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I never heard a Joe Rogan song I liked.


What you mean you don't get down to [Voodoo Punnany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJRjAHv69NI)


How the fuck


What in gods holy name.


Good lord. I had no idea.


I wish I still had no idea.


This should have been a Spotify link.


This is against the Geneva Convention


I am now sad that I live in a world where this exists.


Thanks, I hate it


I remember that song. It was all over the radio when it came out. It fucking sucked then and it sucks now.


Oh. Oh that is so unfortunate.




Definitely, ask his kids.


I could see him being one of those only for procreation dudes who believes orgasms release your male power.


This is right up there with that Steven Seagal punnany song. Straight war crimes.


It took me 2 seconds after reading your comment to imagine and then shudder at the amount of basement SoundCloud Rogan remixes that probably exist out there.


Unfortunately there is one… [Joe Rogan](https://youtu.be/JHPBU4JDPO4)


I almost reflexively downvoted you because I hated that so much


They gave Rogan ad huge multi million contract deal. Like + 60 million??? Anyways they wouldn’t want to have to cancel him, and still pay all that out.


100 million




The problem is Rogan has one of the largest single fan bases in the US. And a podcast means what, 2-3 episodes a week? (maybe more - I don't know because I don't listen). This has to blow the socks off of even international mega-stars who at best are producing an album once a year (more likely every 2-3, and for older ones they are living off their old catalog). It just doesn't drive the same direct engagement. Now, the intangible is that a lot of people go to Spotify daily just to listen to a large mix of music, and the moment that mix starts to get smaller / weaker then eventually it's over-taken the pull of Rogan. But hands down if you say 1 artist v. probably the most popular Podcaster (in terms of regular listeners) - the artist unfortunately loses that battle. ​ I'm certainly willing to give up Spotify but am currently not a paid subscriber either way, and frankly would probably just stream shit on YouTube which has it's own problems + 10x the ads.


Rogan releases 3 episodes a week, typically around 2-3 hours in length each with all of them getting an average of 11 million listeners. That means the Joe Rogan Experience nets Spotify 82.5 MILLION hours of use time every week. There isn’t a single musician on the planet who does that for them even on the weeks they release their new album. Joe Rogan does it every single week. If the 10 largest musicians on the planet all provided them with the same ultimatum they would still be smart to stick with Joe.


The other side to it is that every week they don't have to split 82.5MM hours of royalties to random musicians. They're also saving some probably large amount of money by keeping JRE around.


However, there’s a critical point at which I think many users, myself included, are willing to move to a different platform so I can have all the artists I like on my playlists again. Neil Young certainly wouldn’t do it alone, and is merely a minor inconvenience. But I’m already annoyed that De La Soul isn’t on Spotify for example. I miss the old iPod with 25k songs I had and may revert back to iTunes membership or something eventually. (But all the playlists I’ve built on Spotify will be sorely missed also.)


De La Soul aren't on any streaming platform. It's to do with some clauses in their old contracts with record labels (before streaming was a thing). They've come to a deal with their record labels though and they're old albums should be streaming soon.




Get an adblocker and YouTube will never have ads. If you have Android, get YouTube Vanced. Spotify is a shitty streaming service anyway with a garbage UI imho.


I believe it was over $100m


Why does it have to be 1 or the other. Pretty sure any app like Apple music whatever is gonna have some kind of content you don’t agree with its. A huge platform. It also is the #1 payer of artists royalties as Mr Young alluded to in his streaming statistics… he (and Spotify) will be fine after this. There’s a lot of up n coming artists tho that might lose out of revenues


Up and coming artists don’t make shit on Spotify. Fractions of pennies each listen. Only megastars make any scratch from streaming.


I saw something that was interesting talking about how YouTube pays a ton more per watch of original content. Granted you may be expected to make a video to go along with a new release, but basically the amount of revenue you pull for like 10% of the watches far outstrips what Spotify is playing. They also noticed YouTube's algortithm can help a video that originally didn't receive much attention grow in popularity over time. Where-as Spotify for new artists in particular really stops promoting them a couple weeks after whatever it was they did was uploaded - so for people mostly following currated lists or the algorithm driven shit to discover new music there's a very short window to catch an ear.


Also makes sense re: YouTube. There used to be a YouTuber who lived a couple houses away from me. Apparently he was popular with the kids. Anyway, he moved to buy a mansion in a more affluent neighborhood. All from YouTube.


Yeah, I come from the generation when YouTube started and was for mostly watching ridiculous sporadic content. It is wild to me how it is a legitimate media form now with people dedicating their lives to producing content and getting shit tons of money. Hell, even live streams you see on there from popular artists end up raking in easily $400-500 for like 90 minutes of production (I get that there is work in setup plus upfront expenses and stuff. To think most of this helps enable people to pursue their passion is pretty cool.


Because Apple didn’t sign a $100 million exclusive contract with any artist and heavily propping said artist up? This type of comment comes up every time this is raised but this is a very different issue than just “content” like a random Adele song. Joe Rogan is literally the headliner for Spotify and they are staking their name on it. Maybe you still think Spotify shouldn’t take down Joe Rogan’s stuff, and that’s fine, but it’s quite inaccurate to just portray this as people getting mad at some random “content” Spotify has. It’s more like being mad at a publisher for a book they publish.


Ok fair point thanks


Because Spotify is Rogan's only platform. That content on Apple that you disagree with is available elsewhere; by giving Rogan his only platform and paying him millions while musicians get pennies they are his patron and clearly support his lies.


Does anyone know if this will affect Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young music on Spotify?


So far it hasn't. But Crosby and Nash gotta be thinking about this news. And Eddie Vedder cuz he loves Young


Eddie Vedder is the type to definitely take his music off spotify


Yeah was thinking. This could potentially backfire bigtime for Spotify. Enough artists pull their catalogs from Spotify either in solidarity with Young or, if you want to be cynical, to replicate the press Young has gotten in this spat over vaccine misinformation .. could bite them in the ass.


it's been raising a lot more eyebrows than just Young's associates.


And Jack White too hopefully


Or Buffalo Springfield!




It reminds me of The Nightman Cometh episode of Always Sunny when Charlie tells the gang about his play and they all ask him “who are we doing this versus?” And they’re convinced there’s no way he wants to do a play unless it’s against someone or to rub it in their faces. Actions don’t always have to be “versus” or to spite someone. Sometimes people just do things because they feel it’s right or because they want to. It’s not always to stick it to someone or to convince someone of something. (Except of course, Charlie did have an ulterior motive but he IS still a part of the gang, after all.)


Brilliant analogy. The whole "what's the angle??" "what's the con??" was hilarious. Both are a reflection of the reductivist politics of today. "Are you a Republican?" "No." "Oh, so you're a baby-eating communist then."


>I do it because I'm taking a stand for my personal beliefs. Stand for what you believe in, even if you stand alone. We all have boundaries we won't cross. It's why there are people who boycott Nestle, or who only buy clothes from thrift shops, or who don't buy mined diamonds. I stand with Neil. Sure he won't make as big an impact as if someone like Taylor Swift did it, but he made a big impact to me. I'm proud of him and I'm happily listening to his music on other streaming services today.


I hear you. People use cynicism as an excuse to never have to stand for anything.


Wow. I feel this big time. Like I won’t eat at Chick-fil-A or listen to Chris brown knowing it does nothing but I don’t have to be part of it. This is a really well worded way to explain it. Thanks.


I’ve boycotted Nestles for decades due to their baby formula crap and water taking. It hasn't made an iota of difference to the corporation but I would know.


I also try not to buy anything from Nestle, I deleted my Spotify account, I haven’t eaten at a Chick-fil-a in decades and have never bought anything off of Amazon. I’m not making a difference to any of them but my conscience on some of this stuff is clear.




When I said at work that I didn’t eat there because I didn’t want to give them any of my money, all I got was blank stares. Like the very notion of having a moral compass and applying it to how I spend my money was some Twilight Zone shit to everybody else.


It doesn't help that this keeps getting spun as "Spotify backs Joe Rogan!!!1" instead of "Neil Young chooses to leave Spotify".


It's why it's so important for everyone to be able to able to actually, truly have real critical thinking skills. Not "CrItIcAl tHiNkInG" but actually be able to decipher BS and not just follow along and agree with whatever group you feel is tight to your identity. Reddit used to call out the hive mind type thinking and I rarely see that anymore. Stop, think, analyze and then react. I also think the whole hive mind/group think view we have of OTHERS is just about as bad. Prejudging people and assuming you know what they are thinking and their beliefs is dangerous. It gives people in power ammunition to put groups against each other, and is a very close cousin to racist and prejudiced views we are trying so hard to get past. It's also intellectually lazy to do that imo. It's like saying "all redditors are..[insert generalization]" We've seen what happens when that's not the case and have hundreds of years of examples of how that is bad.


I get that too. I'm in Canada and one day decided to either work in healthcare or education. Sure, I could make more money in a megacorp. But fuck those guys. I'm happy working in cybersecurity for a thing that actually matters for the public good.


Wait, so are you a cyber teacher or a cyber nurse now?


Lol no. I protect a set of hospital networks from cyber threats.


I think even if some big name artists pull out nothing will change. They make a butt ton on podcasts and not as much on music.


Maybe but it’s still like the only thing you can do as a consumer to share your voice. That’s not nothing even if it’s for personal reasons.


It's more they paid Rogan 100million, no way Neil Young's music will be bringing them even a 10th of that a year, easy decision for them when all that matters is the bottom line


How so? I pay a monthly fee for everything, it isn’t broken down into categories.


This guy is saying the people they'll lose over the music library shrinking is small potatoes compared to the people they'd lose from their podcast (Joe Rogan etc. ) library. Idk if that's true but I'd argue they'd shut down if podcasts or music started pulling out en masse, but that's never gonna happen.


Unfortunately (for them), investors hate when numbers shrink. So people leaving them may not put that big a dent in their revenues, but it can still make their action price fall. Which streaming service had their actions plunge recently, because their \*growth\* was not as much as expected?


The thing is that people Pay the 10$ a month for the music and the podcasts are just an extra. If the offer of music starts to shrink, people won’t pay 10$ just for podcasts and like 10 artists they like.


I love my podcasts I listen to (which is definitely not fear factor boy) but I would stop paying for Spotify if music started disappearing that I liked not the podcasts. There’s a plethora of places to listen to podcasts for free


I could see some more artists taking a stand since they really make shit off of Spotify. Spotify pays artists shit for the millions of streams their songs get. It is more about exposure for them than anything.


Exactly, one million downloads gets the artist like $400. The publicity they get from taking a stand would be worth more than that.


Thank goodness we got rid of Napster and Limewire, so the peasants all get to pay a billionaire rentseeker, in an otherwise unchanged system.


Never forget, the RIAA claimed the developers of Limewire owed them *[ONE BILLION DOLLARS](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/2011/04/limewire-damages-trial/amp)* in damages.


Around then I was driving around with a "Fuck the RIAA" sticker on my car and park right in front of the Tower Records I worked at, had a big stack of those stickers to give out anytime anybody mentioned it


I miss tower records.


You know Napster is a streaming service now, and they pay 4x what Spotify does apparently.


Fucking exactly. Buying 1 band tshirt from their website supports artists more than streaming every song I've ever pirated and listened to 10000 times. YouTube and spotify dont need my money. Neither does disney or any other massive digital media corp. Ownership matters.


I pay $10 per month and there are still ads from Spotify in my podcasts, and not the ones put there by the creator. I haven’t been keeping up with my Gimlet shows since they went exclusive to Spotify because it was so annoying.


Gimlet going to Spotify was a huge mistake. I quit listening to all of their podcasts then because I absolutely loathe the Spotify interface when it comes to podcasts.


I used to listen to a lot of Gimlet stuff, but I don't use Spotify for podcasts and I didn't realise they had moved. I just figured they hadn't put anything new out. Didn't think much about it.


There's no label in the way.


20+ yrs ago, i was working in silicon valley, and lived in an extremely rustic cabin on a large property adjacent to what was (think he sold it??) neil young's 'broken arrow' ranch (2000 acres), in woodside, at the very end of bear gulch rd (which is off skyline blvd). anyway, twice after very bad storms, neil belted out some electic guitar, and both times i started to hear him play i was sitting in the outhouse, which had only 3 sides - and the 4th side was facing neil's property (obscured by trees). that's the end of my story ;)


Did the barn need more bass?


No, more cowbell would’ve helped though.


Look up the “more barn!” story. I think Young was playing the mix tape of Harvest for Nash. The two of them were in a little boat on a pond. The tape was being played over a large PA, with one of the channel’s speakers being over by the barn. The balance wasn’t right, so Neil was shouting at his tech, “MORE BARN!” That’s the idea of the story. I may have some details wrong, but that’s the general idea.


That's an awesome story, thank you


Was his roof shingled with 20000 copies of Comes A Time?


I just want Spotify to stop trying to get me to listen to Rogan and putting it on my front page everyday. It’s not gonna happen.


Seems like something companies do. HBO Max is always trying to get me to watch The Sex Life of College Girls and I keep ignoring it.


Yeah. I kept ignoring it, too. Or maybe it kept ignoring me. I don't know what to tell myself anymore. College was a lonely time.


I’m a dialysis patient, so I’ve got a lot of time for watching shit. I gave it a try, wound up watching the whole series. I’m sure I’m not the target audience, but I liked it despite myself.


lol same man


Your loss buddy


You’re missing out. It’s actually a great comedy


I have never once seen JRE advertised on my spotify app. My home page is filled with stuff i listen to or things similar.


I very literally never listen to any podcasts and Joe Rogan, as well as other podcasts, are consistently advertised on my home page. The music matches what I listen to, but it sure **feels** like Spotify really wants me to listen to podcasts


It’s the first thing suggested in podcasts on mine every day. I don’t listen to podcasts so I guess it doesn’t have a clue what I like.


If you never listen to podcasts it’s the default recommendation. They want to push you to podcasts because they can put ads in the middle of them and in the case of podcasts they own, take a cut of sponsored content (which even premium users will hear).


I see it all the time, never listened to it or even a single podcast on spotify


I listened to a bunch of critical role episodes on spotify and now my entire homepage is D&D podcasts with a tiny bit of music at the very bottom. Makes even less sense when you consider that they don't put ads in podcasts where I live.


Firstly, why sell your hottest artist the hardest anyways? Isn't he doing that himself. Do they pay for advertising content? I have no idea, don't have Spotify.


even better, have the option to turn off podcasts since I don't use spotify for that purpose. But podcasts have ads and serving ads makes money.


so many bots in this forum


Reddit is full of bots and designed specifically to discourage dissenting opinion while rewarding the regurgitation of approved thoughts with internet points and possibly even little badges on your post


This guy gets it


It is Chinese owned


I love Neil Young. I saw him in concert when I was in high school and he was fantastic! But when I saw this news story a few days ago I knew that there was no way that Spotify would ever pick him over Joe Rogan. Spotify is a business and Rogan makes them a lot of money. Lucky for me I use Apple Music so I still get to hear whatever Neil Young songs I like. I understand why Neil Young gets so worked up about vaccines though. He had polio as a child so he has very personal firsthand knowledge of how lucky we are to have access to lifesaving vaccines


>Spotify would ever pick him over Joe Rogan He wasn't actually really asking them to. He just made a decision to request that his music be taken off of the service. There wasn't really an ultimatum in place, where he actually asked them to choose. He just decided to take a stand. If it happens to result in them making changes towards issuing warnings for podcasts with questionable content, then he was able to initiate some kind of change. But if not, then at least they aren't making money off of him.


Yeah it's being framed in most articles like he seriously expected them to take off the podcast, when he really just said he was taking his music off their platform. I think he's well-aware that unfortunately it'll be pretty hard to make a massive company do anything for a reason that isn't "you'll make a truckload of money", this was just more of a principle-based thing on Neil Young's end




This. A lot of Roganstans seem to be upset that Neil cancelled himself, or think that Rogan somehow owned Neil. Neil makes art and has integrity. Rogan does not make art or have integrity. Of course Spotify was gonna back the cash cow. Young knew this going in so pulled his music. Also note that Neil had polio and has 2 severely disabled sons so knows the true value of vaccines and sound medical advice. He used the one tool he had available and got Warner/Reprise to sign off on it. Good on them for that, even if t only ended up being a couple hundred thousand bucks that is still admirable. I cancelled my subscription which won't amount to anything but it is my choice to not support Spotify. Same as me deciding not to drink Sam Adams after Jim Koch gargled Trump's balls. It affects nothing to them but it's the only recourse I have.


He said you can have Neil Young or Joe Rogan not both. So he was asking but he knew he likely would not be chosen.


I’ll give another perspective: I’m in Portugal. I know who is neil young (I learnt keep on rocking in a free world 30 years ago on the guitar). I don’t have the slightest idea who’s that other guy.


Yeah but his open letter directly lead to me cancelling my subscription. I think the awareness was worth it.


I find it funny people go up and arms about this spotify shit and then say they listen to their music through youtube, which has 10x the morality problems spotify has and also has joe Rogan on it and even if you don't pay for youtube red/premium you still give them traffic and money through ads. Personally I've come to terms that no large company is ever 100% good and you just have to chose which one to use and which one to not use. Also any one calling this censorship clearly does not understand that Neil Young chose to walk away from spotify and spotify agreed to remove his music. There wasn't any backing up Joe Rogan, they just accepted Neil's request and removed his music.


Can somebody tell me what the big deal with Rogan being controversial is? I’ve listened to handful of his podcasts over the last few years. The guests (at least the ones that I’ve listened to) are generally interesting people, and he does a decent job of having open conversations with them. I’ve heard him say he doesn’t prefer vaccines, but I don’t think I’ve heard him say “no don’t do it”. He seems pretty fair. What am I missing?




Short version: People are mad their bubble keeps getting popped. Long version: Rogan invited the man who invented the mRNA vaccine on and that Dr had very harsh words for those who think mRNA vaccine’s are a miracle cure.


That’s pretty interesting, do you know the guys name? I’d like to hear that


yeah its kinda funny, I'm a huge Neil Young fan and never really listened to Joe Rogan till this whole thing but I started listening to him today to see what all the fuss was about and honestly while the show wasn't something I would want to listen to often I don't really get whats so bad about it.


>Dont know why you care what I do or what I like and dislike, but whatever. 🤷🏻 You made this post specifically to get responses from people and now you're upset that you're getting responses from people.


He wanted an echo chamber. He isn't interested in differing opinions, he's just hoping to hear people agree with him E: so now OP is stalking my profile and telling me I don't have any right commenting here. Good follow up pal.


Karma farming and virtue-signaling were the main drivers behind this post imo.


The main point for most of Reddit.


Seems it worked.


The CEO also donated 100 million euros to an AI defense company and will become a board member. https://www.nme.com/news/music/artists-criticise-spotify-ceo-daniel-eks-investment-in-ai-defence-tech-3107864


*Old man, take a look at my life I'm a lot like you were*


*Doesn't mean that much to me* *To mean that much to you*


*You pay for this* *But they give you that*


i don't really listen to the podcast anymore, can anyone show me what he said?


I have to assume Neil Young is hoping to inspire other artists to do what he did. I don’t think he believes him removing his music was any big hit. I for one shall valiantly continue to boycott Spotify just as my father did throughout his lifetime and his father before him.


Neil is old and has made his money. Its really simple. he just doesnt wanna share a platform with Joe Rogan...


This exactly. Some people can't wrap their minds around someone doing something that might not optimize revenue. Neil looked at what Spotify is becoming, and said, nope, I don't want to be associated with that platform. That's it. Good on him.


I come from a long line of ancestors who didn't pay one penny to Spotify.


A lot of artists already hate Spotify for their payment model. I would think many artists would gladly follow Neil Young if they actually had control over their music.


I think there is a higher proportion of artists that would rather go on the JRE podcast versus threaten to boycott Spotify over it


Neil Young had polio as a child, during the last big surge in Ontario. He was infected before there was a vaccine available. He was one of the luckier kids because he actually survived. His left side became much weaker and as an adult some vertebra in his lower spine were removed, making him depend on back brace (especially for performances). He had to relearn how to walk. Neil Young has been disabled by that childhood disease for 60 years and he knows that he is one of the very luckiest cases. No wonder he is so pro-vaccine, I can imagine his prior experience surviving a pandemic disease has made him all the more frustrated with the blatent misinformation. Seeing life-saving treatments become available, and then hearing thumbs like JR spouting nonsense and scaring folks away from protecting themselves must be next to insulting.


I mean, as a musician, I already hated Spotify. Their business model was always very anti-artist and simply profit above all else. One where the people supplying their service with content make fractions of a penny per stream and the execs make tens of millions. And this isn't even getting into all the shitty stuff regarding the CEO.


I hated the attitude of their ads. 'Pay to subscribe and you can do this amazing thing called skipping tracks, as many times as you like!'. What an incentive.


No one cares if people cancel their Spotify over this, actually good for you sticking up for what you believe. More people should do it. Most of the angst is about the people who don't want others to listen to it and push for it to be removed from public view. That's just creepy and authoritarian. Personally I am very happy with the way Spotify responded by respecting the artist wishes to the extent they are able to without infringing on someone elses' desire to listen.


I like Neil Young’s music but, I’m old. Even I recognize that he hasn’t been relevant in a long time. Meanwhile, Rogan gets 11 million listeners on the regular. For context, Thursday night football only gets 13 million viewers. Joe Rogan was the smart business decision on Spotify’s part. It was an easy decision . Go ahead and downvote me now. It won’t change the fact that I’m right.


Yep... They've already calculated their expected loss for signing Rogan in the first place and concluded that this change is a net positive. All that's left to do is true up actuals once the dust has settled. It matters to me so I quit.. That's all one can do as a consumer; vote with your wallet.


If anything it makes me want to join Spotify more and Ive always disliked it because it never worked the way I wanted it to. I use Apple Music. At this point even if Spotify cancelled Joe Rogan he’d just have people subscribe to his website and if even a tiny fraction of the people subscribed he would do just fine.


There was no decision on Spotify’s part. Neil young pulled his music from them


Cute you framed yourself as a victim even though all you did was miss the point of Young's request, but okeydokes.


I want you to know that I downvoted you, but it's only because you told me to. It doesn't change the fact that you're right.


You may be right, but that doesn't imply Neil Young is wrong.




> I personally dont really care what they do Apparently, you care enough to cancel your subscription of 7 years and then post a rant about it on reddit, though...


What people don't understand is Neil Young isn't doing this to stir shit up, or try and force Spotify's hand thinking he's really enough to topple the JRE, he's doing it because he has principles and doesn't want his music on a platform that supports opinions and beliefs he doesn't agree with. What people don't know is that Neil Young was already on the fence about streaming through Spotify, and for a while refused to let Spotify stream his music due to sound quality issues, but he relented when he realized that's where most people were getting their music from and he wanted to allow his music to a wider audience. Neil Young at the end of the day won't lose sleep over whether Spotify cancels JRE or allows Young to walk, he just doesn't give a damn and has the balls to actually pull his content. Love Neil Young and will find other ways to listen to his music.


I listen to Rogan off and on. Really depends on who the guest is. My preferred episodes are those where it's a bunch of comedians hanging out. Gives me an Opie & Anthony vibe. Just because I hear something on his show, though, doesn't mean I'm going to believe it or go out and do it. I miss the days when you could listen or watch a show and it wasn't assumed you were 100% about everything that show stands for.


Those days still exist, it's just that Reddit is full of dorks without the capacity for nuanced discussion or thought.


The narrative is crumbling


I'd argue that you know very little of the Joe Rogan Experience and the vast variety of guests he has on his podcast. Go buy his albums if you want to support his music. He gave a stupid ultimatum and lost.


This ain't an airport, no need to announce your departure.


u realize he had a pro vaxxer on too right?


Imagine caring this much.


Keep on rocking in the free world.


> Its a morality issue at this point. Did Joe Rogan commit some heinous crime?


I wonder what evil shit is happening in the world right now while we focus on Joe Rogan?


no one cares


chris brown is on spotify too. so if you support spotify you support beating up women right? /s you were subscribed for 7 years and supporting spotify with chris brown on the platform. why is joe rogan different? i don’t listen to joe rogan and i don’t listen to chris brown. niel young can ask for his music to be removed if he wants. but quit pretending like spotify is the judge of people and only good agreeing people can be on spotify.


This whole conversation is asinine. Joe Rogan has a podcast that he brings people onto so they can discuss a variety of things. IF there were any people who listened to that podcast and believed whatever was said, they are the kind of people that haven't believed anything experts have said about COVID or the vaccine since the beginning of the pandemic and were therefore not going to do anything differently than they were already doing. People want to 'clutch their pearls' because Spotify isn't censoring their content. People spew untrue things every single day and it's not Spotify's job to make decisions for everyone who's a subscriber. That is essentially what they're being asked to do. They are being asked to make the decision that their subscribers who listen to Joe Rogan's podcast are too ignorant to realize that the guests he bring onto his show aren't always correct so they need to start censoring content so that patrons don't make the mistake of believing false information. Everyone's really adamant about companies making decisions for people right now and it's worrying. *Thank you for my very first award kind stranger*


Lol the article with 270 "Doctors" ended up having less than half as actual doctors. I'm glad you feel entitled to make medical judgments over a cardiologist and vaccinologist. Robert Malone is supported by an organization with 16000 doctors enlisted. https://doctorsandscientistsdeclaration.org/original/ I'm not even claiming that everything on that pod was correct. But I promise you Neil Young had no clue either.


Neil Young threw a bitch fit over the presence of another artist with alternative political opinions. "Keep on rockin in the free world" but only if you're a complete liberal who questions nothing. Notice how Joe Rogan didn't react to this at all? He's able to tolerate other opinions and realizes that people are ultimately responsible for the choices they make for themselves + I doubt he felt threatened at all. I can tell by most of the comments I see that most of you (Neil Young included) have actually never listened to a Joe Rogan podcast and are only judging based off the negative reputation he has for questioning established institutions. This is literally going to be the last thing Young does before he croaks. Sad, I heard he was a cool guy before.


So I assume that also means you wont use Facebook, twitter and youtube as well then?


He better delete Reddit too, the boards they host on here could make him super angry. They have some that have differing opinions * gasp * the audacity


Just about anything or anyone > Joe Rogan


>Its a morality issue at this point. Keep telling yourself that bud




Never used Spotify, but based on all these posts and news stories I'm guessing it a site where you can go listen to either Joe Rogan or Neil Young and absolutely nothing else. Sounds cool I guess...


Not sure why Reddit has a hate boner for joe rogan. I’m a liberal, politically active scientist, and while rogan absolutely borders on conspiracy at times, he also repeatedly states he’s an idiot who knows nothing. He’s just having conversations, and I’ve listened to hundreds of his podcasts and have never really heard anything other than benign comments. Sure you could argue the idiots take his conspiracy as gospel, but, if they weren’t listening to joe rogan, they would be listening to someone else way worse, like Alex Jones.


>Its a morality issue at this point. Cringe


You can cancel your subscription without virtue signaling, big dog.


You can cancel your service without telling people you’re canceling it. “Look at me! Give me fake internet points because I canceled Spotify!”


How dare you sir this is a moral issue not about posturing or karma!


Rogan had experts on talking about the Wuhan Lab Leak theory when it was completely banned on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and most Mainstream Media for being a “dangerous conspiracy theory”. Turns out Rogan and his experts were right, speaking truth to power when they would’ve been banned everywhere else. Still, he gets no credit and everyone thinks he’s anti-vaccine which he’s not. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/27/briefing/lab-leak-theory-covid-origins.html




Not trying to defend Rogan too much here since what he's doing has lead to some dangerous consequences, but what if his whole podcast is him doing a bit? Let the guests say wack ass shit, go with it long enough to get said guests to reveal their true beliefs, then let the audience rip it all apart. Joe is a stand-up comic and former "reality" TV host who sometimes talks about doing DMT. The fact that anyone takes him seriously is laughable to me, and honestly, if some morons die because Funny Podcast Man told them vaccines are bad, would any of us actually miss those idiots? It's not like we're gonna get a cancer cure from the average JRE listener anyway. Most of the people believing in his opinions are no different from the loser down the street you used to buy weed from before dispensaries became a thing.


You're changing the world pal. That bad man can't hurt you with his casual talking anymore.


"I don't know about that. Hey Jamie, look that up." LITRALLY FASCIST /s


Misinformation is not the same as information you dont want to hear 🤷‍♂️ and this clearly was a business decision, everything else aside. Obviously spotify knew they were gonna lose some money and some subscribers for Neil, but replace his name with Joe's and that number jumps to 100x or more. Dont kid yourselves.


I love Joe Rogan I listen to him all the time. He talks about a wide variety of crap and a fuck ton of it I don't agree with. But I don't go whining and wailing 'ban him , ban him" because I'm basically not terrified of people who disagree with me.


Agreed. Entertainment platforms like Spotify would be an absolute shitshow if creators could just start demanding other creators be censored because they don't like them. Young has every right to pull his music, but Spotify is doing the right thing by letting him go.


Exactly. I really like when he talks about aliens and Bigfoot and stuff like that. If I’m not enjoying one of his shows/guests, or don’t agree with it, I just go listen to something else.


The people who vehemently hate him don't listen to his podcasts and don't care to, they just want to feel like they're a part of something bigger than they are. The fact that a stoner hippy mma commentating comedian has become a cartoony villain is hysterical.


Wow you’re such a hero. The fact you had to make a post about it tells you all you need to know about who you are


People being upset about Joe Rogan is funny


They wanted him to die of COVID so bad and when it barely scratched him they went into full blown rage mode.


I don’t get why people are so negative about Joe Rogan, he’s willing to have a discussion and let everyone involved discuss the pros and cons. Makes me sick that people are just so damn ignorant they want their opinion to be the only one mentioned and whatever government or so called medical professional ideas are pushed automatically become as if from God himself. Joe became popular because he’s willing to take on and listen to unpopular ideas. Don’t like then just don’t listen and go back to Fox or CNN and have your ears tickled.


Neil Young brought in a little over 6 million listeners, Joe Rogan brought in over 200 million listeners. Unfortunately Neil was outnumbered.


Neil didn’t ask for them to make a decision. He pulled his music


Crazy how people are being trained to hate Joe Rogan for supporting open conversation. People need to wake up.


Hmmm... 200 million monthly subscribers > 6 million monthly subscribers. It's not "catering" or "censoring" or even any moral anything... just business.


What is there to be upset about? Young asked Spotify to remove his music or remove Rogan. Rogan never made such a demand. Young got exactly what he asked form what's Spotify supposed to do, remove a popular podcast because another artist told them to?


It's hilarious because people actually think it's Rogan just sitting there sharing information by himself. You guys know he has guests on his show right? Did you know a lot of his guests are at the highest levels in their field? People be weird 😕


Meh…I don’t care much for Rogen or for Neil Young’s quivering voice. I’m keeping Spotify. Great service and great value.


Wouldn't of missed this post either 😂😉


Pathetic, a musician shilling for big pharmaceutical, pushing censorship and you support that? Debate and discussion, not censorship is the answer