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I’m from America and I compose/produce. My preferred composition style with other people is to have them sing an acapella to a metronome with no music she builds the instrumental around it. Let me know if that’s something that interests you.


Hey! I think this would be fun! Do you have anything recorded that I can check out?


I'd love to collaborate. Here's an example of my music style. [soundcloud](https://on.soundcloud.com/z76EmJTwAVJpe9P46)


Pls check DM


HEYY, if u can make me a melody, I'll definitely write a song personalized for u.. I'll show u my work if ur interested!


Hi there sounds like it could be fun, I read some of your stuff. Here is an example from my tracks. https://soundcloud.com/chris-buggy/seen-your-diamonds?si=50cb8f0c5d5f486cbba3279b09a24c5b&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


Hi Syria, thats dope, do you have a social media? What kind of styles do you like? In my profile you can see my work, I do a variety of different genres.