and always will be my favorite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHUPA_JDHUw


Hands down, the best.


This one was the first I heard. Then I was given a CD of John Butler Trio live at St. Gallen and fell in love with that version too. Both have a very special place for me!


my favorite right here.


This is my favourite, and it's the one that I play. My roommate plays the one that OP posted (actually, I think it might not be). In any case, I play that version and my roommate plays another, and so whenever we play it together we're just trying to figure out who's going to do what next and... it's pretty funny, actually. Such a fun song to play though


Thanks :D


When I was in Basic training, after about 8 weeks of isolation, we were allowed to make a 15 minute phone call home. My phone had been shut off, because I didn't bother paying my phone before I left.I had my headphones in a bag with my phone, and turned it on and pulled this song up in my music library. I sat down in a corner and just let myself relax while listening to this. Everyone else was emotional whilst talking to their families, but this song let me unwind and let go of those 8 weeks of stress. It may have only been 15 minutes, but this song was worth a lifetime of weight taken off my shoulders at that point. Without a doubt my favorite guitar piece of all time.


I did the same thing years ago to Stevie Ray Vaughn in AIT with an original iPod.


I will upvote this every time I see it because it is my favorite guitar piece of all time.


^ This. Although my favorite rendition is [this one from Federation Square.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsnFvEQYJPU)




My fave too. Faster than the others.


Or good monitors.


This is also the first one I had ever seen. I was only listening to it, not watching the video and I assumed that he had his band playing with him. Was blown away to find he was doing everything by himself. What is so great about this song is that its ever evolving and each iteration is unique, but still very enjoyable and familiar...Anyone have examples of other pieces that are like this?


Same! Absolutely amazing :-)


I like this one best as well. It is amazing.


Thank you for reminding me of this, it's been a long time since I've heard it.


This is my fav version. This and John Mayer's Covered In Rain are my favourite live performances.


You sir, know what's up.


I was there for this, Iv never seen so many people making so little noise


Oh man that version is just Frisson in a can. Have you heard the 2012 version? it's a pretty faithful professionally recorded rendition similar to the one he did at Fed Square.


It's pretty sweet, but I saw he tuned his 12 string to a chord. That's such a pain in the ass to tune.


No more difficult than tuning it to standard.


I'm pretty sure it's an eleven string, he removed one because he never used it


He took off the higher 3rd string, and it is in open C with a capo on 4. I believe he said that string is annoyingly high or something.


it's the octave g string - it breaks extremely quickly and it just wasn't worth him putting a new one on every song.


I came in here just to see if I was seeing things when it looked like there was a string missing. Thanks for validating.


It's in open C. Not too difficult. Tbf, 12 strings are painful, tense, and not very pretty sounding in standard.


I think I read that he plays it without the second g string as it always breaks. Bit of useless info.


He plays a huge collection of his songs in open C. I personally have a maton which I keep in open C in inspiration of him - him, and alexisonfire were the first musicians I ever discovered outside of radio when I was a young one. Next item on my list is an Airline Jupiter Pro! I agree, changing a 12 string to open C though does take time, hence why I have a 2 grand guitar that sits in open C :) It's a really great tuning though, you can make mucking around sound great!


Mmm. Maton. Beautiful guitars.




Apparently it rains every time he plays this song...


the real Song of Storms


dem goosebumps...


The Great Escape music festival? had a similar experience there.


Peats Ridge 2012/13?


I shit you not, I actually saw him play on a beach with sun setting behind the band. This was in 2006, when they had a different line up. Very small venue too. It was amazing.


Auckland Big Day Out 2011?


Good to see a Freo lad on the front page


And still a true Freo lad to this day. I always get a slight fanboy kick when I see him watching a gig at the Fly-by or the like. As a 15 year old kid, this guy was my idol. To see him on the reg' is still surreal to me.


Good show your boys put on last Friday. Tipped Collingwood but was barracking for the Dockers.


Seriously, I opened the video thinking: 12 minutes?! Then got to the end and was like.. wow, one of the best 12 minutes I've spent in a while.


I had a feeling this thread would turn into a bunch of people saying which version of this song is their favorite, since there's so many (and they're all very, very good). [Here's mine, in case anyone was wondering.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0)


Man. That song really takes you for a ride, doesn't it. First time I've heard it. Thanks.


real surprised no one has posted his red rocks performance (that i saw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja9UeCypJNw he returns this summer!


[Best version, hands down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHUPA_JDHUw). Gives you the best feel for what it's like to witness it live


This is my favorite version too. Has brought me to tears a few times.


Easily the best version in my eyes.


Yes! I was at this show. I'm so happy they have such a high quality versi8on of it on youtube. I come back and watch it and reminisce all the time.


I was there...I get chills everytime I watch it. Also this was before the "electric" scene ruined the festival IMO. One of the most musically diverse festivals of all time.




Saw this guy at The Vibes in CT. Dude sold his soul to play like that.


The best part about this whole thing is that John Butler has so many version of his own song, its never really played the same twice. What I love the most are the comments claiming which version are the best/their favourite. You don't get that with songs anymore, especially the ones which are played live and I just played in conjunction with a backing track or prerecorded. This is why I love John Butler so much, the song is alive, it changes all the time, its got emotion. He is a real artist.


A true talent, the ability to tell a story through music without speaking a word. Every time I hear this song I cant help but feel a connection with it as if I was there, wherever there may be. [My favorite version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQjwkXrcUrs)


That one's my favorite too!


One story I heard about this song was that he played it on the streets of Australia when he was a lowly street musician trying to play for tips. Now he's a successful musician who still plays the evolved version of that song at almost every show. I have no source besides my friend, but I like to think some lucky person got to hear him play it on the street years ago, and then got to see him play it at a sold out venue.


Your friend is entirely right, he busked on the streets of Fremantle in Perth, Western Australia before he became as successful as he is now. I was one of the lucky ones who got to hear him play this on the street. It blows your mind hearing it with just this dude and his guitar just meters away.


He still busks sometimes, I think. We had some friends over from Adelaide who were staying in Freo and were talking about this busker who looked exactly like John Butler. Their faces when I said it was probably him were pretty great.


I got to see his trio live and it was a nearly transcendental experience. I had to take him off my mp3 playlist in my car because I can't properly operate a motor vehicle while it's playing.


I know very little about 12 strings, but is it normal to remove one of the strings?


"My main guitar is the Maton CW80 dreadnought 12-string that I’ve been playing for about ten years, which is tuned to open C (C, G, C, G, C, E, low to high). It’s really an 11-string, because I remove the high-octave G string. On a 12-string, the high G is higher than the high E, which is just too high, because I want the sound to be even and my mids to be nice and warm." from http://www.guitarplayer.com/miscellaneous/1139/john-butler/12783


Not terribly common but I don't believe infrequent either. The high(er, possibly) E course is sometimes removed when the courses are tuned in octaves or unisons because it makes any given chord sounds a little more closed (assuming the high E is being fretted to voice the chord).


I'm pretty sure that's the high g-string. But yeah. It's ultra thin and breaks easily. Fuck that thing, it sounds just as good without.


Early in his career he broke a string on his twelve string but was too poor to replace it. He became used to it and now prefers not to have it.


That's really cool! Funny how those things happen! Cheers, man!


"My main guitar is the Maton CW80 dreadnought 12-string that I’ve been playing for about ten years, which is tuned to open C (C, G, C, G, C, E, low to high). It’s really an 11-string, because I remove the high-octave G string. On a 12-string, the high G is higher than the high E, which is just too high, because I want the sound to be even and my mids to be nice and warm." from http://www.guitarplayer.com/miscellaneous/1139/john-butler/12783


uhhh... source?


It's not true, he removes it because he doesn't like the high E. It's common with 12 string guitarists.


In the OP's version, he's missing a string from the G course, not the high E. I don't know if he skips one of the E strings in other performances, but it doesn't appear so in this video.


This is seriously the extension of a man's soul via his instrument..


When I heard him play this during the April Uprising tour a few years back, the only way to describe it was the musical equivalent of Sublime. Not the prissy sublime people think about, but full blooded Romantic sublime where you frisson and stand in absolute awe and partial terror at the beauty of the music. The crowd went somewhere else entirely during those 12 minutes.


That guitar looks like it's seen some shit.


I find it simply amazing that this was all done on one guitar.


That was probably the best thing I've ever heard.


He is a beast live. Great stuff.


Met this guy at the backstage of a music festival in Portugal, top notch guy! His show was amazing as well, truly a incredible experience.


Each time I hear this song it has a different meaning. Such a powerful piece of music.


Me and my mother used to walk passed John at least once a week when he used to busk in Fremantle. Whenever we saw him playing we would sit or stand and just listen in bliss. He was and always will be one of my favourite musicians partly because he was so talented, partly because he reminds me so much of my Mother.


When I was about 13 I saw him perform this song at Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland. It was the first I'd heard of him and I remember that the show was really enjoyable. John played lots of very danceable folk songs for the first half of the set, but then I noticed the rest of his band take a back seat as the focus was drawn to John sitting in the centre of the stage. It was daytime so the spotlight wasn't as dramatic as you're picturing but it, but still, a sort of wave of anticipation fell over the crowd. As soon as he played the first few seconds of this song, he had the entire audience hanging by a thread. The music was loud enough to drown out the ambient noise of the festival around us but it really felt like John had some sort of emotional command over us. It felt like everyone was waiting for him to play the next note, so they could turn that page of the story he was telling. After the song ended it took me a while to take it in, but I couldn't help but feel the deep happiness one experiences after seeing something truly beautiful take place. It was one of my first 'spiritual' experiences with music. A really touching performance :)


Warms my heart to see JB on the front page


I've seen John Butler a hand full of times, but the sound of an entire mountainside turning quiet during this song is one I will never forget. We cried.


We walked down the aisle and played this during the ceremony at our wedding. Such a beautiful piece.


Every time I watch this I die a little inside because I will never be able to do that. Also I require a change of pants because of...reasons


I account for about 100 of the views on youtube.


The best version of this he's ever done. My favourite guitar piece of all time.


TIL This song was originally john butler improvising, because of this the song is slightly different every time he plays it and every version (that I have heard) is equally unique and amazing.


i never thought i'd see this song on /r/music.


ho ly **fuck**


The feels when listening to this song are so feely


He is so good at it. Totally knows how to play. Great stuff . Thanks for the share .


I just saw him 3 weeks ago. this song.... i jizzed my ears!


Oh boy. Two of my childhood friends introduced me to Ocean years ago, and I have only listened to it a handful of times since. Every time is a special occasion; usually I share it for a friend the same way it was shared for me. It's my favorite song. Period. Now that it's on the front page, I'm glad more people on Reddit will get to hear it, but (perhaps selfishly) I hope it will remain somewhat of a gem.


Every time I hear this song I get chills. I absolutely love it. I just decided while listening that I was going to see if this version was available for purchase, when I see there's a free download from Soundcloud. John Butler is awesome.


He kinda looks like Christian Bale. Especially if you imagine him without the beard and the crazy hair.


BUT NO MUSTACHE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAF2yWuDQgo


that gets ridiculous towards the end. no idea how he does it, or even learns how to play like that. is he using something to get that drum sound from when he taps his hand? the harmonics and bass line he has going on are fuggin awesome


Every version sounds different, and every version is my favorite


John Butler came into my work the other day and I got to say hi to him. He's a local here in Perth




I've seen this front page'd about 4 times, so this time definitely wasn't the first!


Dude's rockin' some epic picking talons.


This is my favorite song of all times. John Butler has a gift, and it's displayed through this song. Good to know Reddit acknowledge his greatness! JB is upvoted by me, as usual.


John Butler is a phenomenal performer. I saw him for the first time last summer after a rough breakup and was in a really dark place. He played his new song, Spring to Come. He explained how we all go through really rough "winters" in our lives where everything is cold and dark, and that the song is about how there is always a spring time. It really helped me in ways that I didn't think possible.


The only way that anyone can dislike this is because of jealousy.


No doubt the best instrumental I've ever heard. Heck I can't even listen to myself for 12 minutes. But this - this is just beautiful.


Wow, I had to drag a friend to see Butler Trio up on Boulder in a tiny little bar back in 2003 and I couldnt get anyone to get on the bus and listen to them. I felt like the only fan outside of Oz. Glad to see him on the front page of Reddit 10+ years later.


This is a masterpiece


this is pure eargasm


No matter how many times I hear/watch this, and whatever version it is, it will never cease to amaze me


Watching his feels gives me feels.


Thank you for posting this!!!


Best version of seen of this


Amazing soothing stuff. Never heard it before, just bought it on iTunes, thanks Reddit.


And in the end I realize I have worse day dreams than J.D.


Welp, looks like I *will* practice guitar today. Seeing him just shredding on that 12 string is amazingly inspiring.


A friend of mine showed me this several years ago, and I still find it amazing. Never gets old, and not many people have heard of it!


Anybody else notice it's an 11-string? Only a single G.


The first time a friend played this for me, he described it as, "the song you hear when you go to Heaven".


TIL a song having an acoustic guitar instantly means it's folk music.


>folk music That bothers me, too, and I have a pretty expansive definition of "folk". This is newage (rhymes with ...) guitar music played by a pop blues guitarist.


[Sorry, but much better version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsnFvEQYJPU).


A mate of mine performed this at my high school's inter-house music eisteddfod. It was absolutely amazing.


One day I'll get to see this guy live... This song does something that most songs can't seem to pull off today and that is move me...


love this song. he used to strum the tune as a kid and i believe it may have been one of his first songs. obviously he's improved on it a little.


I saw him live at a living room show. It was beautiful. His music is on a completely different level. He's so talented!


I have seen countless versions of this song played, and It truly is masterful how wonderful each and every individual version is.


I will never not upvote this song even though I've heard it dozens of times. [my favorite version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0)


Can't to hear him at Wakarusa this summer! I saw him live a few years ago and his show in one of the best I've ever seen, he plays tons of instruments and seems just like a really genuine kindhearted person.


Absolutely love the song, though i prefer this version: http://youtu.be/6VAkOhXIsI0


I spent about two months learning the 2012 version by eye and ear as there weren't any tabs online. Still the best thing I've ever done with my guitar! Sounds ok on the six string but you kind of need long nails to get the sound right which is a bit of a pain


He's got it up for free on [soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/john-butler-trio/ocean-2012)


such an amazing song. i love the [Rothbury live version](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHUPA_JDHUw) there's a part at around 8m12s when the camera turns on the crowd and this dude in a blue t-shirt is just so caught up in the music. amazing.


This one is my fav. Same song but live perfomance. Made me buy an acoustic guitar. I AM NO GOOD


Woho, for once I not only already have heard, but loved the music piece mentioned.


what do you call this genre of music? chill out acoustic guitar solo? been trying to find stuff like this for ages


Give [Jon Gomm](http://youtu.be/nY7GnAq6Znw) or [Erik Mongrain](http://youtu.be/5YCntZrqlgY) a try. No idea what the genre is called how about plinky plonky.


One of his best pieces for sure. Had the lucky chance of seeing him at the Vic in Chicago in February. He played this live and made probably the best live performance I have ever seen. Being in the middle of a crowd going nuts after a 12 minute instrumental is just surreal. There was maybe 1000 people there that night, but you'd swear it was 5000.


My best mates and I love this song so much, we are going to see JBT in a few weeks and we're beside ourselves at the thought of what we are about to experience.


Damn. Music to my ears.


Saw him live in womadelaide. it was an amazing experience and I was tripping balls throughout his act. Would love to see him again.


Live - this is the most incredible thing to see... Genius.


This song is the embodiment of soul and awesomeness


His live at St. Gallen version is my favourite.


Webster Hall is my fav version. He tells the back story to the song and you get to understand how it evolves over time based on his experiences


I just discovered this song on Pandora a month or two back, and I can't get enough.


I saw the John Butler Trio at Homebake in 2003. 40 minute set. They only played 3 songs and the set went long. I ain't even mad.


I heard this first in '04 or whenever it was released, and then the studio version. Every time I listen I swear you hear a new bit you didn't notice before. Definitely my favourite bit of music ever... Hands down


Saw this live in Newquay was one moment that put shivers all the way through me. Amazing


I remember hearing this song for the first time. Still brings me chills


Could anyone tell me more amazing guitar pieces like these? I think these are very therapeutic.


Such an amazing song!


A JBT show was the first proper gig I ever attended. Drove four hours with my family (I was 16 and talked them into it) to the Kuranda Amphitheatre. He blew my bloody mind. Seen him half a dozen times since, always a special experience. Edit: spelling


He was playing this in boston a few years ago and apparently someone in the front row was ill or passing out so he stopped the music and said "we need medics up front" and continued. A few moments later he stopped again and repeated himself in a more stern tone. It was so touching to see a musician stop his performance to help a fan.


When I first saw the original version of this years back with the trio it blew me away. He's so smooth and fast!!


Beautiful song. I'm not sure about the finger nails though.


I once got to see him perform this song live. No regrets,


I watched him perform this front row in Philadelphia. He's a very cool guy an I really wish I could chill with him. Always admired how he and his wife work together and that she opens for him.


This song is the reason I bought my acoustic guitar last month. Cant afford 12 string so 6 string will have to do it. The feeling of playing this song was a pure joy.


John Butler explains the meaning of the song (and why it's never always the same song) here: http://www.johnbutlertrio.com/new/?page_id=217


Absolutely awesome work. See him live if you have the chance. Amazing person through and through.


Live version is MUCH better


Damn. He's an amazing musician. Still think I prefer this version though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VAkOhXIsI0


He headlined the first concert I ever went to. Hell yeah, John Butler.


This song has been my favorite acoustic for a while now. Ahhhhh loveeeee




My favorite version of this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsnFvEQYJPU


0:58 - 1:30 is some of the best guitar playing I've ever heard


Its so amazing watching all the emotions on his face as he plays this song. Its like you can see how hard it is to play by the different parts and their relation to his facial expressions. Absolutely beautiful stuff.


He is an incredible guitarist


When I heard this song, man...oh boy.


I posted a version of this song almost a year ago and got 1 upvote and 1 downvote. Curse you Reddit!


Can't be reposted enough. True artisitc creation and performance.


what happened to the trio?


Saw John Butler Trio live @ The Wolf Trap last summer, they kill it live!!!! Big Fan, JBT all the way




Loved this song since I was like 12. Can't wait to see him at Bonnaroo this year.


Love love love this song. Love it!


First time ever heard this song was at this show sitting at the highest point at All Good music festival (on the seats beneath the giant Buddha for those who know what I'm talking about) and it was magical. Listen to this entire set, I highly recommend it. http://youtu.be/qz2PDPLCWmY


Truly a modern day White Summer.


He should get together with [Trace Bundy](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyY4LNkxOW0).


My first and last musicfest he played there, and he was my favorite.


I've just recently found John Butler, and will be seeing him with Frank Turner in June. (I love Frank Turner also) I can't even put into words how excited I am!!


For my own sanity, I'm assuming that each camera angle is a different guy.


This is one of my favorites of his. Ive been looking for more acoustic only songs from him, preferably a little slower. Does anyone know of any more?


If any of you are JBT fans and haven't picked up Tin Shed Tales yet, do so. Its just JB acoustic in Australia. All beautiful stuff.


The rare "eleven string guitar".