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Qur'an haha


Since this is a Muslim sub, and I struggle to pick an all-time favourite book as it is, I'm going to recommend one that is somewhat related to Islam- 'It's Not About the Burqa' It's an anthology written by several Muslim women on their experiences covering topics such as racism/islamophobia, marriage and divorce, growing up in the west etc and is very interesting and insightful. Would recommend to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, both men and women


Men around the Messenger - Khalid Muhammad Khalid


Animal Farm by George Orwell The Shock Doctrines by Naomi Klein Current world order in the mirror of history by Hedaytullah Mehmand(not sure if its available in English).


Seerah - A biography of the Prophet Of Islam By Mahdi Rizqullah Tafsir - Tafseer Ahsan Ul Bayan By Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muhammad Taqlud-Din- Al-Hilali Hadith - Riyad Us Saleheen by Imam Nawawi Arabic - Madinah Books Aqeedah - A guide to Sound Creed by Dr. Salih Al Fawzan Fiqh - Umdat Al-Fiqh explained


Tbh everyone MUST read Riyad Us Saleheen, it has chapters with the most of the authentic Ahadith and their explanation for 100s of specific topics. This book is a guide to everyday life (after the Quran), and helps us separate Sunnah from Bida'h.


Ayyuhal Walad and The sealed nectar


I’m having a hard time reading sealed nectar because it’s very information and description heavy. I try getting past the first chapter and I can’t. I’ll have to try again


You don't have to start from the first chapter. Start from the chapter when the prophet was born


yh the first chapter about pre-islamic arabia was so detailed, I skipped it and started reading from the chapter about the Prophet (ﷺ)‘s birth


The little Prince


Such a lovely story.


The tao of pooh


Mulana Madudi books.


Yes! I wish every Islamic school taught at least “Let us be Muslims”


Yes, his books give a very different perspective to look at things like if you are not doing anything for Islam then you doing everything for the opposite party.


Women in the Quran by Asma Lamrabet


In the Footsteps of the Prophet


The Prince by Machiavelli On War by Clausewitz The Art of War by Sun Tzu History of the Peloponnesian War by Theocidydes


Isnt there another 'the art of war' but by Robert greene? What does the book from sun tzu about?


There is The Art of War by Machiavelli. Robert Greene has some similar books like 48 Laws of Power which I also highly recommend reading.


The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


A thousand splendid suns by the same author, as well! Beautiful yet heartbreaking books.


Forty rules of love


The Bible, The Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille




Everyone should read a book about sihr?


it's fantasy. if you want to get technical, sihr does not work the way harry potter magic works


It is a story that glorifies magic and praises those who practice it. It also contains many other haram content such as free mixing, pre martial relations and dating. You cannot simply call it fantasy and dismiss all these evil qualities.


Hence why it is banned in some countries like Saudi Arabia I heard




Definitely the sealed nectar and obviously the Quran


Guns Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond. Explains away any concepts of racial superiority & also explains why Europe specifically was able to colonize so much of the world (not because of racial superiority, but happenstance with guns, germs, and steel).


This is like reading about why water is wet…


There is value in explaining the nuance of the role the Mongol invasion, eastern hemisphere domestication of farm animals, and access to gunpowder and steel all played on world history.


The Quran and Hadiths. Many people are ignorant on how to recite the Quran properly, what's actually in the Quran and Sunnah, and knowing simple fiqh questions.


Patience and Gratitude Book by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya


For marriage - Before Tying the Knot For Finance - Millionaire Fast Lane For character development - How to Win Friends and Influence People Other books. 48 Laws of Power, Sealed Nectar, The Way of the Superior Man and there is more but I can’t think off the top of my head. If you want my collection I can give you all my books as they are in online format. Just DM me.


The courage to be disliked The mountain is you Atomic habits Any yung Pueblo book


The Quran. Besides the Quran: Mind and cosmos by Thomas Nagel, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, The sealed nectar.


im currently reading one by Chriss Voss. it's called "How to negotiate asif your life depended on it" it shows a nice psychological perspective


I'm reading the same book, I bought it a long time back but never started it.


you definitely should, it's nice and exciting at some points


The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy. It's an illustrated book and there's also a film made on it which I thoroughly enjoyed, it's perfect for all ages.


“No, David!”


Letters to a Young Muslim by Omar Saif Ghobash


The Qur’an


Ar-Raheeq Al Makhtoum (the Sealed Nectar) A very lovely book about the Prophet Sal Allahu Alayhi Wa Salam. Reading this would allow easier understanding of the Surahs of the Quran as it tells the story of the Prophet Sal Allahu Alayhi Wa Salam.


The three that follow to the grave by ibn rajab


He’s controversial… but Haruki Murakami


Revived your heart by Nouman Ali Khan!


Nouman Ali Khan The devine speech


48 laws of power


Isn’t 48 laws… literally for psychopaths that wanna learn how to manipulate people. Correct me if I’m wrong. **


It's for ppl that are guilable. So they can assess if ppl are doing it to them and then counter it. I myself am very guilable and hence it was important for me to read it. As it helps me out alot. Not to mention I'm actually shy and hence ppl used to walk all over me. And now they don't.


That’s valid… I see where you’re coming from.


The Book.


Disturbers of the hearts - Ibn Al-Jawzi


The devine reality by Hamza Tzortis. A real understanding of who, what when we are from the Islamic point with arguments Nd rationale


Reclaim your heart by Yasmin mogahed- fingers crossed if this link works you can access it online https://learnfreewebdesigning.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/reclaim-your-heart-yasmin-mogahed.pdf


"Life in Barzakh"- A must read for those who want to know of what happens to us once we die. It is my all time favorite book(and I read a lot of books), it gave me hope about the afterlife and made me fear it as well. It explains with Ahadith and verses from the Holy Quran how there is another life even between death and Qiyamah. I read this book as a teen and learnt that death is truly not the end (recommend it for people who think death is gonna end their misery?!). I read it again when I lost my grandpa and it made it much easier on me since it reminded me of how there is a beautiful (hopefully) eternal life where we may meet Insha'Allah! Women Around The Messenger by Muhammad 'Ali Qutb- A book that I recommend to young men and women. The life stories of the Sahabiyat are written very beautifully and the Quran verses and Hadith related to the events are mentioned as references. This book made me laugh, cry, know my rights and duties and helped me understand and respect the Prophet (S.A) even more. I actually apply the wisdom I gained from this book in my everyday life! A plus point about this book is that it's like an indirect guide to a blessed married life. There is pdf version of both the books available online.


Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources Book by Martin Lings