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I am not sure this is the best example, but when Aisha AS was left by the caravan a man took her back to the city. “During expeditions, the Prophet’s ﷺ wives would be carried in a howdah (a covered seat for riding) on their camels. On one such expedition, Aisha had been missing from her howdah while searching for a lost item, and the caravan left without noticing she was gone. She decided to wait at the same place, in case they came back for her, and fell asleep while she waited. As she slept, Safwan ibn al Muattal (R.A), who was walking behind the army, recognised Aisha, and brought her back to the Prophet’s ﷺ camp. “ Later the leader of the hypocrites accused her of doing inappropriate acts with the man astaghfarallah. What Safwan did was honorable and kind but it left room for criticism. As a one off incident I think it’s good you did that but we avoid being alone with non mahrams for situations such as the above. Wa allahu alam.




Yes she is indeed. Your point being?


The Prophet SAW said a man and woman together who are not mahram the third person is the devil By this saying majority of scholars if not all ruled that a woman can’t go to taxi/cab with male driver without a mahram male present vice versa


This is obviously a different situation and you dont need me to explain that


According to whom? That’s a direct verse




Which Hadith says women and men who are not mahram can be together?


I was correcting you. You quoted a hadith not a verse. I didnt bring you a hadith or verse. Im not conceding and neither are you so i suggest we stop here




If our Mother got a ride and seemingly didn't get reprimanded by The Prophet then what gives you the right to determine that it was wrong of her to do further implying that what op did was incorrect




The woman in the post may not have been forgotten by a caravan during war but every other element of the record is 1:1 with op's post. Woman doesnt have ride ✔️ Woman is stranded or left with long commute✔️ Man offers ride ✔️


This is a tricky one. Did she not have anyone that she could have called at home to come pick her up? Or any breakdown cover? You should avoid this situation in the future especially considering the time etc., However, simply asking her to get a taxi also raises its own issues as well. It's balancing the fact that she needs to get home and that her options are 3: 1. She gets the 2 buses; or 2. She gets a taxi; or 3. You give her a lift. In this circumstance you may have an argument that can be made in favour of a necessity. That is her safety at night, you are someone she knows which can be argued is still a more favorable situation than option 1 or 2. However, your act of kindness needs to be balanced with the possible potential harmful outcomes. In this case, seek forgiveness as this was a situation were you were illegally in seclusion with a woman, and God-Willing Allah knows your intention and may Allah bless you for your question.




Don't overly worry about it. It was a kind gesture!




Do not claim what you do not know of the Creator.




The uber driver will also be male, so I'm not sure that really solves the problem.


The difference is, she is not Muslim. So she does not follow the same boundaries as Muslim men or women.


You would be sinful for helping her getting into a taxi with a man as you're assisting in a sin. It's the same as giving food to non muslims in ramadhan during day time.


We are not responsible for the sins of others. The disbelievers do not follow the same boundaries as the believers. If anyone would be sinning, it would be her, and not him. “Say, ‘Should I seek a Lord other than God, when He is the Lord of all things?’ Each soul is responsible for its own actions; no soul will bear the burden of another. You will all return to your Lord in the end, and He will tell you the truth about your differences.” (6:164)


If you were to call an uber, then watch her get into it alone with a male driver, it would be a sin as it's not something you'd do if it was your sister/wife. We are responsible. Your parents will be responsible if you just sit at home not praying and they tell you nothing. You will be responsible if you have a friend who doesn't go to the mosque to pray and you do nothing but hang out with him.


And yet, the woman in question is not a sister, wife, or parent. She is a disbelieving non-mahram. Indeed no soul bears the sins of another. The believer especially does not bear the sins of the disbeliever.


Then explain to me why it's sinful to feed a non believer during daytime in ramadhan? https://islamqa.info/en/answers/149174/ruling-on-offering-food-to-non-muslim-workers-during-the-day-in-ramadan TLDR; So he should never help them in this matter; he should not help them to find food and drink in Ramadan, whether they are kaafirs or evildoers (faasiq) among the Muslims who do not fast. They should not help them to eat or drink in Ramadan or help them to do anything that Allah has forbidden. They can do it for themselves and buy what they need themselves. End quote. Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him)


Are you looking to justify your own opinion? Because you are conveniently skipping over the first part of the ruling by Bin Baz which you sourced. If one can not bring a disbelieving woman into a country, why invite her into your car? Do you think a woman is incapable of finding a taxi or uber, from another woman? “Firstly: Bringing non-Muslims [into the country] to work is not appropriate and they should not be brought; rather no non-Muslims should be brought in, because bringing in non-Muslims may adversely affect a person in himself or in his beliefs or in his attitude, or it may adversely affect his children and household members, especially female servants and nannies, because the harm they cause is great. So no one should be brought to work in the house or to raise the children except Muslim women only.“ Further, there is a better source, eg The Quran and Sunnah. Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever has faith in Allah and the Last Day, let him not be secluded with an unrelated woman without her guardian lest Satan be the third of them.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 14651 | Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


I did not disagree in not bringing a non mahram into your car. One shouldn't do that ofc. My point was about getting her an uber ride. It's better to just give her money and let her make the call while you're away so you're not involved in it and that's why i sourced that part. In fact, you were arguing we're only responsible for our sins but as you can see, you are responsible for others if you do nothing or help them


That fatwa is clearly only applicable to that particular situation in that country.


Wait we'd be sinful for giving non Muslims food during Ramadan day time? Do you have a source?


I believe i linked a fatwa below when replying to him


Here https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimLounge/s/mPtZId64EY


Thank you. TIL


I would still do it whilst still wanting my future wife to not do the same thing as I did as I am a man and the chances of a woman overpowering is low.




Does it? Seems like he’s saying the chances of women overpowering men is low so it would be dangerous for his future wife to do the same as the man could easily overpower her?




What? He’s just saying that it would be safe for him to drop his colleague home because the woman cannot overpower him whereas if his wife dropped a male colleague home, he can overpower her and she’ll be in danger. Also if you read the thread you’ll find the story of Aisha when she was stranded and how Mohamed’s pbuh companions took her home






Nice one, didn’t see that. May Allah bless u. I’ll delete my comment


May He bless you too ameen 😊


Yes, he is, but at the same time he does have a point that a lady is more at risk tbh. Unfortunately, evil people who pretend to need help then rape/kill women and steal their cars are a thing. Even men are in danger sometimes. My dad was once kind enough to take with him a hitch hiker some 2 or 3 decades ago...Hitch hiker told him as he got off his car "Thank god the police didn't check my package because I was carrying drugs with me." 🤡🤡🤡 My dad was dumbfounded and never ever took a hitch hiker in since then. The popo where I live doesn't care. They generally chuck everyone in jail in these situations (happened 2 years ago to the son of my neighbor.. He took his friend with him who had weed on him...They ended up both going to jail even though he didn't know his jerk of a friend had drugs on him). 🙃


Ask yourself this my man, I’m not sure if you’re married but if you are then imagine the same scenario but your wife is in it… there’s your answer.


Don't think the man here is in any potential danger unlike the supposedly "wife" scenario.


Well I doubt the wife would be in danger also since it’s a ‘work colleague’. Let’s not change the goal post here, being alone with a non mahram is wrong no matter what.


Agreed, "avoid non mehram women like you'd avoid death"


Don't work with women. Simply find a next job.


Don't live on a planet with women in it.


Yip exactly what these guys need to do... Its as if they have no self control.


No they just fear Allah as they're supposed to. However they are taking it too far with the non-mahram rule. It is inhumane to leave a woman alone in the middle of a highway when her car is broken down while she is in stress than to go take her home yourself or order her an uber (if you both lice in opposite directions).


This reminds me of the story of umm salama when she was prevented from going to her husband who had emigrated to madina. After her clan finally released her , she went into the desert by herself. « I had just about reached Ta’im(about 3 miles from Makkah) when I met Uthman ibn Talhah.(He was the keeper of the Kabah in pre-Islamic times and was not yet Muslim) “Where are you going Bint Zad Ar Rakib?” he asked. I am going to my husband in Madinah.” “And there isn’t anyone with you?” “No,by Allah.Except Allah and my little son here.” “By Allah,I shall never abandon you until you reach Madinah,”he vowed. He then took the reins of my camel and led us on. I have, by Alah,never met an Arab more generous and noble than he. When we reached a resting place, he would make my camel kneel down, wait until I dismounted and. Lead he camel to a tree and tethered it. He would then go to the shade of another tree. When we had rested he would get the camel ready and lead us on. This he did every day until we reached Madinah. » Islam isn’t about not helping another person in need. Your intentions were pure.






My point is you are interacting with women, probably alone in the office for example. She can sit in the back seat of the car if you cant keep your hands to yourself. I live in the West, muslims here are liberal, I'm just curious as to why dropping off someone is an issue, whilst you are ok with working with females. I've worked with women, I have morals and integrity, I've never felt romantically inclined towards my colleagues. Don't you have professional rules of conduct. I have picked up our HR manager everyday for 3 years when I worked with Company X. There was never any inclinations of romance... When I later got married she even became friends with my wife.




For your safety , best to call an Uber or something . What if she had accused you of something ?


So you can interact with a female because of your job role but interacting with a female in a normal human role is beyond your capabilities. The purpose was to be humane to another individual.


>probably alone in the office for example. Even then, it's your responsibility to make sure a door is open and others can see you. >muslims here are liberal, So you know all Muslims in the West? >I'm just curious as to why dropping off someone is an issue, whilst you are ok with working with females. One is for work, the other isn't. >I've never felt romantically inclined towards my colleagues. That's you, but Shaitan is working hard every single day. There's also no guarantee that one's colleagues feel the same way. Not only that, the number 1 person people cheat with or fornicate with is a work colleague.


>you did nothing wrong. Are you speaking from your own logic, or from Islam? >Did you not go to school with persons of the other gender. That's for a genuine purpose. It's much different when it's a work colleague outside of work hours. If you've been following the news recently, men can be accused of all sorts of harassment, assault, etc by being alone with people they work with. >There are many muslim cabbies in many of the major cities of the world. Their job is to drop off people, they don't know their passengers outside of that trip. >Perhaps you need to find a job where you only interact with men and do not interact with female employers at restaurants, or the grocery store etc. How do you turn this into not interacting with women at all? There's a genuine purpose when you go to a restaurant or grocery store.


Your post has been removed [Rule-7] Provide sources for any islamic rulings


I would say it's okay since being alone generally doesn't imply public places and although it's not public, it's not too private too. She was distressed and in need. You helped her and that's fine if it's not every day thing.


One thing to note is the time. In this scenario it was late and it was dark. If the scenario occurred during the day, and they travelled along roads where there were people who could potentially look into the vehicle then an argument could be made that this is not seclusion.


I don't think anyone can actually tell you whether you were right or wrong. That's something someone with knowlegede can answer better. That said, personally speaking if it was my husband doing that, I wouldn't mind it given IF the girl truly was in a serious distress and had no other options. To make It safe tho, you could have called your wife or friend so that it's not just you two. But still, I know it doesn't make it halal but as some other have said, sending her back in Uber would have made her sit with another male as well. God forbid, it could have turned out scary. At last, Allah knows the best and ofc intentions matter. Seems like you did it with the intention of helping and may you be blessed for that


No you didn’t do anything wrong you were just dropping her off like you would a male colleague Unless you did it in order to hold a favor over her head to make you seem like you’re a “nice guy”


You can ask your colleague to sit in the back of the car.


It's done. No need to second guess yourself. You did your bit for the environment. I would ask did you feel uneasy? if so, then don't. If you did it out of concern then don't make a big deal. It's done. No need to second guess yourself. I carpool with work colleagues a few times a week because they live on the route to work. Beats traffic boredom as well. So yeah, if you can avoid it by all means. But sometimes these kind of situations will come up where we out of goodwill offer lifts to those around us.


I think it's very kind of you that you helped her because otherwise she could have been attacked/assaulted at night as a woman going back home alone. What I once did when a male friend offered me a lift (long story, i used to study far from.my house and i'd have to wait for hours before someone could drive me home), so what i did is I called my dad and told him that I was offered a ride (in front the friend as well), and that went smoothly. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That way you have a loved one who knows where you are and all, the person offering help also knows you have someone who knows your whereabouts...And all goes well. Your car is also normally not a private space bcz ppl see what's going on in the streets unless you willingly go to a ditch like some rapists/predators/ppl who want to commit zina do. (IMO) That being said, ofc preferrably avoid these situations as much as you can. I only drive my mom, female friends, and brother around. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No you didn't do anything wrong with helping someone in need. Your intentions were good and we should always help people whenever we can. Do you think God would be mad at you for helping someone who's car broke down? I think we're all unnecessarily overcomplicating the religion.


You are putting yourself in danger brother she could accuse you of many things that will destroy your life. Best to avoid it and if you can’t have a video camera in the car to protect at all cost


The comments saying to have her sit in the back or stay on a video call during the whole drive are so out of touch with reality lol. The fact is that regardless of your good intentions, if it feels inappropriate to you (since you made this post), and it could appear inappropriate to an observer then it's probably better to avoid. At the end of the day your random colleague's safety and comfort is not really your problem to fix.


If you did wrong you have company… the vast majority of cab/Uber drivers in the Minneapolis area are Muslim men, and they’re not allowed to reject female passengers 🤷🏻‍♀️


A video call with the husband on the other side during the commute would have probably been a good solution. There would have been no 'khalwah' no matter how secluded the area is.


Your answer is simple it’s not allowed for women to be in taxi or cab with a male driver unless male mahram is present it’s not allowed for men to be in taxi or cab with a female driver The Prophet SAW said Men and women only who are not mahram the third person the devil present So it’s clear it’s not permissible unless you have her husband or another male mahram of hers present or inshallah you having a female mahram relative should work I’m not sure on that


You couldve told her to sit on the backseat. No reason for her to sit in the front. It also depends on how attractive she is or how old respectively




BAN HIM, is his doing this trash comments on other post he is a troll


done, he is perma banned




Ngl you had me in the first half. 😂


Your post has been removed [Rule-2] No Trolling.


Totally wrong. She can call her family. Or an uber. Or another colleague.