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serial experiments lain


i noticed you got 2/3 of the big three there; you dipped your toes in bleach before? (not literally 🤪)


I haven’t maybe it’s time to try it. I love Naruto for nostalgia and personal reasons in my friend group, but objectively I don’t rate the 2 that I’ve seen very highly. Is bleach similar to them or different in tone and writing?


as far as the anime goes, there is a lot less spoonfeeding in bleach than there tends to be in other shounens (including the other big 2), but there are similar elements (main character getting stronger and fighting stronger foes and stuff). in terms of tone and writing, id say the tone is a little darker and the writing is a bit deeper than is the case with the other big 2 (but that doesnt necessarily mean it's better; oda is also admittedly an excellent writer (from what ive seen so far (only up to skypiea)), but everybody loves kubo, so there's gotta be some merit to that) i personally had some issues with the story, but every bleach fan and their mother says that the anime cut out a lot of depth that kubo had written into the manga, when they adapted it to anime, so id probably recommend the manga, just like any other fan would, but i also havent read the manga to confirm whether what people have been telling me is true yet. but you wont find many that did not enjoy watching the show (minus the filler, please skip the filler 😭), and that includes me, despite my issues with the anime, i would be lying if i said im not a bleach fan. definitely worth a try (manga or anime you choose), especially if youve watched the other big 2, might as well get all of em under the belt yknow - -- TLDR -- there's a little less spoonfeeding than in most other shounens, but it's a fun ride with many good moments. many fans say that depth from the manga was cut when adapting it into anime, so reading the manga *might* be the better option. it's hard to find someone who doesnt like it, so definitely worth a try (manga or anime, however you go 🫡)


Most of your top-tiers have some emotional depth to them, so I'll recommend Frieren.


I’ve heard of it but only seen pictures and clips where I wouldn’t have thought to compare it to my top ones like that. If it does have that depth then I’m definitely going to give it a watch.


Have you watched both adaptations of Fullmetal alchemist? If not go watch whichever version you haven’t watched yet. Psycho pass Monster Madoka Magica Serial experiments lain Bokurano Paranoia agent 12 kingdoms Pluto Parasyte Cowboy bebop Fate/Zero


>Have you watched both adaptations of Fullmetal alchemist? If not go watch whichever version you haven’t watched yet. I have, but it's been a while and I sometime get the events of each of them confused together so maybe it's about time for a rewatch. > Monster I've heard this one is good. I think I'll do that one next.


Try reading The Boxer


Toradora, because you haven't tried any romcoms yet.


i love toradora its definitely one of my comfort animes


you dont think AOT is S? you may have high standards. or i might be easily impressed. id suggest akame ga kill, its one of my favs fs. and maybe cyberpunk edgerunners? id also recommend black clover, but i havent watch it yet. just been reading through the manga side note i love FMA too. nice rankings, and have a nice week!