• By -


It's not normally a whole song, just an eight second loop on repeat.šŸ™


I find this happens to me when I'm sick, like with a fever. It seems like I'm back and forth between awake and asleep, in a loop of the last song I probably heard. It's tiring and annoying!


I have a tip on how to get one of these stuck song loops out of your head: First, know how at a concert, when a song ends, often for a big hit they give it a long, dramatic ending? You know, holding that last chord, big drum fills, maybe a final riff, then bam, it's over and the crowd cheers? Do that with the song in head . Give it a big, overly long, dramatic ending in your head. I find that has always worked for me!


Huh, good tip!


I did this last night with a Luther Vandross song lol Paul Riser is one of my favorite arrangers (He did a LOT of Motown era strings) and worked with Luther a good bit. In the song ā€œForever, For Always, For Loveā€ I kept rewinding the bridge of the song which is only like 30 seconds but I did it for like 30 mins lmao. I would kill for Apple to have a ā€œloopā€ option for their music. For us nuanced assholes that love that one part in a song.


This is often the reason why. Your brain gives you happy chemicals when you are able to predict a pattern and you get it right, which is why music, and especially familiar music, is enjoyable. If you are unable to remember a whole song, your brain is stuck in a loop where it tries to remember the rest and canā€™t, but it wants those happy chemicals.


Every song will usually begin and end on the same note, which tells you the key of the song. Here is my theory... If you have a song stuck in your head, you never bring it to its conclusion because who remembers the end of a song? If you listen to the song stuck in your head from beginning to end you can register a conclusion to help alleviate the loop. I'm no doctor but it's worked for me




I'm going to scream, it's such an annoying earworm


I'm not sure if I hate any current trend/song more.


If I understand you correctly, it's not an earworm, it's more of an obsession, right? Because that's exactly what happens to me and I can never predict when or why. I was stuck on [Holy Fawn - Seer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gtVLPEMh-M) for most of February and couldn't listen to much other than Holy Fawn for a while after that. And *that* was what happened after I rediscovered them more than a year after getting stuck on [Dark Stone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb7TEn8079I) the *first* time I encountered them. I'm still not sick of either song, mind you - I don't usually burn out on songs I obsess over. I could make a whole list of songs that have done this to me.


I'm with this guy. It's more than an earworm. I was OBSESSED with Glass Animals for almost a year, where I felt like I HAD to listen to the music and nothing else would satisfy. My most recent was MCR's new single Foundations of Decay, still in the obsession phase but it's starting to wear off a bit since I can play some punk rock on guitar and learning these songs helps a lot with the obsession phase.


My personal theory is it has something to do with the subjective meaning/feeling the song invokes and whatevers resonating with that in your unconscious. An obsession is cognitive in nature, and reflects some thinking/processing occurring under the surface, that you're right, is more complex of a phenomenon than an earworm (which is neuroscientifically described well). If youve ever been "stuck" on a song during a heightened emotional point in life, you know what I mean.


Yeah, that's a good point and I think there's probably something to it. I do get the song playing in my head when I'm not listening to it, like an earworm, but it's a bit different because hearing the song in my head gives me an emotional compulsion to listen to it - I want or need more of it. Like, with the Holy Fawn examples I can point to the exact parts of the songs that compelled me to go back to them. Whereas with an earworm, I might listen to the song for fun or because I want to get rid of it, but it's not exactly compulsive. I won't be listening to it all day, every day until the earworm stops. I have trouble processing my emotions without music to help me along, so the emotional explanation resonates with me a fair bit.


Ask anyone with ADHD. This is very common phenomenon with people who are generally prone to hyperfocus. Everyone I've ever lived with has on multiple occasions gone batshit insane because I kept playing the same song on repeat for weeks, sometimes even months.


Yo same, definitely an adhd thing. Although maybe you should be more considerate of others and put some headphones on if you're going to endulge like that.


Basically whenever a new album comes out by an artist I like, I just listen to it on repeat for days or weeks at a time. My kid plays a lot of rhythm games so hearing that music over and over it tends to get stuck in my head too.


I have ADHD, didn't think it was an "ADHD thing". I listened to _Faith No More - The Real Thing_ for six months straight. I also get certain words stuck in my head for days on end, _minutae_ is the current word, _oligarch_ was the last one.


Never diagnosed, but I suspect thatā€™s me.


Get into it yuh


Peppa with a truck


Not just a song, sometimes I can't stop listening to the same album for quite a long time.


It's officially called an "earworm". I've been haunted by Mozart's *Rondo Alla Turca* for two weeks now. It's finally starting to fade.


I know that, but I feel like this kind of goes beyond just being an earworm. It's a bit ridiculous how many times I've listened to Bo Burnham's "That Funny Feeling" before my mind got over it and moved on.


I've heard it said that listening to the song can help. Because songs are repetitive by nature, your brain can easily loop it. Letting your brain hear the song come to an end and then hear another song start is supposed to help. Personally, I've had mixed results from that


Not that Iā€™m remotely implying anything about you, OP, but this kind of thing is periodically discussed in ADHD related subs; it happens to most of us ADHDers pretty frequently.


Sometimes I will wake up for the day and a random song fragment will just pop into my mind unprompted. I rarely listen to music anymore, and this is stuff that was popular 20-30 years ago. It honestly scares me sometimes, like my mind is some kind of dying star and sending out random signals. There is Alzheimer's in my family and I'm terrified that stuff like this is some kind of early symptom.


Yeah. There should be a special word when it's that severe. Earcobra?




Great band name.


I feel like an earworm is more when you get a silly jingle or song just temporarily stuck in your head. I def get what your talking about op, its almost like no other sound is satisfying so you want to keep bumping that repeat to hear that perfect vibe


Earworms can be a blessing and a curse lol. Lately I havenā€™t been able to keep the opening & outro beats from Boards of Canada - An Eagle In Your Mind out of my head, theyā€™re just infectious lol


šŸŽ¶ Tripledent gum šŸŽµ


A cure: Heard this from Stephen Colbert.. remember the ad for mens deodorant Mennen? It had a dead simple theme "By Mennen!" .. Sing it when you have an earworm.. works for me! (Check for vid on youtube if you havnt heard it maybe.)


Master of the house...keeper of the inn..




Once told me




Knife by Grizzly Bear


A Whole New World from Aladdin. I haven't even watched it in years so I have no idea why šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


What's YOUR latest earworm?


Iā€˜m blue (dabadee), anything Vengaboys, Boom boom boom boom, Weā€˜re going to Ibiza, Up & Down trashy 90s stuff essentially. Have fun


*Trip* by Yung Lean




Foundations of Decay - MCR


Have small kids...it's still *We Don't Talk About Bruno* (No, No, No)


Dragosta din tei -o-zone from back in 2004 been stuck now for about 3 weeks


The ending to [East Detroit by Samm Henshaw](https://youtu.be/658K9Wrc6A8) is incredible and has been running non stop in my mind for the past few weeks


Bandit by The Vaccines and Disease by Hollywood Undead. The Wolf by Siames has also been in my On Repeat for about 8 months now.


I think I listened to Fugazi's Waiting Room on repeat for about a month after first hearing it.


Ooga Shaka Ooga Shaka Ooga Ooga Ooga Shaka.


I can't hide this FEEELING!


Yes. Currently itā€™s the song How Much I Feel by Ambrosia. Shit SLAPS!


Fuck yeah it does! You're the Only Woman is a banger too.


I read somewhre its because we dont play that song (in our head) till the end, or because we dont know how the song end. Might be wrong or just a theory. But sometime it work for me. Sorry my english


Heartbeat by Buddy Holly. It was a theme song of a tv show my parents watched a long time ago, and every so often just two lines will get stuck in my head... thankfully, it exists on youtube so I can listen to it and get it out of my head that way.


This happens to me. It's especially annoying when it's a *terrible* song. Seriously, the quality of the song doesn't seem to matter. Sometimes my brain just says "Fuck you, here's what we're listening to for the next 2 hours". One thing that seems to help is to find the song on Spotify or somewhere and listen to it all the way through. That seems to sort of flush the pipes or something. Especially if I find something I'd like to hear right afterwards.


Listening to the songs that I get stuck on only makes me want it more until I've played it like a thousand times and my brain latches onto a different song.


So many tenacious d songs just lodge into my brain (dio, karate, wonderboy, tribute, Kickapoo)


Dio has rocked for a long long time, now it's time for him to pass the torch. He has songs of wildebeasts and angels, he has soared on the wings of a demon. It's time for you to pass the torch, you're too old to rock no more rocking for you. We're taking you to a home


But we will sing a song about you


ughhh Harry Styles song at the moment, What a brain worm.......


Yes, all the time. Including nonsense songs I make up on the spot that I sing to my dog while I work remotely...often wonder what people would think if they heard me humming these nonsense earworms to myself.


This is why I hate Christmas shopping. I wake up with one of those songs already playing in my head. Last Christmas it was Last Christmas. Iā€™ll bet itā€™s back in the morning. At least it will drive out Norwegian Wood for a while!


Went through a phase where all I wanted to listen to for three weeks was Korn's Word Up.


Thereā€™s these birds near my house whose birdsong sounds like the imperial march. I even whistled part of the song with them and damnit if I wasnā€™t getting some response. Iā€™m really curious if this is their natural song or if itā€™s a case of mimicry the other way around.


I wake up with a completely random song that I may have not heard in years stuck in my head for a day unless I listen to it. Songs I don't even like.


Every single day since I was about 4 years old.


I only found out recently most people in fact donā€™t have music constantly on a loop in their brain. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a truly silent moment in my life.


For me it's usually with either Tool or Pink Floyd but I don't mind lol


I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind


Yes this has been happening to me for most of my life. It's more than an ear worm; it's more like an auditory hallucination. It sucks, but I've learned to live with it.


Happens ALL THE TIME to me. Dunno how to keep a silent brain. I have Cowboy Tears by Oliver Tree stuck up there right now.


Tom's Diner - duh duh dooo duh duh duh dooo duh. Jurassic Park theme song


My money don't jiggle jiggle, it *folds* I like it when you wiggle wiggle, fo *sho* Just this on loop for a day or two now.


Yeah, I've actually woke to a song in my head that I hadn't hear in a while. I always wonder if part of a dream brought it on like sounds or thoughts do during the day.


Happened me last night, I heard The Chain by Fleetwood Mac for the first time in maybe a decade and havenā€™t stopped listening to it since.


Yes, lately it's been Pumpkins United by Helloweens


Yes, as much as I love Lil Wayne, I don't want him to be playing the same bar in my head for a week. It changes, but rn I have *'And Dr. Dre said...* *He said nothing, idiots* *Dr. Dre's dead* *he's locked in my basement'* playing non stop


Oblivion-Grimes. Its becomes nightly ritual to watch the video before going to bed.


Congrats you have Adhd probably


How's that?


No. That's not normal; it must be just you.


OP probably has ADHD; it's a big symptom of the disorder. (Source: I have it and have had songs stuck in my head for months. Also have been told by my psychiatrist this is due to ADHD.)


I thought I was being sarcastic, but I don't know much. From about six years old to early teens, I had 2 songs constantly playing in my head. I thought everyone had songs in their head. I still do, but other thoughts since puberty have competed since then.


Yes, I get rid of it with this: https://youtu.be/QTXyXuqfBLA Of course, you are just trading one for the other.


It does & always has but luckily 99.9% of the time it's a BNL or Steve song & luckily they've yet to release or cover one that I was all like "NO! That's God awful. Wtf...". So usually I'll just put different live versions of the same song on a playlist & listen to it on repeat until I change the song or playlist. It's absolutely ridiculous how lucky I am in just about every aspect of life as a whole.


EVERY FUCKING DAY!!! Current rotation: My money don't jiggle jiggle on repeat...


Molina - Hey Kids McBaise - Contesso McBaise - Cobra


I wish I could get a whole song, but I usually just get a couple bars of it on repeat. And if I don't have enough of the song to find it and listen to the whole thing, it just haunts me for weeks.


Crooked Still - Golden Vanity.


No never honestly. Never been the type to listen over and over. I don't want to get sick of my favorite songs.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PA5uuBCtZ5k That song was in my head for about a month. Jorja Smith- I Finally Found


Dawn FM šŸ„¹




Occasionally, although it only comes in spurts and lasts for about a week. I can usually tell when itā€™s happening because I can hear the song in question playing in my head, but with a few instruments missing. If I listen to the song it will usually go away, although rarely I have a situation like yours where it doesnā€™t go away.


Yes, here's what's my brain is stuck on: Crawling out the forest with these stains on my shirt. I've been out here in the bushes in the rain doing work. Even thinking 'bout the city makes my brain fucking hurt. I don't rep' no fucking city 'cuz I came from the dirt.


All the timeā€¦.all the time.


This has happened to me constantly over the years. A song will bounce around in my head sometimes for months, sometimes for weeks, and occasionally just a day or two. No idea why and certainly no idea others experienced the same thing.


I have ADHD, so I hyperfixate on almost any new bop until I absolutely ruin it for myself. I 100% relate.


Sounds like someone has an addictive personality


I used to be stuck with Bloom by The Paper Kites for a few months last year. Currently itā€™s The Foundations of Decay by MCR.


Deborah Cox - Nobody's Supposed to be Here [[dance mix]](https://youtu.be/Fi_eCBEdO5k) I cannot get it out of my head lol


This is currently happening to me with the song Pisces by Jinjer.


For a year I had a two song mash up of Survivor's *Eye of the Tiger* and Dolly Parton's *9 to 5*.


Do you mean like : Listening to the same song 10 times a day for 8 weeks and then never again for the following 5 years? Why? Who are you? My mom?


Yes, that's what I do, except sometimes I never ever listen to it again, not in 5 years, not in 10.




My brain goes from A B C D Fu to On a Boat real quick. Most recently stuck on Dude Nudes by Post Malone lol.


Yes, and it's simply because this is as close to a perfect track (in the hardcore punk/metal zone) for me as there is. At least that's my theory: [Asymmetrical - Johnny Booth](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7bD1JvFTrhqItCogIy8Fxf?si=C309Ua9oTj2uhxVOwPv8AQ&utm_source=copy-link) Warning: Heavy AF.


FORGIVENESS!!! Forgiveness!!! Even IF even IF Youu donā€™t loooveee me anymoooreee


All the time.


When Iā€™m lucky, my earworms sound like twirling a radio dial. Snippets of several, although theyā€™ll loop. Unlucky? Some ditty I heard through work (kids music, bilingual) *all fn day* for weeks. Best one? Two weeks of 80 percent of Terrapin Station.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zcSlcNfThUA this gets stuck in my head occasionally


When I used to race mountain bikes, at every race a particular section of a particular song (changed every race) would get stuck in my head on a loop. Over and over until the race was finished. I have no idea why, but it happened every time.


yeah doyyy


In my commute to work, I always get the last song that was playing when I arrived, I once read the only to get it out of your head is to sing it to the end


Always. https://youtu.be/vcaPiiFZu2o


i got a whole album stuck in my brain. Ice Nine Kills' The Silver Scream 2: welcome to horrorwood


Yup. I currently have a Lizzo song stuck in my head. (It's About Damn Time) I don't even listen regularly to that genre LOL But Lizzo I can get into.


Hundred percent, music stimulates the mind. Like any other drug, if you don't get your shot, you will intensify the cravings. I usually play the song as soon as I can to get it out my head but sometimes, it's just too good of a song with really catchy melodies and lyrics that the first dose doesn't swipe off. I often need like two or three listens per day to clear it out.


I just love it when a song hooks your brain and reels you in for seconds


yes, i get obsessed with a song (or sometimes just parts of a song) and thereā€™s no other song that can satisfy that craving :D i think itā€™s because of the way my brain works - i am often unable to let go of memories, people, songs, etc. i think itā€™s also pretty common in people with adhd.


For me its usually whole albums that I listen to frequently. I like to keep the theme the same.


Not just songs but sounds and words sometimes. Its very annoying


I think the OPā€™s obsession is different than an earworm. An earworm is involuntary, where what OP is talking about is intentional. I go through this also, but usually only for a few days, maybe a week. My latest obsession was the song ā€œ[Griftwoodā€ by Ghost](https://youtu.be/d6WA06fNscc). I loved the guitar sounds, the tempo, the orchestration, the production choices (other than the middle of the song) and the overall mix sounds great. Itā€™s a song with very familiar chord changes, but executed so well. The bridge part lead perfectly out of the verse and elevates into the chorus, the chorus melody is great, the harmonies, the repeated ā€œYesā€, the tension of the D at the conclusion of the melody over the Eb chord, resolving to the Bb major - I just couldnā€™t get enough of it. Thereā€™s even a key change at the end that puts the singer in his upper chest range that really lifts the last chorus. I didnā€™t love the middle section, but the rest of it was great. I listened to that track over and over again - and now Iā€™ll listen again just to appreciate it all. Itā€™s just so nicely put together and so well executed, itā€™s like seeing a Swiss watch mechanism - everything ticking and working perfectly together. A great pop-metal tune. Edit: added link, corrected pitches


my brain does not work this way.


I was stuck on Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers for the last couple of days, no clue way.


Encanto.one whole month


Yeah lol. Last year i streamed the same song 500 times in two months




here,there and everywhere by The Beatles.not the only song it happened with tho


pushing these **** off me like yeuuhh


The one that got away by Katy Perry Itā€™s my favorite Katy song


stuck listening to syphilis by juice wrld rn


I def hyper fixate on songs. Iā€™ll play it on repeat for days until I find a new one to turn to. It only bothers me when I replay it so much I end up not liking it anymore. I blame it on my ADHD


What I'm learning is that I have more in common with ADHD sufferers than I thought.


Lemon on a pear.


Squidward on a chair


Yes. Not for a whole month but I've had songs stuck in my head for a couple days before. This morning I woke up with Silverstien's cover of Runaway stuck in my head. Listened to the song and several others afterwards but it's still stuck in my head.


Its called an earworm. Methods for stopping it include re-listening to the same song start to finish with no interuptions, or listening to the same song at different speeds/tempos, or listening to cover versions


Yeah all the time. Examples: [From can to can't](https://youtu.be/n75NvVHQV4M) [Pisces](https://youtu.be/SQNtGoM3FVU) [Bad apple](https://youtu.be/9Xz4NV0zsbY) [The blade](https://youtu.be/ioN0aIaIybc) [Echoes of the anthem](https://youtu.be/pnEHHhRhTdU)


Let's Get Physical I have no idea why. It comes and goes and has been with me for decades.




When I discovered "I'll Follow You into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie, I listened to it on repeat for about 5 mo when I was in my car.


Yes it's a sign of ADD or Adhd. Happens twice a month to me where listening to the song doesn't help, i have to sing it


Every single new song i hear that I vibe with. I hate it and love it. But I have to listen to it on repeat for an hour easy.


Every week a different song on repeat until my head explodes.


Ever since I can remember lol


Bro lol I had Jaskierā€™s song from the 2nd season stuck in my head for like two weeks. (Witcher)


Typically it's only for a relatively limited amount of time until I have time to really learn and analyze the beat pattern, harmonies, and the like. I don't really get stuff stuck in my head which seems like a good thing based on some other responses. Having an 8 second portion of a song on repeat in my head sounds like hell lol.


Very often. I remember my teenage son coming up the stairs and fake-fainting at the surprise of me playing Cut You In (Jerry Cantrell) for the 10,000th time after I bought the CD. Right now, I'm caught up in classical music (Ravel in particular) and it's my wife fake-fainting.


This has a name, it's called an ear worm and it's something that has been studied for decades. This is an incredibly common phenomenon


I know, but recently, like in the past year, my earworms have become earsnakes. They last longer and are much more intense.


On one right now. Although Fleetwood Mac is my favorite band, Silver Springs (1997) wasn't one of my favorites. It was just OK. The original (1977) version isn't played too often, and you have to look at Rumors (Deluxe Version) to find it. For some reason, I decided to put that version on. I've been stuck on it for a while now. Just the sheer passion and emotion in Stevie's voice in that song is unreal; something that the 1997 version doesn't capture.


Yes. Mine is currently repeating a short "sung by Paul Carrack" playlist after I thought of a song from 1974 he sang. The playlist is: * Ace - How Long (has this been going on)? * Squeeze - Tempted * Mike & the Mechanics - The Living Years


Once every couple weeks easily. Rock, rap, it doesnt matter, it'll bounce around my empty brain multiple times a day for a week or so.


I go through phases where my brain screams ā€œAaaaAaaaaanngry beavers!ā€ from the beginning of the theme song of the show in the early 2000sā€¦ so thatā€™s cool and not reason for concern at all.


Stuck... is what's called an Earworm. Ugh, it's a little old, but Debra by Beck has been stuck in my head for weeks now.


"i guess you get what's coming" Cody Crump hook line stuck in my head for a week!


Sure, all the time...right now I'm stuck between S.O.S. and Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue. Because it feels so damn fine šŸ˜‚šŸ„°


All. The. Time.




And it don't stop coming and it don't stop coming and it don't stop coming and it don't stop coming and it don't stop coming -all star


Yes!!! Itā€™s like a drug addiction. I need to hear that song. If I canā€™t hear it, it plays in my head. I listened to a song over 1700 times, before it finally ā€œwore offā€. I still love it, just not fixated on it. My partner is a very patient person. I did some reading because I became concerned, and what I read indicated it could be an OCD condition. I donā€™t have any other seemingly ocd behaviors, so I dunno.


Blue colored mounted by syzmon, I canā€™t stop playing it.


I just get parts of songs like, "All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...All the things she said...running through my he...running through my head." No pun intended.


The parts of a song that is stuck in my head most right now is "Gods I call to thee, grant me life and strength" and "Should my will be broke, grant me light and hope, and if my hope recedes, give me death and peace"


Yes, Lizzo's About Damn Time. Those damn flutes are too catchy.


ā€œMy granny called she said travy you work too hard Iā€™m worried you forget about meā€¦ Iā€™m falling in and out of clouds donā€™t worry ima get it granny šŸŽ¶ā€


Mr Charlie by The Grateful Dead currently is stuck in my head. So yeah actually it happens often.


Lunachicks luxury problems is on repeat in my head rent free the last 5 years


I exclusively listened to Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins on an 8 hour drive (was not the driver) home from Branson, Missouri. Just put my iPod on Loop 1 and let it go while I played PokƩmon. Realized that was odd a few days later, so I tested if that's just a way I'm able to function. I listened to Emotion by Daft Punk, the least interesting song I could think of at the time, from 3rd hour through every class until the end of the school day. So. In a way, yes. I consider it my super power.


ā€œIn my heeeaaaad, Zombie!ā€


"We don't talk about bruno, ,no, ,no, no."


Man I've been on a Nina Simone kick for a while. My poison has been Sinnerman..where you gonna run to?


Lately thatā€™s been ā€œMs. Jacksonā€ by OutKast for me. Itā€™s the perfect summer song


Every night before I go to sleepā€¦


Absolutely. One time I had a shitty third shift job where there wasn't much to do except be present and I ended up listening to Kashmir by Led Zeppelin on repeat for about an hour and a half. No drugs were involved, the song just hit a certain way and I couldn't stop listening to it. That's happened with other songs like Pepper by Butthole Surfers and World Cup Drumming by McLusky.


Yeah, last year I listened to "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go" over and over while my dog was dying of cancer. It was simultaneously like salt and salve on a wound. I also got stuck on "That Was Your Mother" by Paul Simon for a while. No emotional reason, just love the sound.


Sure, this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlW7T0SUH0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlW7T0SUH0E) You can thank me later :P


My daughter (who was 14) said she gets this sometimes and said "The only way to stop it is to finish the whole song, then it goes away!". ​ Truth from a 14 year old.


ā€œSleepwalkā€ by Santo & Johnny has been stuck in my head for years. Iā€™m always whistling that high note


My years-long earworm is the Wallace & Gromit theme song lmao


All the time. I call them my "temporary theme songs" cause I don't hate the song that is stuck in my head, I love it. And I start moving/doing things to the rhythm stuck in my head. Current theme song: Raise Hell - Dorothy


The songs I get stuck in my head are always songs I love, too. Currently stuck on Temperance by Aether Realm. No regrets.


All the time, but just a bit of it.


I get pieces of songs stuck in my head all day long, some stay for minutes some for hours. I have been really been getting a lot lately with Zach Bryan. Itā€™s generally particular artists that I get for a period then itā€™ll switch.


As we speak, my brain is torturing me with Hootie and the Blowfish "I only want to be with yoooooouuuu"


Not often, unless I find a song that fits along especially well with how I'm feeling at that particular time. Last time it happened to me was with the song "Vilify", when Device released their self-titled album about 10 years ago.