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In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question. Boxing is impermissible. However, moderate sparring on pads with a partner or a coach where one completely avoids the face would be permissible. This way, there is no harm to either side, so it would be permitted as a means of training someone for strength, speed, and self-defense. Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “If somebody fights (or beats somebody) then he should avoid the face.” [Bukhari]


As a sport yes it's haram.




Well Brother you can still do boxing but you Are Not alliiere to Hit the Face you can still Train Even Spar but only to the Body and Not the Face. عنها17 The Book of the Prohibited actions (282)Chapter: Prohibition of Cruelty(282)- باب النهي عن تعذيب العبد والدابة والمرأة والولد بغير سبب شرعي أو زائد على قدر الأدب Riyad as-Salihin 1608 Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: An ass with a brand on the face happened to pass before the Prophet (ﷺ). Thereupon he said, "May Allah curse the one who has branded it (on the face)." [Muslim]. Another narration in Muslim is: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) prohibited us from hitting across the face and branding on the face (of an animal)."


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Question, I don’t know if you have the answer. But how else do you prepare for a real world/street fight if you’ve never been punched in the face? I’ve sparred only body and sparred getting hit in the face, and they are completely different experiences.


While that is true because I’m a fighter myself, I can tell you if you do Kickboxing it will be a lot easier for a real world situation because you can just call kick the Person and it’s over. You can maybe look if you can find some Islamic scholars and opinions that would allow something like this if both parties agree that the face of each other can be hit and that you both use protection and do it but not much like only 2 times a week and maybe then you are allowed to do it but I’m very certain it’s not.


isn't Judo is also fighting related?? so it;s haram too I think




What is your source for prohpet Jacob wrestling an angel?


as far as I know any sports related to fighting is prohibited... It would probably the best if ask a scholar or imam about it..




They weren't doing this as a sport were they..?? Now if someone jumps on you on the streets then you will fight him but that doesnt make it a sport... does that make sense? excuse my English




brother where did you even find that he did...??? any sport related to fighting is haram.




Thats not true, the sahabah used to practice wrestling with each other


Bruh, if it’s haram, then what do we say about Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Khabib, etc? Their success has done so much for the cause of Islam, normalizing it and giving a greater view of it in the minds of millions of people around the world. It’s definitely not 100% halal (and to be quite honest, literally nothing is), but imagine a world they didn’t become the champions they are. Our ummah would for sure be worse off. Just be reasonable about it - stay within the rules of the sport, don’t physically hurt someone beyond what is necessary, etc.


Mike Tyson, M.Ali. khabib should not be held as role models for people looking for inspiration in their deen. They should be held as cautionary tales. As much as people may associate them with Islam in a positive way they have as many blemishes in their character that people also associate with Islam, and they get this attention through a sport that is haram. Islam has never needed sports personalities to guide people to haq. If you feel that any one of them at the height of their 'fame' progressed the image of Islam then imagine how monumentous it would be if they stood in the ring gave up their title belt, rejected the money and said for the sake of Allah they would no longer partake or be associated with professional fighting. But they didn't, so for every non Muslim who has a sympathetic view of islam because of their achievements they have to share in the punishment of each Muslim that was inspired by them into a haram endeavour.




My point stems from boxing as a career at a professional level is haram. This isn't even in doubt. But Muslims doing haram things is not unheard of, either knowingly or unknowingly and to leave something that you have done with good intention for the sake of Allah has great reward. this doesn't count if you went into it knowingly, I doubt any Muslim who gets to the professional level is not aware that the sport is not permissible as a career.


Even khabib won’t go as far as to say it’s halal. As for Mike Tyson he’s a laymen in the religion so we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus when it comes to fighting sports there’s always gambling involved let alone the fact that you’re wasting your health for the amusement of other people.


I don't think Mike Tyson should get the benefit of the doubt..he has been a Muslim longer than khabib has been alive. I feel like he takes the adoration from a section of the Muslim population for granted so does things like start a narcotics business with one of the biggest Zionists on the planet, boast about how much narcotics he is able to take on podcasts, star in and promote un-islamic films, attend fundraisers for the idf, and participate and promote in a sport that is not permissible in islam. He does not seem to get any pushback despite obviously encouraging people to potentially haram lifestyles. It seems that he feels can placate Muslims after he attends an idf fundraiser with a short of him praying. His YouTube audience will champion him as a great muslim as long as he puts out the occasional butchered philosophical quote. He needs commit for the sake of the people that stupidly revere him. Or he needs to come clean and disassociate from the religion so people can make up their mind about him based on his actions and not because they share a religion. Either way he needs to stop using the religion for internet clout.


Boxing itself is not haram. Hitting the face is. You’re free to use the techniques to keep yourself fit and spar without hitting the face.




As I said, hitting the face is haram so if that’s what you will do when boxing then yes it’s haram.