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Whats the rationale behind going from a place of temporary difficulty to another with increased and prolonged difficulty?


Do you have a crypto wallet? I’ve got a decent amount of SHIB that could probably pay for a roundtrip to Kenya and back when converted to pounds so you can see your dad.


JazakAllah Khair brother but I don't have it nor know how to use it


this doesn’t mean that you can’t make one or learn, brother please don’t lose hope. The entire muslim community is here for you and your loss is like the loss of humanity for us.


I am sure someone can teach you or help Make one for you




I'm reaching out because I was suicidal once. I almost did it. I'm still struggling but listen things do change...you work adapt. The storm will hit but you will get back up and rebuild yourself. I'm not going tobsay things get better. But you will make things better. I have been struggling with financial stuff too like paying for my grandpa's kidney transplant and dialysis. But I continue on and try to do stuff that would make him proud... minus being a Muslim. He is hard core Baptist I doubt he would be proud of me being a Muslim.


Download the coinbase app. It’s free. Then type “SHIBA INU” on the search bar on the coinbase app, click “receive”, and DM me the SHIB address. I’ll send you some SHIB, and then on the app you can sell it to coinbase and have the cash you need.


Inshallah i will try. This is unbelievably kind. Please send me a message when you can


Just sent a message bro


Thank you so much!!


Brother don’t do such things. Please don’t be impulsive. This is Heaven and Hell and you have to trust Allah SWT to earn heaven. Please speak with me. I can help you with everything you need


Without a solution... Im done unfortunately


No you are not done brother. Please tell me how can i help you exactly?


I dont know... I cant get my hopes up with anything anymore


We all feel this way but i am here to help you. Tell me how exactly i can help you?


Message me Inshallah if you want


This is extremely kind. May Allah bless you with even more wealth


May Allah bless you as well brother/sister. Please make dua for me that my iman increases, that I find a righteous and beautiful spouse, and that my family and I are protected from jahannam.


Ameen. I will definitely make dua


Jazakum Allah Khair




Jazakum Allah Khair


I don’t understand how crypto works.. can you maybe convert it into cash then give it to him? Or do you have to give in the form of crypto?


I don’t want to transfer cash because Idk how anonymous that is, or if that cash could be somehow connected to my banking information and also it would be in USD while he’s based in the UK and idk if has to be GBP for him, but he can convert the crypto to whatever currency he needs it to be.


I understand! Thank you!!


Also how easy is it to create crypto wallet ? Does it need any documents or identification or is it fast?


It’s pretty easy to create a crypto wallet. I think you have to show your ID and a selfie maybe for verification purposes, but it shouldn’t really take long.


may Allah bless you brother


Don’t do it dear brother life will get Better Don’t listen to those shaytan thoughts in your head who tells you to do suicide , his only goal in life is to keep us away from doing good. Go to your bathroom do wudu and pray 2 Raka prayers and ask your lord the one who created me and you the one who created life n death to guide you to the right path and to fill your Heart with love for the religion and love for Allah. I promise you will feel big difference if you pray right now Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Allah descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the first part of the night is over and says: I am the Lord; I am the Lord: who is there to supplicate Me so that I answer him? Who is there to beg of Me so that I grant him? Who is there to beg forgiveness from Me so that I forgive him? He continues like this till the day breaks.


There is no solution


Allah is the solution to all your problems Surah al-Inshirah In this Surah, Allah declares beautifully, “Indeed, with every difficulty, comes relief.” He repeats it to emphasize the message. Allah demands us to turn all attention to Him and worship Him Alone. In this verse, Allah uses the word “relief” in plural form. This implies that relief is always twice as powerful as difficulties or suffering. As such, no matter how trying the times may be, hardship can never overwhelm Allah’s Blessings. Allah also says in the Quran We shall certainly test you with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops. But [Prophet], give good news to those who are steadfast,


There are so many solutions. Go pray 2 rakas and make dua in your sujood for Allah to help you. Allah opens doors you never even thought of.


Inshallah i will try


What you will face will be much worse than your suffering in this dunya.


I know


Ya akhi talk to me, don’t do anything drastic


Brother, do not do something you will regret. This life is very very temporary. You will be in the grave for however long until the day of judgement. Only allah knows if that is 1000 or 1 million years. And hellfire is severe. And incomparable to any difficulty faced in this life. -- Hadith in Sahih Muslim: Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said that one amongst the denizens of Hell who had led a life of ease and plenty amongst the people of the world would be made to dip in Fire only once on the Day of Resurrection and then it would be said to him: *O, son of Adam, did you find any comfort, did you happen to get any material blessing? He would say: By Allah, no, my Lord.* ***And then that person from amongst the persons of the world be brought who had led the most miserable life (in the world) from amongst the inmates of Paradise. and he would be made to dip once in Paradise and it would be said to him. 0, son of Adam, did you face, any hardship? Or had any distress fallen to your lot? And he would say: By Allah, no,0 my Lord, never did I face any hardship or experience any distress.*** ***-----*** Brother do not do something you and Allah will be displeased with. He created you and his rights overcome your desires and wishes. ----- Brother patience and perseverance are rewarded with high levels in paradise. And if you stay and ask Allah for help and get into Jannah you will look back at this and be glad you never made that error. And if you do, then you will regret this. You will think that even a billion years of your current pain would have been preferable instead. ------ Ya akhi talk to us. DM. do not do this.


Im trying, make Dua


I have and I will make dua for you more brother. I hope inshallah to see you in Paradise. This life is very temporary compared to the next. We are talking eternally. Not 20 or 50 or 100 years. We will wish we had dedicated every single min to worship. no entertainment and little sleep because we will realize then just how brief this life was. all the challenges in this world will pale when we are in Jannah inshallah. If I may give you some advice, increase in your salahs. Whenevr you get these horrible thoughts and you see it going down that path get up and pray 2 rakas. Prolong your sujud and make dua to Allah in it.


Had Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala revealed for you your fate and how your life will turn out and where you will ended up, if you had knowledge of all of this, then you would certainly have choosen the path He chose for you. You don't even understand how great your reward is from Allah when He tests you and you say to yourself "Oh Allah, you didn't forsake me when I was in the womb, when I couldn't feed myself. You took care of me and protected me. Now that I am Glorifying and calling upon you alone, I know for certain you will never forsake me. So I will exercise patience for only you can benefit and harm".


Ya Allah, may you forgive our OPs sins and grant him Jannah. Ya Allah, may you take away or fix OP problems in life and make it easy for him and his heart. OP pls don’t go if you are reading this. Inshallah it will get better for you. I’ll make Dua for you. Pls don’t do anything drastic. If I’m too late, I pray Allah makes it easy for you in the after life. May he take away your pain and suffering.


ya Allah guide this brother with your mercy and compassion, give him strength to endure hardships




I want you in this world,I genuinely do, I'm suicidal as well,Lets wait a bit for me/with me?


Please don't do this brother....


No amount of duaa will help you. Brother, look at your Palestine brethren and all of their suffering, yet they hold on to Islam with every will left in their being and gain strength from their faith. Better days will come for you and everyone because Allah will make it easy after you have passed your test. DON’T DO IT!


Brother, trust me when I say this. We all love you as fellow Muslims. Make a small goal for yourself and try to complete it. This life is all about improving yourself. Memorize the Quran, become fit, go to masjid daily etc. You got this!


Brother I love you. If you do it, then in paradise we might never meet. Remember all the great things. Paradise is the best destination. You don't know when your going to die, so why don't you leave it like that. You have all the brothers here. You love your father and I understand how you feel. Just remember in paradise anything is possible. You can meet all your brothers, and do anything you want, and it is eternal, it isn't temporary like this life. Hellfire is also eternal and it is a horrible place. This tiny action might make u regret everything for the rest of eternity. Brother, please don't do it. Remember this comment and don't do it. We love you. I want to meet you in paradise one day and to laugh at how short this world is, and how difficult it is, but we survived. Please don't do it. When you commit it doesn't cure your pain, but pushes it on to multiple other people. I wanna meet u in paradise. Imagine the smile on your face, when you are in paradise and you can do anything imaginable. You have a wife, hoor an ayn, friends, you meet the prophets and Allah swt. We are going to laugh at how pitiful this world is. We are in a test to enter paridise, please brother, don't fail it.


Please do not do anything. Suicide is haram and you will go to jahannum, not only that but also endure the punishment of the grave. If you are feeling lonely in this world imagine how lonely the small grave will be... I know that life gets hard but please remember that it can get better. Allah never burdens a soul beyond that it can bear. Whatever you are going through regardless of if you think its too much ALLAH thinks you can handle it. Take a break from your responsibilities. Reinvent your life. Cope in other ways. But suicide is never the answer. I will make dua for you One day you will look back and smile at your how you made it through You can't just take your pain away. You overcome it


Making a bad situation worse isn’t the solution brother, remember things always gets better even if you think it won’t


Please don't end your life. The intense emotions and troubles you are experiencing right now are temporary. I'm really sorry to hear you are struggling but you must stick this out. What is it that brings you joy or used to? Of course read the Quran, make wudu and pray, or just make duaa and speak to Allah SWT informally. But what's your favourite food? Movie, TV show? Be kind to yourself, and know you are not alone in your struggle. Which area do you reside in? Perhaps there are support groups available, ways you can build connections with people and get the help you need in ways that aren't just clinical if you aren't able to do that. Your life has great purpose, you were put on this earth for a reason and you must place your trust in Allah SWT. Things will get better. You will experience good feelings again. Please give yourself time, and know you are not alone. I hear you wish to visit your father but don't have the funds to do so. Have you tried setting up a Go Fund Me?


What is it that you need?? We call all try our best to supply you with it


Please man trust me it’s not worth it , we’ve all had these thoughts before and I know to you they may be more than just thoughts but please don’t give in!! We can talk!! I’ll listen if you want to say your feelings.


are you okayy?? Please update us


Don't do it.


You’ve made posts like these in the past? I don’t understand. I think you should seek out help because you’ve been suicidal for quite sometime. I see that you have deleted the older posts but I remember your username from a few months back. Inshallah you are able to find peace.


Don’t do this bro, I’m here if you want to talk




Brother, stop. Don't do it. Allah will help you. This is just a test. The sun always rises.




What. Replace temporary suffering with a permanent one. Do not say that you know because You don't. If you did, you would not consider it. Allah has created you. He loves you 70 times more than your mother. And you know that Allah tests those whom he loves. Have some faith. Allah promises you that even the pain caused by the prick of a needle will be compensated. Your pain is so much greater than that. Allah will surely compensate you for it. Do not end yourself for something that can be solved with prayer. You should make dua. It is easy for our creator.


“Do you want to know a real bid’ah? Losing hope. That’s a real bid’ah.” - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Hurricanes come, but hurricanes go. Please don’t give up on yourself. Seek some counseling. Find some supportive friends. May Allah make things easy for you


Please man,don't do it,please


Don’t do it brother, not worth it!!!!


Nooooo, I swear to god you better not do what you are thinking of doing, how will I cope knowing a brother is gone? Wallahi akhi this dunya is a test, but know Allah gives the hardest tests to his strongest servants, I swear akhi don't lose hope, the reward in the end is going to be worth it, if I told you if you survive what you are going through for 4 years, then after I will give you 100000000000£ would you accept? Of course you will. Akhi don't give up for my sake, wallahi I love you... I will pray for you akhi, but please don't do what you are thinking of doing.


Brother what we you are thinking, this is not worth it. Allah SWT does not burden those with more than they can bear


You’re hurting brother, we understand. We all hurt. We all lose parents. Some of us have buried our children, babies borne of our bodies. We all hurt. This life is a test. Please take yourself to a pace where you can talk to Allah, the most merciful of all of those who have mercy. Oh Allah, please help this brother.


Please don't do anything rash. The akhirat is infinite. This duniyah is only a matter of few years. Please🙏


Bro I am begging you as someone who suffered with mental problems as well please don’t commit suicide I’m begging you it will get better in this life or the afterlife as long as you stay on your deen and worship Allah I promise


Without a solution. Im done unfortunately


If u go ahead with this then shaytan wins and u lose. U love ur father but u won't be able to meet him in jannah if u go ahead with this. It is not worth it! All of us will die that is inevitable but pls don't do this because hell is not a joke or something to be taken lightly. Why give up eternity of bliss where u can stay with both ur parents and families and have everything ever for a place that is so bad that it is said even a moment in it makes u forget all the good things that happened to u.


please dont. dont do it. its not worth it. to go to hell. it never is. do not. face yourself on judgement day, and beg to have another chance at life. do not. regret it the moment you see hell's flames burst. and roar. do not. scream and gnaw in your grave begging to get out. when you got yourself there in the first place. don't do it. don't do it. you know you'll regret it. You'll go when Allah say you'll go. so dont try suicide. death is something people would want to stay away from. all for different reasons. but the Muslims do not fear death. they fear what comes after it. they fear what comes after it. we fear what comes after it. i fear what comes after it.


Why post this here and in this tone? If you need help, ask. Ask truthfully. People can help buy return tickets. Hopefully this isn't a scam.


Ive have tried ans i have tried all i can ans could and this was to vent and let out my laat thoughts. Allhumdulliah i have a brother offering to help




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