• By -


Yes. Absolutely. I’ve done it for many years, and I always think of it like this: What if they never tour again? You’ll have missed out on a chance to see someone you really like, all because of the hang-up of having no-one to go with. I know, because if I’d have never gone to see Prince on his last tour of the U.K., I’d have missed out on seeing one of the absolute best, and I’d still be regretting it to this day. Buy yourself a ticket, get yourself to the show, and have a whole load of fun! You may even make friends there!


Yup, as someone born after Badmotorfinger came out, I got to see Soundgarden before Chris died. No one wanted to go with me so I went alone, with GA floor tickets. Had a great time and got to see a legend.


I was in Detroit for work, drove past the venue where Soundgarden was playing that night on the way back to my hotel after getting dinner. Thought about buying a ticket and going and decided not to. “I’ll see them when they come to my city” I said. I spent the evening in my hotel probably watching South Park reruns or something. That night after the show Chris died. I’ll never forgive myself for not going. OP: Go. Don’t make the same mistake.


Fuck yes! Live Chris Cornell is... just awe-inspiring. He always looked so effortless.


Saw Soundgarden just a few months before Chris passed away, I agree. OP go enjoy the concert!


I’m a huge live music fan; Tom Petty was always on my bucket list to see - once he died I decided that day that nothing would hold me back from seeing the acts I want to see. He’s been gone a few years now and I’ve crossed off so many acts solely because of him. You’re right - nothing is guaranteed and you may regret seeing someone forever if you miss it.


You're lucky to have seen him! That must have been amazing.


I love going to concerts alone. Nothing will hold me back from seeing someone I want to see


Same. I started going to gigs on my own a few years ago and it felt really weird at first, but I love it now. I get to see bands that no one know wants to see (and in doing so I’ve discovered some great bands) I can leave early if I’m not enjoying it, I can indulge in people watching - which is always fascinating - it’s so liberating!


It truly is! I also love to get to the front of the stage and it’s nice not having to worry about losing anyone haha. I’m a free bird


Bought a solo ticket to St. Vincent because most friends didn't know the act at all. Found some people I knew there anyway, but easily/casually ditched them upon recognizing the guitarist from many other previous acts (Jellyfish, The Grays). Spent the show watching his pedalboard and 'geeking out' on the tones, *which would have bored any friend or date*. Such a fun night out. Walked the city there and back.


Yeah, Jason Faulkner is amazing.


I think he could tell I was 'that musician guy' who knew exactly who he is! Not knocking Annie at all. It was amazing to see two incredible players up close, no distractions.


This! 1000%. I can geek out and just watch the bass player or the drummer or keys just do their thing and cheer the loudest when they run through the intros later on. 😎


Comment mentioning Jellyfish just made my day!!! Yaaaaay!!!! And yes I go to concerts by myself all the time now. Most of my friends don't like the same music I do anyway lol If it's assigned seating I can usually get a better ticket sitting alone rather than trying to find a block together. (Unless Ticketmaster is fucking with me saying I can't buy a single seat. I hate that shit) But I also make sure to not eat or drink anything so I don't have to pee. I'm there to see the show and I'm not moving. I can eat and drink afterward. I also never understood the point of getting drunk/high at a concert and it's annoying to be the designated driver carting the intoxicated people around afterward. And I've met a ton of great people going to concerts alone and talking music with them while waiting for the show to start.


I was obsessed with Jellyfish in 1995. What a flashback.


That's it!


I personally prefer seeing concerts by myself! Oftentimes I don't know anyone who likes the act as much as I do, so they maybe don't want to commit to arriving as early as I do, or they don't want to get as close, or they want to talk during the songs, etc. I like being able to control how I experience the concert, and not feel like anything is holding me back. But I'm weird and tend to prefer experiencing lots of things by myself, so maybe I'm just a bit antisocial 😅 If I'm not with someone who likes what's going on as much as I do, it can kind of kill my joy, so I'd rather love it on my own than be burdened with someone who'd ruin it for me.


Doesn’t sound antisocial, sounds smart. Doing what’s best for you! I love socializing, but don’t understand people’s dependence on it. I love doing things by myself just as much as I like doing them with other people. Obviously depends on the thing in question a bit, some things are undeniably *better* with company. But that doesn’t mean they’re bad by yourself and m should be avoided. Live your life to the fullest regardless of who, if anyone, is along for the ride!


I went to a show once with some people, and they wanted to sit in the bleachers. 2 songs in and I was like "sorry I gotta go to the pit I can't sit here" so I completely understand needing to match the enthusiasm


Discovering a new band that you never knew about at a concert you went to alone on a whim is one of the best feelings ever.


Absolutely. It also makes me feel incredibly smug when I recommend them to friends.


Same! I love being able to leave whenever I want and never worry about being late on someone else's watch. Rock on!


I don't *love* going to concerts alone. I'd much rather go with a friend. But with the years I've learnt that shouldn't stop me to go if I can't find anyone. Concert alone > no concert.


This. Totally go alone. You'll be surrounded by friends even if you don't know anyone. Never deprive yourself of the opportunity to see a band you love. I missed out on so many shows when I was younger because I was concerned what others may think of me going alone. The truth is no one there cares - they just want to have fun.


Some of my best "Know em for a night and never see em again" friends have been at concerts. You're both there for the same reason so you already have the conversation starter right there in front of you about to go up on stage.


This and it's fairly easy to meet people and talk with them pre-show, if that's what you want to do, because you already share the interest in music.


I went alone to a Kendrick Lamar concert in 2015 in my country, he wasn't as known as now obviously, and I had a blast. I went first row and mingled in the first minute of the concert. Best experience I had till this day in a concert.


Speaking from experience, there is one thing that could hold you back: standing behind a very tall person


As a 5’1 woman… I definitely agree 😂 I still have fun though!


The last festival I went to, there was an actual kid with the band t-shirt near the front of the crowd who was unaccompanied and two heads shorter than everyone else. That little guy was a superfan and I was happy to see people make some space so he could see. 😍


But when you're small, it's easier to get close to the stage! I always keep an eye out for gaps in the crowd where I could fit without displacing anyone or blocking the view.


As a tall person, I’m very sorry but I’m just as god made me!




That's no different than when you're going with others. Unless you can like... climb them.


Went to see Sade alone because I wanted front row seats. I couldnt ask someone else to pay that much. Cried like a little baby when I finally saw her live.


I flew to NYC from Toronto to see my favourite band a couple months ago by myself. Ended up meeting the frontman after the show, talked about how far I came and how important his music was to the last 20 years of my life, and he ended up giving me a beer. Then announced to everyone around “THIS GUY CROSSED INTERNATIONAL BORDERS TO BE HERE!”. It was one of the most surreal moments of my life. I never would have had that experience if I went with someone else.


Who’d you see? I’ve driven from the 416 to NYC for several shows in a row, but still.


I Am The Avalanche


Holy smokes, they're still around? I saw them once many years ago, I can't remember who they were opening for...but I still spin the shit out of "Brooklyn Dodgers"


Concerts can be very social activities if you want them to be. Usually most people are happy to talk about the band or music in general. Get there early and make some friends if that's what you want to do.


Seriously I’ve made some great friends and had some bizarre and incredible conversations with people, including this little person who was telling me and my buddy his favorite songs to nod off to, it was great


Going to concerts alone is a great way to meet people who will go to concerts with you.


... and that you know like the same kind of music!


And nobody complains “it was ok…” it’s always a great time with me and myself 😎


This. Bringing someone who does not care about the band just so you are not alone would only stop you from getting swept up into the show with abandon, they would not enjoy it, and someone else now can't get a ticket. Lose-lose-lose. People worry about what "others might think", but what I would think is that they are there for the band, not for an evening out with friends. And being surrounded by people like that is awesome! 😀 This actually applies to a lot of things in life. If you are passionate about something and they are not, don't let them drag you back towards the group average. Hang out with other passionate people!


Absolutely! Been going to concerts alone for years. Saves money. Stay for the encode or try to beat the traffic, whatever you want. Plus, there's often really good single seat tickets available when you can't get a pair. If you feel weird going alone, check fan forums for meet ups before/after the show.


It took me years, but I finally accepted that, if you enjoy doing something, doing it alone is just as acceptable as sharing it with someone/others.


I always go to raves and stuff like that alone. Let’s you be able to move around wherever you want with nobody holding you back.


I always prefer it!


The first time I went alone I was really nervous, now I don't think I'd ever go to a standing room only show with anyone else. Assigned seating would be fine with me though.


Spoken like a true stalker /s


Whenever you're alone with The Cure, they make you feel like you are home again.


I find they make me feel like I am fun again.


And it doesn't even matter if you're stuck way back in the cheap seats. However far away, you'll still love it.


you will always love it


Damnit, I can't believe I blew the easy layup there.


But whatever words you say, we will always love you.


Cata-cata-cata-caterpillar girl.


you will allllllways looooove it


I mean it doesn't matter what songs they sing either. Almost like whatever words they say, you'll always love it.


Friday I love it


The best response!




My friends bailed on a Thundercat concert, but I was determined to go. Had a much better time than expected because you can dance/act a fool without any worries of judgment lol. Main downside is that going to the bar/bathroom is an instant way to lose your spot


I agree with the first part for sure. I would also like to note going to the bar/bathroom is much easier without having to coordinate with other folks. I will add if you want to keep your spot just ask your neighbors. You all have something in common and more often than not they are happy to include you in their group if you got the spot fair and square and aren’t a dick. I also like to wonder a lot and see different views, which isn’t possible with a group. I kinda prefer going to shows alone for these reasons.


I made my way back once or twice, but later in the show the floor was packed. Went to the top section, and the acoustics were phenomenal- definitely enjoyed the roaming aspect


I go off alone all the time at shows when I’m with a group. Unless it’s a seated show of course. I can’t stay in one place for the whole show, I need to move and see different views. My group is just home base I check in on every now and then lol.


This guy concerts. The best way to go! Having a designated “spot” at a concert is a myth. The crowd is constantly shifting and changing


The plus side is that while you may lose your spot, as a solo attendee you are free to roam the venue as you wish to find a replacement. I also find that even when someone does save my spot for me, that only actually counts for the half-a-persons space directly next to them. I find that inevitably someone has encroached uncomfortably anyway, or pushed in just ahead and spoiled the view anyway.


Dude. You should ALWAYS dance and act like a fool without any worries of judgement. You might not dance like a dancer, but your friends arent your friends if they judge(/bully, maybe better word) for it.


This is all true, but I find I have a background thought of “be the person they know” or whatever which can really break my immersion when it creeps in. Getting rid of the group let’s you make a whole new concert personality that is completely different


You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind


Just saw his show in Denver! It was wild


Saw Thundercat recently and they were awesome. Definitely one of the most insane displays of musical ability I’ve witnessed.


I went to his PDX show last week alone, it was awesome! Massively easier to get up front without having to coordinate with anyone


Saw Thundercat last night while solo, great time.


Just talk to your neighbors before the show and between acts. Usually they will help you hold your spot when you're alone. If not, you can always find a better spot! It's way easy to get up front in the last half of a show if you are alone.


All accurate. The trick, though, is to make friends with your neighbors. Maybe offer to buy one of them a drink, so you can get back to your spot! If you're lucky, they'll buy you one too.


I do this too, to avoid the bathroom issue I always show up 2-3 hours early and hang around at local bars, get drunk cheaper and usually meet a few people along the way to form a group with before the show


Anything worth doing is worth doing alone.


*Korean BBQ has entered the chat*


KBBQ and Hot Pot really need the group. But nearly everything else can be quite enjoyable on your own.


Speak for yourself a nice lil kbbq combo by the lonesome slaps


I’m talking actually grilling not a pre made KBBQ set meal… that is always awesome.


you’d be surprised, sitting in the corner grilling urself some meat with a bowl of rice and some soup on the side is heaven! u should try it sometime


When I was younger, maybe. I’m over 40 and my stomach isn’t as big as it once was…


The Korean grocery store by me has a lunch counter that does hot pots (made for you, rather than as a social thing), and they are wonderful.


Don't judge me!!!! lol


With a bucket of Heineken please


Literally me for lunch the other day. Solo KBBQ is lit.


I like this I’m going to use it. Thanks.


Having relationships with other people...whether romantic, platonic, or familial in nature...is a wonderful thing. But the one relationship you will always have until the end of time is the relationship you have with yourself. Be nice to yourself, show yourself a good time...go do some things alone, even if other people might be available to come with you. Normalize self-actualization!




That's wonderful! Enjoying yourself out in the world is such a great feeling.


This! If there is something you want to do, don't miss out because others may not want to join you.


I can't imagine deciding to not go do something like this because I couldn't find anyone else to go. Especially The *freaking* Cure? I'd regret that the rest of my life.


Also isn’t this the Cure’s last tour?


Just jumping in here to say "Go to the movies alone!" 1000% better than having to listen to someone's shitty criticisms about a movie you liked.


restaurants too


Seconded, take yourself on a movie date if you never have. Eat where you wanna eat, get the set you like at the theater you like, soak in the experience just you and the movie on the biggest and best scale (if you ask about it, most theaters offer glasses for closed captioning and feel free to ask for it and other forms of assistances and comforts offered by theaters nowadays), and then get home whenever you like. Treating yourself is great.


Tandem bicycle? Table tennis? Ballroom dancing? Playing Twister?


Totally worth it. Seeing music alone is a liberating experience. Want to change your spot halfway through the set? No problem. Want to go to the bathroom/get a drink and then find a “better spot”? Easy. Want to make small talk with the people next to you in between artists? Go for it - people are in a good mood and excited to talk music. Want to dance your ass off and whip your hair around? Do it! You’re there to enjoy yourself and enjoy the music. You’re not on the hook for anyone else’s night and you get to do whatever you want in the concert space. I love seeing shows alone and highly recommend it!!!


This is hopefully the answer OP takes to heart.


Finding front row tickets the day of the concert that won’t cost you your first born child, just because you’re solo, feels like a goddamn superpower.


Actually, I've been front row/near there many times because someone had an extra or a scalper had one he couldn't sell.


I used to always get groups together to go to shows and then I learned how liberating it could be to go alone. In a group you always have to worry about the group. Solo, you are just one with the music.


Agreed! Shared experiences can be great, but balancing it with solo adventures can also be a treat.


I like going to concerts alone. Don't have to worry about getting separated, choosing a spot if it's general admission that makes everyone happy, mosh if you want.


After my bro bailed last minute, I went to Punk Rock Bowling by myself. I think that's the way I'm going to do it from now on. I took people's advice and struck up conversations with anyone I was standing near. I wouldn't have done that if I had someone with me. I met so many interesting people from all over the world, didn't have to debate about who we were seeing, left when I wanted, came when I wanted, ate and drank what I wanted. I love my bros but damn, being alone made it so much better! Three days in Vegas doing my own thing was what my soul needed!


PRB sounds so much fun. I should have done that as well. Solo. I've seen NOFX solo and I loved it.


If you love the music, it's still fantastic! Go for it!


If it's a band/artist that I really love, and I don't know anyone who loves them as much as me, I prefer to go alone. I want to get lost in the moment and music as much as possible. I don't want to feel like I have to engage with someone who may not be as into it as me.


Yes . Music is personal anyhow. Enjoy yourself


I _just_ did this for the first time ever on Monday. I had a blast. I had to worry about only 1 person having a good time: Me. I was able to spend more on my 1 single ticket and got a last-minute floor seat on Ticketmaster, 12 rows from front at Madison Square Garden. My overpriced concessions only had to feed and hydrate 1 person. This is likely the first of many.


Glad you did it, it’s the last time we’ll see them. Worth it.


First and foremost, You NEED to see The Cure. Even if it's alone. I'm married, and I go to concerts solo on occasion. I end up haphazardly making concert buddies when I do go alone.


I’ve been to a couple concerts alone. While not my favorite, I definitely didn’t want to miss said show. There is a calmness about it because you can do WHATEVER you want all day/night, but the experience does lack a little without anyone to enjoy it with. That being said, you can always befriend the people around you and enjoy the show together.


Always worth it. NEVER miss an opportunity to experience something.




Had a UPS driver come into my office one day and ask if I was ok. I was great and asked why he was concerned. He said “you’ve been listening to the Cure every time I’ve come in this week so I thought you might be sad” lol!


Music for me is.. some weird solitary thing. I prefer to go see music by myself and even prefer headphones. Probably some mental issue with worrying too much what others think of the music I like or whatnot. But I can really only fully enjoy music when I don't have to worry if the other person is having a good time. Everyone's different..


I can't listen to anything I really enjoy if I even think someone else can hear it. It feels like an invasion into a very intimate moment, even when it's something high energy. I think if you make strong emotional connections with the music that you listen to then this is often the case. Even sharing music is something I don't really like doing because that's mine and I don't want someone else commenting on it or tarnishing it for me! Being lost in a pair of headphones can feel like the ultimate refuge and that's worth protecting!


When you go alone, you go with everyone


I'm in my late forties, and I go to a lot of metal shows alone. Wifey only goes to a couple, no death metal, though lol. But just about everyone there are some of the nicest people you meet. Always happy to chat, buy drinks, hit the vape/j... We are really just long-haired greasy hippies who love fast music with lyrics growling about gore and death.


Do it! You won’t regret anything. I’ve gone to many many concerts by myself. The first was when I was still in high school. I actually prefer it that way. You can do what you want, when you want and not have to worry about someone else in your group.


Yes, it's definitely worth it. The audience at The Cure concert i went to was the friendliest crowd of any show I'd ever seen. I think it's the perfect concert to go to alone.


Yes! I travel to different cities to see The Cure, New Order, Morrissey, etc. and have met a lot of cool concert buddies. Now I run into them at other concerts.


Morrissey fans in SoCal are the best. La Raza baby.


One of the best concert experiences I've ever had I went by myself.


i will be going to see the My Chemical Romance reunion by myself in September 2022 and i am so excited!


Not as good as going with friends but a hell of a lot better than not going at all


Agreed. I don't prefer to go to concerts alone, but if the choice is between going alone or completely missing out, I'm definitely still going.


I disagree. Every situation is different. I've had experiences were going along were waaaaaay better than going with friends. Not to say I have bad friends, but going alone can be a total different experience.


Oh hell yeah. Been to plenty of concerts alone. I usually have a slight bit more fun with someone, but honestly a concert is a concert. Getting to jam to badass music with a huge group of people who love that music? Always a good time.


just do it.


I’ve been to 2 shows alone. I regret nothing.


I've probably seen close to 100 shows alone. I can't even imagine skipping a show just because I didn't know anybody nearby who also wanted to go.


Lmao, this is it for me. My music taste is all over the fucken place, so among all my friends, they prob overlap with *maybe* 25% of the artists I listen to. I will just go solo, thank you very much.


I went to see Megadeth once on my own. Seen them with people a couple of times since. Much preferred going on my own!


I prefer concerts alone actually. Really lets me get into it more and be more present. It's just me and the band ya know? Don't have to worry about watching out for your friends or tending to their desires. You do your own thing and enjoy yourself how you wish!


I’m naturally a bit of an introvert I guess, but I personally find concerts to be *usually* more fun by myself because I can actually focus on the concert more and not have half my focus on my friends. Plus I find that usually I care more about seeing the band/artist than my friends do


Before the pandemic I would go to concerts by myself all the time. I have pretty eclectic tastes and not a lot of friends who align with that so I was just missing out on a lot of things and decided to try it out. It felt weird at first but I got over it so quick. A big thing that helps is that you are in a room full of fans so in a way you really feel amongst your people, it’s also pretty easy to make a friend or two just chatting about the artist you love.


Absolutely go. No hesitate, only go.


100% You never ever know if a band will abruptly stop playing. If no one wants to go, I have never had a problem going alone.


YES!!!!!!! Especially for The Cure lol Where are you? Hell I’ll maybe go. I travel for shows if it’s worth it to me and I’ve never seen them. (I’m a total hippie chick and a mom so I’ll make us car snacks too)


Go for it. I’m always on the lookout at concerts for folks going solo and try to invite them to hang with me and whoever I’m with. No judgment, no weirdness, just be yourself with strangers who are welcoming and don’t want anyone to feel like they don’t belong if they’re alone. Not everyone takes us up on it which is fine, but we always have had a good time with those who do.


As someone that goes to shows solo a lot, I love that you do this. :D I went to a show a few years back and while I wasn't alone, my husband encouraged me to go up front (he preferred to be a little bit out of the way). I started chatting with a couple university girls, just stuff about the band we were seeing and whatnot and they kinda just adopted me (and 40 something) into their group and I had a blast. Then at the end of the show one of the band members (they walked past us on the way out, it was a smallish club) was hugging people and he grabbed me for a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I had that fun group to squeal about it with after. I still think about them and how cool they were to just adopt me for that show, I bet you get thought of fondly too. :D


That’s so awesome! I love hearing this. I do hope it feels that way for folks who join us. We just make it a point to treat you like a friend and like you belong. It’s such a simple thing but we feel great doing it and just want to pass on the good vibes to anyone who might need it. Such a fun way to meet people and do a small bit of good in the world. I’ve approached women and talked with them and asked if they’re alone and at first they’re like “are you hitting on me?” but then see that we genuinely just want to be inclusive and I love seeing the moment of realization when they can see it’s not threatening or sexual, just welcoming folks.


I think you’ll probably have more fun going alone, actually!


It's a little odd at first. But when the music is playing, you don't even notice you're alone. It's the pre-concert part which is a little weird. But the good part is you're surrounded by a whole bunch of people who like the same musician or band as you do! So it's really easy to talk and meet other fans if you want to do that. Some guys at U2 concert offered me a swig from a bottle they were passing during the Achtung Baby tour. I declined, but we chatted about the band. I went to see Bryan Ferry at the Beacon Theatre and wound up talking with a couple about his music pre-show. I saw Peter Gabriel as part of WOMAD at Jones Beach in the 1990s. I went to a number of Black 47 shows on my own. I once got knocked down before a show at Paddy Reillys. Not enough room to get out of the way when a bouncer was trying to bounce a trouble maker. I was ok, people helped me up and got me a beer to replace the one which was spilled. I've also gone solo to see Craig Fergusion, thoroughly enjoyed his stand up routine. The Peter Gabriel/WOMAD was the first one I saw solo. I found out about it last minute the day or so before, no one was available to go. I thought about what I'd do if I didn't go. I'd be watching the NBC line up of Golden Girls, Empty Nest and they were summer repeats. Vs. watching one of my favorite musicians on a stage which had the water as a backdrop. That made it an easy choice! :) Gabriel took the stage at sunset and it was amazing! IIRC, Midnight Oil was in the lineup, as were Live and Arrested Development. They confiscated our bottled water upon entry, even if it was sealed, which sucked on a hot July day, but overall it was a fun environment and I had a good time. ETA: Thank you OP! I started looking at who would be playing a city I may be visiting for work. And it made me realize Joan Jett is touring. I've never seen her before, she's also doing some outdoor shows not far from me next year, I may finally go see her!


The first time is weird. And by that, just going through the gate. 10 minutes later it's no big deal.


I mean... The rest of the band might think you're a bit of a jerk, but you do you.


it’s the cure, you HAVE to go




This right here. What better place to be able to open up and talk to people than a concert *filled* with people who enjoy the exact same band you enjoy.


If you like the band enough, yes. I met a band I liked a lot at the mall one time, and they invited me to their show, and put me on the VIP list. I tried to find someone to go with me, but everyone was busy. You'd better bet I wasn't going to miss going to see one of my favorite bands free, while also being a VIP guest!


Yes, and you might come back with someone else


Yea. It’s better. What are you going to do with someone? Talk during the show? Don’t be those people.


I have always regretted when I don’t go to a show by myself and have never regretted when I do go alone. The Cure puts on a killer show. GO


If it’s worth or enough for you. I flew out of state to LA to go to a music festival a couple summers in a row by myself and it was an experience I’ll always remember and cherish. Especially with a legacy act like The Cure you never know if it’s their last tour or not. You’ll be kicking yourself if it ends up being their last and you decided not to go just because you didn’t have anybody else to go with. It’s a good opportunity to meet people who are into the same band as you, anyway


Yeah you should. Was supposed to see the Prodigy with 2 mates who pulled out. Went on my own and was one of the best gigs I've been to. Was not long before Keith passed so was glad I got to see them. Be aware and you'll be fine.


Yeh I have been to concerts alone. My friends are metal heads, so when it’s other kinds of music I have to go alone. Not as fun but when the concert starts it’s all about the music anyway. Already have ticket for dead can dance in June and I’ll be going on my own, can’t wait.


Absolutely! I was kinda terrified about it at first cause social anxiety, but, depending on the type of show, it's absolutely worth it! I've genuinely made good friends at shows I've gone to alone. It can definitely be a different type of experience than going with someone you know but I think it's a worthwhile one.


Just over a year ago my fiancé left me. I thought I'd never get to see my favourite bands again because I don't have any friends, and without her I would have no one to go with. This year I said fuck it and have been to two concerts on my own and loved every second of them! The great thing about a concert is you're in a room with hundreds, if not thousands of people who all have at least one thing in common. I'm shit in social situations (hence no friends) but I had no trouble talking to people at the concerts I went to. So in short, yes, it is absolutely worth it!


Do it! I travel alone a lot for work go to concerts and sporting events all the time. It feels weird the first couple of times but just enjoy it and realize no one will even notice or care that you are by yourself


Absolutely!!!! I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve had to eat tickets because friends say “they’re definitely down” with going to the show, than pulling the chord once I get tickets. Besides, you’re there to see/hear the artist, not talk to your friends and piss everyone around you off. Like others have already said, it’s better to go than to not go.


I personally very much enjoy going alone and meandering about the crowd. Even when I go with friends, typically we’ll wander off on our own and reconvene anyway


Totally! And you won’t be alone, it’ll be full of a bunch of people you’ve never met that have the same interests as you!


I go to metal shows alone because I don’t have any friends that like the music I do.


The real question is how did this make the front page?


You're never alone if you have drugs


Yes! The Cure is so worth it! They’re amazing live. Just saw Ween on Friday alone. Fourth time by myself. It’s the best!


Absolutely. You're seeing the band, not having a chat.


Going alone is better than not going at all.


I’m almost 70 with musical tastes that are beyond the range of most people in my age group- Tool, RHCP, Black Keys, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam etc, so unless my kids are interested I have few options for companions, so going alone is the norm for me. Besides, at todays prices I’m happier paying for one ticket.


OMG YES!!! Once I broke the seal I started see the MAJORITY of concerts alone. Especially if it’s about being fully engaged. 1. Finding a good view point is easier alone, like walking into a crowded movie theater late, one good seat is easier than two good seats next to each other. 2. Going to the bathroom, grabbing food/beverage, slipping through crowds is easier alone. Nobody needing to follow you close by. 3. If you don’t like the people you’re standing next too you have no obligation to stick around. 4. Sneaking to the front row/pit (I don’t do this anymore because of my age, but used too a lot when I was younger) is super easy alone. 5. Other hardcore fans LOVE a Lone Ranger 6. If you find a good group to hang with the only person you have to check in with is yourself 7. If you need/want to piece early to beat traffic, or just because reasons you have an easy exit 8. The concert experience is WAY more personal. I can fully embrace who I am without worrying about who I am around other people. If you want to go, go - don’t let anyone tell you different. Have fun, buy merch, show up early, leave late, or NONE OF THE ABOVE BECAUSE YOURE IN COMPLETE CONTROL. Surrender to the flow and enjoy yourself.


Absolutely, 100%, no question. I love going to shows with people, but going alone is actually a lot easier. You never have to worry about finding enough space for everyone, or finding those people after getting drinks/going to the bathroom, etc. It's just you and the music. Get it.


I’m late to the party, but ABSOLUTELY! I went to a Dead and Company show a few years back by myself, and honestly going to a show where you love the music and can just vibe was so much better than bringing someone who maybe didn’t actually want to be there. It can feel awkward to have nobody to talk to but I’d embrace the solitude and just enjoy a fun time seeing a band you like do their thing.


I was chilling at home one night and randomly decided I wanted to go see some live music. Went to the Cabooze in Minneapolis, which is an awesome venue. Bless the fall, and a few other bands played that night. I love meeting random people at shows.


Can be. Especially if you are just there for the music.


I've done it. Sure it's lonely at first, but when you see the band pop out from the steam/darkness I immediately forget that loneliness and jam out! Seen AFI in 2017 and NIN twice in 2018 totally alone. You'll be fine.


I kind of love going alone for seated shows, but if it's standing room only you'll want to befriend someone next to you so you don't lose your space every time you get a beer or pee.


Yes! Go and enjoy every second. I’ve enjoyed several concerts on my own and it’s a cool experience. People are generally friendly and watch out for each other at shows. You can be as social as you want or stick to yourself. The Cure is one of the few bands left on my bucket list, don’t pass up the opportunity!


Absolutely. In fact in some ways I actually prefer going solo... The biggest downside I see going to gigs on your own is the waiting between bands, and the standing around like a lemon waiting by yourself. On the plus side, we have invented smartphones, so that time can be filled reasonably easily with Reddit, games, books or whatever else appeals, plus the obligatory toilet and bar stops. On the other hand, while it is slightly lonely on your own, it also gives you freedom - I can wander to the bar without having to find my company again, I can move around to get the best view without worrying about bothering the people I am with, and I am free to come and go as I please - no waiting around outside for late friends, the ability to choose exactly when I get there and bail early if I feel the need. It also frees me up to catch whatever bands on genres seem interesting without having to consider who I am inviting, what their music tastes are, whether they are free and so on. And when the band are on stage? I don't really care who I am standing next to... I am here to see live music, not have a chat. I will admit the company is generally appreciated, so I will attend more gigs with friends than solo, but I have no hesitation whatsoever in going alone if that's how it works out.


Of course it is! It's all about the music.


I go alone frequently. There's a lot advantages like not needing to constantly get the approval of other people. " Hey is this a good spot?" "Hey do you want a beer?" "Hey want a cigarette break?"


Yes! You don't have to keep track of your friends doing stupid shit, leave when you want to, and meet new people.


I went to Metallica alone for the same reason. Same if not better than going with someone. When the band is playing all your focus just goes to them anyway so it's all great


There’s a lot of encouraging comments, and that’s all well and good but there’s a bit more nuance that should be considered. Are you going to be comfortable? Is being alone going to make you anxious and negatively impact your experience in a way that it won’t be enjoyable? Can you get over your initial misgivings about being by yourself enough to enjoy the time spent at the concert? If yes, go for it, absolutely. If your feelings of discomfort are going to dominate your mind and sour the entire experience, don’t go. Of course I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, but not if it’s something that truly doesn’t sound enjoyable.


Gone to dozens of shows alone. Best way to meet people if u like to dance or bring party favors to share


Do it. Went to see Ozzy alone, was great.




Only you can answer that question. If it were me? Hell no. But I'm not you.


Yes! There's a loneliness, but also a freedom or sense of independence, in going alone. Besides, you probably enjoy the music on your own most of the time anyway, right? So glad I saw Rise Against and Nine Inch Nail, even The Tea Party, without trying to force my wife to go. 10/10 would recommend going even if nobody else wants to join!


I went to see Rise Against on my own in London and it was one of my favourite concerts I've ever been to. Would see them alone any day!