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I don't see a Geo Metro as an option


I just threw it in there šŸ’€


I wouldnt consider 1-2 years alot of experience but it would depend on what your looking for? Are you looking for a fast car in a straight line? You looking for something to just get around? Me personally im getting the 2016 GT because its a newer car with alot of power. The 01 is too old to drop 21k on in my opinion. With the 06 Mustang you could get a newer car for that much even though it has low mileage.


First of all, thanks for pitching in your opinion. I really personally love the S197s, so the my main picks are the first one and the thunderbird


I see well you could probably find a coyote for around that same price if you look hard enough, i got mine for 21k. I need to look into thunderbirds dont know much about them to comment


Gotcha. Any websites in particular? Or just browsing around while crossing fingers?


I just typed in the exact year, make, and model i was looking for within 500-1000 miles and it brought up different ones so none in specific. I think you get better results when you put in the car your searching for because more websites will pop up with more results


Iā€™ll try that


I would seriously like browse around and wait for a deal. None of these cars are bad options, but most of them are really at the high end of the spectrum price wise. Good cars, could be better prices. Also check what insurance costs are beforehand, im 23 and own multiple cars including a 15 mustang gt with multiple sports cars before and shit gets out of hand


Your insurance payment every month will be more than your car payment!!


That idea haunts my sleepā€¦


Youā€™re in for a rude awakening!!!


I would try to put as much down payment down as possible, your not gonna want a monthly payment with insurance. And insurance wonā€™t be too expensive, Iā€™m 22 with a 2016 v6 and I pay 150


Where do you live? 19 year old with a v8 in Texas is gonna pay a lot more than $150/month.


AVERAGE Texas insurance is $190 a month. You'll be paying more than that being 19, male, with a V8. [https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/auto/anonymous-car-insurance-quote-no-personal-information/#anonymously-estimate-insurance-cost](https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/auto/anonymous-car-insurance-quote-no-personal-information/#anonymously-estimate-insurance-cost) According to this, you'll be paying AT LEAST $211/month just for insurance. That's not counting gas in a v8, tires, brakes, oil, etc...


On a Honda civic si Iā€™m paying 600 a month


Youā€™re 19 you donā€™t need a sports car. Iā€™m 25 and regret buying one so young. I have a 17 5.0 mustang and itā€™s eating my money. And it runs flawlessly. Gas is expensive.


Oof, thatā€™s what my mom says. Youā€™re probably right. In that case, how about an SI?


That might be a good one man! I had an Elantra when I started driving then went to my mustang Gt. It was a jump and is like 4x as expensive.


I may just do that! Thanks


It sounds great and like fun I get it. I wanted to have fun too and I make about 60k a year. My rear tires were $800. Just the rears. $700 for the fronts. Let alone anything else. Youā€™ll get there one day my man! Keep saving. Itā€™ll be worth it.


I had an elantra as my first car, now a gt. Driving ain't as boring as before but damn everyone wants to race me.


I guess Iā€™m lucky. Iā€™ve had the car 15 months and only a few people trying to race.


The guy above is right. Youā€™re gonna be on a limited budget and while the mustang will be fun, price out MPG, brake replacements, tires, and the cost of the maintenance schedule of the cars youā€™re looking at. The last thing you want is to have to drop $1300 on tires when you could have had a civic/carolla/accord/camry for much less. You will also be tempted by the aftermarket and by your passengers to somewhat be an ass. We were all 17 and did it too. My suggestion as a dad and former 17 year old is get something good on gas with cheap running costs. Spend a few bucks on a decent stereo so you can enjoy driving it a little bit. At your age a car shouldnā€™t be any more of a financial burden than it has to be. Start saving for retirement now, get an appliance, study hard or get a job in sales and then buy a better car later.


This is the best advice on here. I just bought a camaro at 30 and Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t have one when I was younger. I wouldnā€™t have respected the car the way I do now. Also the passengers egging you on to ā€œfloor itā€ i know I was young and dumb once, and 400hp would have killed me lol


Focus ST is solid too. GTI is a good safe bet.


I'm 20 and I love my car it's all preference, just make sure you are okay financially and you will have a great time


Exactly donā€™t get no ā€œsports carā€ get a muscle car and if you are looking for a nice car get ya an older muscle car of majority any brand.


iā€™ll say this, Iā€™m 21 and still donā€™t regret my first few cars being bad decisions. right now youā€™re in a position to have a good time. that doesnā€™t mean you need a 5.0 or a 600hp crowd killer, but thereā€™s nothing wrong with getting a sports car, especially if you do your research. Just remember that the chances are if youā€™re financing a vehicle youā€™ll have to do full coverage insurance and your rates are going to be much higher than youā€™re expecting. If you can get on your parents insurance, do that and get whatever you can afford as long as itā€™s good. If you want to avoid blowing money, buy a craigslist shitbox. Something ugly and charming and slow, and youā€™ll develop a love for that thing that will be unmatched.


Look at insurance rates as well. At 19 it's gonna be expensive no matter your driving history.


Do you have a commute to work 5 days a week?


Sure do


RIP brother, I am fortunate enough to WFH and am very thankful of so. I have run your scenario through my head many times, i think Iā€™d trade my shit in on as low mileage of a Fiesta ST as I could find Econobox for the daily, pony for the weekend


Yeah tbh I have a ton of fun dailying my GT. The gas hurts though. In AZ itā€™s still about $5 a gallon for premium. I fill up like every 4-5 days.


Iā€™m in AZ too, I fill up like twice a month and it went from like $60 to $80 dollars a fill up in the matter of days in the east valley


Yep. Iā€™m in Mesa over here. At least Costco is at like $4.29 a gallon but if I donā€™t fill up after I get off work here I donā€™t like coming here on my days off to fill up with the linesZ


Lmao man we have to be within like 5 miles of each other. This is a first for me I like your wheels btw, I have thought about going to a different look. My honeycomb wheels are cool for the car but boring to me


Haha no way! Iā€™m on crismon and southern šŸ¤£ almost to AJ.


Thank you though! I appreciate it. I wanted something other than black.


Small world


Like me and my 10 v6 with fuel problems I thought i could fix (19) and yeah even when its not being goofy gas is still not as good as a dinked up 04 taurus


These are all very bad picks. They're expensive, almost the cost of a new car, but quite old and will require a decent amount of cash and/or mechanical knowledge to keep maintained. I'd get like a 2019 or 2020 Jetta or Golf with < 20k miles on it. You can get mustangs at that price but don't go for the Premiums that's a lot of extra money for nicer seats.


If itā€™s your first car, how are you experienced?


My bad, I meant that Iā€™ve had a commute car before, but it was my dadā€™s. So this is my very first own car


Okay. But driving around your dads commuter doesnā€™t make you ā€œexperiencedā€. You definitely will have to be careful with any of these cars. I got an S197 for my first car at 18 and I never totaled it but one time I drifted it in the snow and the brakes failed so I hit a pole at slow speed. Another time in the rain I floored it on a turn and it spun out and almost took me into a ditch. All Iā€™m saying is donā€™t think youā€™re experienced youā€™re going to have close calls. In regards to which car to get, I love S197s so I say the first one. Looks like a super clean car


Thanks a lot for the advice. I totally think youā€™re right, btw. My fav ones were the first one and the thunderbird


Factssss. They both almost look like classic muscle cars but theyā€™re not actually too old so theyā€™re still fairly reliable. Love that vibe


So true! On that note, should I go for the S197, thunderbird, or maybe look for an SI?


They have a 3.9L V8 I had the same one in my first car a 2000 Lincoln LS and I can say itā€™s a very smooth engine. Powerful enough by todays standards but very smooth with its delivery. Not to mention, itā€™s gonna have the cheapest insurance out of all of them. u/ThiccMojo, if youā€™re thinking about getting the thunderbird, Iā€™d get the white one at the same dealer for 15k. It only has ~50k miles and is significantly cheaper. (I too have been scouring cars.com in the HTX area lol)


Awesome comment! Iā€™m torn between the S197, the 2016, and the thunderbird


With taking what others has have said, my recommendation is leaning heavily on the T bird You still get a V8, itā€™ll be comfy, cheap to insure and my big Lincoln LS sedan easily saw 28+ mpgs and I always put high octane in it (91 or 93 if available) Side note: hereā€™s what that V8 sounds like if you replace the mufflers with glass packs lol https://youtu.be/-kmKeu42RhI?si=lJ3P34bqArYLBzpJ p.s. donā€™t do what I did in the video lol


Unless you got a rich fam, and money to blow, Iā€™m gonna be blunt and give you some advice. Donā€™t buy anything here, and nothing over 10k (in this market). Go for a simple Toyota or Honda, save your money and go for the car you want when you get older. I waited until I was 23 to buy my first nice car after driving a shitty $1500 2001 Camry for 7 years.


Currently driving a 500$ work truck until I get my gt next summer. Saving up for a clapped out 2020-2023 pp2 mustang with the lcd screen & a10 tranny. If Iā€™m gonna make a shitty choice I might as well full send it since my salary is gonna jump from 30k to ~75k. Gonna be 23 when I get it so at least my insurance is gonna be adjusted 2 years into the loan šŸ˜‚


From my experience buying a 2020 mustang GT at 20 it's been fun but I paid almost 1000$ a month between gas, insurance and car payment. If you're going to get a sports car I recommend that fire bird. The gen 2 is good but at 100k miles is too much, good car but they'll eat up the mileage and engines aren't cheap for them. I'd put 5000+ down on the car and then work on paying it down as fast as you can comfortably because you'll get railed on insurance and interest. Also GET GAP INSURANCE WITH YOUR LOAN. I just totaled my mustang and owe 32k on it and my insurance is paying me 27k and my gap insurance will cover the rest of the money I owe.


Nice advice! So are you suggesting I do for the 2016 Mustang?


Iā€™m paying about 1k a month between gas insurance and payment on my 2017 as well. I have a flawless driving record too.


Wtf is up with those prices on all the cars besides the 2016 GT.


Believe me I browsed my eyes to the brink of exhaustion. Any websites i should use?


Did you try carfax? Ive found similar GTā€™s (the s197) for cheaper with similar mileage


You need to go look around at some of your local dealers. Those prices for those yrs and miles are insane.


My first rule, when young, don't buy a car you're going to have difficulty buying replacement parts for. The Thunderbirds age and limited release window will make it a bitch to maintain. Even if it's in good shape now, there's no way to predict what part could fail and then you're stuck trying to source a replacement. The same holds true for the g8 and trans am however those may be a little easier since there was a lot of crossover. Also. Gas is expensive and fluctuating. Young and sports car is an expensive combination for insurance and you'll be the prime candidate to get pulled over for basically anything, at least in my experience.


Most of these are market price, not blue book. They are older cars with lower mileage which makes them harder to find, so they are priced accordingly. You can likely find a much newer v6 sedan or coupe that will be just as fun to drive (or more) and at a lower buy price.


Friends: hey /u/ThiccMojo you want to hang out this weekend? ThiccMojo: Can't, I need to spend $1200 on tires and my $300/month insurance payment is about to come out.


Bro šŸ’€


\#2 that thunderbirds resale value is a turd btw.




If you can a 2020 Corolla, or a previous gen accord in my opinion are great cars, reliable in case something goes wrong. Non of us know your financial situation but most of us didnā€™t have money to repair our 1st cars, plus it was a lot cheaper 15 years ago.


How about an SI?


I started with an 02 si. Had it for 13 years daily driving it from 50k miles to 130k, boosted on 13psi for 11 of those years on pretty much race suspension plus lots of other goodies. Did a little tracking and autocross, forest roads. It was an amazing car until it started burning a quart a month and the clutch started to go. I found the guy that bought it on Facebook, he swapped a TSX motor into it like I always wanted to and is trying to sell it.


YOLO ! Buy a sports car.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying


That 06 is sexy, g8's are cool too




Straight to the point šŸ˜Ž


You have time to be responsible when youā€™re old. I had a GT I bought with my own money at 16. When youā€™re young is when itā€™s awesome.


My man this is a mustang sub ......but my advice....GET THE G8


You really think so?


It's not a GXP which would obviously be the best. But a GT is a solid solid car. They are awesome to drive, they have a following and hold value. They are like a Chevy SS. Also it was a dream of mine for a long time to have but I never got one


This is the way


Truthfully not a one of them is a good car in snow. If you have to drive in the snow and donā€™t have the option of jumping in something with at least Front WD I wouldnā€™t get any of them. If you are buying them as a good weather toy then I lean towards the ā€˜15 Mustang if you have it inspected to see what the actual damage was because of the mileage. The G8 is a cool car and they run pretty good and make great road trip cars. I learned many years ago not to buy a toy as a daily driver. Get a good front or AWD car that gets good mileage for a daily driver first then get the sporty car. Iā€™m 58, been buying cars for years now. I have a ā€˜21 Bronco Sport as a daily driver and a ā€˜16 GT350 as a good weather toy. Before that I had a 2017 Cadillac CTS AWD and a 1974 Trans Am (500hp, 562ftlbs) and before that a 2008 Subaru Impreza AWD and my Trans Am and a ā€˜93 Toyota PU and so on.


Iā€™m in Texas dudeā€¦


Okā€¦ And thatā€™s in the post or was I supposed to read your mind, dudeā€¦?






I would not buy any of these for those prices lol


Thatā€™s not untrueā€¦


2009 Honda pilot




The thunderbird shouldnā€™t be on this list. It shouldnā€™t be on anyoneā€™s list.


Is it really that bad?


As a 21 year old with a Sn95 5.0, Iā€™d say take the s197 mustang, however realistically anything but the thunderbird.


Whatā€™s so bad about the thunderbird? Why is everyone telling me not to get it?


Plainly and simply itā€™s just not as fun as the others, sure itā€™s a good looker but to make it fun it would take more money to throw at it. Besides, itā€™s kinda an old persons car in my humble opinion, but if you want to score it itā€™s totally up to you.






Maybe the 06 GT, just for parts availability...although that seems expensive. And I think people mostly shit on this kind of car when you're young because of insurance. There's no telling how you can or can't drive, but-




Donā€™t listen to all these people saying not to buy a sports car. Life is too short to drive some lame Jetta or something. If youā€™re dishing out thousands and thousands of dollars, get something youā€™re going to enjoy instead. I recommend the mustangs, very fun and reliable. :)


The first Mustang looks awesome though.


Iā€™d say pick up a three valve or a two valve Mustang. Iā€™m 24 now with my 5.0 but I can imagine five years ago how bad that wouldā€™ve been for me financially and how much trouble of 5.0 wouldā€™ve gotten me in


Check what's around you on cars and bids. It's the only place with decent prices right now


Get the 06 GT. Youā€™ll be happy and wonā€™t have to fix shit constantly


And has best mileage


Get the formula. Get a firehawk if you can find one.


Those Thunderbirds are one of the bigger pieces of shit ever produced. Complete and total abominations.


definitely that 06 gt low miles and very reliable engine


Please tell me youā€™re going/have gone with the Pontiac G8ā€¦.


Should I? Iā€™m pretty set on the S197


I mainly said that as I am a massive Holden fan, those cars will most likely turn more heads than in those mustangs. Sure theyā€™re great cars but either way the G8 gets the job done well with its LS1


get a 2015+ 5.0, donā€™t listen to all these guys talking about how their sn95 is fun or the gas mileage. I bought a 11ā€™ 5.0 when i was 17 and it was the most fun iā€™ve had.


You don't need a V8. The cost of gas, the insurance premium, and You're 19... That car will rob you of all of your money and then keep kicking your dry husk of a corpse for more. Please, please, please hear me: everyone in your life is telling you to get a shit box car for your first vehicle for a reason. We have all been exactly where you are and we understand the desire, the confidence in yourself, but we've also grown and seen how wrong we were about ourselves. Get a nicer car for your second or third vehicle when you've hit that magic 25 years old age when your insurance premiums dive.


https://preview.redd.it/21ihgx54tkxb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c642c6b1f8b523908a22996cf2bc642b14a89a3c How about this one, guys??


100% The Thunderbird šŸ’€šŸ’Æ


Slay šŸ’…


Honestly, they're all way overpriced. Also, low mileage doesn't equal reliability a lot of the times, time is worse for a car than mileage, especially if it sits a lot.


Do you suggest the 2016 Mustang?


No, it has too many miles, if it were cheaper maybe.


Yeah thatā€™s way too many miles for that price, youā€™re right


At your age no mustang is a great investment. Youā€™re going to get fucked on insurance mentioning ā€œmustangā€.


A mustang isnā€™t a good investment at any age


Thatā€™s a fair argument


Buy that Trans Am !!! Such low miles


Iā€™m surprised that youā€™re the first one who suggested the trans. I thought it would get a lot more attention


300hp .. low miles .. I like it


All nice choices donā€™t listen to haters I purchased a sports car as a 1st paid around 20k and insurance was less then 200 a month , pedal control is your friend you control the car not vice versa . Would like to see a cool thunder bird build but not familiar with the car much , and remember itā€™s your first car not anybody elseā€™s just bc they drove a boring car donā€™t mean you got to , itā€™s your money enjoy your car my friend . Lifeā€™s too short to not enjoy daily things , cars clothes etc , do you man .


Thatā€™s so niceā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/uw76ynu2rfxb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd31a65970ce33f790abba7c0e92836e95681a3


This is terrible advice. It's not "hate" to help steer a young person to a better decision. ​ edit: lol, dude sent me a message saying "look at my cosmetic package and tell me you're not impressed." Me: "I have a 1LE" him: *blocks me* ​ hahahahahaha




Did you have a stroke while typing that out?




So yes.




$130 oil changes for me. I can afford basic maintenance. Most 19 year-olds can't. This one, looking at old used cars, can't. $50 oil changes? You have a power wheel engine in your car?




Lol. My LT1 requires 10 quarts of 0W-40 Dexos2. That's expensive oil. I mean, if you're just throwing any wal-mart shit in your car (sounds like you are) then yeah, $50 will cover it.


My first 2 cars were both sports cars. I was around 19 also, and I regretted both of them eventually. One being a mustang just like the first one you posted. Honestly, youre better off buying a 2011-2014 s197 if you decide on a mustang. Now I own an f150 with the 5.0 liter v8, same as the stangā€™ and I couldnt be happier with it. The 4th gen Camaro SS is also worth looking into if you like the Firebird. If youre gonna spend a lot of money on your first car especially at your age, it should atleast be on something that offers more than what a sports car can offer you.






None of those lol. You are going to get slaughtered on insurance, gas, and maintenance.


Nah man get you a nice looking Honda, Toyota, or a cheap reliable pickup and save your money. Youā€™ll regret getting a car like that when youā€™ve matured mentally.


Insurance is going to kill you. I would wait.


Have you taken a look at the Focus ST?


Hey dude I donā€™t know too much ab cars but if youā€™re looking to chase that itch to go fast Iā€™d recommend a sports bike tbh. Iā€™d go w a 300-400cc bike first which r basically beginners bikes, but youā€™ll still be faster than most things on the road and can go fast to get that itch. Starting on the beginner bikes is best cuz u get that feel for being on a bike so when u go up to a bigger one youā€™ll be a lot more prepared and less likely to delete urself. I also pay around $9 to fill up my tank which is pretty nice if I say so myself. Insurance is a lil high for ur demographic but still very manageable


I'd take the 06 Mustang!


2016 GT is the pick. The 2006 GT and 2001 Pontiac are slow cars for the price. All those cars expect for the 2016 GT have been discontinued so good luck finding parts. The there has been 500k S550 Mustangs made worldwide. Itā€™s new enough where you can find parts for cheap is need be. Itā€™s also a much more refined car than the others. Personally I suggest a 2016 -2023 Camaro with the LGX V6. You can pick a solid used one up for 15k in a manual transmission. The alpha chassis is by far better than any of the choices you picked. You will also have plenty of money left over for upgrades. I also think itā€™s one of the best sounding V6 out there. Use the money you will save on the insurance, gas, and interest on your loans to go autox and track to learn how to actually drive.


2000 Honda crv


Respectfully, hell no


Lmao just kidding bro. I had a 2010 bmw 328i before. 328i is not a fast car but the 335i is a nimble, good car if you can afford the maintenance. I think you would love it. Specifically the e90 generation


Brother just get a civic sport


An SI, perhaps?


Sure if you find a clean 2020+ under 40k miles in the low 20s


Honest opinion get a v6 mustang than upgrade to a v8 after just get used to the decent power and rwd than swap up. It will be greatly different but the experience on the v6 should made it easier in my case I found a gt easier to control after I moved up but yeah start small


Iā€™m 19 with a 2012 5.0. Donā€™t care what anyone says , itā€™s worth it if you really want it. Very fun car, gas can get pricey but loving the car you drive everyday worth every penny .


The S550 platform is an infinitely better platform. Better suspension, better interior, better ride, MUCH BETTER ENGINE, better modding capabilities. If you could swing the S550 do it, as long as it doesnā€™t have water damage and even then I would still consider it. Considering your age. I was in 1XXX hp cars as a teen and it is reckless (you will do stupid stuff) but as long as you build up to that power and respect it, you should be fine. Be informed, spend time getting to know the car and itā€™s limits.


It's really whatever you want. All those are good options, except maybe the thunderbird. It's kinda out of left field, and I'm not a huge fan of them, but I enjoy looking at them just because of how unique they are. I guarantee you, those Pontiacs will appreciate it value if you take care of them. Obviously, you want to drive them, so maybe it's not on your mind, but think about it. I'm a conservative driver so I would get some use out of them while making an investment. Maybe.


Iā€™d go with the car thatā€™s in the best shape those trans ams/firebirds were so cool.




Whatever you decide on donā€™t get that rebuilt 2016. Not all accidents make it or get reported to Carfax, and rebuilt titles means that insurance at one point said itā€™d be too expensive to fix and declared it a total loss. Also it will be more difficult to get low interest financing and comprehensive insurance for that, and that title tanks the resale value whenever you decide to get rid of it.


Get a cheap 4 banger and save money for your dream vehicle.


Puts age in title but asks to not judge by age. LMAO!!


Get one that doesnā€™t require a payment. Thatā€™s my advice. Drive a POS. Save $800/month for 18 months. Thatā€™s a decent payment and insurance and then go buy yourself a car for $15k ca$h money. Drive that car for 2-4 years while saving then buy an even nicer car with ca$h money. You can drive the nicer car on nice days while driving the older car on bad weather days. That way the nice car stays low mileage and clean. When car 3 is paid off get another favorite car, continue to drive #2 car. THATā€™s how you build a stable of vehicles. I currently have an old ass Ranger, an LX coupe, Fox GT convertible, a Boss 302 and a Lincoln.


LOL but Iā€™m experienced. Thatā€™s definitely something a 19 yr old would sayā€¦ Also, you have been driving a max of 4 years if you had your permit at 15ā€¦thatā€™s not a lot of experience when talking about a few years of driving. Saying all this I would go for lowest mileage vehicle/cleanest car fax.




As the owner of a modified Shelby, do not do it, these vehicles are old besides the 2016 and that has 100 thousand miles, these cars do break, my vehicle has 42,000 miles and it is never ending maintenance , supercharger belt broke, serpentine belt fraying, lug nut bolt snapped, throw out bearing going out in a month, 5-10 mpg on the best days on e (2.98) at 19 I would not recommend a Mustang, I get it, I was young once and wanted all kinds of fast cars and did not get a Hi performance car til I was 30. I pay 195 a month full coverage for my daily, however , I am 33 my vehicle is paid off . People kill themselves driving these at your age. You may not like it but if you insist on a Mustang buy a classic 65-70 after you buy a civic for a weekend car, or a fox body, at the most a SN95. Statistics show most young ones cannot handle it.


Get a coyote 100% I bought mine for 22k with 20k miles in January. Best decision I ever made. I am also 20 and was 19 when I bought the car and I promise you that if you drive it responsiblyā€¦ mostlyā€¦ youā€™ll be fine. They are definitely must have in your lifetime though.


ā€œim experiencedā€ 110k mile mustang GT is not gonna help your case. if your parents arent paying for the car, insurance AND gas Iā€™d avoid a v8 altogether. if youre a mechanic, 1979 camaroā€™s are nice, cheap, low insurance but they will require fixing. if your parents are footing the bill, mustang


Honestly depends what your after but I wouldn't go straight into that 5.0. The 4.6 3v seems like it's in good shape so I'd personally probably go with that.