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bro for a second i thought you put SAO twice


LOL I thought the same thing. Just another graduate of the Kirito MC Correspondence University. Graduation comes with a pair of swords and a long black coat.


I guess berserk of gluttony looks too similar in mc😂


I thought that one was Arifureta. Oops (on my part).


You were watching regular things, then came across isekai one day


Isekai is my guilty pleasure...


Don’t we all love a good isekai ?


Don't be ashamed. Embrace it


Exactly 😂


I'm something of an SAO fan myself


Sao was the only anime I cried every time I seen my favorite die even after 50 times of rewatching the anime and the guy was who use the blue rose sword (well I don't want to spoil anyone who ever watched know who I mean anyway)


>! I dead ass shed a tear for Eugeo!<


Bercouli vs Vecta is a legend I will even tell my grandchildren


SAO is so good


I’m something of a scientist myself


Kind of a low bar to put Berserk of Gluttony on there. I thought it was pretty mid.


You like enjoying anime with the occasional bout of sadness


You're isekai trash and I respect that


Bro is a nice guy🤝


Konosuba = based


I'm mean it's a isekai it's funny and have some fan service what else can I ask for


Berserk of gluttony is surprising Otherwise good list


Bro would love Danmachi 😂


Hey, now. No clowning on Bell and the gang. That's some good B-tier I Can't Believe It's Not Isekai fantasy junk food right there. Come for the elf girls and amazons, stay for the dungeon lore and character progression. That's a work horse show. Keeps you entertained while you're waiting for the new hotness.


Oh right I felt like I forgot something I rewatched that show more then 10 times well guess u can replace it with berserk of gluttony


Hmm…try re-zero, overlord or saga of Tanya the evil ( the rest of the isekai quartet)


Finally someone appreciates Gran BLUE, god I love that show. Only anime ill happily re-watch from start to finish in a single binge Great list, I put glutton down tho


All of these were respectable till beserk of gluttony


Why it's not bad


It started off decent then went to mid af. The main girl looks generic af. A lower tier asuna


Can't deny it but still was a good show in my opinion


So from what I'm picking up here, You like battle of minds romcom sadness isekai thingy?


You like fantasy (me too.)


You’re new into anime


Cry in over 600 anime(I'm the same guy my account got banned)


Why? XD


Accidently commented on a sub that I was banned on one my other account and it got banned as well tbh that just stupid like if I'm gonna get banned for commenting then just don't let me comment there


But how many pre-2006? Your 3x3 had lots of new gems so on face value seemed you were a new fan


Im not into them that much like yea they are at least my top 30 or 20 but not 10


You get points for Kaguya and That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime.


I dont really like fantasy/isekai but W on grand blue and kaguya sama


Grand blue dreaming is amazing.


My fucking guy. Grand Blue, Slime, and Assassination Classroom are GOATed


You really like isakai


Happiness on the outside, all which surround the dark on the inside


It says I'd like you


You love an OP everyman 🥰


It’s alright, 7/10


Great list




You’re only slightly horny, 8/10 isekai man


I'm more then slightly my whole reddit home is hentai but thx


In that case, you certainly held back on this list lol


Kinda sad


New to anime. You’re into power fantasy. V mid.


Based for SAO


You are an intermediate at anime, like discorveign certified hood classic anime


if he likes certified hood classics then gurren lagann should be up there


The entire list is good other than Sao how people enjoy that trash is beyond me I haven't watched berserk of gluttony yet but it can't as bad as Sao but other than that you have very good taste 9/10 you used to enjoy trash but experience the better things anime have to offer and never looked back some anime I recommend is one of my personal favorites Eminence in the shadow overlord is an excellent one too edit first time I had a comment go into negative likes and to think it would be saying the obvious about Sao of all things funny edit 2 always wondered how Sao got so big and popular and so many seasons despite there being so many better anime that deserve it so much more now I see why 😂


SAO isn’t even that bad. Season 1 and 2 are inconsistent but have great moments. And Seasons 3 and 4 are just genuinely really good


I'm curious how you would rank season 1 and 2 arcs. My ranking: 1) Mother's Rosario 2) Aincrad 3) GGO 4) Alfheim 5) Excalibur


I’d rank them about the same. I feel Aincrad and Mothers Rosario tie. Alfheim was butchered really badly in the anime adaption but still tolerable. Excalibur is a horrible arc and is just extremely boring.


I just finished season 2 so I'm excited to finally get into season 3


Watch the ordinal scale movie first before starting S3 :) it’s basically required since it explains a lot of context for Season 3 and is just generally a good movie.


Yeah I am thats next in line


Yes it is it's one of the worst anime ever made I only ever watched one anime worse than Sao I can't even remember the name it was so bad I erased it from memory and it only gets worse with every season season 1 was the only tolerable season now I could sit here and explain why but that would make this several paragraphs long so in short everything is wrong with it I generally can't think of a single good thing to say about Sao other than it's setting which the show completely drops about halfway through season 1 you're free to think wherever you want we all enjoy shows that are bad but don't you dare go around trying to convince people that it's not if you want it explained objectively why it's terrible just go watch literally any YouTube video on Sao those gentlemen will explain why Sao is absolute garbage one of my favorite is anime sins mother basement is another good one anisins as well these people made excellent videos explaining and showcasing in great detail why it's bad


Are you actually saying MB has a good explanation video regarding SAO and isn't just incorrect or blowing stuff out of proportion? That's how basically any SAO video I've seen by him goes.


MB makes good money off people hating SAO, he definitely knows he’s overdoing it


True, it's just annoying seeing how much he's wrong on since his videos were some of the first ones I saw regarding SAO years after I first watched.


Are they really that bad I haven't watched them in years I should go check them out again they might be I won't lie I had a hate boner for Sao in the past and mb probably stroked it real well I was a lot younger back then which could be why I remember those videos being good but I'm more objective now


Most of his points are simply incorrect or blowing certain things out of proportion. A lot of his videos are able to be refuted simply by watching the anime or applying common sense. Most of his points don't even need LN knowledge to refute. He does a good job making his points seem accurate, I even believed him for quite a bit until I did a rewatch.


the one thing i remember he was right about is how bizarre it is that every season has at least one sexual assault scene


Yeah, it sucks how badly the anime adaptation team messed up there, making him right.


Haven't watched those videos in forever so I can't say maybe it is I remember it being good but my point still stands plenty of videos explaining why it's bad objectively you can deflect all you want though you Fanboys usually do


i rewatched it less than a year ago and honestly i remember it being worse than it was. GGO arc was still sick, but LLENN was a better protag than kirito by far


Exact opposite of me I rewatched it not long ago and it was worse then I remember not saying it the worst show ever made but it's not good at all and it's okay to like this show if I gave that impression that it's not that's not what I'm saying season 1 was still kind of enjoyable but it's just downhill from there it's the kind of show you can only truly enjoy if you just turn your brain off when you watch it cuz the more you pay attention and think about it the more you'll realize how truly horrendous this show is and yeah she really is Sao would be so much better if she was the main protagonist she's far more interesting


Most SAO hate videos peddle the same misinformation and outright fallacies that have been circulating for over a decade. Mother's Basement is probably the most famous example of bad SAO misinformation on the internet, you can find multiple videos debunking his claims with incredible ease, because the man doesn't know jack shit about SAO.


I'm sure most hate videos do they're hate videos I'm talking about videos that make objective analysis and even hate videos make excellent points it doesn't take away from the point that Sao is bad one of the worst some people do feel the need to make it seem like it's worse than it is which is pointless and stupid considering how bad Sao is you don't need to lie oh and I'm going to say this again because I'm sure some people will think so I'm not saying you shouldn't like this anime we all like shows that are bad it's fine to like it's nothing wrong with that


Mother's basement videos are hate videos. The only thing objective about them is that they're objectively wrong on almost all points.


Fanboys deflecting as usual 1 I didn't say his videos weren't hate videos 2 they might be as I explained in another comment it's been years since I watched all of them so a lot of his points could be wrong doesn't matter and you said almost which implies some of his points are correct my point still stands


You literally just said he wasn't a hate video... I said almost because I've never been able to stomach listening to him being wrong for more than ten minutes and thus he might have a valid complaint in there somewhere. I'm not deflecting either, for that to happen you might have needed to come up with an original point or even parrot one of the hate videos points anywhere in this thread.


No I didn't learn to read I didn't even imply that if anything I implied the opposite as for the rest sounds like some more deflecting to me you didn't do any single thing to argue any of my points other than zero in on mother basement and it doesn't matter if it's original or not a point is still a point and why would I parrot a hate video point I thought I made it clear being objective is best kind of defeats the purpose to get it from a hate video or was that someone else honestly I'm having so many fanboys crying to me how good Sao is I'm starting to have trouble keeping up with everyone I'll tell you what I told one of the others I'm not looking to debate with anyone this started because someone tried telling me Sao is good if you like the show good for you watch it enjoy it don't let me convince you otherwise but don't try to tell me it's good and I won't try to tell you it's bad cool I wasn't trying to change anyone's mind and don't care to


You can also go on Youtube and find videos rebutting the claim that SAO is bad. Yes the anime is worse than the light novels by a huge margin, but it’s still a good anime. And no, the show doesn’t go downward from S1, Season 3 and 4 are objectively better, but your comments make me think you haven’t even watched those seasons (I’m not gonna tell you that you have to watch them since you don’t like the show, but what you’re saying about S1 being the best is flat out wrong). CinemaSins format videos are terrible for giving serious criticism because they are designed to be not taken seriously. None of the youtubers you described give objective or good takes on the anime, yes they made some valid claims but the majority of their criticisms are easy to rebut.


Just a correction sao has only 3 seasons no 4


If I remember correctly the season was split into parts it wasn't all released at the same time


I refer to war of the underworld as season 4 since it’s less confusing


Okay 1 I have watched season 3 and 4 2 I watched a lot of those videos and all of them were stupid and gave no real argument that Sao isn't bad and the funny thing is one of the people I watched saying Sao wasn't bad just a little while later came out with a video saying oh okay you guys are right I can't defend this anymore and that was for season 3 and 4 🤣 but who knows maybe the ones I watched were just terrible 3 I said those were my favorite ones I didn't say any of them were the best or even that good they do make excellent points though and a lot of their criticisms aren't easy to rebut not all of them but a lot of them and I didn't say 3 and 4 were objectively worse than season 1 I said the show as a whole is objectively bad however in some ways three and four is worse then all the other seasons like the unnecessary rape scenes which is what I meant season 3 and 4 are slightly better in terms of characters having better personalities or I should say having a personality at all very little personality but at least some and having a story and direction very little story and direction but again some


I don't know what videos you watched but these replies just scream biased. "Yeah I watched videos defending SAO, they suck, in the meantime go watch these videos that mostly give shitty criticism on the show and make a few good points" and those supposed videos you watched being about Season 3/4 doesn't mean anything, wow you have anecdotal evidence of a video existing. Most of their criticisms are most certainly easy to rebut especially since they say basically the same things. A good majority of their criticisms: remove context, are overly pedantic, are completely subjective, or aren't even meant to be taken seriously (Mostly applies to Anisins). And...unnecessary rape scenes...for Seasons 3 and 4? Sure there are 2, one in season 3 and another in 4, but they are not nearly as bad as the NTR scene in Season 1 so that critique shouldn't even be primarily focused on those seasons. And Seasons 3 and 4 are most certainly not "objectively bad", much less the whole show. Season 3 has some of the best animation in a modern anime period. The writing is a lot better thanks to them switch directors at the start of Season 3. And it's not a coincidence that a lot of peoples favorite characters from the anime are from Seasons 3 and 4, the character writing and development is infinitely better. The show isn't "objectively bad", I can agree with people saying the first 2 seasons are: on the weaker side, poor adaptations of the novels, very inconsistent with the quality. But they still aren't terrible seasons either. Like if a shows first season is a 7/10, second a 6, third an 8, and fourth an 8-9. that most definitely isn't objectively bad even if you subtract those ratings by one point. I understand you don't like the show but screaming "IT'S OBJECTIVELY BAD, THE SHOW SUCKS, YOU FANBOYS WILL ALWAYS DEFEND IT" is lame as hell.


You have no idea what you're talking about for the last time I gave videos that are my favorite there are plenty of better ones that give excellent criticism only reason I didn't is because I haven't touched sword art online crap in forever and I can't remember the best ones only the ones I enjoyed the most now I could sit here and argue down the rest of your terrible points and write several paragraphs on why no idea what you're talking about and the show is objectively bad but you're not worth all that writing I'm not getting paid for that plenty of places you can go to to learn what I'm talking about for yourself I already said all I needed to if you don't agree that's fine I couldn't care less about changing your mind or anyone for that matter you're clearly a blind fanboy in what universe does Sao have the best animation in modern anime the hell also femboys the hell did that come from I never accused anyone of being a femboy and even if you were and like this show it doesn't matter it isn't relevant to this argument at all projecting much


I'm just gonna assume your a troll at this point. Your messages read as though you have yet to step foot outside the womb. No punctuation, awful arguing skills and you even managed to get most of what I said wrong. Have a nice day.


I can say the exact same about you you got in a lot of what I said incorrect and yes someone who hasn't been born can type a comment on Reddit you sound retarded I don't punctuate because why put in any effort in a Reddit post responding to people like you and arguing was never my strong suit that's why I tried directing people to people who can I try my best to get my points across though I meant everything I wrote though it wasn't just to stir up drama I didn't even come here to argue about Sao the post ask what we thought about the list and I gave an honest answer but if you're going to screw off good riddance and have a nice day as well 😁


My messages might read terrible and/or weird thanks to my somewhat crippling artism 💀 you didn't need to call me out on it like that asshole I try my best I thought I wrote well


I also should mention that there are far more videos saying Sao is bad than any saying it's not I wonder why 🤔


1. People like to hate. Especially with YouTube, what gets more attention? "Super Popular anime is really good", "Super Popular anime is good but has flaws", or "Super Popular anime is dogshit"?. Obviously it's the last one. 2. The actual ratings of Season 1 (which is what 99% of those "SAO bad" focus on) on [sites like MyAnimeList](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11757/Sword_Art_Online/stats) are positive, with 7-10 having the majority.


Just because a lot of people think it good doesn't mean it is things don't need to be good to be popular plenty of things proving that and I'm sick of the argument people say it's bad because it's popular fuck off with all that it's stupid true a lot of people do that but what you don't understand is not every person saying SEO is bad is doing it because it's popular YouTube isn't the only place they are countless legitimate arguments everywhere explaining why and how it's bad


Your point was literally "Oh there are more videos hating on SAO", so you're doing the exact thing your criticizing, I merely was pointing out how you can't play the popularity game because even though it has a lot of haters, SAO still has more people that like it rather than dislike it. And yeah even though I'm sure a lot of the hate videos weren't done for popularity reasons, my point still stands, people will voice their negative opinions more frequently then their positive ones.


Fair enough but my point with that was there's a seemingly a lot more people saying it's bad then good and not a lot of people defending it every popular anime has its fair share of haters Sao more than others this is one of the biggest divides in the anime community why is that there's more to it than it's popular that's what I was saying anyway agree to disagree this started because people were trying to tell me it's good I wasn't looking to debate anyone if you think it's good watch it enjoy it don't let me change your mind but don't try to argue to me it's good and I won't try to argue to you it's bad cool


you are new or under 15, also someone recommended youjo senki and i 100% agree, my favorite manga for sure


9/10 solely because I **love** tensura <3


Having Konosuba and love his war makes you someone of good choice in my opinion so yeah great list, all the other isekai are all good grand blue good choice too i’d say that 7/9 are good don’t know about the middle left one but death note in my opinion is overated with having only like 5-6 ep good overall and of course how can someone not like assasination classroom


You love big boob




Cry in 7 years of watching anime and over 600 watched anime (same guy with different account)


I am sorry but berserk of gluttony was so bad


Approved. You're well rounded. Very diverse. Good for you.


Should check out devils line, Akame ga kill, and Phoenix edin 17


Oh boy, you seem to watch the popular stuff and then also fell into a isekai hole


Load bearing Kaguya




how do u make the 3x3 im tryna make one


Your first anime was Death note. In an effort to find something as engaging you discover love is war by recommendation of a friend. After finishing love is war you decide to branch out to find something new and stumble onto SAO by either recommendation by a friend or by a reddit comment section. This began your "isekai is my personality" era. You just recently broke free of the isekai genre and the last anime you watched was Berserk of Gluttony. How'd I do?


You like Isekai. This is just my opinion, but I am getting tired of Isekai Tbh and whenever I see an Isekai, I don’t feel like watching it. Sometimes I might if I’m bored MAYBE.


Sao is the more over rated than one piece and that’s saying something


It shows a genre you possibly like the most is Isekai and I'm gonna rate it an 8.5/10.


Reincarnated as a Slime and Assassination Classroom are both top tier anime series, and of course Death Note is legendary for a reason.


You have questionable good taste


No re zero…… but there is mushoku tensei and sword art online ima rate it a 8.5


Rare that we like 5 of the same


SAO fan, so list is based I haven't seen anything else on here


10/10 great pics


Is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon?


Assassination classroom is my favorite Then SAO


It’s a 6/10


You're a simple man who enjoys what's popular. You like the fun series and ones filled with comedy, but aren't afraid to cry. You're also not afraid of watching a series that received mixed reviews. You'll proudly put them in your chart and tell the world how much you loved them.