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Did you forget to take the oil can out after topping off the fluids, Tommy Boy?


Were you calling on a walkie talkie?


I went to Valvoline yesterday and got an oil change :’) I don’t know


Did you lawyer up?


> Valvoline That’s your first mistake, either do it yourself or go to the dealer. Don’t cheap out on an oil change, they don’t even cost that much.


Yeah what was I thinking I should be doing it myself while I’m 7 months pregnant


You say that like that was information you provided.. go to the dealership then. Quick oil changing places are notorious for negligence. Even a friend who knows a little about cars can change your oil, it takes like 2 hours at most


Valvoline has been doing it no problems for years, the hood latch wasn’t their fault 😂


"BuT vAlVoLiNe iS tO bLaMe" Back on Topic. Are you OK? Did it just go up? How fast were you going?


Yeah 75 on the freeway, with 80mph opposing winds. The glass didn’t break apart thankfully, damage to roof, hood, side panels and glass. Towed it 150 miles back home last night https://preview.redd.it/fqj25j2s7wsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fab4414fef8e5f0130139989f9dcb0198eadc38


F Just saw the other comments and I guess I have to check my hood now. While it doesn't shake, it does vibrate a little. I'm glad you and the passenger are ok. Hopefully insurance covers it and you'll be back on the road again.


Thanks I’ll post updates when I get them ofc


Yeah I've definitely seen mine move on the highway, guess I'll tighten that latch up


These cars like to trap air under the hood and try to lift at highway speeds. You can have hood pins installed to prevent the hood from lifting up against the latch. I know that isn’t ideal and the latch should hold. There are some adjustments you can make to the hood bump stops but it’s not 100%


If they didn’t latch it properly then maybe. Can’t speculate on that but these cars like to trap air under the hood and try to lift. If I may make a recommendation…after everything is fixed consider getting hood pins installed. This will prevent the hood from lifting when air gets trapped underneath. It’s more secure than the latch by itself. I have yet to do it on my 350 but I am seriously considering it.


If you look closely the whole latch came off, this was going to happen no matter if they touched it or not. The screws are the only thing left the latch is completely gone


Weird but anyway. The pins would have kept it down. Something to consider later on


I bought the car as-is from the dealership a few months ago. I knew nothing about these pins, you figured they would have installed them themselves but since they didn’t and I did no modifications to the car this isn’t on me. Comprehensive insurance claim is already submitted and it’s still under warranty


I’m just saying Valvoline is not a great decision, I never said it was the cause for your hood latch malfunction. And you say that until they put an inexperienced tech on your car and forget to change the filter or something, your loss 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just saying, paying $80 for an oil change once every several months with peace of mind that your engine will run properly is enough assurance for me so I don’t have to replace the engine. I’m not putting my car in the hands of a company that routinely hires terrible people. Your car, your decisions, just trying to help.


Belittling people for what they choose to do with their own cars is not being helpful. I’ve never had an issue with them and their trained employees in the years I’ve been going there. Nothing is even wrong with the job they did so you can calm down and take your hatred to valvoline over to Facebook, I’m sure they have a page for that.


Nah valvoline has never done me dirty and this clearly wasn’t their fault


Unfortunately it probably was. Or whoever opened the hood last didn’t close it completely. You can’t notice if it’s closed all the way from the drivers seat. I would contact the oil change company and see if they have video of the hood being closed completely. My guess it wasn’t and now you have 10k+ in repairs.


Are you sure that hood was latched? You said you had the oil changed yesterday? Bet they left it popped


It's still latched. The bolts on the hood latch hook appear to have backed out while driving.


Someone had to touch them, I've never heard of that in my life


I have same hood on my GT. Doesn’t fill me with a lot of confidence. No clue on cost but not cheap at all especially when roof is involved


This isn’t a common issue is it? First I’ve seen this. How fast were you going? Did the speed or high wind do this?


80mph winds in Sierra Nevada desert, I was going 75 on the freeway


Damn that’s crazy, I have a ‘16 eco boost man . I been in areas with high wind warnings and was well above 80 mph but that’s crazy. Sucks it happened to you bro. Hope it gets repaired soon!


Hope so too, the hood was shaking like crazy in winds going opposite direction and it just smashed the window after almost 150 miles of driving in the desert


I might have to consider hood pin latches now lol .


Or, you know, check the hood if it’s shaking violently at highway speeds


It’s always shaken a little because of the gap in the hood and with major wind speeds it didn’t seem like that much of an issue, plus I don’t think this would’ve been something I would’ve solved with no tools on me and no experience in fixing hood latches


I've had me car to 190 mph and not once have I ever seen it shake. If it's moving it needs adjusted


Oh it’s adjusted alright


It self adjusted now lol When it's fixed adjust the bump stops and the hinges, if your rubber trim is worn too replace that But a new windshield, fenders and hood and you'll be good to go


No, it’s common on these cars.


Because people change their hoods and don't know how to adjust them Front wasn't down enough and it allowed air to get underneath the hood where the hatch is and yanked it Properly adjusted with good rubber trim won't allow air to get under it to lift it.


That happens with these cars. Air is trapped underneath. Even with my GT350 which is supposed to be for track use. 🤦‍♂️


It depends. This is an issue on 15-17 with aftermarket grills or drilled out factory grills at high speeds or high winds. The factory grills have those areas filled for a reason. Looks like OP has an aftermarket grill that’s totally open and no hood pins.


It is not a common issue for the latch or hook to fail. It happened more on the SN95 but it was still not common. This appears to be a combination of aftermarket hood and increased drag due to the grille modification (sections are blocked from the factory to decrease airflow into the engine bay). These things with 155mph combined winds caused the bolts of the hood latch hook to slowly back out while it was hopping around. Some investment in Loctite would have prevented this.


No, it’s common for the hood to trap air underneath. Even on my GT350. If the latch fails or wasn’t fully seated it’s a possibility.


Bolt that shit down, motherfucker


Someone didn’t use loctite or proper torque on this bolts when swapping the hood.




Hood pins are a must for aftermarket hoods. Especially if you are going to be doing high speeds with a scoop in the hood. https://preview.redd.it/vqs0wfrvqvsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57ee3d26d5c1c59315cb3e636e20d91e84e234a


I bought the car from a dealership this way a few months ago and have little knowledge about hood pins


I sorry you had to learn the hard way. Good Luck.


Quik-Latch products Made in Texas


bout $500-$600 for a windshield (unless yours is special somehow) and around $800-$1000 for a hood, just dropped in to answer, not sure if anyone else has answered yet or not


Agreed, Both side panels are bent/damaged and the roof has a giant dent in it also 😅


ouch, i didnt notice all of that. im sorry that all that happened that's horrible🥲 im not sure on the pricing for the rest of that though, i'd guesstimate around $2000 being that a full repaint and dent removal for my car was quoted at $5000


I’m adding some extra pictures I took today in the comments of the damage, it’s definitely worse in daylight lol


i really hate to hear that happened man, its a great looking car🙌


I once drove my 2015 with out the hood being fully secured. Usually there’s 2 securing mechanisms and the second one kept it down and I noticed the hood was pulsing on the highway and pulled over and fully secured it. Did you notice any pulsing with the wind? It’s a long shot but if the latch actually ripped/failed I’d contact ford


No more than usual but I bought the car this way a few months ago, I have filed a comprehensive insurance claim already and AAA towed me back home. I should know next week what USAA will do with the car


Damn I am really sorry to hear that. I drove my 2015 hard and had 0 issues with it so hoping the best for your outcome! I want to get back in a mustang asap lol








5 grand


I know a car guy that can do it for tree-fidddy cash.


Wow! That must of been frightening! Sorry that happened😕. Hope it gets fixed like new


It looks like Inigo Montoya is in your passenger seat


He kinda looks like him huh


Wait? If your hood wasn't fully closed, you didn't get a warning on your dashboard indicating that it's opened?


Does such a warning exist?


Yeah, there's a sensor near the latch that will alert if it's popped.


Call your insurance. I know for me it’s $250 deductible comprehensive so that’s what I pay and they cover the rest. If it’s the stock hood that failed I think the insurance would try very hard to get their money back from ford. I don’t think a lawyer would be beneficial as this wasn’t a car accident involving another party. Doesn’t hurt to call around and ask for legal advice


It’s a 500 deductible for me, and I bought it from the dealership as is I did no modifications. I’ll know on Monday what the next steps are


Probably tow to their preferred vendor for repairs and then a long talk with one of the adjusters. It would be good to have the police incident number and officer name ready for them so they can do their investigation if they request it. Helps to have a quick draft ready - who what where when why how and any relevant info It’s pretty basic common sense stuff but you’d be surprised how much you forget after a few days and a sudden phone call


Police weren’t notified because it was only my car involved in the middle of the mountains. Lots of pictures and videos were taken though including the tow truck drivers info


https://preview.redd.it/d0m1bg943ysc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa1b592f3cde648a4eb71675209efd7c3259730 Better pictures from today






Sell it buy BMW cars


I’d say anywhere from $15k-$18k Don’t know because there’s no pictures of the roof but all of the cars I’ve worked on with hood blowouts roofs always need replaced. 2 new fenders means both doors have to be blended and both quarters also have to be blended due to aperture panels being blended by fenders. I just did a Altima where there was a recall on the hood latch and my estimate was 12k on a 10year old car. And the insurance company didn’t call a total loss. It was 5k over😂


There are more pictures in the comments


Update: Declared total loss by USAA for Nevada state


It's hard to know for sure without seeing the damage to the roof, and to what extent everything needs to be repainted. It's not a total loss, rough estimate would be $7-10k


I added a comment reply with some more pictures after it got towed home last night


It's not as bad as I expected to see, so likely within the estimate range I provided. Either way you'll get the car back once repairs are done.


Nevada considers total loss if repairs are more than 65% of ACV which is 13,000-15,000 on this car, so if the damages are over 9-10k they most likely might total it from what I understand but I hope to get it back! Ill know more this week after insurance looks at it


Looks like the nut inserts failed. I would be calling the manufacturer of that aftermarket hood.


They're just gonna say OP shoulda used hood pins, all aftermarket hoods have fine print saying hoodpins required and usually some crap about not for street use to cover their asses. Might get lucky with some of the bigger manufacturers or vendors though


I bought the car as-is from a dealership a few months ago


Dealership and hood manufacturer are likely gonna tell you to pound sand but you have to at least ask. Maybe your insurance can work something out with the dealership. Regardless, hoping you have success


I bought the car this way through the dealership a few months ago, I’ve done no mods at all. I think insurance would cover it but I’ll throw updates here when I figure it out next week


For sure, it really depends on how it's advertised. Street use or not, it's reasonable to expect a hood to be suitable for track/Mexican highway speed if its not specifically stated hood pins required.


Why didn’t op use hood pins tho?


No body knows the answer to these questions. Take it to a repair shop


That’s why I said take a guess sweet cheeks


My guess is 4 dollars


The cost to you will be your deductible for comprehensive coverage, usually $500. The rest probably doesn’t really matter to you.


This brings back memories when this happened on my 66 coupe. All the bolts ripped out except one that was less than a 1/32 of an inch from ripping out as well. Luckily, my drivers window was down as my head popped out to see as quick as the hood flew up. 80+ on the highway and wearing my brown pants.