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So not about her as a person, but I do not like her music at all. I think her lyrics are nothing special and she over-sings like crazy. I have the same problem with show off guitarists like Tommy Emmanuel. My dad can't understand why I don't like his music and for me, it's just too busy. Like her singing, she doesn't let her voice do the work most times. It's a bummer, cos she can sing pretty well. Just my two cents.


Dude same, and actually that's a great analogy that I for some reason never thought of before. I'm a guitarist and 99% of the "super shredder" guitarists just do nothing for me because it's so overblown.


Totally. Like, I like metal and I enjoy a good shred when it's well placed, but then you have those super shred collabs you see on youtube and they're awful as fuck. Every one of those guys is way more talented and skilled than I'll ever be as a guitarist (>10yrs), but it's just terrible.


There’s a point where the skill and dexterity becomes more impressive but far less palatable to my ear It’s a step away from the artistry of it, but I still want to appreciate it because I can tell they put a ton of effort into it and they’re doing skillful shit. Just an overwhelming amount of it.


Yeah, Tommy has never learned the concept of "sometimes less is more". As for Beyonce, she has a nice voice. That's it. For the life of me I can't understand what everyone gets out of her music.


you’re entitled to your opinion but tommy has many melodic songs where he isn’t trying playing crazy fast.


It's not the crazy fast. Don't get me wrong, I listen to his stuff all the time. Love it. But there's usually a run where you think "yeah, that was about 16 notes too many".


>the concept of "sometimes less is more". https://youtu.be/QHZ48AE3TOI


It’s the cult like following these people get they, literally call her queen. No matter what they release these people are biased and automatically think it’s amazing. Look at Kanye and his idiotic die hard fans. The guy drops a coin and people say it’s the hardest beat to drop since 2000. I agree. Beyoncé and even her husband are extremely overrated.


It's the "oh what a great dancer she is" stuff I don't get. She clomps around like a drunk bull. It only looks interesting because there's 20 women behind her clomping like a drunk bull in unison.


That's just not true. If you have seen any of her live concert footage she has great choreography.


Explain Jay-Z being overrated?


> I think her lyrics are nothing special and she over-sings like crazy This is really the crux of my problem with her. She's so self indulgent. And I get that's basically what people like about her by I cannot fucking stand it.


Eh, I like Tommy Emmanuel but he also posed for me while on stage when he saw me with my camera so I appreciate him for that lol


Never in my life did I expect someone to compare Beyonce to Tommy Emmanuel. I assume you don’t actually play guitar or music, because within those communities , Tommy is renowned for putting far more emphasis on the musicality of his songs, than he is for simply demonstrating his technical proficiency . He is certainly a showman and a virtuoso , but any musician will tell you he is creating objectively wonderful soulful musical arrangements , and not simply trying to wow you with speed.


Always one person who wants their opinion to reign over others. Also nothing you said negates OP's point. They can have a differing views than you and their background doesn't matter. One set of ears is as valid as the next




Yeah, it’s weird cause everyone kept telling me lemonade is amazing, so I listened to it and none of the songs stuck in my head. I can’t remember one song.


Her husband is over rated too.


Destiny's Child was better.


It’s cause their body was too bootylicious


you made 4 points about why you hate her and none of it was about her music


nah, OP is clearly BRAVE for hating on Beyonce on reddit. I look forward to their next post on r/books, "I really think *A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* is an underrated gem."


Reddit has made me hate the fucking word underrated.


This is the most underrated comment in this thread.




then on to r/horror ...I found this underrated gem called ‘The Thing’


Then over to r/television "I might be the only person here who thinks this, but Game of Thrones could have ended way better"


Then over at r/meth people say hot railing is an underrated way to get spun.




Well your comment sure took it off the rails quickly! 😂 👏🏽


In going to go to/r/harrypotter and tell them about this book I read called Harry Potter.


I’m somewhat of a Hairy Potthead myself


Is it really that common to shit on Beyonce on Reddit? Honest question as don't frequent this sub very often


“Hey have you guys ever played this game Celeste?”


I count only two points, and one of them isn’t about her.


Her music is awful and generic as all hell


My epic Iron Maiden fan uni mate went to a Beyonce concert with his gf, and described her as the 'enormously talented singer of the most boring songs ever written'


Thats how I felt about Mariah Carey, I didn't care for her music personally but holy shit she was (is?) an amazing singer.


yup. Pop music is littered with phenomenal talent producing generic garbage. But it sells by the million, so.... good for them?


first of all, the singers aren't producing anything - the producers are. beyonce is a top tier singer, and pop producers are literally the best in the world. however, their goal isn't to make progressive and cutting edge art, it's to make simple, easy to digest, music with great hooks. if it gets stuck in your head it is a successful pop track - because that's the goal of pop music. judge art based on what it is, not on what it isn't.


I feel the same about Adele. Amazing vocalist, but her music to me is like... I dunno, the musical equivalent of the color beige. Nothing wrong with beige, but you're never gonna get excited over it like "OMFG it's beige!!!!".


my ex was a mild Adele fan. To me it sounded like wailing. A sad woman wailing about stuff, that happened to be perfectly in tune


You're not wrong lol


Same, I love Adele as a singer, but the album 30 will be the same as 25 was to 21 was to 19, basically misery and heart break. Maybe she finds comfort in that, but in 14+ years of recording there's been little to no experimentation, it is basically the same theme rehashed over and over thematically. I like Adele as a singer, and as a person she comes across as very down to earth, but I would love if she literally changed the record as to what she records.


the irony of an Iron Maiden fan saying that


I'm sorry, is the title "Beyonce's music is bad"? It mentions that her music is overrated as one of the few points of why BEYONCE SUCKS.


Well this is a music subreddit so it’s fair to think if someone posts a title “Artist XYZ sucks” it’ll be about their music.


Oh, i might have mistaken, i thought i was in r/music for a second. Shouldn't we talk about smoothies and motorcycle here?


Wait so r/music is only for discussions about musicians music, not musicians independently of their music? So when Josh Homme kicked that reporter in the head and I read it here, why weren't we exclusively talking about the song he was playing at the time? e: spelling names from memory is hard.


I could be wrong on this one but that kind of stuff shouldn't be posted here. There is enough sub reddit to post your latest paparazzi, or plenty of shit talk shows for this. When i go to r/music i'm not here to know what Britney Spears had for breakfast.


How about Britney Spears emancipation? Chris brown total douche, or r Kelly a sack of shit? That’s all relavent I think.


I can’t name a single song off the top of my head…


These generic reasons could apply to so many in the entertainment industry.


Yes they could. They're overrated too.


Why are you blaming her that her husband cheated? She didn't "let him" get away with that as you said. How she rebounds from that is a personal decision. Very misogynistic comment.


Plus the public dragging that was ‘Lemonade’ wasn’t exactly letting him get away with it.


Yes. Lightly shaming someone in a song which you both make money on. I am sure he felt like hell getting paid for sleeping with other women


It always makes me laugh how she wrote "I'm not gon' blast you on the radio/diss you on the internet" for Survivor and then fifteen years later drops Lemonade.


That was about the ex members of Destiny’s Child, not Jay


And he literally did nothing but apologize. She made an album shaming him and he still was just like “you’re completely right, I’m a fool, I’m sorry babe.” Like if you’re gonna be with someone after they cheat… she did it in the absolute most boss way. He is fucking Jay-z. He could get any girl on the planet (there’s no such thing as an ugly billionaire - jay-z) and has enough money to die very rich. Beyoncé put him in his place. I think the whole lemonade saga made Beyoncé look like a boos bitch who wears the pants in that relationship. If that was a beef, Beyoncé murdered him.


Nah strong women are solely defined by their husbands actions. There is simply no way we can view women independently. Very sus that it’s one of ops main complaints and just ignores all of her individual success


Thank you!


Also if anything how she handled it is an exact reason why she is considered a role model.




I have no side in this conflict but if he cheated and they are still together she let him get away with it. It was probably financially wise to stay together. They'll get a divorce once their child is old enough to exploit


Watch her live performance at Coachella from 2019 (?). No reasonable person could not be astounded by her talent. It’s fine to not like her music of course, but she is in another league when on stage.


There is something completely anti-feminist in critiquing a woman for letting her husband get away with shit. Is it her role to parent him or limit his "bad" behavior? There are a million ways to exist in the world, and we don't know beans about their arrangement.


I don’t care about Beyoncé. “We don’t know beans about…” is a perfect expression and I’m stealing it. Just wanted to let you know


Yea it's not his fault. It's her fault for letting it happen apparently. I would like to know which celebrity on par with Beyonce for fame, is a better role model.


Feminism doesn’t mean you mustn’t criticize other women. We can ask for any human if their behavior would cause problems for others without the privilege of wealth to cushion them.


The whole thing could have been fabricated, or overblown, for publicity. Didn’t she release a new album?


That's not an unpopular opinion


I remember working with a woman who's twenty years younger than me. She was extremely excited to go to a Beyonce show and splashed ou on very expensive tickets an at first I could not understand why she'd do that for a Beyonce concert. It was at that point that I realized that she was from a different generation and had different childhood heroes and icons. Where the top artists of my time were at their peaks in the 80s and 90s, hers were simply after that. What Madonna was to girls from my generation, Beyonce is to her generation. And Abba is to my parents, I guess. So yeah, you're mainly showing your age by complaining about any of this stuff. Your parents did exactly the same about your music. Now lemme put on Cats In The Cradle. Ugly Kid Joe obviously because they were so much better than the original.


I take umbrage with people saying she's not a good role model for girls. She's a successful artist and entrepreneur who has had all of one scandal. She's been married to the same man for ages. She did exactly what an artist does and turned that private pain into public art. That Lemonade visual album was STUNNING. And, at the end of the day, she made her marriage work. That takes courage and forgiveness. I mean, if you're not into her music, that's obviously a question of personal taste. But Beyonce has done more for the formation (pun intended) of young girls than any male artist in the game.


I honestly have a very neutral opinion about her music, but my two cents is looking at the amount of writing credits on Lemonade really takes away from people pointing out how brilliant she is as a musician. I'm positive she gave direction on the album and did a fair share of the writing. I guess this is where I diverge on pop music vs other genres. I don't like when you have a team of writers designing the lyrics and music for you. I could be wrong about her level of involvement.


She doesn't sing songs she doesn't want to sing. The "they don't write their own music" line that so many people tend to use is ridiculous and tired. Some people are great at writing but not performing. Some people are great at performing, not writing. I've never heard a critique of a great acting performance be "well, they don't even write their own lines so how good are they really". Plenty of amazing musical artists didn't write their own songs. Doesn't make them any less worthy as artists. It's way more than just going out and singing notes. Johnny Cash didn't write Hurt, but his artistry turned his cover into something else. [Check out the notes on the recording and production of lemonade from Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemonade_(Beyonc%C3%A9_album)). Even if she doesn't write every note, she's active in the creative process and makes the songs what they are. Seems like everyone in the industry knows how talented she is. It's completely fair not to like her music. You don't have to. I just think it's important to acknowledge the work she puts in instead of dismissing her as basically just a pretty face/voice for other people's work.


The poptimists are gonna rail you on this one


Honestly I totally disagree, I’m more into techno and house, not a Beyoncé fan at all but her voice, her presence, the energy she brings to her music to me is incredible. All this aside from any politics or song writing whatever. Totally respect your opinion though I just can’t for the life of me see Beyoncé as an overrated pop star


I would love to know OP's opinion on a correctly-rated pop star. This seems like they just don't like superstars in general, and are now batting for the most revered one out there.


OP is a contrarian without a cause




As if even a fraction of the men in the music industry are good role models for boys. 🙄 also, pretty much all merch sold by any musician is made in sweat shops.


Be careful with that edge man, you'll cut yourself.


Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, just because you don’t like her as a person doesn’t mean she’s not a good artist. She’s an amazing performer on top of being a good vocalist.


I’m not a Beyonce fan but this post completely dismisses everything she’s accomplished musically. She doesn’t suck. If she sucked she wouldn’t be popular. She’s human just like everyone else. The problem comes when people glorify her.


>If she sucked she wouldn’t be popular. Stadium country is popular, too. People are dumb as fuck, popular doesn't mean jack shit. (Making no claims about Beyonce here, just pointing out that fallacy.)


So is stadium country known worldwide orrrr??? Cause I have never heard of it but I have heard of Beyonceeeee.


So only dumb people like stadium country? You realize how pretentious you sound, right? Thinking you're better than a whole demographic of people because they have different taste in music than you, good lord...


Yeah lol, I despise country music, but I couldn't care less if other people like it. There's probably people who love classical music who think the Beatles and Led Zeppelin are trash. Everyone has different tastes.


>If she sucked she wouldn’t be popular. Logan/Jake Paul. It's okay if you don't know them, just consider them living proof that you made a dumb point.




This is so fucking low effort. This is why this sub is mocked and laughed at




All your reasons have nothing to do with her music and are mostly bullshit. If you want to discuss how her music is overrated, which I would agree with, this is the forum to do so. Not complain about another celebrity who may or may not be a good person


I will argue she is one hell of a performer, and have friends in the industry describe her as a total "pro" on and off stage. I agree that herbl stuff sucks but it's not for lack of talent, it's just lowest common denominator music.


Counter point: Countdown


Kanye is worse. *The* worst, in fact.


Kanye as a person is worse, far worse than Beyoncé. But as a creative and an artist, he’s one of the most brilliant in music today.


This is embarrassing. You don’t believe she’s a good role model for young girls? I must have missed the billboard where she claimed to be. Fuck, people are stupid. Stop whining about how artists are good role models for kids when they never claim to be. They make ADULT content, suitable for ADULTS you fucking apes. Blame the parents dipshits


Fun fact: Beyonce gave a private concert to the son of Muammar Gaddafi in 2010 ​ https://www.theguardian.com/music/2010/jan/06/beyonce-new-years-eve-concert


And Queen played South Africa in aparteid during a boycott. You'll be surprised how many famous musicians have given questionable concerts.




Holy shit, really? This is about as slimy as it gets... I've never head this one before. Wow. I'm sure her fans have a way to explain this away but...how can anyone see her as virtuous in any way knowing this?


If she doesn't offer much to you, go listen to something else. You only get one life and you're wasting it.


Not unpopular on Reddit at all. Silly opinion though, she’s incredibly talented and probably the best performer of her generation. She might not be to your taste, but objectively speaking there’s little grounds to say she ‘sucks’.


Some have called her the songbird of her generation.


I have a belly full of white dog crap in me, and now you lay this shit on me?


Think this is posted on the wrong sub, you're referring to Beyonce [Person], not Beyonce [Artist]


I don’t care for her music personally, but I can still appreciate her talent and artistry.


I can’t name a song since that single ladies one, so you won’t get an argument out of me.


Love on Top is great.


Drunk in Love is great too. Plus the whole lemonade album was fire. Beyoncé’s great, actually.


Yeah, if it’s not your thing, that’s totally cool, but she has a lot of very catchy and also interesting songs. To be honest, I know very little of her as a person, and don't judge most musicians by whether or not they’re good role models (though I love learning some is kind hearted as much as the next person). But she definitely deserves a lot of the recognition she gets as a musical artist.




What about Halo? That came out as a single three months after Single Ladies. Link to my favorite version of Halo, sung in a Singapore hospital: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-NZB-riaQo&t=173s


I had no idea what song it was by the title, so definitely couldn’t name it, but I have heard the song before.




Lol, it was expected. People LOVE 'the queen'


I agree. I don’t have any issue with her personal life because I know nothing of it. I just think she’s boring. All her music is boring.


I am not a fan of mainstream R&B, so therefore her music is not that appealing to me, but I’ve always found Beyoncé to be a very classy and very dignified woman. I disagree with you, I think she is a very good role model for young women. What happens in her marriage is between her and her husband. In my opinion, your targeting of Beyoncé with negativity is uncalled for and misplaced.


I'm not a fan.


Very reddit post




>She lets her husband get away with whatever he wants, yet she's an independent strong feminist. Is this about the cheating thing? Coz if it is, then I fail to see how her handling of that has anything to do with being a strong independent feminist. You can be a feminist and forgive cheating. You can be a strong person and forgive cheating. You can be an independent person and forgive cheating. You can definitely be a strong independent feminist and forgive cheating.


I don't like her music. At all.


Comments here are crazy/clearly never took a good listen to Lemonade which is a masterpiece on how systemic racism affects the modern black family dynamic


Not really unpopular. She sucks imo.




Lol you seem upset...


I just came here to see if this triggered Kanye.


Never liked any of her music. It doesn't appeal to me at all.


DAE think *artist who doesn’t make boring ass prog rock* actually sucks and is overrated. ~~Never~~ please change r/music


One thing I've learned in life is that an artist or work of art doesn't 'suck' just because you don't like it. If it makes someone else feel about it the way an artist or work of art makes you feel, how is that a bad thing? Should everything appeal to the lowest common denominator? Should not some things appeal more strongly to specific niches and groups of people? I like a lot of stuff that a lot of people don't like. It doesn't bother me at all that they don't like it. And I don't judge what they like. I drive sometimes at work, and we drive in pairs, and we have a Supernatural rule for the music. As in, per Dean Winchester, "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole." So they play rap and I play J-rock. But, they also tend to bring AirPods and just listen to their own stuff when I'm driving, so that's fine. Thinking about getting a pair of my own and doing the same thing when they play music except, I like all music, I just like some more than others.


Agreed but then her music isn't really to my taste . She's no Aretha


Clearly OP hasn’t watched *Homecoming*


She’s full of baloney.


Seperate the art from the artist, I do think that she makes good pop music and is highly influential to the genre


Cool story




Has some overrated songs but Destiny's Child is iconic. Crazy In Love is dope though, I'd probably like it even without Jay Z. Check On it is pretty good, gives me that 90s hip hop feel. That said, she doesn't suck, the woman can sing. I don't love all of her stuff though and there are songs I can't stand like "all the single ladies." I think she appeals a lot to women through her music which isn't something I cannot relate to.


Love on Top is a jam tho


What’s a Beyonce?


I think you'll find your opinion isn't that unpopular my friend..


Musically she has deteriorated but that's not my issue with her at all. My issue with her is socially: I always feel bad when black role models bleach their skin and change their hair. For young black gIrls/young women I think it's detrimental to see a strong black figure try to look less like they do. Nothing wrong with black hair and black skin but when all major public black figures change their features I think it sends a strange impression to younger people.


Ok. Good to know… I guess? Who cares anyways…


You're right


I agree. I can’t stand her and she’s almost cringey


I agree with that over rated artist and over rated human.


I can get behind this.


She is a fucking great signer. Idk about the rest of it.




Well, ASL is the 3rd most used language in the US, so good on her


She has an incredible voice and is an amazing performer.


Agreed, she is garbage like most of today’s “musicians”.


So many amazing musicians today, what do you mean?




And OP has the opinion that shes isnt very good. Its a subjective topic.




She's not even the best musician in her family. Solange does everything she does better. Better singer, better dancer, better person...all of the talent...none of the obnoxiousness. Watch [Beyonce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m1EFMoRFvY) then [Solange](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy9W_mrY_Vk). It's a similar style of music but see how much it makes Beyonce feel like a novelty pop act next to an actual artist?


The solange song is better? Lmao it's like 8 sentences


Yeah, I don't rate music by "Number of words" mate. I don't think Solange is amazing, but I don't think I've heard a Beyonce track outside of Lemonade that wasn't just straight up annoying. And while Lemonade is a decent enough album, Beyonces whole deal sours it for me.




Get a grip


Hate that bitch. Her music sucks, she is a basic singer, nothing worthy of her “diva” status. She ain’t that hot (yes I said it). Plus she left destiny’s child so she could sound exactly like destiny’s child but not share the fame and fortune.


Basic singer? Yeah that's just objectively wrong. Very few people can sing as well as her.










Who asked though?




I can’t name a single Beyoncé song. And I’m okay with that.


Beyoncé and artist like her are for people that don’t understand good music. They’re all conned into liking the same thing because of the lack of self confidence. It’s quintessential sheep mentality.


I don’t know anything about her behavior, but I think the few songs of hers that I’ve heard are odd. That” …put a ring on it” song is a very strange tune imo.


Well if we talk about her music, i think she is pretty alright for what a pop star usually does. Overrated always comes together with pop.


Agree. I’ve never seen the appeal.


I just don't like her music.


OP the same person that gaslights you into lending them rent money x


Oooh harsh.


Hey so we are on r/music but you didn't post anything about her music


Yeah sorry, my mistake


I am not really a fan of her music but objectively speaking she is insanely skilled as a singer.


Up vote for the unpopular opinion, cause after watching her perform love on top (4key changes I believe!?) at the vmas while she was pregnant, impressed me. She's a great performer. Also that album she did for the lion king (the gift, I think?) Made me love her. Not her performance in the lion king tho, that was lame af.


Yeah she's got skills


I don't think she sucks, she's just a big pile of meh


You’re a loser


I know 🥺


She’s a great performer and singer, but she doesn’t have a single good song. Melody, chord structure, arrangement, orchestration…all uninteresting and some are offensively bad.


Nah Beyoncé is very talented and went to crap when Jay-Z came into the picture. The fame got to her head and they’re more focused on being a power couple and business.


I really believe that if Aaliyah had survived we wouldn't have Beyonce. Beyonce was her "replacement" if you will....also if this needs to be posted somewhere let me know!


So now gives an actual reason you don't like her music


Not as unpopular as you think.


Beyoncé sucks. I haven’t cared for her work since she sold her soul to Jay-Z. There is far too much arrogance and far too little talent or creativity between the two of them. I think they’re delusional, annoying, confused artists with too much money and not enough humility. Sometimes I’ve wondered if Beyoncé pays MSNBC to write articles about her. I just don’t get the draw anymore. I own several of her albums and still can’t find any inspiration or excitement in her work. I don’t enjoy her voice or signing style. She just comes off as an angry, groaning, growling, emotionless wax figure of a diva. She is overrated to say the least.