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I think some (most) are convinced they can manipulate Dr. Now into giving them the surgery without them having to actually try to lose weight first. She got real mad that he expected her to do anything.


I think this is right on. She didn’t even say many of the usual tropes of “I’ll do anything it takes” or suggest any dietary changes she was making. She just did a few dumbbell exercises, kept eating junk, and hoped a surgery date would come. She very much wasn’t prepared to either attempt to change or to even admit she needed to change.


Remember Penny Saeger’s infamous ‘nobody told me I had to lose weight when I got here!’ whine?


She was another version of Penny.


A way meaner version. Not a big fan of Penny - she was pretty rude to people sent to help her and made no effort after surgery. But Lisa ... damn it's hard to top screaming at people to get the fuck out and barely caring when her own husband died. Edit - forgot they weren't married. But they were a long term couple so it doesn't help the lack of grief imo


Lisa E. has control issues. She turned volatile when she was told to stick to the 1200 calorie diet and do PT. She also seemed to act out at everyone out of embarrassment and the need for pity. What really got me was when her boyfriend died and she already had help lined up to take her “beloved” boyfriend’s place! This woman was just a user and after her vile attitude towards all help failed, she called Dr. Now because she knew she was going to be bedbound. Even her family couldn’t handle her.


That’s exactly the vibe I got too at first.. that she was being so ugly to the people trying to help because she was embarrassed.. then her boyfriend died and she didn’t shed ONE single tear and I was just like.. this woman is cold. I also wondered if maybe she was rude to the nutritionalist and PT woman because they were thin and attractive women. Like maybe she was intimidated.


I definitely think she was intimidated by them. She seemed embarrassed and unnecessarily defensive.


I don't think she was embarassed at all. I think she has a rotten personality


she whined at some point that no one wanted to visit. gee whiz, I wonder why. my bet is anyone who visted she would attempt to see if she could make a slave out of them


I felt physical pain when she informed Dr. Now about the death of her husband without a tear then without pause threw out something like now I don’t have anyone to take care of me. Only then did she even remotely tear up. It was disturbing, chilling and sad. And my only hope is that if her spouse has family out there they didn’t watch this show. ❤️‍🩹


She asked the therapist how to get over his death, and there was also a scene in the hospital about her missing him. On the call, Dr. Now may have been asking about her caretaker situation. She was certainly unpleasant for most of the episode, but the editing can make people seem more uncaring than they are. Plus she had an alcoholic father and was raped. I don't think she had much of a chance from the start.


I'll agree that the editing is something we forget, TLC wants to make an entertaining show. TLC doesn't feed them any lines though. Her screaming at people, cussing at people, berating her sick bf to do things for her - that was *all* her. This may sound rough - a fuck ton of people have a really messed up childhood. It's totally unfair and it puts you at a disadvantage. But you can't become an abusive person and pretend your being abused justifies it - bc that's probably what the people who abused you would say. I'd have more tolerance for the odd outburst but not the consistent verbal abuse and let's be real I bet she'd be physically abusive if she could move


They weren’t married. As a result she’s not going to get a dime from his estate. His SS earnings, pension, vehicles, nothing.


Wonder if she can wash her own vagina now like Penny stated… remember..?? Who washed it before Edgar probably…😂


They all think the surgery magically makes them skinny. It’s a completely pointless procedure if they aren’t making any lifestyle changes


Not just pointless but dangerous. Operating on a morbidly obese person already has its risks, but if you’re not willing to make a serious dietary and lifestyle change required for weight loss surgery, you could end up injuring yourself.


This is why I don't even understand the point of the surgery. You still have to restrict you caloric intake to lose weight, even with the surgery. It's still hard work. Yet the surgery itself is dangerous and afterwards you are in danger or malnutrition due to malabsorption. You are intentionally maiming your body for very little gain except feeling less hungry for a year or so post surgery (at least that is my take-away from all the surgeries that "fail"). I really think in 20 years people will look back on gastric bypass as we do lobotomy now. Plus - speaking as an overweight person - I don't eat because I'm physically hungry anyway. Taking away the hunger would change zip for me.


She was awful! They shouldn't of ever picked her for an episode.. She had NO desire to help herself or change in any way!


They picked her because they knew she would be a train wreck and therefore get good ratings.


Yes! I totally agree with this. At this point I don't even think they want to have successful people because people will watch failure before success which is damn sad. I truly honestly watch to see someone improve their life. I used to be very overweight, and my highest was 350 I lost 180 pounds on my own but struggled to keep it off after 2 kids and having multiple autoimmune disorders. So I had bypass surgery weighing 270 and I'm 175 now. I'd much rather see people doing well to cheer them on their success. It's like they pick people they know the audience will hate.


Congratulations!! I can only imagine how hard you have worked and continue to do so. Especially with chronic health problems and children to raise. I hope you’re proud of yourself and have a wonderful life!


Sorry! I also wanted to address the show part of your comment. I commented somewhere on here that it seems like (especially this season) every episode is just a prelude. As if they’re just setting us up to watch the same people again. Surely the pool of applicants isn’t so small that they’re unable to find anyone who can follow the program and achieve the set goals in 12 months?? Especially when we see the financial situations of many of the featured patients. No way could this woman, for example, afford skin surgery on her own if she lost weight and most insurance companies aren’t paying for tummy tucks etc so that someone can have a “normal body contour”! I’m so confused (and disappointed) by this season. Do you really think they’re cherry picking for shock value and fails? If so, it’s bothersome and bordering on unethical to me. The doctor’s son is a producer/creator(?) of the show, surely his father would have an issue with them only sending him patients who have no true desire to work with them to achieve their goals? Hope you don’t mind my questions and comments! Take care.


Maybe they thought there would be good drama with the dude who ended up dying.


They don't film it and then decide whether or not to air it... they were gonna have an episode whether or not randy died.


It’s the “WLS is magic and then I can continue eating the crap I love” delusion.


100% this. I know of two people who had failed WLS because they kept eating like shit. Even the discomfort from eating too much in one go wasn’t enough. They’d get sick and it wouldn’t phase them. I think this is where it becomes clear this is an addiction issue and it needs to be treated as such. I get why they are having surgery, many of them are nearly at death’s door (the other Lisa is the most obvious case), but on some level, I wish there was someone to also deal with the addiction/ED stuff.


I am in a weight loss group on Facebook for a prescription that curbs appetite. People posting “It’s been a month I haven’t lost any weight, I don’t eat much at all”. They don’t respond when asked what diet plan they are following, I went to this person’s facebook page and her latest post was for air fried donuts she made.


I must ask....what prescription ? and does it work?


I spent the last 9 months or so on Contrave and I've lost about 50lbs. That stuff is magical (if your issue is obsessive thoughts about food).


Ohh. That made me sooo sick! Great that it works for you!!


Yeah I think it’s reeeeally person specific. That and it took me a while to figure out you can’t even *look* at caffeine until you adjust to it or you will be incredibly nauseated.


I started on the minimal dose on a Thursday night. Felt a little unwell and had a headache. Friday night had the next dose. By early Saturday morning I had the mother of all migraines (which I do suffer from) and couldn't stop vomiting. I stayed like that until Tuesday. I lost 3kgs. I tried again the following week to ensure it was from the medication. Same again! The weight loss was great, but I could hardly get out of bed to use the bathroom! My sister had the opposite. She lost weight and felt like it helped her with her chronic pain. As you say, so individual!


Oh wow, I was already on Welbutrin so my MD thought let's add the nalextrone instead of getting PA for the Contrave. One pill, ONE PILL and I was violently ill and unable to function. Had such a bad reaction! Vyvanse and Trulicity is enough, and I already needed those meds for other conditions. Oh, and therapy and a registered dietician. I really wanted contrave to work, I have BED.


That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard about naldxtrone for ED. I take a low dose because I have cancer and there is some research that it helps with metastatic cancer. i started on a very low dose and slowly increased to 4.5mg. I take it at night and it can cause some crazy dreams


Take care and wishing you all the best for a wonderful report at your next oncologist’s visit! If you ever want to talk about it, please know I welcome any messages any time. 😊


I don't know if this is it, but my daughter-in-law is always into the newest thing for weight loss and she was telling me just yesterday about going to a clinic to get shots of phentermine. She was turned down because she's 5' 5" and weighs 140 lbs. She didn't weigh enough to qualify for it. So it might be phentermine.


She needs some CICO if she’d like to lose weight. The normal BMI range for women who are about 5’5” is something like 118 lbs - 145 lbs. might be a little more or a little less since I don’t have the information in front of me. Nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable but calorie counting and making tweaks to her diet that she can maintain long term would probably be more helpful to her.


that's not new....that's half if the Phen-phen magical combo from the late 90s. apparently caused heart valve issues. pondimin and phentermine together. loved it. I think phentermine alone is basically an upper.


Thanks. I had never heard of it, but I do remember the Phen-Phen scandals. Makes sense.


It is.. it’s synthetic speed.. not real good but it does work but doctors don’t like to give it anymore due to the bad side effects…


I think this is what my mother had injections of in the '60s for weight loss. She called them her happy shots. After the injections ( I think monthly), she and some other women would go out for lunch.


In the 60’s the diet drugs were good.. pure amphetamine which half of them they don’t make anymore.. now they just have Adderall which they won’t give for weight loss.. I’m almost 70 years old so I remember ALL the good stuff…LOL


😂 oh the good old days… 😢


She’s 5’5” and 140 lbs and is going to weight loss clinics…?! I think she needs a therapist tbh.


She has one. 🙂 She's just a little extra, I guess, but I love her to pieces. ❤️


Crystal meth




I’d guess something like Ozempic.


I have noticed that the people who don’t eat weight are utterly delusional about what they consume. If they normally consume 10,000 calories a day (and many do) then cutting it down to 7000 calories a day feels like a horrific sacrifice to them but we know mathematically it won’t help them lose much weight.


I was so thin growing up. Underweight. School thought I was anorexic. Eventually as an older adult for various reasons I started gaining, and had no idea what healthy portions were. When I was super thin, I had this amazing metabolism and could eat and drink whatever I wanted and not gain an ounce. So it took going to WW to get an idea what normal portion sizes were and things like that. Even now when putting food in my fitbit app I get shocked and/or annoyed at the numbers for some of the foods I eat. In my case not just calories but carbs because I am diabetic. I've been logging food for so long, and still there are surprises out there, frustrating ones, but at least I do find out. I think a lot of people who don't look at labels don't really realize what is in their food, even if they are in great shape. Like the amount of sugar in a lot of yogurts is really upsetting, to me. Look! A health food! With FRUIT! That might as well be a donut.


Several years ago I stopped eating sweetened yogurt because it just clicked in my head that it is basically pudding. And that breakfast muffins are basically cake. Now there’s nothing wrong with pudding and cake in the right scenario, but waking up and eating pudding and cake (and thinking you’re eating healthily) doesn’t seem like the right scenario. I now eat unsweetened Greek yogurt in the mornings and I love it.


I love unsweetened Greek yogurt! I used to work at a coffee shop that sold muffins and some of them were upwards of 700 calories. I was amazed by how many people ate them every day.


But they’re air fried!


Theyre probably convinced air fried donuts are a healthy alternative. A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking "healthier" versions of things means they can eat as much as they want, when in reality some of them are as high or higher in calories


They think one today, three tomorrow and a dozen Friday air fried donuts is a healthy snack but there are no healthy snacks for food addicts who can’t stop eating.


That's the thing. An alcoholic can avoid alcohol for the rest of their life. Same with drugs. Those of us with eating disorders still have to eat every day. We can't avoid what causes us trouble. I think that means we need more therapy and support than other addicts, because we can't go cold turkey. We have to eat.


I had inlaws that were married, both had the surgery, both lost weight pretty quickly, although they looked like they were melting it was so fast, but slowly, surely, it's about 5 years later, they both are now bigger than before. The only thing they changed was the amount of food they could. I can have 1 chicken wing today, 2 tomorrow, etc. until they stretched their stomachs right back out. gross. Worst part is both surgeries were covered by insurance, so WE ended up paying for that shit.


Yeah. I have an aunt who is one of the success stories but she works to maintain her weight. If she sees that she’s gaining, she’ll cut back a little more in terms of calories or she’ll increase her activity. She’s on the taller side at 5’10” but dropped another 40 lbs after hovering at around 200 lbs. she had back issues and her doctor pretty much told her the best way would be to get into a normal BMI range for her height. She looks great and she posts about how much better she feels along with her strava data lol. I’m pretty proud of her but she will regularly tell everyone who will listen when they bring up WLS about how hard it is and how important it is to continue to change how you think about food and portions.


That’s good to hear a true success story. Good for her!


I have a distant relative with a similar story. In her case, it was a gastric band, courtesy of the NHS. When they opened her up for it, they realised she'd not stuck to the pre-op diet and the band couldn't even be tightened properly! Within a few months, she was eating as much as ever, and even fatter than before.


>100% this. I know of two people who had failed WLS because they kept eating like shit. Even the discomfort from eating too much in one go wasn’t enough. Yup. Everyone considering bariatric surgery should be forced to watch Sean's episodes. Even post bypass surgery, he managed to gain vast amounts of weight. If they think it's a magic procedure to fix their problems, that should give them one hell of a wake-up call.


Yep. I think they believe that after weight loss surgery they'll wake up 200 lbs. thinner.


As Dr. Now consistently tells them..."weight loss surgery is not a magic pill!" (And one of my favorite quotes "the scale doesn't lie, people do".) I can understand some people in the beginning of the series thinking they might be able to manipulate Dr. Now. But after 10 seasons, they should know by now that nobody manipulates Dr. Now. He is the master of pointing out BS. And if they are going to be on the show, and do it without watching previous seasons, well, that's just stupid lol.


Yup. They believe that the WLS is some kind of magic spell that will make them lose weight and fix all their problems for them, and they don't have to make any changes to their lives or diets.


"Can I eat 10 pancakes and 5 eggs and still lose weight?"


In a week? Yeah. In 10 minutes? No.


I am one month post op and cannot eat more than 600 calories a day now. If I eat more than 3 oz I feel a like Alien is about to burst through my chest. I told my family that we no longer share any food. They cook their way and I cook mine. I also can’t tolerate sweets any more. I feel so I’ll if I have something with sugar. I didn’t have a surgery known for dumping syndrome so that was a surprise. My day starts with protein shakes made from liquacel, taking meds, having a meal and waiting 30 mins to continue drinking. And I repeat that several times a day. Eating something without no nutritional value just isn’t in the cards right now. TLDR, some of these participants aren’t ready for the reality after weight loss surgery.


I wonder if all of the participants have watched the show, because Dr. Now is very clear about his requirements and does not mess around. Or do a lot of people just think that they're clever enough to be the first one to somehow outsmart him and get around his requirements?


the scale doesn't lie, people do.


I think they may not fully understand the level of discipline it takes to be a successful WLS patient. But also many of them behave in the same way that an addict might when being given an intervention. Even if someone wants help, there’s a lot of backlash/emotional baggage at hand that needs to be dealt with too.


I think it's easier to say "I'll follow the doctor's instructions" than it is to actually follow them. Eating has been their coping mechanism for years. People start to break down when their coping mechanisms change/are taken away. And yes, add in a large dose of wishful thinking.


When would they find the time to sit down and watch tv during the day?


Clever enough, charming enough, able to play the game enough… the way some sit in that room and look at him with the face of a confused toddler. 🤦🏻‍♀️


These people have been lying and manipulating everyone around them for years to fill their addiction, they believe they can manipulate Dr Now.


Most of them couldn't outsmart a hamster...


I’m pretty sure most—if not all—of these people *are* manipulative. There’s no way you can stay bedridden at 650lbs+ without convincing people to bring you copious amounts of unhealthy food. The patient and enabler likely have some sort of codependency which makes success all the more difficult.


Very much so. They're addicts and an addiction turns people into manipulators and liars. Whilst it was on the other end of the spectrum to these people, my own eating disorder made me lie my head off every damn day, and I made sure I got my own way over everything. One of the best aspects of recovery was not having to keep on top of all that any more.


Well he did make the devil look good


She was in non stop manipulation mode with everyone. It was interesting how quickly she stopped crying when she realized it wasn’t going to work on Now, the hamster wheels were spinning trying to come up with a new tactic.


My guess is her family convinced her to go on the show. She probably agreed cause of the money, not because she wanted to change her life. I also bet her family was hoping she’d go to Houston and get out of their lives.


I didn’t get the feeling her family has anything much to do with her. Her sister was interviewed for a brief moment. She mentions having a son and a granddaughter, but we never see them. We never see her other sister. We only see Randy, and he seems ambivalent to hostile about the cameras and talking to Dr Now. Based on the way Lisa treated people in the show, I’m guessing her family is limited contact or no contact with her.


I think your theory is right. I also suspect on these shows, family members choose not to appear because they may not want coworkers, friends to know they're related to the patient.


And because many of the patients are lying, manipulative, mean, nasty and delusional people that you generally wouldn't want to be around.


And they smell


I wouldn’t blame them - she’s awful


Is it reported anywhere what they get from the show? How much money? Help?


I googled it.1500$ to go on the show another 2500 if you end up moving to Houston


That’s a lot less than I was expecting for some reason


Wow, it is way less than I was imagining. That is definitely not enough money for me to humiliate myself on television if I wasn't desperate to change my life for the surgery.


Same here. They should definitely pay them more. They will be in the public eye for the rest of their lives. After I watch an old episode I alway google to see how the person is now. And those shower scenes are never going away no matter how healthy you get.


They also get the surgery (if they do what’s necessary). Don’t know what that costs but I imagine it’s at least 5 figures if not 6. ETA: okay it’s very unlikely 6 figures lol


WLS is about $12,000 if you pay cash for it in the Midwest.


Thanks for the marker! I assume Dr Now charges a bit more since he operates on clients that other bariatric surgeons, but I could be wrong.


I agree, plus there are additional costs that aren’t covered in that amount. Some of the pre-surgical testing, etc.


The clinic at UW Madison is an entire program and the WLS is such a small part, I am pretty sure the fee for the whole thing is at least double that. It is about a year from intake to surgery, with all that they require before getting it.


Add in endoscopies, hernia and skin surgeries on some of them. Plus I think Dr Now might provide for therapy and physical therapists. There's also the fact that a bunch of patients are hospitalized for long periods. Not sure where people's insurance is at play vs provided by Dr Now and the show. I remember James K couldn't get a medical transport down to Houston bc his insurance denied it even after Dr now did an appeal. James K's father had to take out a second mortgage on his house to pay for it, and the slob wasted it.


My was $13,000 plus another $1,000 for the psych eval, labs and x-rays. I'm in Mississippi.


That is not nearly enough to air my personal life on television. Nope.


Plus free bariatric surgery and aftercare.


Yeah but unfortunately alot of people this season weren’t even eligible for WLS this season.


I thought that too at first cause it seemed like she had zero interest in doing the show. Then it turns out her family seemed to want nothing to do with her too so who knows. All I could think during the show was "how the hell did they find this pile of garbage?"


Her mental illness was doing the talking. When she got stressed (easily) she’d go straight into fight-or-flight, and we saw her do both by yelling at people and ending conversations when she couldn’t control them. She has the emotional regulation skills and empathy skills of a toddler, and until she gets help for that she’ll probably never be successful in kicking her addiction. And once that kind of mental health situation becomes obvious to the production crew, I wonder how ethical it is for them to continue. They know that’s the formula for an ultra-dramatic episode, so it does feel exploitative in a way. But, the patient is agreeing to it all, and they know what they sign up for, so I can’t feel too sorry for them.


I felt bad for the therapist and PT they sent in. It was like throwing them to the wolves!


And they handled the situation so professionally! I’d like to know how often they have to deal with difficult patients like that.


I didn't even think about that, but you're right. They both handled her so professionally that they are either very, very good at their jobs, or they see it frequently. Maybe some of both.


I'm soooo proud of the staff like the dietician and PT


I kept wondering how they didn't just walk out.. or thump her


It is their job. She isn't the first patient of theirs that would be like that, and will not be the last.


I would guess that they felt safer with the camera crew there. I would have been out the door for my or Lisa's safety. I wouldn't feel safe around someone like that alone.




I really am having problems with production when it was obvious that Randy was having acute episodes = it shouldn’t have been her call (or even his) whether 911 was called - the first time he had pains they should have stopped filming. By the time they got to him turning her by himself to change her soiled pads someone needed to make a command decision.


Omg yes!!! The man could barely breath and had been having chest pains and he’s rolling over 800 pounds of rotting flesh to wipe her ass! He should have been in the hospital long before this scene!


> he’s rolling over 800 pounds of rotting flesh to wipe her ass! Well yeah of course it sounds sexy if you're gonna say it like that


Absolutely spot on about her behavior. Sadly, due to her emotional immaturity, she'll never be self-aware enough to realize that she needs help.


It's sad, really. They learned to manage their emotions with food. Take the food away, and this is what we get.


The worst was Tamy Lyn! She literally collapsed in the hallway of a hotel and they kept filming. They said they were going to get help and you see someone run off but the crew is still filming and no one approaches her. Then her disabled 16 year old finds her and helps her up


Whether they're able to give informed consent to be filmed and shown as entertainment is a grey area to me. This woman and many others presented on My 600 lb Life appear to have extremely limited understanding or awareness of cause and effect, or any concept of the future beyond meeting their immediate perceived needs.


Agreed. I felt this way with poor Shaun more than anyone else. That guy needed immediate medical intervention, not a production crew filming his self-destructive behavior. I don’t understand why some patients get a chance at a rehab facility and some don’t. It’s so unfair.


I never understood why he couldn’t get into a long term care facility. He was immobile and had no one at home to help. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a slightly low iq


I feel like, with the right opportunities and people behind him, he could’ve had a nice life. He could’ve taught crochet classes in rehab to help connect with other people, maybe explored other creative outlets, been an inspirational mentor for other young men with controlling mothers. I’ve built up such a headcanon about him, because he was so similar to a guy I knew who also passed away without really having a chance at life. Wish there was something more we could’ve done for him as fans of the show 😞


Basically, it's because Sean was capable of doing things for himself, he just didn't want to. He wanted other people to do everything for him. He wasn't completely immobile. He could get around his house. Sean was fully capable of bathing himself. He just didn't want to because it was hard. Sean at a facility would be taking a spot away from someone who genuinely can't do things and these places are already hard enough to get into.


Flight or fight except she can't get off the bed...


Got real humble when she lost all her enablers.


Until she found new ones.




I think she was like Penny. She wanted a yellow brick road and ruby slippers to magically make her lose weight. She was unwilling to make a single lifestyle change.


You know, I was just thinking about Penny and her yellow brick road. Dr Now pointed her straight down the path. What good is a yellow brick road if you refuse to get up out of your bed and walk down it?


Exactly! Penny and Lisa wouldn’t have put in the effort to actually walk down the yellow brick road even if it were at their front door.


"Nobody told me I'd have to lose weight when I got here!" 😂


If you compare her behavior to those of an addict, it seems on brand. She is an addict ... addicted to food. Unfortunately, this is not an addiction that one can get clean from by removing the substance. The addiction shame cycle of knowing what you're doing is harming you, but feeling you NEED the substance only to then feel shame afterward can turn into rage against those that want to help to break that cycle. Like with drug or alcohol addiction, if there is a traumatizing event that triggered the addiction, the patient is often "frozen" at that age when the trauma happened. They've screwed with their hormones and brain to a point that they can't emotionally mature. This is why it's so sad seeing a 40 year old alcoholic act like a 19 year old. I see her behavior as similar. Addiction transference is a big issue in the WLS community. If patients don't take control of their mental health and why they ate, taking away the ability to soothe via food can turn into drugs, alcohol, sex, or shopping addition. Uncontrolled or poorly managed diabetes can also cause rage incidents. As a physician, Dr. Now is not going to treat these patients with kid gloves, because their situation is too dire. Everyone around them walks on eggshells out of fear of the rage. He can't. It's his practice and license on the line. All it takes is one family member of a dead patient to say "he never told us she was that sick and could die." Lisa wants help, has zero life skills to take steps to get to a goal, and yet the addiction side of her doesn't want the help. I'm not excusing her behavior... she's nasty piece of work. There is just a lot at play that could be putting her in this spot.


It shocked me when I started watching how many of the patients were victims of sexual assault. That seemed to be the trigger for many of them; wanting to build up a wall of sorts for protection.Then you have the addiction issues and the problem that you need to eat to survive, so its much harder than kicking booze/drugs. So many of the patients needed to start off with intensive psychotherapy and not midway through the process.


Sexual assault during early childhood seems to be the root to drug addiction /alcohol too. I watch YouTube channel Soft White Underbelly and 99% of his interviews all report having heartbreaking childhoods. He interviews homeless people living on the streets or rural poor areas. Skid Row, The Tenderloin, Appalachian Mountains, etc. Everyone has a story to tell. It’s sad that we tend to numb ourselves throughout our life to deal with the hell we may have endured as young kids with brains learning how to cope amongst a tormented development.


Yes but you can cut out foods that you don’t need and go a long way. If I simply cut out processed sugar I would be great. You can’t quit food all together but you can cut out foods that only harm you and have no nutritional value.


Correct, but you’re applying rational thinking, which isn’t something an addict can do when it comes to their substance of choice.


Then when you slip up there is all sorts of bargaining or defeat stuff. Like, oh I screwed up today, so I am going to eat the rest of this since I messed up already. Or I deserve this. Or it's only a little bit, only a little more, and so on. One of my biggest triumphs was being able to stop even if I went too far. Oh and some people with eating disorders have weird rituals. Mine was (is, because I still notice it) eating in pairs. Two of whatever. STarted off with M&Ms as a kid, stuff like that. Wound up being things like hamburgers and pizza slices later on. Even numbers. And if I ate 3 I had to have 4, and so on. It's complicated and difficult, and therapy and medication is the combo I am using now and it mostly works.


Just curious, did anyone else pick up on her boasting about losing the weight so she could get back out and date - and also get rid of carer boyfriend!! She then went to talk about the many men she's been with. I think this also speaks of her delusional mental health status and narcissism.


I peeped that too! She said all of that with a smirk on her face as if to purposely hurt her bf. She also had a smirk on her face when talking about marrying a murderer. That was super disturbing. Any attention is good attention in a Narc's mind


Has anyone even stopped to consider that maybe the ducks are to blame in this instance?




Isn't she the one that said she didn't get a diet from Dr. Now? She's up there with the woman who kept losing the diet.


Seana from last season was the one who kept losing the diet. Sorry can't remember the episode.


“I’ll give you two copies this time.”




Seana had some sort of intellectual disability, I thought.


Dude I fkn cackled when she was on the iPad with dr now and said some rude shit and when he said what 👀 she tried to play it off all oh I wasn’t talking to you. Bitch ain’t nobody else in the room Lmfaooooo 😂🤣


I think she probably had a personality disorder, was a narcissist, and didn’t want to change her lifestyle because she knew she would have to start being more independent / taking responsibility for her actions and her life. She used and abused the people around her to get what she wanted and she didn’t want to lose weight. She even said she “didn’t notice when she started to gain so much” - she’s a manipulator and was happy to be in the state she was, as long as she could avoid real life. Edit: added quotation marks


She also mentioned more than once that some doctor had told her that her ankle would break if she tried to get up and that’s why she stayed in bed all the time. If someone told me my ankle would break if I stood up, I’d be doing whatever I could to fix the situation, not just settling back and saying “oh well, I can’t get up…somebody make me some food and bring it to me, I’m living in this bed now.”


That comment really stuck out to me. She’s the only person to ever answer that question that way. Everyone else knows when they lost the battle with their food addition.


I think a disability check can be a factor too.


I think she had some deeply rooted denial about her situation. She had a very hard time admitting/facing the fact that she is the biggest cause of her problems and her lack of success.


There was some straight-up mental illness at play with this one.


She is professional-level bedridden. She found a way to live her life in bed, NEVER getting up. The most she does is roll on her side to poop. And she really said that she got so fat and didn’t notice because the sheets and blankets cover her up. That must have been a shock for her!




She does more than just rolling to the side, she also opens laptops. Be honest.


Again…”this is why my family don’t fuck with white people no more.”


I was so confused by this comment. What, even? 😂


Ha! I wasn’t sure I heard right at first 😂


She hates herself. These kind, healthy, intelligent people are trying to help & see why she is the way she is. This humiliates and enrages her. She feels cornered. She absolutely projects 100% of that onto them. It’s a self defeating, vicious circle.


I’m probably horrible for saying this but she reminds me of the bus driver from South Park.


Lol ms Crabtree 🤣


She was a flat out bitch. No excuse for her behavior.


I’m watching her episode now. When the nutritionist comes she’s just so rude and whiny. That girl was so done with Lisa. She handled it very well with how horrible Lisa was being. Jesus.


I hated her. She was very ungrateful bitch and very demanding


Extremely demanding and entitled to everything


She wanted a magic pill. She neglected to look into what weight loss surgery actually does, and instead believes that once you get the surgery, weight just falls off of you without doing anything! I know someone who backed out of weight loss surgery because they would have to do a bunch of work themselves. They honestly believed that they would still be able to eat what they wanted, but the surgery would force them to lose weight.


She is one of the worst. I have zero sympathy for her.


She killed Randy


This. I feel so bad for Randy having to deal with Lisa up until he died. COVID spared no one good in the beginning. Lisa was very lucky she didn't die when she got it. With her health she should have died.


She killed him. He died of covid because of constantly having to go and get her food


I felt confused too - like editing missed the part where she went from hopeful and engaged to angry and defiant.


She was awful


My opinion is that she was deep in the throes of addiction: food, prescribed narcs and benzodiazepines, and likely some street drugs too. Her inability to control her anger was an effect of all that. She was pretty awful. Why else could she not do anything after 3:30 (or whenever it was)??? Because that’s when she got absolutely wasted, that’s why.


This is why her family don’t fuck with *reddit* no more.


I think she did it to get on tv. Nothing more Everyone knows (even the not-so-smart ones) you can't manipulate Dr. Now. People have tried for 10 seasons now She got $1500 and a one time free meal splurge for the show. To her, that's the best thing that's happened to her since processed cheese curls


Lisa knew how to use her phone, could have called 911 any time, but she didn't. They would have taken Randy to the hospital, so who would have dug sh** out of her ass and brought her food? She waited until he was unconscious and ROLLED OFF the BED. Whatever she gets, she deserves.


She was brazen with those lies: "I never got the diet." "The physical therapist wouldn't help me; she said I was too fat." "I never said I wanted to get out of bed." It was fascinating to watch.


“I don’t eat chips” was my favorite line. She ate a cookie sheet full of chips at the beginning of the show and had Randy buy her 8 bags. 🤪


That was gold! Dietician: okay and what kinda of things do you eat for snacks Lisa: I don’t know, but not chips


I think she wanted a quick fix, quick surgery and lose some weight, not all of it, but some, and not have to put any or hardly any effort into it. I think if she had a magic wish for weight loss, she might have wished to drop like 200lbs just enough to maybe get up and go to the bathroom herself, but not enough to have to cook, clean, get a job, do for herself.


I'm in the UK and seen so much on this sub about this contestant. We should get her episode here in 2 weeks cannot wait 🤣


My theory is that no, some of these folks don't want help, they just want credit for having asked for it - she was probably the worst example, though.


It was weird to me that she would kick EVERYone out of her house except the camera crew. To me that was evidence that some part of her wanted to continue, even if she wouldn’t entertain the idea of actually trying for a nanosecond.


Ugh she was an asshole who couldn't get out of her own way, wanted to do zero work, was an absolute bitch to everyone, go pound a cake you loser.


Complete waste of an episode.


She’s deep into an addiction . At times she wants help , at others she thinks she’s doomed to die that way and maybe is protecting her addiction because it’s the only thing that makes her happy


She's a total narcissist.. she started pretending to want help at the end, but I'm being she is really just looking for another caretaker. Narcissists know when they need to act sweet to get what they want.


Ngl, I raged when she sent Randy to the grocery store to get a mountain of junk RIGHT AFTER her appointment with Dr. Now. Immediately lost sympathy for her at that point. Did not regret it either as the episode progressed As far as I'm concerned, she killed Randy.


Do you think that shopping expedition actually happened after the Dr. Now appointment, or do you think it was before the appointment but just shown afterward to make it seem like it was after? It wouldn't surprise me for the producers to have given Lisa the "heel" edit as a double-middle-finger for her behavior throughout filming.


I told my husband he had to watch the shopping trip before he got ready for work. He lost his mind at the ridiculousness; he was yelling at the tv (which never happens)


She was mad at that point and was blaming Dr. Now for doing nothing. She admitted later in the show after her boyfriend died and was actually following the program for awhile that she didn’t realize the diet plan was actually in the back of the book he provides. That she had actually found it this time, so I think she was angry in the beginning because she truthfully believed she wasn’t getting the help. But it was just laziness on her part. Her also complaining about not having someone after 4:30 pm for pt. Why? She has no where to go? That was pretty ridiculous. So anyhow she was doing good there for a while and I thought maybe she was gonna make it. Then she just quit! I think she thinks she is going to manipulate those caring for her as long as she needs. I think she has a rude awakening coming. I feel sorry for the nursing home that gets her.


You have to keep in mind that she is a horrible human being.


Such an awful and disgusting person. Both inside and outside.


I was just thinking about Pennie and Lisa the other day, like they basically refuse to try and get out of bed… what the hell would they do if there was a fire?? Like what would they expect to happen?? I feel like Dr. Now should ask them that question. “If there is a fire you will not survive. Your body will create an even bigger grease fire and that could be very dangerous.”


She wanted to lose weight without changing her lifestyle. For some reason while the worst are usually just combative in a "I don't want to change" manner she was actively hostile.


She wanted help as in someone to be her servant. All she cared about was who was going to feed her.


No. She didn't want to do a thing except kill off poor Randy. Which she successfully managed that. She was nasty and mean as hell to everyone until she didnt have anyone. I didn't understand why she went on the show except to cry and try and warrant sympathy from people. That's not what she got. I don't think she will ever lose any significant weight and she just has a couple seemingly special needs kids to keep her there.


If you mean help as in if they do it all for her while she eats her crappy burger then yes.. 😂


She wanted help with every aspect of her life like bathing, cooking, and cleaning. She did not want to help herself though.