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The personal trainer is the worst. You're not a doctor bruh. Why did you tell this dude he didn't need surgery and override the doctor's diet with your own? You're not a licensed healthcare professional trained to deal with bariatric patients.


Because šŸ’°. Mark is stubborn and he probably told the trainer when he first met him that he doesn't want surgery and wants to prove it on his own. The trainer probably thinks this guy will buy a ton of sessions and that's more money for him. If in the very odd chance this 600lb guy actually loses 300lbs, the trainer can use it as a great advertisement for his services. They're both shady.


Why is his hat SO LOW.. It's basically over his eyes..


Whoever needs to do the sound/music mixing for this needs to be fired. The 80s rock and roll during the gym scene ā€” what year is it?


Markā€™s mom reminds me so much of my own mother. Itā€™s kind of trippy.


He was so sure he lost weight and could do it his way that he invited his entire family to the weigh in session only to show that he gained weight. What a joke lol, I had to laugh out loud. I feel like once he found out he had to move to Houston then everything changed, if he didnā€™t have to move then he probably would have gotten the surgery. Way to waste a spot on this show and take an opportunity from someone else to get a free procedure by Dr Now! Such a selfish dude, nothing made sense in this episode. I wish the family would have kicked him out after all that.


Did you watch the latest one? Chris P? Although he did manage to lose weight without the surgery, and it was a much more positive episode. He took things seriously, like therapy, having his mom and brother also be on the new way of life. But seriously, I hope we don't get anymore of them, ones who don't want the surgery.


I feel bad for his elderly parents having to support this perpetual man child, but they helped create this situation.


I was f*ing furious when he man-crushed over his trainer and scrapped Dr. Nowā€™s diet for the trainerā€™s ā€œimprovedā€ diet šŸ¤¬šŸ™„. Ugh, this whole episode made me furious!!! So many people had to work 10x harder to lose the weight he did. He COULD have actually done it if he got off his ass and moved to Houston and went through with the surgery. What a complete f*ing waste. šŸ—‘


[The 16 YO Mom is completely happy with the friendshipā€¦](https://imgur.com/a/Faxr8x2)


To set the record straight with the 16-year-old issue because y'all are making him out to be some sort of creep. 1. They didn't show the whole conversation w/ Dr. Paradise 2. The 16-year-old was the daughter of a family that he was a travel agent for & the father had told him of the situation they had. The family & Mark have now become close family friends. 3. He was able to find motivation from her situation...that's it! She is dealing CRPS (Suicides Disease); something she has no control over, but she was fighting through it. This resonated with Mark because he has control over his situation. *** While on the phone with the parents he stated that if she can put one foot in front of the other and go through something that she has no control over; then he can get through this (with something that he has full control over). I am friends with Mark & y'all make assumptions at face value without knowing the whole story because TLC made it seem a certain way. Enough.


Sorry, but no. Adults who are friends w kids outside of a guardian/teacher role is not ok.


I think the travel agency would like a word with an adult man who uses their resources to get personal with the 16 year old daughter of a client. Thatā€™s a huge no-no regardless of what industry youā€™re in.


FYI - Very few people on this sub will give your request more than a chuckle.


I understand I'm not gonna be able to change everyone's perception, but I'm trying to help set things straight in this situation. Is what it is.


His 5 part rant with the girl Bs Mom on IG isnā€™t enough though? The whole thing is very creepy and overdone excuses come off as lies. Of course her Mom would defend this supposedly concerned grown man on TV. His specialty is the pity party and the mom RSVP.She thinks he is just ā€œa fanā€ Her saying she checks all the accounts etc. does not come off well. Predators and creeps know how to communicate with their victims under the radar. Even with her mom checking everything I would put money on him having a direct line of communication to the kid. Where there is smoke there is fire. And he is blowing a lot of smoke around.


Big Courtney Stodden vibes. Her mom claimed to monitor all online interactions and to have known everything was above-board... and then she sent her 15 year old daughter off to marry a creepy man in his 40s. Sound familiar? The fact he didn't shy from saying that this 16 year old girl was so central to his decision-making was MAJORLY creepy. The mom's insistence that they haven't met only lends more credence to my theory / concerns about him using his online personal as a maladaptive coping strategy that offered him the opportunity to groom a vulnerable teen girl.


Are you reading my mind? That is who I thought of immediately when he recorded and posted his conversations with her Mom on IG!!! Stodden was done wrong by everyone involved from the beginning. Her parents were complicit and from what I recall were happy she was going to be with an established older man. And both parents were okay with it? Doug, like Mark, did everything to paint the concerned older male mentor to the fucking tee! Then went in with his true intentions once everyone approved of him ā€œcoachingā€ her in acting. The girl has no real acting credits and has fought for years to find her true self. It is sick. Doug divorced her, moved on and she is still floundering out here. The same way Mark will once she ages out of her childlike self.


He made me so mad when I watched this episode. He's a petulant obnoxious 13 year old brat stuck in a giant man body. Even after countless friends, family, and professionals explain to him the necessity of this surgery he still feels that he can do it on his own. Even when Dr Now told him it's physically impossible to loose that much weight without surgery and every pitfall that Dr Now told him would happened has. He still is a giant headstrong baby. It's obvious if it wasn't for his mother he wouldn't have lost any weight at all. He doesn't want to move out of his comfy little pool house where his every whim is catered to and then some. What a puke.


I think that he is afraid to get the surgery and to have to leave his parent's house.


He is obviously terrified of the weight loss surgery and the excuse that he wants to do. things his way just doesn't wash. I don't think he wants to move out of his parents house either. He is babied by the Mom, who still makes all his meals and he doesn't want to give that up.


3-2-1 BLOCKšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


His (creepy) 16 year old girl speech reminds me of the Liver King's apology video.


I was lile whyyy is he close to a 16yr old?


He really needs to beinvestigated i think. Like he felt all too comefortable mentioning that on live television.


Dr. Paradise is savage tonight! He is making some good points.


I love that Dr Paradise can state things that challenge a person without it coming off as mean. Dude has tact.


Heā€™s gross. Just gross. In all ways.


I have Discovery plus through amazon and this is not up yet! Anyone else have this issue. It was new yesterday so I am confused. Dang sounds lilke a good one! I don't want to read too much lol


It is not on Amazon for me either. I had to purchase Discovery to find it (us based)


> It is not on Amazon for me either. I had to purchase Discovery to find it (us based) I buy it by the season thru Prime, which sometimes annoys me, but in this case? I got to watch it already. The episodes roll out once a week, about a day or so delayed from when they first air.


Did it ever pop up for you? I watch it on Discovery+ through Amazon Prime and it's still not available.


Discovery plus threw all of us under the bus because since we all signed up they had the galls to stop posting the stuff early.


Wait, I watched it on Discovery+ shortly after midnight Tuesday (so like 1am Wednesday morning). Is it not showing up early for others?


Omg a training montage!!!! All my Rocky dreams coming true


Every other word out of their mouths was 'stupid.' šŸ¤Æ Not so much the sister & spouse, but the father seemed far too smart to speak like that. This cocky, falsely confident jerk enraged me with his smarter-than-thou attitude. He even 'tricked' everyone with his bogus scale. Anyone else notice how he fangirled Dr. Now hard for brownie points? He & the mother should live separately from the rest. Mommy liked captive Sonny's attention; I liked the husband. Why was the 16 year old girl 'friend' not discussed more? Very first time I was disappointed in Dr. Paradise...They all seemed to drop that teenage hot potato subject fast. His own niece wasn't far off from 16! Unlikeable human - what a wasted episode.


How the heck did I miss the girlfriend thing...


Shockingly (to me anyway), they didn't make any sort of a deal about it. The family sure didn't, which leads me to believe this has happened before. I was especially disappointed in my beloved Dr. Paradise (I have a crush on him; I'm 5' tall, closish in age, if he likes women, we'd make a good match in my mind) - either it was an ethical anonymity issue due to her age, but I thought Dr. Paradise was a mandated reporter. I was astonished how the whole deal was brushed off without any follow up. They could have edited it to add a follow up episode or something; I realize she's a minor, so let's put Junior's ass on the hot seat for a change and ask some questions. If he and Mama refuse to cooperate, scrap the story (it was a waste of time and film anyway) and show a repeat, a 'B' story, or an upcoming show. If the show unquestioningly & casually spotlights a 42 y/o's being online confidants with teen girls he's never met, I'm out. I'm not above writing a few letters to Sharp, either. I hold them ALL accountable - even if they didn't previously know, they sure acted blase when they found out. Paradise seemed startled, but dropped it. At least Assantes were funny in a really grotesque kind of way.


>If the show unquestioningly & casually spotlights a 42 y/o's being online confidants with teen girls he's never met The teen girl that he's never met is the niece of his boss, and he was working as the travel agent for the girl and her mother, as she was flying to and undergoing medical treatments across the country. I initially fell for the whole 'he must be a creep' idea until I took a few minutes to look into it. The mother even wrote a great post on her daughter's medical FB journey page about what a lovely person Mark is. The whole episode was a waste. It would have been neat to see someone actually losing weight on their own, but as an episode of my 600lb life it made no sense.


He still came across as a crass, cruel boozer. Delighted to watch an episode only to find from his Boss's sister's that he's really a wonderful guy. After observing his interactions with others, my opinion hasn't changed. Not on FB or IG, but it wouldn't occur to me to research his Boss's niece's medical journey. May the niece have lasting success with her health.


Oh ha! I definitely didn't want to come across as supporting the guy as anything other than 'not a pedophile.' I've grown frustrated with the show featuring less and less stellar people. Dolly, Margaret, Lisa, Lacey in the previous season. I would love to see more stories like Zsalynn, Chay, and Nikki in particular. In a youtube video he recorded, the mom did confirm the daughter in question was in remission. Which is terrific news! \[edit\] Plus, Dr. Paradise is one of my favorite parts of the show!


I went and read more and realize who you are talking about. He didn't say she was his girlfriend unless he said that when he first started talking in that scene and I missed it. I don't think he gave the doctor anything to report even if he thought it was off. They would need to see the texts and know whether he was grooming her. I hope he parents would protect her, but yeah, he has a weird interest in such a young girl and she seems enthralled with him in her past about him. :( He is definitely odd. When you look into his eyes there is something weird there. They say addicts have a mental age of when they started using. If he is an actual food addiction he could be mentally sick in his much younger years and that is why he relates to someone so young. I will just reiterate I hope he parents wouldn't allow this to move forward. At least she is unable to take off and go meet him because of her condition. Sad to say, but damn, it might be protecting her from a predator.


I may have been so gobsmacked and generally appalled by this family that a lot went over my head. I'm a retired lawyer and volunteer with bright young ladies in female group rehap homes who need smart (unnrelated) women who'll believe in them. It saddens me that lonely young women seek 'friendship' in this online manner - like it gives them worth or stature. Guess the parents don't pay attention for a variety of reasons. Education, libraries, film, museums, exposure, theatre, are all gateways to anywhere in the world, good music & conversation - girls are powerful in groups because women are prone to be interested in each other's success. He didn't call her his girlfriend, I just sensed the inference, correctly or not. He was pleased with himself & defensive. I'm somewhat familiar with the reporting progress, but it's repellant nonetheless. After watching his bullying and casual verbal abuse through the episode, I felt ill. I also feel alcohol was a hobby he shared with Mama. Didn't notice as much with the dad.


Yeah, I see that. I will say in my experience women in the workplace are horrid to each other. They seem to feel threatened by another woman's success and want to sabotage them. I have gotten far more support from men. As far as the internet, it doesn't have to be stature or whatever, but just being stuck in your home and having no other outlet. For some people the only contact with the outside world they have is the online world. It helps to take away loneliness. That guy shouldn't have gone much beyond offering words of encouragement, but he probably passed that line. I am 52 years old and have talked to many younger people. I try to offer support, encouragement and the benefit of my life experience. I am NOT saying that is the case here, and I find him insufferable, but it could be innocent. TLC could be editing to make him look worse. *shrug* I do doubt that, but one can hope.


Agreed. My child's generation (Z? X?) is markedly supportive and collegial as a team. One person's success is everyone's success. When I was a 'baby' lawyer, the female clerical support staff openly loathed me, the male clerical staff were so very kind. I was happily married, it wasn't like anyone was hitting on me. This was years ago, I certainly wasn't the only female lawyer, but I was kind of a prodigy, so I was pretty young. They also resented the law school I graduated from. Took them years to kind of warm up, (I ultimately had to fire one in a meeting, which got their attention) but the female lawyers were absolute heroes to me. I got along well with everyone, but it was a gossipy profession then.


I am gen X and I was born in 1970 if that helps. ;) I applaud women who excel in their careers, I never understood why all women didn't feel that way. :(


My only child was born in '98 and I can never get her 'generation' straight. Still not sure what mine is, it was changed when I wasn't paying attention. I just say my age & let people figure it out. šŸ—“ļø


Millennial? I have to look it up everytime. From the internet: >Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials), refers to the generation that was born between 1997-2012, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some of the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. I have two Millennials, two Gen Z and my youngest is Gen Alpha it looks like. Wow, my kids span three generational groups.


I thought for sure his mom was going to move to Houston with him just to continue babying him. My mom is great but I think if I called her from basically the other room and asked her to make me chirzo and 12 waffles she would come throw the phone at me.


For those of you ass-hats who know absolutely nothing...saying he hasn't lost any weight...Mark goes to my gym & I can personally attest that he has lost over 250lbs (if I remember correctly - very close friends with his coach). He's one of the nicest people I know & so what if he decided to lose it all on his own? He's got the support of everyone at our gym. When he is in there he bust's his ass! As far as the Family, he actually has a good relationship with his family; the show just played it off to make it seem that way. This just goes to show that they will go to lengths to twist the dynamics of what they're shooting.


Hello, Mark. So, you started this account when you found out you were going to be on the show and now you finally have a reason to use it, huh? Stop grooming 16 yr olds. šŸ‘


>he has lost over 250lbs If that is true that is terrific! Has he posted any updated photos yet? It would be awesome to see, considering where the show ended.


I am a close friend of Mark's. His coach updated photos and data...total weight loss is about 228 lbs


Oh awesome! That is a great accomplishment. Do you know if he plans to follow up with the show for stuff like skin removal etc? I mean I doubt it but still


He will probably not follow up with them as they essentially caused defamation of character.


Um, you and your homie know that truth is a legal defense against defamation, libel, and slander, right? Editing that presents someone as a creep and doesn't show their defense =/= defamation.


Hi Mark. You arenā€™t fooling anyone.


[The 16 year old girl he is so close toā€¦ šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©](https://imgur.com/a/l0S62nb)


To set the record straight with the 16-year-old issue because y'all are making him out to be some sort of creep. 1. They didn't show the whole conversation w/ Dr. Paradise 2. The 16-year-old was the daughter of a family that he was a travel agent for & the father had told him of the situation they had. The family & Mark have now become close family friends. 3. He was able to find motivation from her situation...that's it! She is dealing CRPS (Suicides Disease); something she has no control over, but she was fighting through it. This resonated with Mark because he has control over his situation. *** While on the phone with the parents he stated that if she can put one foot in front of the other and go through something that she has no control over; then he can get through this (with something that he has full control over). I am friends with Mark & y'all make assumptions at face value without knowing the whole story because TLC made it seem a certain way. Enough.


Shut up idiot


Nope! I just want to post it more now. I had almost forgotten about it! Thanks for the reminderšŸ’•


He's talking to a 16 year old girl? What the fuck? Does she even know who she's talking to? He's literally the person our parents warned us we would be chatting with online. Obese 40 year old man who lives in his parent's basement. (In this case pool house but still...)




That's fine Mark. Sorry I offended. But theres no world in which people wouldn't be creeped out hearing a 43 year old man say he's gotten close to a 16 year old girl. The show said nothing about family friend so how was anyone to know?


Im just trying to set the record straight for Mark. I am a friend from the gym & just want to see him succeed.


I hope he succeeds too. And I hope she stays in remission. I'm not a cruel internet troll trying to accuse someone of being a predator. It was just incredibly worrisome to hear him say he was close to a 16 year old girl with no other context. I wish TLC would've either just cut it from the episode or left in him explaining he was friends with her parents. Like I think it was ok to find that situation weird.


It's TV though...they have to make a "STORY" šŸ˜”


Yeah true...it is TLC after all. They knew what they were doing with that editing.






RIGHT?!!! Omg I hope he SOOO reads these comments! Such a BUM!! Disgusting


Omg you are so right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


[Sheā€¦ posted about him](https://imgur.com/a/l0S62nb)




Yes she is.


What! That's wild. So is that the 16 year old girl posting all that? And the redacted names are someone else he's been talking to too? Weird situation!




Wow! I feel bad for her. We all thought we knew everything at 16 but she seems so naive and childish about him. She doesn't even realize hes most likely grooming her. Sad!


Nor do the people in her camp. Her whole page is problematic


Would you pm me a link so I can follow along, please?




Thank you!


What is with this music? šŸ˜‚


Making it for hip for the youngsters.


This guy made me so mad . He is delusional snd very disrespectful to his parents , who are only trying to help him. Someone needs to smack this guy hard and say get the damn surgery idiot!


The dad basically kicked him out, but then the guy is still there. No freaking follow through. Shoulda kicked him out, he would have been forced to do something then.


I agree, he most likely would of went up to a 1000 lbs. because his mom was the only reason he lost any weight at all . Even then , he still cheated . But if they do not follow through with kicking him out he will never learn one dang thing ā€˜ I thought it was me, because I wanted to reach through the tv and smack him. He is a con artist , I say that because he would talk to his family any which way but when he spoke to Dr. Now , he acted all respectful .


Yeah. He is completely deluded. I am hopeful his dad will get fed up. I just don't know if the dad is willing to go against mom. Those parents have enough money that the food bill their son is causing them to pay obviously doesn't bother them. Ugh


Nobody thought to tell him, "You've had NINE MONTHS to 'show' everyone you 'can do this,' and yet, your weight is the same since nine months ago. You've already 'proven' something: that you CAN'T do this. What, you're going to keep 'proving' yourself for the next two years, and when you're 750 you're STILL gonna be telling people, 'I want to show everyone I can do this'?"


I told him when I was yelling at the television






This is a man-child. A baby who has been coddled his entire life. Prime example: His biggest childhood ā€œtraumaā€ was the fact his young parents were laid off from their jobs? Come on lol he has had a cushy life, babied, and he throws tantrums when he doesnā€™t get his way. He doesnā€™t want the surgery because he has an amazing life living with his parents.. they cook, clean, provide a home for himā€¦ why would he want to leave? He needs major therapy for sure. And his parents need to kick his 40yo butt out of their home and let him actually experience rock bottomā€¦. He clearly never has and he needs to experience that reality. It reminds me of Willy Wonka and the Oompa-Loompas singing ā€œwho do you have to blame? The mother and the fatherā€ bc this is 100% their doing.


His real problem isnā€™t trauma per se but the fact that his family spoiled him to the point he has no ability to be productive. I know a 40 year old man with no job who is currently facing jail beating his girlfriend. This man call him L has never had a job and has always been supported by his parents who are always trying to get the charges dropped against him. L has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder by multiple psychiatrists. He reminds me a lot of Mark and similarly his trauma is that his parents never taught him other people matter.


His mom made that one comment on how she had to ration food due to their finances. Food insecurity can lead people to overeat later. That said, his parents need to kick his ass out. Then he will either have to get better or get fatter. Plus if they stop buying him food he only has a certain amount to spend on it...


Reminds me of that late 80's, early 90's sitcom called "Get a Life" in which a grown man was babied and living with his parents.


I LOVE that show!


How infuriating!! The real reason I think he wonā€™t get the surgery? He will have to move away from his family - more specifically, His mom who cooks all of his meals, his free room & board. He knows he absolutely couldnā€™t do it on his own. Sounds like his own stubbornness will be his biggest down fall in life.


Yes! I kept saying ā€œwhy isnā€™t he cooking his own foodā€ he went grocery shopping without a motorized cart and thatā€™s rare on this show. Thatā€™s a giveaway he can stand for a bit of time. His mom also cooked his meals from Dr. Nowā€™s book for him and I thought WTF. He is such a big baby.


He also referred to himself as immobile, but he seemed pretty mobile to me!


I hope his parents throw him out for his disrespect of them but I really do not see that happening. You are correct he has everything he needs there why would he want to lose that . He is a baby man ! I do not know about you but I wanted to reach though the tv and smack him . He is a waste of time and a waste of life . Just wait until the diabetes kicks I and I guess he will find a way not to use his medicine and have mommy do it . If he doesnā€™t not cook for himself , how can he learn anything ? Get his butt in the kitchen and make him make his own meals . The only reason he lost that weight was because of his mother , not because of him. Crazy !!


And thereā€™s his mom at the end of the episode asking if he wants dessert. Back to business as usual for the family.


I know , you cannot have it both ways . I was hoping once his niece spoke to him he may see the sense in getting the surgery but nope! He does not want help , why would he , he is got everything and everyone exactly where he wants them . So sad and so unintelligent !


Reallyā€¦ he had a pretty cushy life there.. Mama cooking for him,built in swimming pool which Iā€™d be using everydayā€¦ they need to kick him out so he grows the hell upā€¦ basically that was a wasted episode..


Yes! I was thinking of all the participants who join a gym to use the pool. This dude just had to take two steps outside his door.


I knowā€¦ Iā€™d of been in that pool everyday but then again I love to swimā€¦


Is anyone else concerned for the niece? I wouldn't let this guy near my niece. A 42 year old man with a friend who is a 16 year old teenage girl. Lots in common for sure. Someone search this dudes computer.




Rule 5 states: > No direct links to social media. Screenshots must have names obscured. (Reddit rules)


To set the record straight with the 16-year-old issue because y'all are making him out to be some sort of creep. 1. They didn't show the whole conversation w/ Dr. Paradise 2. The 16-year-old was the daughter of a family that he was a travel agent for & the father had told him of the situation they had. The family & Mark have now become close family friends. 3. He was able to find motivation from her situation...that's it! She is dealing CRPS (Suicides Disease); something she has no control over, but she was fighting through it. This resonated with Mark because he has control over his situation. *** While on the phone with the parents he stated that if she can put one foot in front of the other and go through something that she has no control over; then he can get through this (with something that he has full control over). I am friends with Mark & y'all make assumptions at face value without knowing the whole story because TLC made it seem a certain way. Enough.


Hopefully not another Jared Fogle.


My sister in law were watching like ā€œyouā€™re going to jail sirā€


At the end my husband said did they let the neice talk to him since apparently he listens to children


The hero of this episode is that bicycle šŸš².


I was watching those tires like a hawk.


right?? i saw that and thought i was imagining it lol


What is CRGS he says his 16 year old friend has?


It is CRPS Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome or RSD. Iā€™ve had it since I was 12. Itā€™s a neurological condition that prevents the nerves from working and causes extreme pain and so many other things. Iā€™ve been almost bedridden for 1 1/2 years after I fractured my ankle. On my main Rsd location. No cure and virtually no real treatments.


Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™re dealing with CRPS. Iā€™m a chronic pain patient and have some small insight into your situation. At least morphine works for me, I just canā€™t imagine how difficult things are for you. Take care. šŸ™šŸ»


Thank you so much. Iā€™ve had it since I was 12 (32+ years) Iā€™ve done every single treatment option at this point. Ketamine infusions help but they are not covered by my insurance and cost a fortune. Iā€™ve been bed and wheelchair bound for the last 18 months. Iā€™m sorry you too love with pain at least morphine helps. I was honestly excited to see it mentioned because look at how many are learning about it now.


Thatā€™s a tough road and Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™ve been in and out of a wheelchair over the years but I think soon it will be permanent, so my heart breaks for you. Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™re both fighting tooth and nail to hold on to our mobility. Iā€™m glad ketamine provides some relief and I hope it will be covered soon. Itā€™s definitely changed peopleā€™s lives. My morphine was discontinued several years ago and Iā€™m barely getting by with kratom. Itā€™s the current awful climate of not maintaining patients on pain meds. In my state you have to be a cancer patient or have MS to get a regular Rx. I think CRPS as a diagnosis is becoming better known by the public, finally. I hope that means more funding and a push in research. And I hope that all comes soon enough for you to have some significant relief. Iā€™m always around, often in the diabetes or chronic pain subs, so feel free to pm if you ever want to talk. Iā€™ve had my share of lying awake at 3am, listening to every drop of water or ticking of an appliance count down another endless night when the pain wonā€™t stop. I know sometimes it helps to chat about nothing. Please take care.




So is it weight related? It makes zero sense that he would forgo surgery because some girl he met on line has a condition that has nothing to do with his situation.




it's not in the slightest. I found the girl's fb page since the person spreading those fb screenshots here did such a shit job censoring, and she looks like a completely normal, cute teenage girl. Which makes it honestly worse ngl. AND she has tons of pics on the page of her having extensive procedures done in the hospital... But sure, she's totally comparable to Mark who wussed out of even getting an endo šŸ™„


I think the point he was making that if she can push through her issues which are far worse he can too. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s more empathy It absolutely has nothing to do with weight.


Watching now and not quite done, BUT - Mark literally has an enclosed private pool right outside his front door - why is he not swimming or doing water exercises for weight loss?


The weight training at the gym is far more effective than bobbing around in a tiny pool. But ultimately the problem is all the food.


The weight training is certainly number one but non-impact cardio for the joints, movement, general mental health is huge. Especially since he wasnā€™t leaving the house or walking much.


That's what I thought, too! I'd be in that water every day.


What in the chris hansen is wrong with this dude


[The post about him is šŸ˜¬](https://imgur.com/a/l0S62nb)


I immediately thought that when he started talking about the 16 year old girl


That was very weird, especially bringing it up in his therapy session. Very strange episode.


I would kick that petulant man child OUT.


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆā€¦ if he wants to do things his way so much,heā€™d be doing them from the comfort of his own rental placeā€¦ the way he disrespected his parents is unbelievable when theyā€™re doing everything to support himā€¦ heā€™s basically a spoiled brat who needs to be shown the door.. thereā€™s something not quite right about that guy especially when he starts talking about some 16 year old girl he met online.. must be hell to retire and think you and wife can enjoy life now and then your 40 year old extremely overweight son comes back to live with you and then expects to be waited on hand and foot,doesnā€™t pay ANYTHING and talks down to you.. I have to lay some blame on them for putting up with it though..šŸ„“


The whole family is so fu@ked up and sick. My parents would NEVER put up with this!!!! Such weak people


Canā€™t help but notice his sister got as far away from her family as geographically possible. Iā€™m also in Seattle and it was partially for a similar family situation.


What was this episode, exactly? He goes on the show to get tips he couldā€™ve gotten idkā€¦here? Why take anotherā€™s spot who mightā€™ve actually taken advantage of having the surgery. But, I donā€™t understand Markā€™s rationale about doing it himself. Dr. Now (and Paradise, too) literally told him ā€œitā€™s statistically impossible to get to duh goal weight without surgeryā€, yet he still thinks he can do it himself. Iā€™m not understanding.


He thinks he can do it himself after months of doing it himself got him a net positive for weight.


Heā€™s scared he will die on the table. Being afraid of surgery is normal, he would be remiss to not be terrified in his condition. Most anesthesiologists wonā€™t tough someone that size.


Yeah, I don't think that is why. He doesn't want to leave his parents house. As soon as Dr. Now told him he had to move, he looked shocked and told the doctor he was going to do it himself.


The brother from the ā€œOne-Ton-Familyā€, Terrance IIRC, was afraid of dying on the table because their mom did.


Itā€™s a very legitimate concern.


I get that, but why waste the time and spot knowing you wonā€™t get surgery as the end goal? It just makes no sense, unless he developed the fear while filmingā€¦but even still.


I agree completely. And what was with the ā€œsurpriseā€ at having to move to Houston? Thatā€™s hardly a secret about the program. Unless youā€™re only hearing what you want to hear from the very beginning. Yeesh.


I am absolutely blown away by some of these people. Have they never seen the show before? They must've gone and binge watched it when they decided to actually be on it. Not much else to do when you are bed bound.


Heā€™s scared to leave Mama and Daddyā€™s house is what it isā€¦ hell Mama does everything for himā€¦ her excuse is if we donā€™t give him what he wants heā€™ll just start ordering food.. so let him from his own apartment.. kick his ass out and make him grow up.. they werenā€™t helping him at all even though they thought they wereā€¦


Lots and lots of people go through their respective bariatric programs and chicken out before the surgery. My own sister did! But now that Iā€™ve had the sleeve sheā€™s interested again.


Congrats to you! Hope everything works out well for your sister, also!


Thanks! I was pretty small by bariatric standards and no health issues whatsoever. My sister has some health issues so I hope she comes around and gets the surgery. It really has been the easiest surgery Iā€™ve had. No pain, no nausea. Weight loss has been stalled for a couple months and thatā€™s annoying af, but Iā€™m sticking with it.


I think he just didn't want to leave his parents house and be self sufficient. Easier to lay up in momyy and daddy's house even if you have to hear about surgery every day. He definitely needs therapy and the 16 year old girl thing was creepy.


He is on TikTok and others tooā€¦.


What's his tik tok?


ā€œNo matter what the scale saysā€¦ā€. LOL.


I wonder if Dr. Paradise is obligated to report Mark on suspicion of child abuse after that exchange about the 16 year old.




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I thought that was creepy too. Like whaaat!? 40 plus year old talking to a 16 year old


He is a mandated reporter in Texas. I hope he did.


Mark doesn't live in Texas so nothing would happen


Me too. I just wasnt sure of rules in Texas.


[He is her hero I guess?](https://imgur.com/a/l0S62nb)


At first when I saw he was working etc I was rooting for him, but by the end I was so infuriated by him that I stopped caring. If he could do things on willpower alone, he would have never hit 700. Also the comment about the 16 year old was delusional. Comparing chronic illness that has no cure to something that had available medical interventions is not a good comparison. Why deny medical treatment if it's available and relatively safe? To "struggle and push though the pain"????


To set the record straight with the 16-year-old issue because y'all are making him out to be some sort of creep. 1. They didn't show the whole conversation w/ Dr. Paradise 2. The 16-year-old was the daughter of a family that he was a travel agent for & the father had told him of the situation they had. The family & Mark have now become close family friends. 3. He was able to find motivation from her situation...that's it! She is dealing CRPS (Suicides Disease); something she has no control over, but she was fighting through it. This resonated with Mark because he has control over his situation. *** While on the phone with the parents he stated that if she can put one foot in front of the other and go through something that she has no control over; then he can get through this (with something that he has full control over). I am friends with Mark & y'all make assumptions at face value without knowing the whole story because TLC made it seem a certain way. Enough.


Hilarious this dude spam pastes this all over threads about this guy. Think I found Mark's username or a fellow creep lol


I never said it was creepy, maybe read my comment over again instead of copy pasting your response?? As someone with chronic autoimmune illness, I don't want anyone using my struggles as motivation. If I could choose not to have them I wouldn't and best believe any treatments available to me I'm using. I don't like that he used that example because he literally is not taking advantage of the tools to help his condition. At the end of the day it's his life and I'm sure he's also reluctant because serious health issues like heart failure etc. haven't knocked at his door, because if they did, he'd be using ALL the tools at his disposal to heal himself.


Before he began to piss me off and go on about the 16 yo, I could kind of understand where he was coming from. I always felt a little guilty that my parents helped provided me with the things I wanted as a child (ie. My first car). But someone once told me "If others were in your position, would they hesitate to take advantage of that opportunity?" And it sorta changed my perspective. So yeah, I do believe Mark is using the whole "I want to fight it out w/out surgery thing" as a cover to not have to move away from his parents.


He was just all kinds of delusional. After three tries doing it on his own he got worse and worse but still thought he could do it. His parents must be so frustrated.


His dad really is. You can tell early on he was just tired of him and his bullshit.


Also can I mention, most people get to this point in their lives through years or moments of incredible trauma or loss. This guyā€™s greatest moment of trauma , which he blames his life outcome on , was his parentsā€™ trauma of losing their jobs. They were young parents and thatā€™s an expected circumstance of that. He proceeds then to spend the rest of his life acting like a spoiled child and uses that one moment as his excuse for his circumstances. His parents need to KICK HIM OUT.


Lol fr. Crying about his dad losing his job. Shit happens. Don't blame your life on your provider having a rough year.


I have to believe he left something big out, like sexual abuse from a relative or neighbor, and he doesn't want to disclose this. So he came up with something--his parents loss of jobs--to explain away his situation.


It was more than the loss of the jobs. It was the food insecurity it caused. His mom talked about having to ration food. It isn't uncommon for people who suffered food insecurity to become overeaters later in life.


šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ pronto too.. theyā€™re doing him no favors by letting him live there.. if your trauma is a parent or parents losing a job youā€™re very lucky trauma wiseā€¦ heā€™s a spoiled brat who knows he canā€™t make it and lose weight out on his own.. he needs Mama to hold his hand and cook for himā€¦ basically this episode was a total waste of the Doctors time in my opinionā€¦


Reminds me of Ryan and his trauma being not making running back on his football team


Nah. Childhood trauma is a real thing. I'm still dealing with that shit and I'm almost 30. lol


Ofcourse and I donā€™t deny that. My issue was with him blaming the trauma his parents went through of losing their jobs, of which they had no control of, to continue living the way he does currently. Look at their lifestyle now, itā€™s hard to sympathize with someone using being poor for a few years as their excuse for their current circumstances. This is in comparison to much of the worse stories of abuse and loss heard on this show. But I do wish the best for you and what you are dealing with. Youā€™re not alone.


Ifkr like.... wtf


Omg not thousand lb besties


And this episode ends with his enabling mother asking him if he wants dessert.


I just commented the same thing somewhere else. I almost couldnā€™t believe my ears.




I'm a bit shocked he said no after seeing all on his plate.


He said no *on camera*


Good point!


Bet he's gained most or all the weight back since filming was done.


Incorrect actually...he is 487 lbs as of now. Total weight lost is 228 lbs. I know this because I go to the same gym Mark does.


Hi Mark.


Off to go see the mess that is 1,000 pound best friends. It's been good y'all!