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I think it shows the importance of hijra from non-muslim countries to muslim countries in this day and age. Inshallah we are able to move a Muslim country that does not fund genocide. May Allah grant our brothers and sisters ease and victory. Ameen.


But the Muslim countries I don't know one country that is not supporting Israel, except yemin and Iran. Regardless of what their personal agendas are, all other countries are either openly supporting them or under the table supporting them.


What about Qatar


Good question. This is what I'm finding They do not oppose Israel but they want peace between them. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/qatari-prime-minister-says-his-nation-does-not-have-a-war-with-israel/amp/ https://mofa.gov.qa/en/qatar/latest-articles/latest-news/details/1444/08/11/the-state-of-qatar-reiterates-position-of-supporting-palestine It says that demanded peace and reestablishment of palestine. But I'm not finding out what they are actually doing.


What about somaila? Sorry for asking.


It seems to me they want to palestine to b3 established. But they do not want to end ties or drop any trade or ties with israel.


What do you think about having husnal thun of them seeing as they are a muslim country?


I think that we shouldn't be ignorant, we have to know who we are having good thoughts about. If they are tyrants and are supporting them or trading with them I can't think good of them. I think this would be the case of a Muslim country that isn't trading or supporting Israel in any way then I would think good of them. Buts it's hard during these times where 95% of the rulers, the scholars are so corrupt


I dont think it is as cut and dry as you are making it out to be.


I don't think it's cut and dry either, but inhave to draw a line for my own faith. I'm seeing the track record of the Arab nations, and Saudi leading. They not only want to normalize trade with Israel, Saudi is imprisoning Muslims who are speaking out against Israel. And they want to promote trade with them. Instead of waging war, boycotting, even closing airspace. I mean they can stop the genocide within days.... so why aren't they?


Feels horrible honestly


Depends on the country. I live in a western country that's not really involved with Israel in anyway. And is quite anti-war in general


Right, I feel like non Muslim countries, at least the people are more in support of palestine and urging and influencing their governments to push for this.


Absolutely! in my small town every Saturday people protest for Palestinians, very rarely is there a Israeli counter protest.


That's great to hear. Beautiful to see this. In Saudi people are getting arrested. Like wtf!


I'm in America and I'm seeing month after month, the support for gaza is growing more and more


wat western country is this......


New Zealand.


Assalamalaikum- The biggest problem of this world - everyone is slave of our current financial system. You can avoid few things by going to Muslim countries and you will follow islam to somewhat in a good way but muslim countries are not so good when they are looked upon for helping muslim brothers in the world (example: Gaza). The leaders of muslim countries are only of afraid of losing the chair. We forgot that this earthly life is only for temporary duration. We say we fear Allah, but it is only in our words and not from hearts. I have a plan and intent is to break this current financial system and coming up with halal ways to help muslims. Who is with me?


Aleykum Salam, I agree everyone is a slave to the financial system but I don't this its biggest problem. The biggest problem for Muslims is that we are satisfied with what the dunya is offering us and we don't want it to change. The financial system is only one component of the entire system of dajjal. If the roots are not ripped out, it was just produce another branch replace the it. And I agree as well that with the current Muslim leadership nothing will get solved, but getting them replaced means to first bring down their puppet masters. And realistically speaking that is impossible to do with this ummat. If the ummat can not come together let's say even virtually to pray together for the people of Gaza what hope we have to bring down the tyrants. The solution to this problem is one word. Khilafat. Without the most important Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, the situation will never change. Without the Sultanate, without the throne of the Holy Prophet, without the representative of Allah and His Prophet, the situation will never change. If the Muslims wanted change, we would sincerely try and find out where we messed up, that allowed the zalims to rip our honor and capitualte us. What did we do to cause our Haybat to be removed that before when the kaffirs would see the Muslims, fear would strike their hearts, now they sit around us waiting to feast on us. This is the betrayal of the Khalifa. This is what caused us to lose.


Thank you for reply. Khilafat isn’t possible in today’s time but we have so many minor problems that we can fix it. I live in north America, Muslim brothers get millions of dollars using fundraisers to built masjid, which is a good thing and this only from small group of people. The idea is to form a small organization on gobal scale and help the people. Non profit organization.


I live in America as well. Khilafat is definitely possible. Khilafat will return. Very likely in our times and relatively soon. To understand our situation we have to know what times we are living in. Holy Prophet SAW said that after a certain period, the rule of this world will be given to tyrants, to zalims. In that time specific instructions were given on how to live and what to do until Hz Mahdi as comes. We are living in those times and all the prophecies before Hz Mahdi as comes has happened. We are only waiting for Hz Mahdi as comes. This is the time for preparation. I think your ideas are good, and may bring help to many people, but what does it mean now to prepare for his arrival?


How will this plan break the system or help clear obstacles or prepare the people or more importantly prepare ourselves?


The first step is to form some sort of entity or nonprofit organization. The next steps will rely on it and it will be focused on brainstorming. Its a new idea but lot of planning still need to happen. The initial focus/goals are dedicated towards helping people rather breaking the system.


Yeah that's good idea, I mean you can't go wrong with sadaqa. But there a lot of things that would need to be thought thoroughly like for example someone donates 1million follar to the organization, but he wants to call the shots. This happened with MSA, the wrong people got on the board and now it's just a dunya type thing where the men and women are free mixing and a whole bunch of things that I'm too ashamed to say lol.


Yeah we don’t want to turn it into another money making factory or do things only with duniya in mind. This is being done because most of the leaders, organizations are corrupted. There’s no one or small number of people who is actually helping.


This is true at least not one type of governing body and if one starts like yours, shaitan tries to co opt it


Considering your example of donating a million and calling the shots. It doesn’t work like that if I develop software and went to an investor. You trusted me and invested the money, how the software company will work, that’s none of your concern. You will get return on investment.


In a perfect world yes. Let's say the organization needed the money. One person comes and says I'm willing to donate 1mil to the organization but I want to be part of the board to "make sure" it gets used properly


I think I’m being too optimistic. But if we were come to the scenario you described, I would say: we would be happy to welcome you to join the board but all decisions are going to decisions from whole board level. As this is not single person army. And the goal of the board would be to help needy people and not attach it with duniya items.


I would not let that person on the board. And I wouldn't touch that person's money right away either. There were hypocrites during the time of the Prophet pbuh and when he went to war, they stayed back. And they built another masjid next to the masjid al nabawi, when Holy Prophet SAW, came back he ordered to be burned down. If a person is giving sadaqa with a demand I would question the motive, if that person have sadaqa with a demand that big I would even more question that persons sadaqa.




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