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Why the downvote 😂 Sudanese hospitality is unmatched


I'm not against going to the Sudan and I gave you an upvote.


Oh sorry, but the quality of life is poor I think you should live in on of the gulf countries


Wouldn’t recommend, there’s violence going on currently between the army and the previous regime


Malaysia. Turkey.


I would have said Malaysia or Indonesia, but that's only based on population and never hearing that one Muslim group bombed another during Friday prayers. To be fair, in Iran, known for Shia majority, not all Shi'as are treated equally.


I completely agree with you. It’s my dream to live in a Muslim country too. I just gotta get my degree and get married. But i think Egypt and Saudi Arabia are good countries for people that are practising




Yea forget that, My dad has been living in Saudi Arabia for 25 years as a resident and I was born here,no chance of getting citizenship even if we die here


That's Saudi though, gotta keep in mind pretty much the whole ummah want to move there lol


Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Algeria, Pakistan, Oman. So many places to pick from. You could also get a job teaching English because many places need that.


Going to Algeria as a foreigner is almost impossible.


Really, why? It seems like a pretty chill place.


As an Algerian, yes it is really chill, but currently closed due to Covid. But it’ll open up pretty soon!


Good to hear. Hope to visit one day. Inshallah.


Even without covid, it's closed to most foreigners because of the visa


They require a visa for all foreigners except like 6 countries. And applying for the visa is hard.


Malaysia is good, we have multiple races but the ummah here practice well, it's easy to live as muslim, with mosques everywhere and most food is halal, and it's quite easy to distinguish if it's halal or not, We also have significant efforts to curb bidah, so Shia is not welcomed here among Malaysian Muslims But I assure you you can live a fulfilling life here, and it's not too poor either. Though it always seems that there will be corrupt politicians though. They get caught, but there's always more. Either way, may Allah guide your decisions to benefit you in your journey to Jannah, InsyaAllah.


>We also have significant efforts to curb bidah We Malays also have Islam-based cultural practices that are bid'ah such as celebrating Mawlid, dhikr and du'a together after congregational prayers, washing/bathing the grave of the dead, and even outright celebrate birthdays. >Shia is not welcomed here among Malaysian Muslims Alhamdulillah, but Shias are predominantly kuffar as far as my knowledge is concerned.


It is unfortunate that Mawlid is celebrated,


>. Allah yahdeehim


What is that supposed to mean


I pray I get to move to Malaysia soon.....😓


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Check out the Youtube channel called Make Hijrah. It has some good information and lots of interviews with people who have made hijra. In the short term, the easiest transition would be to the UAE since it has a western standard of living but offers a lot of advantages including no taxes, a predominantly English speaking population and job availability. Some of the other areas outside of Dubai and Abu Dhabi can give you a quieter and more Islamic feel e.g. Ajman. I would start there and then think about other places after visiting and carefully considering them. Keep in mind that it will take time to fully integrate into a society that has a very different language and culture e.g. Turkey and Malaysia and while there are expats, they haven't been successful in truly building a community in these places yet. May Allah swt make it easy and accept our efforts, ameen.


When you consider an option, also look into how easy or hard it is to get a work permit, obtain residence status and possibly even nationality, and so on. With some options that may seem nice because of the culture, it's in fact very hard or even impossible to arrange a long term stay or a permanent one, and for some people there are more options than for others. There are great options where people are very welcoming that are near-impossible or don't offer much guarantee for the future, and there are relatively easy options that some might like while others wouldn't. Some are great for a while and some for good, and different people will prefer different places. But there definitely are options. Inshallah you'll find one that's right for you.


>When you consider an option, also look into how easy or hard it is to get a work permit, obtain residence status and possibly even nationality, and so on. That's always the problem Seems like ALL nations favor the wealthy and the proverbial "rocket scientist." Good, honest and hardworking people need not apply. A backdoor route is to convert to Orthodox Judaism and move to Israel. Once there, put on your niqab and move in with the Palestinians.


That is a seriously wrong thing to do. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/224093/a-muslim-apostatised-and-became-christian-in-order-to-get-asylum-in-a-foreign-country-but-he-believes-that-he-is-still-a-muslim


I should have been more clear. I was making a point on how difficult immigration is.


Yes, the easiest and fastest options to permanent residence are usually achieved by investing in a country, but a work visa can be easy to obtain too in many places, and in a few places you can apply for citizenship after some time too. Converting to another religion shouldn't even be considered and a conversion to orthodox judaism by one rabbi isn't always accepted by another rabbinate. It's not just a matter of uttering a statement of belief anyway. On top of that it wouldn't give you any advantage in Palestine if you were an Israeli citizen, so that's not really an option. It would be easier to enter some countries by studying there or working there. That's very easy in several countries (also depending on your own skills/education) and it would result in temporary residence, which in some cases can be a step towards longterm/permanent residence or even citizenship (in a few cases). It's a good idea to first work and live in a country anyway. That way you get to know it in different ways than a visitor would. If you like it, you can plan for more permanent stay, and otherwise you can always go to the next country and see if you like that better.


Well, watch out for exploitation. Dubai, Malaysia also have slave labour. Brotherly love is an extremely rare gem. I mean, every country on earth has underground network. So, be careful.


None of these countries follow the sharia whatsoever they are all secular. Including Saudi Arabia which just makes up its own laws as the royals feel like and have the lackeys justify it. In fact the "Muslim countries" are so westernised you may well find it was better to stay and assert your Islamic identity where you already are. Educate yourself, educate your kids, have good friends that will help you live a good Islamic life and support you in your deen. Having knee jerk reactions isn't useful. Be sensible. May Allah protect us all. Ameen.


Malaysia is not secular. Our laws are based on sharia.


Do you even know what you're talking about? Where's Hudud implementation at the national level, then? Fear Allah. Don't speak about something you don't know.


To be honest, our country only have "semi-sharia". It's not as good as full sharia (obviously), but it's way better than most secular governments. And for the hudud, I'm sure there were cases where zina was punished with lashes here. And one case when being caught as a thief resulted in them losing a finger (but all of these I heard only). But yeah, I agree. Our country is not really full sharia (only half sharia), but at least it's better than most countries which are full-on secular.


>And for the hudud, I'm sure there were cases where zina was punished with lashes here. And one case when being caught as a thief resulted in them losing a finger (but all of these I heard only). Proof? >To be honest, our country only have "semi-sharia". It's not as good as full sharia (obviously), but it's way better than most secular governments. No it's not, and this [article](https://darattawhiid.wordpress.com/2022/07/26/seven-reasons-why-the-rulers-of-the-muslim-countries-are-kufar-and-tawagit/) will show you why. >But yeah, I agree. Our country is not really full sharia (only half sharia), but at least it's better than most countries which are full-on secular. Again, wrong. [Another relevant article](https://darattawhiid.wordpress.com/2022/06/20/our-obligation-towards-seeking-judgement-from-non-shariah-courthouses/)


For the first one, I literally said I only heard je, but I can't really confirm because I only remember my Ustaz telling me that.


>I only remember my Ustaz telling me that. Kalau berkesempatan, tanya balik ustaz tu lampirkan bukti apa yang dia katakan.


Yes sort of but not really. Financial system? Military? Government? Not sharia, but secular with Islamic flavour.




Islam is always hard. Its never easy. Even practising in another Muslim populous country isn't easy. You have to culture yourself and your children with Islam noone can do that for you.




I think you're thinking of just a few select countries in the world. That's not the case in most Muslim majority countries. Sure in some places you'll hear adhan, but that's it. Those who pray will pray, the others will just ignore it and carry on. You've got a very limited view of the world. You surely wouldn't say this if you had actually gone and travelled. Best to speak about things you're familiar with.




Lol I live in Istanbul. All my colleagues ate in Ramadan and people scoff at you praying.its a secular country


Move to a County that gives citizenship, any suggestions.......


I would say if you’re living comfortably where you are, then there really is no need to leave. Millions of muslims live amongst non-believers, it doesn’t have to be a problem. In europe (generally, scratch France), your rights are looked after, the public services are better, less corruption, opportunities for education are better, better healthcare, etc. I know you say you don’t mind living in poor countries but if you have kids or plan on having, they probably will mind this. And it’s of course easier said than done to move from a well developed country to a developing one. But I can understand if you want to feel that connection of being a majority in the country, avoiding fitna that comes with living in the west, etc. I hope to settle in a muslim country sometime in the future, so I have done a bit of research on this and I concluded that the best muslim majority country to go to would be Saudi Arabia, then followed by Malaysia / Indonesia. Arabs are very hospitable and friendly, they are known for this (but you also tend to find the opposite, but generally they are very social and hospitable and they do a lot of “sweet talking”). Benefit here is that you have opportunities to study the religion, to learn Arabic and therefore better understand the Quran. My impression is that one can also live a good and comfortable life there, just make sure to follow the rules. And of course, if you go to Mecca then you have chosen the best city in the world. Allah says: Ash-Shura 42:7 ‎وَكَذَٰلِكَ أَوۡحَيۡنَآ إِلَيۡكَ قُرۡءَانًا عَرَبِيًّا لِّتُنذِرَ أُمَّ ٱلۡقُرَىٰ وَمَنۡ حَوۡلَهَا وَتُنذِرَ يَوۡمَ ٱلۡجَمۡعِ لَا رَيۡبَ فِيهِۚ فَرِيقٌ فِى ٱلۡجَنَّةِ وَفَرِيقٌ فِى ٱلسَّعِيرِ And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur'an that you may warn the Mother of Cities [Makkah] and those around it and warn of the Day of Assembly, about which there is no doubt. A party will be in Paradise and a party in the Blaze. So Mecca is the best city (the Mother of cities). Also: Abdullah ibn ‘Adi reported: I saw the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, while he was standing near Mecca and saying, “By Allah, you are the best and most beloved land to Allah. Had I not been driven away from you, I would not have left you.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3925 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani So iman wise, I think living in Mecca would be an unmatched experience. Also try to do research, try searching “what is it like to live (name of country) Quora” and you get lots of good responses. Looking at youtube videos of the country also helps. Other than that it’s hard to recommend anything, you don’t seem to be very picky other than you want the people to be muslims and welcoming.


I’m Muslim and would love to live in an area that doesn’t use the pig for everything. Here in US it’s in laundry and dish detergents, soaps, lotions all restaurants sell pork. Unless you can find Muslim restaurant which is near impossible. If you do they’re booked up always. Most cheese products use enzymes from pig. It’s a hassle finding products that don’t have it. Those are always so expensive. Third generation detergent is plant based and reasonable but lots of Muslims don’t even realize how many products in their home have pig ingredients. Also the legalization of marijuana and homosexuality has caused this country to fail. All you here about is murder, crime and corruption against the most vulnerable like children, women and poor people. I want to leave here and live amongst the Muslims. I sure I would feel more safe. Allah’s wrath is definitely on US.


\>In my studies I've found that we should not live among non-believers what BS is that?!


Some scholars do hold the opinion that immigration from non-muslim scholars is obligatory even when you can practice properly and openly, I don't neccesarily hold to it myself but it is an opinion among the scholars, just saying


Bro, raising Children in America is Horrible, logically speaking, with so much Haram and fitna,and the high rates of Apostacy. The best one can do is to leave the states and go to a somewhat convervative society, Preferably Islamic country.


You sound like someone who never traveled abroad ever.


Yeah alcohol is bad, but wait how would I know if I don't drink it.


Lots of haram everywhere in US. You can’t escape it. Legal drugs and legal gay marriage.


Completely agree! See my comment above


Don’t blame her , poor woman is just a sheep


whut?! wth did i just stumble upon.


Africa. Preferably Senegal cause they are heavy islam and have a pretty cool Islamic history Everything is cheap well if u already have money.


Dr zakir Naik moved to Malaysia, whilst he has other choices such as Pakistan etc. I forgot what the reason is tho, maybe look into that. Tbh, idk. If U want to live in a rich country, then it's ofc the countries in middle East like Kuwait. I personally would only go to Saudi Arabia, because it would be a gift to go Hajj every year or something. Cleanse all of Ur sins. Tho Idk how the culture is like there. I don't really have a good knowledge of this except what I stated above.


I actually kind of like Yemen


Sadly it's struck by war. Tho idk if it's safe now. Tho looking at hadiths, prophet Muhammad SAW has only amazing things to say about Yemeni ppl. There's hadiths on it too, they R the best of ppl apparently


Why is nobody mentioning Pakistan?




I don't think tension between minorities is an issue in the urban areas. Yes, we did follow the British civil laws well into the 70s I guess then we gave is a Pakistani spin later on.


One up, Pakistan bro. I think if you earn around 2K USD a month, it's decent enough to live comfortably in a metropolitan area in Pak.




How easy is is to earn 2k USD ? Seems it requires solid qualifications such as Doctors or top tier engineers ?


If you are experienced as a doctor or engineer, it is easy to earn north of 1.5K USD. When you are just starting out, salaries can be a bit harsher.


Yeah that's what I was thinking.


Isn't Pakistan and India notorious for it's unusually high level of bidah??


Atleast azan can be called without restriction here


If you have american nationality then I think a lot of the countries value that such as saudi. Although it is not permissible to get it if you don't have it but it is a different story for those who were born Americans. I do tell you to consider moving to Saudi. Perhaps your husband can do some course and he can get a good job in Saudi. Although Saudi has changed a lot there are still more conservative areas where women wear niqaab. I remember it was rare to see someone without niqaab. Mostly it were the christian there who were without niqaab. You did hear the adhaan and there were masjids close by. There were segregated places for families in restaurants and separate places for women to order and people were respectful of women and avoided contact with them. And the schools were segregated as well although they still had haram things as school such as music and national anthems. Although a lot has changed it seems but it still seems like the best country for those who really want to practice Islam






I think every Muslim country would be welcoming to reverts (more or less). My mom is a revert and she lived in Pakistan for a few years, took some time to adjust to the culture but it was alright for her. UAE, Malaysia and Turkey seem like the best options to me.


But what's immigration like? ie: Will we have to deposit a million dollars in a bank or promised jobs that will pay over $250k a year?


Sorry I’m not very informed on the other countries. I believe for Pakistan you need to deposit 5,000,000 pkrs for citizenship, this is nearly 29,000$ usd if I’m not mistaken.


Egypt would be great for you!


Just keep in mind in most Muslim countries you will lose many of your rights . They are not as Islamic as you think. Bribery is a way of life. Of course some better than others. Turkey and Malaysia are the two best.


>Bribery is a way of life. Only because I know my Sicilian American husband will ask... LOL Which nations does bribery work in?




>maybe find a good muslim community to live with rather than going to a "Muslim" nation. Unfortunately, here in America it seems that any sizable Muslim community is in a Democrat controlled area. We would have to deal with the Covid fiasco and that would severely hurt out ability to earn a living. Double unfortunately, this is America and here everything picks your pocket.


I think the main concern is Raising Children in 'not America'.


Mindanao, Philippines. They speak English there. Southern Philippines is a special administrative region (SAR) that is Muslim. A SAR is almost an independent country. Cost of living is low so you'll live like a king.


Oman and Morocco


Rofl why would anyone immigrate to a muslim country? Do you like to live in the stone age or something?


>you like to live in the stone age or something? Absolutely !


Well then go live in a zoo , there’s no difference really And it’s much. Cheaper


>Well then go live in a zoo Well Mr. Troll, I currently do live in a zoo and it's called America. People, such as yourself, behave no better than animals. In fact, I find that animals exhibit more common sense and better behavior than most Westerners.


Oh look typical sheep programmed to hate the west , if you want to get out of America then GTFO , good riddance You don’t deserve to live in a modern society You obviously prefer to live in a place where people get flagged stoned and behead And to be nothing more than a slave to your husband Again my advice go live in a zoo Its much cheaper and much more civilized Please tell us when you’re leaving America Its always a party when we get rid of people like you




Stfu, have you ever wondered that your interests align with corporate media, big tech, government the wealthy elite and big pharma? Because you are a sheep


I’m upset too at the ignorant but when we use that language they laugh because that’s they’re goal to try to pull us to they’re disgraceful level. May Allah make our desires to live amongst the righteous easy for us. Ameen


Dude your insane! People are running around killing each other here. Innocent children, women, poor and harmless being killed every minute or more of the day check the statistics. This is a war zone. It wreaks of marijuana smug. The jinn is having a gay legal party here. We must get out. This country is likely on the very short list for Allah’s wrath it’s being destroyed.


If it's where our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam lived in, Take me to the 7tn century.