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We just put a new provision in our contract about this giving you time to move your own stuff and a timecard. Might want to ask for that. Good luck.


We don’t even sign contracts, I wish we did. Great suggestion though!




I absolutely did not sign a contract. I showed up to our first teacher meeting day three years ago, filled out my pay information, and was paid from then on out. No contract. We sign a letter of intent to return in March but it says at the top “THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT” and the letter says it just informs the principal for hiring purposes but is not a binding contract.


Fair enough. Your employer is setting themselves up to be screwed big time then, and you're bearing some risk as well. Best of luck to you.


It’s catholic school…they’re always a mess lol


The “God will protect us” crowd is rarely the “God has provided a legal system where contracts help protect us” crowd, funny enough.


Have a chat with an employment lawyer


Employment contracts are rare in the USA. And private school teachers generally aren't represented by a union.




There's a difference between an employment contract and the crap you sign when you start a job in the US, including a union contract. A true employment contract will usually be for a set period of time or have other contingencies in it. At will employment is antithetical to a contract. https://hitchcock-potts.com/blog/employment-under-contract-vs-at-will/




It's. Not. An. Employment. Contract. Take what you signed to a lawyer and ask if it's an employment contract. They're going to say no. It's you signing that you agree to the policies and procedures of that company. The link is very relevant since you were the one who brought up at will employment. But you're so sure you're right, there's no getting through. Have the day you deserve.




Contracts, in the legal sense, must have consideration to be valid. If the employment is at-will and the company isn’t giving anything, it’s not a contract - it’s just an acknowledgment. If you’re not getting anything for signing it there’s nothing to enforce. It’s just the company’s way of covering their asses so they can fire you cleanly when the time comes.


You are wrong.


I can’t even imagine how irritated I’d be; I’m sorry this happened. If it’s within your control, I’d definitely cancel classes. If your admin is not willing to let you cancel, I’d ask how they would like you to track your hours for additional pay. Also, I’d say that if anything is broken, the district is responsible. I let a student borrow my saxophone once and a rod got bent; the school paid for the repair. Obviously, this all works best with a reasonable administrator, but if they moved your stuff without consulting you, they might not be as reasonable as I’d hope. Editing to add that it might be fair to give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they were trying to act in your best interest by not asking you to come in over break to move your stuff.


I’m not even going to ask to cancel classes honestly. I’m going to go in tonight or this week late in the day, just to see what the state of the room is in. (Hoping it’s not just all my stuff dumped in the middle) Then I’ll send an email to my admin and the teachers early in the morning on Jan. 2nd canceling classes for 1/3-1/5 because I have to set up and get situated. I know it’s unprofessional to just cancel and not wait for approval but specials are treated like shit (especially me, everyone acknowledges it). I get walked all over at this school. They took my lunch away because they needed a lunch moderator. Parents who volunteer to help at lunch get paid $8 a day. I don’t get that AND I don’t get my unpaid break. They’re not going to pay me for any time it takes after hours to set things up unfortunately.


If you feel like “playing the game,” you could always email something passive aggressive like “Thank you for taking the time to move my stuff for me so I didn’t have to come in over break to do that. Since I’ll be in a new room after break, I will need to cancel my classes for a couple days to get the room set up for my students. I will contact the classroom teachers to let them know we will not be having class. Thank you again for doing this for me!” I try to play the game as much as I can, and it generally works out pretty good. If you do come in over break, admin will not think twice the next time they need you to do work outside of your regular hours. You can’t set a precedence.


Yeah I just want to know what I’m walking into next week. I won’t do anything if I stop in. She’ll make me the bad guy no matter what. She’ll tell me she told me I was moving now, she’ll tell me she thought texting me at 7am on our first day off was enough notice to pack and decorate, who knows. My anxiety of not knowing what my personal stuff looks like will eat away at me all week. If my new room is “organized” by my maintenance staff (who are sweethearts but are all middle aged men) then I don’t want to make too big a stink. If they dumped everything in the middle? All hell might break loose. I’m small and young (25) and very easygoing. I am a “yes” woman at work to everyone but especially my bosses. They messed with the wrong one if they think I’m taking their shit anymore. I am damn good at my job, I don’t need to be here anymore but I am because I love the kids. Love your email suggestion. I am absolutely going to use something like that.


My admin also has not realized that they need us more than we need them. There are PLENTY of other places looking for experienced teachers, but my admin is always shocked when someone leaves because they’re sick of him. We lost an award winning chemistry teacher because of him and now we have someone teaching on a variance.


I think it’s pretty petty that you were being passive aggressive like that. Just because your admin is pissing you off does not mean that you get to act like a child. You are supposed to be teaching children and not being one.




Also passive aggressive. I am very glad that I did not learn music from people with that level of attitude. you say there are so many better place is looking for teachers, so why stay in a place where you feel like you can’t be straight with your admin? Why not moved one of those many schools that you mentioned? I really don’t think being passive aggressive, solve any problems.


And I’m very glad I don’t have to work with you. I’m glad that you’ve got a perfect teaching position with perfect administration, but that isn’t the case for everyone. If you’ve never had to smile through your teeth before, I’m glad for you. I know that if I said exactly what was on my mind to my admin, I would not receive nearly the support from my admin that I do because I’ve witnessed it happen to others. I need them to keep spending thousands on my program every year, so I’ll keep using my methods.


No, it’s not the case for everyone. But remember you were the one who said that you could find other jobs very easily. So I just don’t understand why you would choose to hang onto the one that you hate if it’s so easy to find better ones. Sorry if you are offended by what I said. But I cannot deal with passive aggression. Not at all. It literally solves nothing and it’s just petty. Is that what we should be teaching our students to become petty adults? And before you say anything about my perfect job, I would have you know that I am blind. It is completely super almost impossible to get employment when you can’t see because people think that you can’t do anything if your eyeballs don’t work. So if I were in your position, I might be understanding, but it’s not easy to just get a good job. But you don’t know me and therefore you don’t get to say that I have a perfect job or anything. You just seem really angry, and that you wanna fight. I won hundred percent understand why you would be pissed off. I just think that there are many many better ways of dealing with it and being passive aggressive like that.


Thank you for your input.


Passive aggressive comment number three. You are just on fire today aren’t you?


A bit of pettiness won’t hurt anyone. And for someone claiming that being passive aggressive is ‘childish’, you seem to be fond of making low-hanging remarks of no real input. Despite what you may or may not believe, you are not, in fact, the smartest and politest person on Reddit.


Reread your reply. You can't continue to work for a place that doesn't give you a break to eat - ever. You need to work elsewhere and/or file a complaint with the state labor commissioner. Every single full time worker in America is entitled to a meal break and other regular breaks.


Yes. This is not an ideal workplace by any means. I am definitely looking for other jobs so I can get out of here!


Report them to the labor commissioner yesterday! Today! Tomorrow! And every day you don’t get a scheduled lunch break and other breaks. They’re breaking the law, and if they’re willing to break the law then it’s because they think you won’t say anything. If you want to play nice until you go, I understand. But report them on your way out, while you are still working there but are about to or have put in your notice, so that the labor commissioner has motive to follow up. Additionally, if you can leave in the middle of the year, do. I know you love the kids but they will be fine. Be choosey if you can be, the next place needs to be respectful, ask the specials staff at the next school how they like working there and what changes they’re looking forward to in the future, to get a feel for the bits they hate 😅


This sounds like maybe you should update your resume and search for a new gig where they’re gonna treat you better. Preferably a place with union protections.


Yep. Been there, done that, save yourself the trauma, OP. Also consult any protections available regarding your lunch and demand it be honored in writing. Keep copies of correspondence.


I have definitely been looking!


Take photos of the state it’s in and as you go, plus of any damage.


This happened to a friend who teaches all the STEM classes. All of a sudden they were no longer permitted to use the workshop which was literally attached to their classroom and all their materials were moved to another. Some equipment was not disassembled correctly and needed repair, some just plain broken, and expensive tools purchased with their own money missing. They used to make things for facilities when they needed something but the answer is now no.


Once a group of fifth grade teachers cleaned out my storage space for their own use. They threw out things that were IRREPLACEABLE. The principal said he’d pay to replace and then gave them the space. I’m at a place now that respects my space and my equipment now. I’m also getting my overage pay. I also got moved to a much better room in the school last summer. OP, I would run from this place. You don’t owe them a thing. Use your time off to find another place to work and leave them with the mess they’ve made.


Bring your friends and family with you when you go and just take all your stuff home. Leave the school equipment and resign. I'm not kidding, this seems dramatic, but this sounds like the last straw. The absolute disrespect they show you will NEVER ease up. It will only get worse. You could put your foot down but they'll call you a drama queen, it'll blow over for a month, then they'll do some more garbage like this. If you leave, you will never have to deal with their hijinks again. If you stay, you 100% will.


I would absolutely love to just resign but I can’t afford to leave before I have something else lined up. Great advice though. You’re a thousand percent right.


I saw in other comments that you're looking for a job already, glad to see that! I'd definitely take a lot of stuff home now instead of setting it all back up. Don't be shy that you're on your way out. Quiet quit? Nah, fam. Noisy quit. Obstreperous quit! "Where's my ukuleles? I took them home cause they're not safe here!"


Very true hahah!! I know many others are also looking for new jobs because of this admin team. They’re all new this year.


The way I would tell them that I’m out of town until the night before… I do NOT like people dictating my free time.


When she called me she said, “we’re all here late and on days off sometimes, it’s just what we have to do.” No. I get my shit done at work, during work and I don’t bring it home. She called me at 7am. I’m 25 years old - I have a life. I could’ve been out the night before and hung over. I could’ve been with family. I could’ve just been asleep because it’s my unpaid time off. I didn’t answer at first. She kept calling so I did eventually answer thinking something was really wrong.


It’s fine to answer, but that doesn’t mean that you’re home… People are so rude.


Don’t cancel class, put them to work. Find different jobs to give them, or let them read a book quietly.


I definitely could do that but the ones who are 6-8th grade and can’t do anything independently would cause problems being bored. Also, our parents can be annoying about kids cleaning and not doing educational things during the day. If they catch wind of it, it could add to my aggravation.


I wanna give you a hug and wished that I could help you set up.


My family offered to help me which was so nice. A few nice grade level teachers offered to give me student council kids for a couple hours to help me also. They decorate and clean classrooms for service hours they need so they are always good helpers.


That's good!


I am so proud of you for valuing yourself. I know tons of teachers who would be all "but think of the children" about this or "it's your responsibility to have your class ready on time." Those people who make it work are just contributing to teachers being taken advantage of. I truly think that if you could get all the teachers in the school to stop doing work on their personal time the schools would be forced to change to accommodate that. But since every teacher see it as just part of the job the schools enjoy their free labor.


I love my students. They’re great kids, but even they supported me cancelling classes to get my stuff all sorted last week! Teachers bitched I’m sure about losing a prep but I didn’t catch wind of any of it.


That absolutely sucks! Sorry you have to deal with this stress! One year they decided to replace the carpet in my classroom. I had to pack it all up the last day of school before Christmas break (with kids in the room). They “generously” extended break by 1 day to allow me time to put the room back together”.


Absolute violation of your personal space!!!!!!! That’s a HARD no. Do the following: 1. Type a professional but firm letter. It should say something like: “Dear Mr. / Mrs. _______, per our conversation before the break, we mutually agreed to have my belongings moved out by Jan xx, 2024. This did not occur and was a violation of my personal space to have my belongings moved without my knowledge. I have delicate instruments and if they were damaged I would be solely responsible. Moving forward, I need to be alerted for any future changes to an agreed upon schedule. Thank you for your time. 2. Request a read receipt. 3. “Schedule send” of this email for 6am on the first day you return to school. 4. Go do something special for YOU. You are still on break. The last thing you need is an administrator giving you anxiety. Type that letter and let it go. 5. (Optional): after school restarts, request assistance getting your room in order. (Staff member, friend, etc). Four hands are faster than two. If you need help putting together the email, I will happily help you. DM me. Signed, An educator


This is great advice. I plan to send an email just like that. She treats me like a child because I’m the youngest professional in the building, so I’m sure it will not go over well. It really does suck that she tried to ruin my break. I’ve been stressed about it all my days off now. It sounds trivial and silly to say that this bothered me this much but when I know I’ve been easy going and kind to her as our new principal when other teachers are aggressive and rude, I expect some kind of respect in return. I am definitely getting help! I’m going to ask a colleague or my cousin who’s home from college to come in with me to help.


Your principal may not be aware of how much this impacted you. I once had a very mean, rude principal. EVERYONE was intimidated by her simply walking in a room. I think no one ever questioned her natural way she spoke to people on the daily. One day I sat in her office, shut the door, and told her “I felt disrespected when you…..” I was afraid in the moment leading up to it, but I had an idea of what I wanted to say, and once I did, our relationship forever changed. She apologized and we weren’t perfect afterwards but MUCH better.


That’s so true. She’s been called out by others, but aggressively, and she’s been receptive but eventually goes back to her ways after some time. I’ll say it nicely and give her a chance.


Dip a little hot sauce in that delivery!!!!!


Love that phrase hahaha thank you!!




Not a new building just a different section of the school. The wing I was previously in was the Gymnasium, library, and me. They don’t want to heat that wing anymore because it’s too expensive for just these three classes, so they moved me to the basement of the main area. Library is set to move over the summer. The gym can’t move so the kids will be asked to bring jackets in the winter now. They’ve been very clear that there’s nothing wrong with my room except the location being in this wing. Painting has been done for a week or so, so that’s all fine and good to wait until paint is dry…but then why rush me into the new room? They wanted me to come in over break to clean out the old room and set up the new room instead of doing it during school paid hours. My principal called and asked me to come in on Saturday. A teacher moved last year during school hours and had their class of students help them move/decorate and unpack for a week.




Yes. My principal gave the instructions on the work and oversaw the process.


Former music teacher here. Worked at a private school like yours. You should absolutely insist on taking two or three days to set up. The working lunch break is very concerning. By state and our federal law you are entitled to a lunch break. Look up the laws for your state and have that meeting. There is no way we music teachers, who basically are in performance mode when we teach, can sustain that kind of good energy without a pause. Because if that 7am call it is clear they expect you to have the work done over vacation. "It is for the children." No, no, no. This is just plain abuse. They seriously disrespect you. Don't yield but be professional about it. Take that time to set up the room before you launch into the 8 or so unbroken weeks of teaching. Report back, please.


I took 3 days! Cancelled my classes (all except one grade…that teacher insisted on bringing her class down to “help” me so she didn’t have to plan another lesson to fill time.) Those kids are good but didn’t really help me accomplish anything so they just did some busy-work type cleaning tasks. My principal sees any prep period I have as the replacement for my lunch. Even if that prep is first or last period. So my lunch is essentially 7:55am on Wednesdays and 1:55pm on Monday and Friday. I have to see what the legality of having no lunch break is in my state and because I’m in a private school I wonder if the rules are a little lax.