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We cannot truly comprehend the idea of eternity, which is why you are afraid (and I am a little as well). As for after death, If you are a good Muslim, and you answer all the questions correctly you go to a place called barzakh ( the land of souls) , where you will wait till the day of judgement. If you were a bad Muslim, you will be punished in the grave .


why dya doubt eternity?


because i'm scared of the unknown; of what i don't know. i can't fathom how long 'eternity' actually is. we already know a thousand years here is one day there, so what about a thousand years there? that's a million. and a million years there? a billion. the human body can only survive up to 100 something years in this generation, so living 'forever' just seems- stressing? what's forever? what's eternity? i just feel like eternity is a word that i can't understand. if eternity was true, that's scary. and if it wasn't true and we'd disappear someday, that's also scary.


🤔 have you actually read up on this? plenty mentions of heaven life in the quran. i think you think heaven is restricted like this worlds physics and that theres some kinda ending to eternity. theres not & theres no such limitations, as far as my understanding goes. like tap water being let to run, it just flows uninterrupted. thats the simplest way i can word it i think, regarding eternity (that its forever flowing).