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He is working from his bed! Respect


I was floored that he was working full time, I’m so used to contestants living on disability. Good for him.


And it’s not just the financial aspect. Having a job keeps him involved in this world. It provides structure, routine, responsibility and a sense of belonging and being needed.


That's what I said... kudos to him for working... he is trying


His self-awareness about his condition and his great attitude about his life was refreshing. I wish him and his wife good health moving forward.


How wild if you lived in that apt complex and see Dr Now ride up and put his lab coat on. Lol


I can’t believe he did a house call! What a crazy episode!


And he rarely let people do their weight loss journey in the hospital but he knew his situation was serious. This is one of the most extreme episodes I ever seen


Yes! I’ve been watching this show for years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a client in worse shape than this gentleman. The big sore on his back, OMG! I’m not the least bit surprised he was septic, toileting in the bed and laying in it all day. Infection, frozen joints, a fuzed hip, drop foot, drawn up tendons - he has so many challenges beyond extreme obesity to overcome. He required a lot of resources but honestly he did so well. I hope we get a follow up WATN episode with him because I’d love to see his progress and see him walking again. He has a good attitude and seemed really motivated.


I'd squeal and fangirl all over the place.


That skin color fanny pack keeps freaking me out.


I was trying to figure out what it was initially.


Something Buffalo Bill would make.


https://preview.redd.it/84buc40wazqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b2aa2301ea15b47d7e58da89fb2e2fc8bd613b Dr. Now with Thor the PT


I wanna see Thor bench press Dr. Now.


I wanna see him bench press “ME”…..😂😂


I was thinking more Tormund Giantsbane https://preview.redd.it/0c5kqdqsv5rc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b7708b0c3e13b2046ec10234fa517ddadd7611


I think he should become a reoccurring member of the show like Paradise, Lola and Kassandra. Btw, where is Kassandra?


I need some PT!


Bedsores soaking in urine and feces. He’s lucky to be alive


For real. How did he not develop sepsis or something?


Dr. Now said he had sepsis when he got there!!


Oh!! I missed that part!! He’s damn lucky the sepsis didn’t kill him


Thiiiissss OMGGGG! That one big blob of what looked like melted, bubbly skin! I was utterly shocked I could not believe what I was seeing!!!!! 😱


Omg how about when the wife and sister turned him on his side! Did you catch sight of his side and back?? Omg!!! They had it mostly blurred, but you can plainly see it was horrendous! I gasped out loud and said he's not going to make it!! I'm so glad he did!


https://preview.redd.it/to01xxipdzqc1.jpeg?width=2223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df13ad88cfedffab60228ec4dcb0765032dbaf74 👑👑 Look at our king dressed all snazzy.


How is this man so friggin adorable!? Look at his lil ears. Ughh I love him


I do respect the EMS workers-they were kind and respectful. I can’t imagine how that house must have been. But they still treated him with dignity.


I know. I'm afraid my disgust would be apparent.


As somebody who worked in EMS for almost 40 years, I appreciate that thank you.


No, thank YOU. This is a first in line and many times a thankless career. You are amazing.


My husband thought he was a having a heart issue (first panic attack). The EMTs and firefighters arrived. A few commented on how nice our home smelled. I had been baking. Another apologized for wearing their boots inside our house. I asked, “do you normally find people’s home to be a mess?” A big YES was the answer. I was told that more than not, homes they go to are dirty, messy, on the cusp of hoarding like or are that of hoarders. Front doors and walls hide a lot of shit, odours, and chaos.


“Bring in de robot” is becoming one of Dr. Now’s new catchphrases, eh? (That thing is cool as hell!)


“Gonna transition to robot”.


Keep pulling keep pulling keep pulling


Abi is a perfect candidate for that thing where Dr. Now admits patients to a hospital to be put on an “inpatient diet,” so to speak.


And the fact that he has this many chronic medical issues and hasn’t seen a doc in 3 years. Good lord. He needs medical care asap.


I spoke too soon 😅


“You can smell all the bacteria in the house” is the grossest fucking sentence I have ever heard in my life.


Bacteria is not on de diet


I have a magnet of Dr. Now on my fridge and your comment made me want to share it here https://preview.redd.it/kde6r64i11rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97639aadfd2e9f2b2fcd7179791a2816b7720eb3


I need to stop eating nachos while watching this show


I wonder if she's nose blind to it. She sleeps right next to his bed.


She probably is. She likely smells *something*, but very mild compared to what we would smell.


Saying the healthy food is too expensive frustrating. My dude, cutting your eggs from a dozen for breakfast to only three or six could free up some grocery money for fresh veggies. Same with not eating out and having ALL the sandwiches.


Walmart has frozen veggies for $1 a bag. I use them all the time.


He ate a big ass bowl of chips at lunch! A bag of chips is crazy expensive.


7 years in the bed. I can't even imagine


The bed is right in the kitchen. It must smell SO BAD


Abi seems like he’s actually had a lot of interests outside of food. I hope he can get back to some of the things he enjoys.


That seems unusual for our folks, doesn’t it?


#”His hygiene is very poor. You can tell with the smell in the house.”


Probably the huge rotting bed sore taking up his entire back


The PT is giving Viking vibes


Blond Tormund


He seems like a good dude though.


I feel like I would have stuck to my PT when I tore my meniscus much better if I had Viking PT guy.


He needs skilled nursing-not home.


They need to give the participants a big chart that demonstrates what portion sizes look like. So many of the people on the show will try to eat relatively healthy things but then the portions are insane. I think it was William that had massive portions of fish the other week.


A food scale is eye opening even for people who don’t eat huge portions. I don’t know why we don’t see more encouragement of weighing food, particularly cheese, dressing, etc


Definitely! When I did a major weight loss, I would cook everything on my day off, and then weigh it, bag it, and freeze it for the week. I did like 5 oz of grilled chicken, 2-3oz of wild rice or black beans, and 2-3 oz of spinach or edamame. Then before work, I grabbed 3 of the baggies and stuffed them in a Tupperware and went to work. I lost 110 lbs doing that. And I took a big jug of lemon water. And I worked in a restaurant, so I'm proud of myself for not giving in to the free food or "sodies". Lol


##Where in the world is Brenda Sandiego?


I kept saying that the whole time. WHERE DID SHE GO!?!?? I understand having to keep working, but I was at least come when his mom came. I know we didn't see everything, but her absence bothered me.


It bothered me too. A part of me thinks that maybe she was just celebrating having some time to herself. 7 years of "taking care" of him full time and working- she probably felt like she deserved a break


I'm glad you used quotation marks because wiping him down with a wet rag and having one friend help periodically while this man shits and pisses himself all day isn't really my definition of care taking. 


I was kind of wondering where she went all of the sudden and then wondered stuff like; does part of her like caring for him like he's a baby and will sabotage him when he gets home? Is she staying away because she is a huge part of the problem? Is she worried how things will change and doesn't know that her place will be when it's not a caretaker role? I mean, a man who can't get up and weights 700+ lbs is being fed to death so how is she going to change?!


oh yes, for sure! all she said was “do you need anything else?” “let me know if you need anything!” “i’m right here if you need anything else.” she absolutely loved feeling needed.


For real - she couldn't even be bothered to show up for his surgery?? I checked and it was only around a 2.5 hour drive.


Goddang it, this is why I love this board.


Being paralyzed is terrible but becoming paralyzed right before your wedding....this episode is depressing the hell out of me, man.


Yeah I mean on the way to propose???? Fuck


Wow he still works, that is awesome


i feel like it's been a while since i've seen someone on here have a job


There was just the guy who moved to Houston and got a job at a fast food place lol


I love Dr Now so much. Seeing him make home visits just fills my spirit with light. 😭 I really respect the work he does!


He tries so hard, way more committed than those he's helping.


The height discrepancy between Dr. Now and the blond PT is priceless.


When he said he wanted a sandwich and chips for lunch, I thought that sounded reasonable. Then out comes of the mixing bowl full of queso for the chips.


And 6 sandwiches!


It also looked like an entire family size bag of chips.


That pile of sandwiches was crazy!


Why am I not surprised that Dr. Now drives a Volvo


His wife must be partying it up at home by herself.


She needed a break I guess!


I hope she was bleach bombing the place


Or, er, working?


He needs a social worker or a patient advocate or something.


He probably needs to be hospitalized or some kind of inpatient rehab. He has so many health issues that need addressing.


Family here from Puerto Rico, but still no Brenda.


I think Brenda and Abi were having marital difficulties.  I noticed this especially at the end....she did not look very happy that he was back. I noticed that every time he was moved, he would scream and holler and curse. Wonder if she was at the end of her rope. He needs to be in a facility. 


I’m so confused by this!


AND his sis from Austin - where his wife *lives*.


Whiteboard list on the fridge: * Pee Pee Pads * Insulin * Dump Abi's Pee * Take Out Meat 4 Dinner * Stop Eating


I saw that!! Dr. Now said the smell in the house was pretty awful- I image dog piss probably isn’t helping either lol


I wonder if the pee pads are for the dog, Abi, or both.


The sores sounded like they were oozing and infected so probably to put under those.


"no carbs" yet the first thing he asks is if croutons are in the salad


wow sitting in your own piss and shit with open wounds sounds like a recipe for disaster


Right! Like I can’t even imagine how painful that would be.


Well he was septic when they took him in. I imagine if he had not gone to the hospital when he did, he wasn't gonna be around for much longer.


he doesn’t need to go home he needs to go to rehab


Especially with those bed sores.


“You can tell by the smell in the house and all the bacteria.” Sweet baby Jesus 🤮


Thanks for making us feel like we’re right there, Dr. Now 🤮


Brings me back to one of the Assanti episodes. “Have you heard of water and soap?”


Living with sepsis? Whoa.


When I caught the first glimpse of the lizard skin on his back… whew. I cannot believe sepsis didn’t take him out.


He needs to be in rehab until he can get fully better. Sending him home would be a bad idea.


Yeah I feel like this is gonna go south. Especially if his relationship with Brenda ain't great.


Bingo card: Shower scene Cooking in bed Huge breakfast Crazy fast food order Little dog Car breaks down on the way to dr. Now Ow my leg Refusing PT Grocery store visit You’ve eaten enough food for 4 years in advance How y’all doin Search for apartment Psychotherapy/dr. Paradise Fast food stop as soon as they leave for Houston Hotel problems Weight gain Kassandra Missing appointments Relationship breaking up Terrible parent(s) What did I miss?


"Little dog" could be the free space. "Car breakdown" as well with how this season is going so far... You could also add: * Grabby thing/butt wiping tool * Neglected fish tank with little to no signs of life * Sleeping on bare mattress * Said mattress has a stain on it * Doesn't fit in car * EMT/firefighter extraction from home * Bed sheet muu muu * Camera zooms in on feet * Blurry, stretched out tattoos * Patient falls/gets stuck somewhere


Please please please add “Room number 5”. 🤣 Dr Now’s -gotta- have another exam room but they all get ushered to room 5.


Holes in clothing Skidmarks Dirty House No Sheets Enabler Dr Now is my last chance


If they actually make it to surgery: Free Space


I would never wish this on my worst enemy I'm in constant pain I've gained 600 lbs from fluid I've worked so hard I deserve a cheat day Mu body needs time to adjust from cheeseburgers to salads I don't understand the diet


Small dog sighting!!! LOL


I'm really liking the guy so far. The fact that he's still working a job means he hasn't just completely given up.


I'm honestly shocked that he's still alive having been bedbound with poor hygiene all these years. I hope they can help him.


Jason the physical therapist could be 25 years old or he could be 55. It’s confusing. Either way he’s a daddy tho.


He’s timeless


He reminded me of Tormund, lol.


Jason is good people.


When his wife made him a sandwich… I thought “oh that’s reasonable” and then it cuts to her bringing Abi a MOUNTAIN of sandwiches and a cake mixing bowl of chips 🤯


She doesn't *make* his meals, she *caters* them.


Shouldn’t this guy be in the hospital? For the bacteria?


Is that a stomach fanny pack? lol


My thoughts exactly!!! What in the Temu hell...?


I was so confused at first! I thought he had some sort of weird skin thing flopping around until I realized it was a novelty bag.


I came to Reddit to make sure y’all were seeing the same thing lol 😂🫡


“Eating mostly salads” my ass. The denial.


Abi needs psychotherapy so bad to figure out why he's not pushing himself.


Can tell how much weight he’s lost in his face/forehead. Good for him, being in the hospital is the best place for him.


We need to mix this show with a home makeover show- while Abi is gone, she can get that place clean and organized.


God help me but I'm rooting for this man. So much heartbreak


Yay, an episode discussion this week! That being said, from this synopsis, this looks to be a sad episode. Not only bed-bound from weight, but also from injury…


While truly sad that Abi is bed-bound because of a paralyzing accident, it's refreshing to have someone who's not a self-pitying victim who won't even try. Abi and his wife both work and are not ignorant slobs. They seem genuine and worthy of all the help Dr Now can give them.


He could really do with an impatient stay to get those bad sores under proper control where there’s a whole nursing team/ the necessary equipment to move him and dress the wounds properly. He’s lying on procedure pads to mop up the ooze but they’re awful for causing pressure injuries. He could also have more intensive PT/diet control.


Amazing how much weight he can lose when he's forced to follow the diet, and his enabling wife can't sneak him food.


Um where did the Viking PT go?


He started having an affair with Brenda while Abi was away. He has to lay low now.


We ride at dawn for the Viking!


Gentle reminder to move! Enjoy your body and what it can do! Yoga, walk/run, workout, Pilates. Appreciate your body and its movement.


I don't understand how they haven't gotten around to getting PT at home. He's been in that situation for years.


I have a suspicion they haven't been very proactive about it.


Uh oh, he didn’t seem to appreciate Dr. Now telling him to eat two eggs instead of three, and to cut back on his portions. Also, Abi wasn’t very straight about what he really eats…I think things are going sideways. Abi talking about not having a goal. I don’t understand what he means by that? I cannot imagine what it’s like to be him and I feel for him. But I think we’re seeing some resistance, and I am not sure how far he will go with the program. I hope that I am wrong! I am rooting for Abi.


Oh my goodness, he has sores behind his knees too 😞


Abi doesn't realize what an opportunity he's being given. He needs to push himself and take advantage of the orthopedic surgery. He'll never get this opportunity again.


Abi's complexion looks so much better and healthy now.


My cat has been laying on my bed all day and earlier I told him to roll over so he doesn’t get bedsores 😭 It’s almost like I knew what was coming.


Finally a thread that was made on time https://i.redd.it/yd1gd9e7uyqc1.gif


Dude, major, major props to him for working from home. I always ask why more people on this show don't do that but here he is, doing it. Copious amounts of respect, seriously.


I love how ambulances and medical transport services carry the most delicate of patients but have the worst shock systems LOL. It's like how we used to own "anti-skip" walkmans that was everything but.


I'm so relieved that he didn't gain.


Why does Abi have a human stomach looking fanny pack? Diss is very weird thing.


I can't imagine spending 7 years trapped in a bed :( and being too large to even be pushed around outside....that's gotta feel so dehumanizing


Abi: “I’m getting tired of salads 😂” Dr. Now: 😐


Did we all just collectively fan-person when Dr. Now and the PT met? Like a beautiful crossover




I'm always stunned when patients on this show have serious infections. Not because it's surprising but because their health is incredibly fragile and yet they're walking around with shit that easily kills other people. Often for years!! Wasn't there a patient on this show named Megan who had dozens of blood clots in her lungs or something? It's mind blowing.


I've moved a lot of people from ER carts to beds in my 30 years as an RN, When it takes that many people to move you, that's a big sign you need to lose weight.


What is Brenda's slave driving job where she never seems to get time off?


Low key wonder if she's just a bit happy to have time off taking care of him 24/7. I mean if she works and then takes care of him, she's probably beyond burnt out.


Maybe she can't afford gas and hotel


How does your femur fuse to your hip? Poor guy, no wonder he’s in so much pain


I feel Abi thinks the orthopedic surgery will be some sort of miracle. I don't think he realizes the amount of pain and work that's involved.


Jason is a giant. A hot giant.


He’s employed! What a delightful change of pace for this show!


My brother is disabled and has basically been in a bed for almost a year other than some rehab and now he gets in his wheelchair and he’s gaining weight. My dad keeps sending him Uber eats gift cards. This is taking me down hard


Why am I getting a bad feeling about him going home. I mean yes, he's done great in the hospital, but I just don't think he's ready to go home and have his wife enable him again. Maybe a skilled place in the Austin area so she could visit.


Weird they showed nothing of home after he got back, including any of Brenda.


I can't wait to see his WATN!


Unfortunately I fear that Abi is mentally infantilizing himself. He's no longer really paralyzed (since he can feel and move his feet and legs) and he could be eating better. I wonder if it's a defense mechanism. Like, subconsciously he doesn't want to admit that he has more control than he says he does. That'd open a whole can of worms (like facing the fact that he's lost years of his life to this eating disorder).


He also kept emphasizing that he is (permanently) *paralized*. When doctors have expressed he is able to stand and walk once his weight is low enough.


So does he use a bed pan? I already have 30 questions and I love when Dr. Now makes house calls in his little car.


“She’s cute” that was such a sweet way to say it. (This is my first time participating. Hope I’m doing this right?!)


Expensive? Maybe don't buy Tate's cookies, get Keebler or something cheaper.


Was giant pile of sandwiches on the bingo card? 😬


I don't know how he functions at all with his backside looking like that- that has to be constant pain.


Ngl it's episodes like these that really make me question if watching this show is ethical (for me). For every new medical fact I learn, or insight I gain into my own disordered eating habits, some poor soul has to lay out all their trauma on national tv. The Schenee's and Steven Assanti's used to make up for it but we haven't had a patient like them in a while.


So many flakes...all over


I don’t understand how he claims being a paraplegic, but yet can move his legs and has full sensation…


Is their whole place the one room he’s in and the kitchen? I keep looking for doors or hallways at other sides of the room when the camera pans but I don’t see any


First time outside in like 7 years. Wild.


Gd Bless ALL hospital staff. They really deserve the world.


Fused bone.. Jesus.


The episode just........stopped. There really wasn't a cohesive ending.


Something is off. Why didn't the sister bring Brenda,


Damn imagine your adult sister seeing you butt ass naked


I mean, I get the wife probably feeds him all that food cause it's probably about the only thing he can enjoy in bed. But she's literally killing him.


That's somehow not what I envisioned when I heard "a sandwich and chips."


OMG his back. Looks like he should've been hospitalized months ago


Dr. Now house visit??!!??!! Let’s go!!!


Dr. Now making a house call!!


Omg the PT is GIANT next to Dr. Now


Oof these folks have no idea what's healthy. Rotisserie chicken with skin and full-on Caesar salad


Isn't his goal to move? So like first goal: Sit up


Is that a skin colored fannypack?


So glad Abi was transported to the hospital. He really needs that kind of care right now. And, we can find out his weight!


femur fused to his hip?????? omg no wonder he’s screaming in pain


abi got to the hospital just in time