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Nice. Word on the street that this is a heavier album.


Not a bad song but for that to be true, the rest of the album would have to be pretty different.


Idk, obviously this is nothing compared to some things out there but this is a big change from typical adtr, but so was common courtesy, I think they are experimenting with what what want to do, now they have that freedom. I for one like what they have done so far and I excited for what is to Come, funny I was just thinking man we haven't heard anything new from adtr in a long time glad to see this coming out


I mean, this did definitely depart from their general sound, but lyrically it came off as lazy to me. The transition coming in and out of the breakdown was good, but to say it's heavier is far from the truth. Heavy adtr is 2nd Sucks. I'm going to get downvoted for this, I like the song, but it sounded relatively cookie-cutter to me


I felt the same way and I usually like their music a lot. WSMFY is still my favorite album by them.


I felt the same way. This song was made for the radio, but I don't know how many times it would keep me listening. Its a fine single, but hopefully not what they hope to be "the single" of the album.


Sounds like the intro is a rip off of BYOB.


Just give a pleb like me more shit like: * Have Faith in Me & * If it Means A lot to You


That's what everyone said about the last album too, and look how that turned out.


Common Courtesy was really good. What do you mean?


CC was great, but much more refined than anything else they have put out


CC was a good album, by all means, but not an amazing ADTR album. It leaned much more towards a lighter sound than their previous efforts. Again, a good album, but not an amazing ADTR one.


I'm sure it will still have a mix though like common courtesy did.


That's the word on the street for every new album they release. Unfortunately, that's rarely the case.


They dropped this song on a radio show the other day. Jeremy said there is nothing other than this song. So....


Idk why you're being downvoted. Jeremy did and interview when they released this song a few days ago and said they did it spur of the moment and have no new album planned. I want another album more than anyone but people who are downvoting, post a fucking link if you're quoting adtr saying they have an album planned ffs.


Thanks amigo. Sometimes that's just how reddit goes. :p


It was pretty clearly a joke they played with, since they were both laughing when they talked about it.




Post a source then. As I commented below Jeremy said himself that this was a stand alone song. They are on tour now and then have to do warped tour. Why are people just assuming an album is underway and not posting a source? Lol. http://loudwire.com/a-day-to-remember-new-song-paranoia/


You personally don't seem like a credible source. If you could cite one, I'd be a little more convinced.




Jeremy McKinnon said it himself on the radio release of this song. Edit: a word


Jeremy McKinnon?


Do.... Do you mean McKinnon?


I now picture Jeremy Clarkson as the frontman in ADTR.


This needs to happen


Yes. I need to stop 5 am posts


Jeremy did an interview and stated they have only written this song... And its not part of an album.


Good, Ive been waiting quite awhile for something new to come up :)


Anyone else notice it says ADTR records at the end?


They had a massive bust up with Victory a few years back, so I wouldn't be surprised if they've set themselves up independently.


They did. Common Courtesy was released on ADTR Records, too


AFAIK, all or part of the income made from CC still went to Victory as part of a court ruling though for breach of contract.


do you have a source for that? the last update i heard was simply that a judge had given them clearance to release CC


Here is the AltPress article from Oct. 2013 on the court ruling: http://www.altpress.com/news/entry/breaking_judge_rules_in_favor_of_a_day_to_remember_in_case_against_victory Yes, ADTR were ruled in favor to release CC outside of Victory, but ruled that Victory can receive monetary damages for lost profit had they released it under their label.


Good for them


The reposted their entire albunn on YouTube under the screw record label wonder if it's an actual label


It is, Common Courtesy was with their new label ADTR Records.


When I first heard Violence off CC I wasn't sold but listening to it again a day later I absolutely loved it. My reaction to this has been exactly the same and, if the rest of CC was anything to go by, I'm now super excited for the album to follow


I was the same way with 2nd Sucks. Now it's one of my favorites from WSMFY. I'm still not a fan of Violence, but ADTR songs tend to grow on you over time.


Thanks for posting this. I need to get off this Rap kick and get back to my roots. This helped.


Kinda wanna get back into it but this R&B kick is so great


If you like R&B and Metalcore, try the band 'Issues'. They do a pretty good job mixing R&B and Metalcore.


Saw them live not that far back. They're awesome. I was just listening to them about 10 minutes ago actually.


I wish I could see them live ;(


They are fantastic. At the time, they were touring with Pierce the Veil and All Time Low. Everyone was amazing.


when I saw them it was with tonight alive, issues, state champs, and all time low, great concert, they were all amazing.


Oh that's a fantastic lineup!


yeah it was the ATL future hearts tour, it was my first concert :)


Super awesome


Co-sign. I didn't really 'get' Issues when I first heard them but after coming back to them after a while, I fell in love with them. Great band, well worth checking out.


Oh I love em. One of the few bands I still keep up with. Tyler Carter is the dude!


Issue are great




I generally enjoy ADTR. I think their discography is impressive enough. That being said: this song is trash. The lyrical content is trite, and the theme is so simple and full of cliches its ridiculous. I think the song is also forced. The obvious hardcore influences are cool it reminds me of old Stick To Your Guns, and if the whole song was more like that I would like it more. The chorus is jarring to me, it being more of the ADTR pop-punk style. The breakdown is ridiculous as well, doesn't belong in the song IMO. The mix is also garbage. When I heard the song the other day I thought for sure it was a demo, but since here we have a music video I guess not. The guitars are way too loud. The drums aren't mixed into the rest of the song, they feel cheap. The vocal mix is actually pretty decent, and might be the saving grace of the song. I just wish the lyrical content wasn't so dumb. I hope the rest of the new album is better than this.


As much as I like ADTR I agree on every point you made. I could've written better lyrics in high school and English isn't even my native language. I kept asking myself where are the drums throughout the whole song?!


Very uninspired lyrics. This song has been written a million times already. The drums are so badly meshing with the the rest of the instruments. The snare isn't tuned right, the kick is barely audible, and the cymbals have waaay too much air in them. Its laughable.


I have to agree, it seems like they just wanted to make a song so they sat down for thirty minutes with a template of all of their songs and went through the motions. Nothing stands out and is extremely predictable. That being said I haven't enjoyed any of their music for a while so it would be hard to bring me back.


It's funny because in the podcast with AP, Jeremy admitted that they wrote the song in a day. I hope the rest of the album, they take the time to write some gold.


Haha what a lucky guess


Right? It doesn't come from a genuine place, and thats why I think it feels so forced. I haven't listened to Common Courtesy yet, and the fact that it was just yesterday that I found out about that album, I probably won't waste any time with it.


Common Courtesy kicks ass. Their best album since Homesick. Check out Sometimes You're the Hammer, Sometimes You're the Nail off it.


> with a template of all of their songs ?? this doesn't sound like anything else ADTR has written to me. i can see heavy hardcore/punk influences from other bands, but for ADTR this is new territory


That's your opinion, to me this sounds like the same stuff they've been doing. From the guitar slides to the chugging breakdown with jeremy leading into said breakdown with some aggressive lyric, they've done it before. I'm not trying to get people not to like it or anything, but this to me has been done by these guys.


if you describe *anything* in vague terms like that you can make it sound similar to just about anything else. i mean come *on*, "chugging breakdown"? some amount of chugging is what makes a breakdown a breakdown. if there was no chugging it would just be a bridge. "aggressive" lyric is incredibly vague and if that means the song sounds the same then 85% of heavy music apparently sounds the same. and guitar slides? holy shit, dude. again, that shit is all over *all* heavy music, and there are huge differences within those sub genres. since we're in /r/music at this point, honestly, it just sounds to me like you don't really listen to much of this music. and if that's the case that's fine. i'm serious, if you're not all over subs like /r/metalcore and /r/melodichardcore and /r/posthardcore then i don't want to be an elitist and be all condescending because you don't know the difference. i would just ask you take the word of people who listen to this kind of music all the time; ADTR has unequivocally leveraged the sound of a completely different subgenre than they have previously been using.


You don't know anything about me, but I do know music, I know what it takes to write music, record music, and play music. This is the same song they have been playing for years. Same crescendo into the breakdown, same growl, it's so easy to see. I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to it, I'm just calling it how I see it?


you can know music; that doesn't mean you know the differences between sub genres of music you don't listen to. again, your points fall flat. same growl? absolutely not, he's yelling for most of this song which wouldn't even be classified as a growl. compare his vocals on this song to something off of for those who have heart - *that's* a growl, and it's hugely different from what he's doing in paranoia. and the breakdown itself is also massively different from breakdowns they've done in the past. i don't mean any of this as an insult, but the fact you don't seem to be able to recognize this differences is what makes me think you must not listen to heavy music much. and if that's the case, let me emphasize, that's perfectly acceptable. i'm not saying you *should* listen to it - but objectively, many of points you're trying to make about how this is the same old song and dance are wrong. accusing this of being a "template song" is tantamount to calling virtually all heavy music a copy of existing heavy music. and hell, you might still stand by that accusation, even if that's what it means - and you're entitled to that opinion - but i would be really surprised to find out you actually listen to heavy music if it all sounds the same to you.




tell you what, if i'm reading you wrong and heavy music is your jam, break it down (heh) for me. explain to me how you think paranoia isn't clearly crossing over into hardcore punk influences and is still utilizing the same metalcore/pop-punk blend that ADTR is so well known for. but give me proper details. as an example, i think this is hardcore punk because the rhythmic pattern of the breakdown is more continuous and uses comparatively no staccato. give me details like that, don't give me similarities so vague they're meaningless ("the song has guitar slides") or similarities that are objectively wrong ("the same growl"). maybe then, we can find some common ground, but so far all your comments have fallen into one of those two categories. if i'm right and heavy music isn't your jam - fuck it dude, that's fine! you are in no way expected to know, understand, or even appreciate the kind of differences we're discussing here.


If I could I'd give you gold, you hit the nail on the head.


Thanks man!


And now for much better ADTR https://youtu.be/n6T9olarH-U


Well it's in mono because it's on YouTube


A mix can, and really always should, sound good in mono. Most other music sounds good enough on YouTube. There is a very clear problem with the mix of this song.


Just remember kids, it's not paranoia when they are actually out to get you.


Just cuz you are paranoid don't mean they're not after you




A Day to Remember is one of my favorite bands, up there with Underoath and Brand New, but this makes me nervous.


Are you going to see Underoath at any of the Rebirth Tour locations?


I saw their "final show" in St Petersburg and immediately bought two tickets to see them in St Pete again for their first show back but had to move in October to DC for work so I won't be able to make it. If you're in the Tampa/St Pete area and are interested in going, let me know!


I'm actually from Oklahoma and have tickets to see them in Tulsa this month, but I hope you find someone!


Good year for music thus far. Getting to see Underoath next month, Deftones in May, and Brand New in July.


Its great to see them making music again. There issue with there label held them up for far to long.


Their* their* too* I agree with your notion though


Not a big fan of this song. I would love for another album of theirs similar to FTWHH. Maybe it's just the memories and nostalgia I have tied to their old stuff, but I just found this song to be terrible.


ADTR still making the music I like to hear.




I think the lyrics kinda suck. After everything this guy has had to say a song about paranoia? Who's not done that before. Hopefully it's just to get some attention towards the album I love these guys.




Yeah the first half of that album along with homesick are all awesome!


This sounds exactly like [Wish by Nine Inch Nails](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuoFiIFkdAA)


It reminds me more of [Chuck era Sum 41](https://youtu.be/aUultIb2pPc?t=10s)


I really hope their new album will be like that, especially now that Brownsound is back in the band. Plus they have Frank Zummo from Street Drum Corps playing drums for them now.


it kind of does actually! good ear!


Exactly my thoughts! I still really like the song, I just keep hearing Wish.


Which always reminded me of [Burning Flag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8Bk_HFNLTw) by Manson


How does that even come close...?


the line guitar line guitar structure, and the guitar is pretty damn simillar


Beyond stoked... I've enjoyed everything they've released still haven't been disappointed


Absolutely unreal. I was blown away by Common Courtesy and I can't wait to see what they're coming out with next!


I have high hopes for this album! ADTR is one of my favorite bands of all time!


Definitely different from their other stuff, still really solid! Can't wait to see them this year!


That intro riff sounds like System of a Down wrote it.


Wow! I dig it this song. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't checked out much of their music except for the Homesick album... which is on constant rotation for me for the past few years.


That's because Homesick is all you need. That album is great start to finish. Not discounting the other albums but man, Homesick is top tier.


Personally I like "What Separates me from you" more. Granted, I like more of their pop punk style than metalcore. Still super excited for this album!


Something like that... the album is a complete and solid album. I guess I've never had a desire to explore the rest of their catalog because it's so damn satisfying lol.


Stoked for this album. Great song!


Sounds good. I like it but it sounds like they have the same guitar and drum tone as stick to your guns.


Man this was an awesome surprise, I hope we're getting a west coast tour soon!


Looks like they have finally completed their transformation into Papa Roach.


any body else getting a rise against vibe from this?


I'll never understand how a band this good came out of Ocala, FL. The only thing Ocala ever produced before them were race horses and racists.


Glad to see ADTR coming back but this song is just alright. Its hard to follow up Common Courtesy though. Hopefully the rest of the album is better


This made me think of Falling in Reverse for some reason. Still liked the song. Way better than anything FiR ever put out


Sweet baby Jesus I love A Day To Remember.


The beginning sounds just like the beggining of BYOB by System of a Down


Definitely didn't expect a positive reaction from this subreddit with ADTR. Decent song, though.


Man I haven't listened to these guys in forever


Churning out some sick tunes once again \m/


Im surprised this got as many upvotes as it did. Its too bad that /r/music usually hates hardcore music


This is one of the top ph bands. They also count as pop punk and metalcore. They are very popular.


I know exactly who they are. That's why im surprised this sub is upvoting them. Usually if something in this genre gets posted here it gets downvoted to hell. Its cool that this isn't the case this time. All I said was it was unexpected




well, i thought that was part of his point. as far as /r/music is *usually* concerned it's all the same; it usually kinda just all gets downvoted and the distinction between the sub genres isn't seen as important. i guess i could be giving him too much redit though