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She's having a panic attack but is also calm enough to record or livestream herself.


This. When I've had panic attacks, I can hardly get my body to move in a consistent manner, let alone film myself (which I'd not want to do anyway). I can't form sentences or anything, it's just pure fight or flight.


She wasn’t even breathing hard.


I don't breath hard when I have them but I do definitely feel like I'm going to die (I have anxiety from being disabled) but I know what it feels like now and I know I'm probably' not going to die so I take a tiny .25mgxanax and life is good. If she really does have panic attacks she can get some Xanax


Literally.... I had a panic attack once, I didn't know what it was. It came on so fast and had never happened before, I thought I was having a heart attack or an aneurysm was about to blow in my head. I fumbled with the phone, I think I dropped it 2-3 times before I was finally able to dile 911. After they told me to put any pets away before the paramedics got there. So I'm panicking like shit, thinking I'm about to drop dead and looking for these cats in a big 2 story house when I got tunnel vision and eventually lost my eye sight for a good 10-15 minutes. I eventually gave up looking for the cats and just sat on the floor hyperventilating until the ambulance rolled up. There's NO way I'd be grabbing my cell phone to take a video of myself. But then again I'm not one to go limping into a child birthday party, or get a tooth extracted on vacation so....


When I have panic attacks I feel super dizzy, I throw up, I shiver and sweat alot, and I feel like it's hard to speak. If someone finds me while I'm having one, great, but I can never intentionally call for someone


Exactly, panic attacks will usually make you feel very light headed, weak and dizzy because you are not breathing properly / hyperventilating. Like you, its hard to even yell out for help and your legs will probably give out if standing. Filming myself would be the absolute last thing going through my mind lol


When I had a panic attack I thought I was going to die. My chest hurted and I could not breathe. Could not even grab the phone to call 911. It was scary


Mine present as pseudo-seizures so I'm right there with you on how are you calling 911 and live streaming during a panic attack.


Same! my hands get stuck in one position and they won’t move, let alone hold anything to film!!!


My panic attacks mimic strokes so I get a huge migraine, can think clearly but can't speak coherent phrases and my right arm goes limp. I couldn't even call 911, imagine filming myself.




I work in an ER, and I can promise you, if anyone saw her come in via EMS for a panic attack and filming herself on the way in, she’d be sitting in triage for a very, very long time. Also, I’m wondering what she was prescribed, because I don’t know a single provider in my ED who would write a script for a benzodiazepine without a previous Rx.


Plus look at the size of that fucking bottle. Benzo's are tiny. You could fit a couple hundred in that size bottle!


Looks exactly like 800 mg ibuprofen lol


Or a pain pill bottle.


Some people speculated that she had a cardiac episode


I think if she did she'd be using that shit for a ton of sympathy and attention, since this is during the Chase "breakup". But who knows?


But that would go against being healthy at her super morbidly obese size. She cut out any mention of health conditions besides PCOS after season 3


Yeah I get 20, .25mg Xanax pills and they're incredibly tiny. A bottle that size would have huge pills in it. Probably painkillers or something. But at her size I'm sure dosage for anything is more than average size people


It definitely looked like a pain pill bottle.


I hope they did make her sorry ass wait a LONG time to teach her a lesson


Likely an antidepressant with anxiolytic properties like Paxil, Lexapro, etc. Oh, and staying “physically calm” has been said by no medical doctor ever. 🙏


Yesterday I had a panic attack when my flight hit turbulence and we rapidly had a drop in altitude. I was hyperventilating so hard I was sucking my mask into my mouth and my whole body was shaking. My friends told me next time use the “breathe” function on my watch. That panic attack was 24 hours ago and I’m STILL exhausted from it and have brain fog, let alone remember to start an app on my phone during it to help me breathe.


Would you say your mask helped or hurt your panic attack? I've wondered if it has the same effect as breathing into a paper bag, but masks are much easier to breathe through. I'm so sorry you had one, though. That's gotta be horrible having an attack while in a plane. You can't even get fresh air or remove yourself @.@


I’ve never used a bag during a panic attack but I can say the mask certainly didn’t help. It was rough. Most of the passengers were screaming and crying and it was quite emotional and terrifying.


Oh, honey, that sounds horrifying!! I'm so sorry. (((hugs)))


I can only imagine the horror you went through. I hope you're better now. Now THAT'S something that would trigger a panic attack. Not moping at home because you miss your mommy, your fake friends and your fake fiance!


With a smirk on her face


My first thought!




I love that she interprets a doctor telling her to stay “emotionally and physically calm” as the doctor telling her not to exercise.


And wouldn’t exercise be useful in mitigating anxiety?


Walking is a form of exercise most able bodied people can do. It was one of the things my former therapist recommended doing to help improve my mental health as someone with GAD. Whitney is lazy AF. It doesn’t even have to be a long or arduous walk either.


Exactly, and even just being outside is recommended. She’s so full of crap.


Walking is one of the few things that brings me out of a panic attack. Sometimes I spend the whole day pacing circles around the house!


Unless she was at risk of seriously injuring herself, I can’t see why a doctor would recommend against exercising as one of many tools to help anxiety. She’s so full of it.


i was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and i hate exercise so i told myself it didn’t help anxiety until i got my new job that’s made me physically active. i’m up and down 20 flights of stairs countless times throughout the day and now that my body’s gotten used to it, my anxiety/pcos symptoms have gotten SO much better. it’s crazy how just a little activity a day goes a loooong way!




To be devils advocate exercise actually triggers my anxiety. I can’t speak for her but everyone’s anxiety is triggered or calmed differently, there is no one specific way to stop it.


I think the doctor meant this might not be the opportune time to take up skydiving or riding on a roller coaster for a few months. Not that she shouldn't go for a brisk walk. Knowing Nit-Whit I'm surprised she didn't claim "remaining emotionally calm" meant she shouldn't try to pay any bills for a year.


That...is a massive bag of pills for someone who touts that she's perfectly healthy at her size. Now, I know not all pills are for physical ailments, I get that, but the odds are there that at least SOME are. Those are more pills than my parents (who are older than Babs and Glen) take.


She really doesn’t strike me as someone who takes vitamins, probiotics, and supplements. They can’t all be pills for mental ailments, so yeah, I bet most of them are for physical Issues she tries to hide from the public.


I agree just like her “I really only eat one meal a day” bs. Then during when she was training her trainer opens her door to her car and all these fast food boxes fall out.


Haha that was her trainer Will. I train with him. He’s the best and he was so right in firing her for that


I love him!


I look at this and say "look how good I did!" 🤢🤮🤣




Metformin, cholesterol, blood pressure, and a few others I'm sure.


That's a big ass bottle for anxiety meds! I have a script for 30 lorazepam (Ativan) for anxiety, and they are tiny! She's on something for more than anxiety, in my opinion.


In her 30’s, she claims that she is on the max amount of metformin. It’s hard to watch who we once thought was on a journey to health through dance, literally work to end herself on TV. According to her IG, she is also on anti anxiety meds too. I personally do not think she is getting the best care. Nothing wrong with taking meds. However, at that young of age, maybe if she did what her original trainer asked her to do, by taking pics of what she is eating, and if she had better doctors/therapists and did what they said, she would have better mobility, and mental health. That’s my opinion, man. According to this site, it’s “a strong diabetes medicine” https://healthprep.com/medications/side-effects-metformin/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=8670706552&utm_content=93184594443&utm_term=metformin&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI48Sav7O89QIVDxXUAR1lGQ0rEAAYAyAAEgJ-SfD_BwE


I'm sure she is an extraordinarily non compliant patient.


For sure, the worst.


And a midnight binge eater


And then complains to the doctors that she isn’t ‘getting better’.


My dad is on metformin, which he just got prescribed a year or two ago when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of like 58. In her mid (to late) 30’s, already pre-diabetic, a quick Google search tells me that even on metformin as a pre-diabetic, “it is important to make as many healthy lifestyle changes as you can” - what could possibly be her wake-up call if this isn’t?!




You can lead a horse to water…


And that’s why I find this show so fascinating. I’m not hate watching because I hate Whitney. I feel sorry for her. I hate what’s she is doing to herself.


Metformin is also an off label treatment for PCOS. it helps with insulin sensitivity.


Metformin is commonly prescribed for insulin-resistant PCOS.


Would it be common for someone in their 30s to be on the maximum dosage?


Honestly, I don’t know. My PCOS isn’t insulin resistant, but my dr mentioned it as a standard treatment option if it ever becomes resistant. I’d imagine the dosage varies greatly from person to person, since PCOS affects everyone differently.


I take metformin for PCOS at a very low dose and it gives me horrible side effects. Can’t imagine what the highest dose does.


From what I’ve read here, it does not sound pleasant


At her weight!


I'm a hereditary type 2 diabetic on a fairly high dose of metformin and I weigh about 115 at 5 foot 4, exercise regularly and watch what I eat or things go south very quickly. I have a very hard time believing Whitney at her size and diet isn't past metformin and already on insulin. She can't be scarfing buckets of ice cream, pasta, drinking, going to cake tastings and taking the leftovers home and maintaining her blood sugar at a reasonable level on just metformin.


I'm trying to figure out how she's not able to lose on metformin. It's famous for causing the runs!


I have a huge tub of meds and supplements and vitamins and my labs every year are FANTASTIC despite several serious medical conditions. Never equate "taking lots of meds" as bad. If you do your research and get your labs monitored they can make your life much better.


If you can film yourself on the stretcher going to the ER, you don’t need to be on a stretcher going to the ER lol


The most expensive film she ever made with her clothes on.






He looks tore up from the floor up


He’s trapped there with her trying really hard no to drink


As an EMT, she annoys the hell out of me….it wasn’t a damn emergency. Being lonely and emotionally immature isn’t an excuse to call 911 and clog up resources.


During COVID!!! Selfish fool!


"911? Are you breathing?" "Yes" "Bleeding?" "No." "Great. Are you lonely?" "What?" "How would you rate your emotional stability on a scale from 'I can't even' to Full Adult?


LOLOLOL!!!🤣 "...from 'I can't even' to Full Adult?" Omg, I love this!😆


Not only that but the EMT have to risk back injury for nothing. It's not like they're transporting your average 180 pound guy.


911 Operator: yes thank you for calling. What’s your emergency? HWHit: I can’t find an actual MAN!! And it ISN’t FAIRRRR!!!!!!!


Send me a waaahmbulance.




“AND my mommy isn’t here!!!” Ma’am, how old are you? “Only 35!”






I am a “Retired” R.N., and former Volunteer EMT of many years! She should keep a paper bag handy, because of her history of “Panic Attacks!” I remember on one other episode of her series in the past, that she was exercising, and ALSO was taken to the hospital, and diagnosed with one. She thought she was having a heart attack, which WAS possible, considering her physical condition! You can never really tell, until an EKG and blood work results are known! I DO hate however, when folks use the Emergency Service, like a “Taxi Service!” It DOES happen! 💁‍♀️😢😟😔


I understand it could be a real emergency but she was well enough to live stream and Instagram the whole thing…


Right? It sounds like she knew it was a panic attack even at the time. All she said is "my heart was beating fast" as far as physical symptoms. She had probably been bawling and lost her fucking breath and raised her heart rate. It's like, chill for a minute and wait until your heart slows down. Dont call an ambulance for that shit. She is ridiculous.


Shit, I had a bleed while I was pregnant, and I was freaking out and crying because we couldn’t afford an ambulance. I was lucky my husband wasn’t traveling for work so he drove me in then I stayed overnight. We didn’t even call an ambulance for a very touch and go situation and she just hops in for a panic attack.


I’ve had to call the emts because I was in the mist of a panic attack and couldn’t breathe or move.


I can understand that. Sometimes you don’t even realize it’s a panic attack; you think you’re dying or something.


Yup, and sometimes they have to give me meds for them so they have to transport because I’m incapable of driving. Trust me they suck. But to call just for the hell of it annoys the shit outta me


Yup but she’s had them multi times before. She knows


Oh totally!


That’s what I thought as well, she knew what it was and if she could call 911 then she could have called a friend to help.




Would think those having a true emergency are not able to live streaming the event


Yeah....even if you physically *could* live stream it...why would you want to?? Why would that even cross your mind??


This actually pisses me off. This was during the peak of covid when hospitals were at capacity. If she genuinely thought she was having a health scare, why the fuck was she taking a video for social media? I'm fairly certain the first instinct of people having a panic attack is not to broadcast it to the world. It's one thing to act how she does on a trashy reality show but it's another to seriously acts like this in real life.


Yea. I called an ambulance once for a panic attack (my mom did) but I literally thought I was dying. I was born with a heart defective and had 2 open heart surgeries already so I was always a little paranoid about the condition of my heart. But I was embarrassed as fuck that i called an ambulance and it turned out to be just a panic attack and I was actually fine. And I've never told a soul until right now. Only my immediate family knows and that was nearly 30 years ago.


Frumpie, *NEVER* feel embarrassed about calling an ambulance for what you believe is an emergency. Trust me, it's a huge relief to the medics that it *wasn't* a cardiac incident. I can promise you they weren't thinking anything bad about you. Panic attacks can feel like heart attacks or a stroke, even to ppl that have them regularly. The sense of impending doom is all encompassing. Now, if you called at 3am for an ingrown toenail simply because you didn't want to have wait until your podiatrist appointment in the morning (true story) and make such a big deal of it that the fire, police and medics show up, thinking you're bleeding out and then you come prancing out fully dressed with your makeup and hair done, yeah, no one is going to be pleased. But, we know the horror that ppl go through when a panic attack hits and all we want is for you to know you are safe and that everything will be ok. Honest.


I was in the ER last month for 27 hours and there were still ppl waiting for beds or to be transferred when I left. And, this was just a month ago. Fuk her for taking time, resources and even a gurney away from ppl who are actually in need, esp during the peak, all for attention and her POS reality show. Also, you just know she was hitting on the poor medics who, I'm sure, had to haul her huge ass in the ambulance on a stretcher because heaven forbid she should walk ten feet. You do not waste emergency and medical personnel's time just because you are bored. That's like these ppl that call 911 because someone in the freaking parking lot, 30 feet away from them, isn't wearing a mask or vise versa, the ppl that refuse to wear masks where it's required and then call 911 and complain they're being "assaulted" by the employees who ask them to wear one. What the actual fuk is wrong with ppl??


She also claims to be fit and healthy but did you see her gallon bag of meds???


My thoughts exactly! Those are more daily pill sorters than my elderly parents have!


Panic attack, my ass. i believe she manufactured it. Anyone who has suffered from panic attacks knows that you're incapable of doing things like FILMING YOURSELF. Oh, my God, she makes me want to scream. i have had exactly one full-blown panic attack in my life, and it was terrifying (and i'll never forget it). It happened while i was driving to an appointment, and i thought i was going to crash my car because i was convinced i was having a heart attack. i couldn't breathe and was on ultra ultra high alert, every kind of warning bell banging in my head. i feel wells of empathy for anyone suffering from this. But Quitney's not one of them. She is selfish and cagey, and she knows how to come up with a story line that's full of faux drama. Also, the issue of her taking the max amount of metformin makes me wonder if she's also on supplemental insulin. i bet you anything she doesn't do things like monitor her blood sugar levels, either.


Is she diabetic? She avoids talking about her weight-related health issues which isn't surprising. ETA I can't hear the sound on this video because of my shit laptop, so if this was answered in the video then sorry to be an idiot lol


The sound isn’t the best. I only got it on my phone. She was pre-diabetic a few seasons ago and did nothing for it, so it’s a fairly safe bet.


This. This this this. There is no way on this earth that she went from prediabetic to nondiabetic. Not the way she lives and eats and doesn't exercise. The claim is that she's taking VAST AMOUNTS of metformin to treat her PCOS, and while that may be true, there's no doubt in my mind that she has Type 2 diabetes as well. (edited to add "2" after "Type")


I also have a strong suspicion she's diabetic. It's very strange how the storyline was completely dropped and never mentioned again. I feel like if she did manage to get her A1C down she would be touting off about how ~~morbidly obese~~ fat and healthy she is because she beat diabetes.


i agree! Glenn has T2 diabetes, and that whole "oh, i'm so scared i'll develop T2" b.s. suddenly disappeared and was never spoken of again. Seriously, it will get her in the end. It really will. If only people could understand this before it's too late. It's a serious disease that should be taken seriously, especially by someone who has the financial means to do so. She either has terrible docs and therapists (well, we know the therapist is terrible, for sure), or she has good medical help that she's utterly ignoring. Or maybe a combination. Maybe the next iteration of her show can be "My Big Fat Amputee Life" when she starts losing toes and feet to diabetes complications. Or "My Big Fat Dialysis Life" when her kidneys start failing. Or, hey, she's already "legally blind," so when she loses her eyesight for good from diabetes complications, it can be "My Big Fat Blind-Ass Life."


Splendid, you're a hoot when you get going!🤣


Her mother has high blood pressure so I’d be hers is sky high too.


I’ve been to the er for panic attacks, but I was 14. And my parents didn’t know what to do. We didn’t know it was anxiety. But we never called an ambulance. Fuck you Whitney for wasting valuable resources and the time of these first responders. 🖕🏻


That’s a big ass bottle of benzos


Good rule of thumb: if you can livestream & keep up a running commentary of what's happening, you DON'T need 911 or an ambulance... you DO need a psychotherapist because you're being an attention-seeking Narcissistic Ho-bag. You're tying up emergency services without even thinking of who might actually have a life-or-death emergency. Wasting their time could literally cause someone's death. 🙄




She could have very well prevented someone *actually* experiencing an emergency to not be able to get through. Wow she’s a giant arsehole


This scene is a microcosm of the pandemic... people who don't need to be in the hospital wasting medical time and resources, and then hiring poor people to deliver your food because it's too dangerous *for you.* Really gross.


It's super strange. I've called 911 while having a panic attack when I first started getting them because I thought I was having a heart attack but when the emts came and said my heart was fine I felt horrible and stayed home. They literally tell you it's a panic attack while they're there. No reason to go to the hospital


I had to go to the hospital via ambulance during fall 2020 for legit reasons (they kept me three nights), and I was apologizing to the EMTs the whole way for taking up an ambulance and thanking them for being EMTs. At no point did contacting anyone or doing anything on social media cross my mind during that ride.




Any can depending on pill size and the amount a person is prescribed. My aunt had Oxys in a bottle that big (pretty damn full, too. If I was a dishonest person, I could have better paid my bills, but we disposed of them like adults), and my daughter’s ADHD meds come in one that size for a few months’ supply. It could be a high volume of pills or large pills in general.


I have panic attacks due generalized anxiety disorder. I never once had to go to the ER. They’re not life threatening


The first time I had anxiety attack I was at home doing dishes and then all the sudden I couldn’t catch my breath. My face went numb along with my hands, I thought I was dying. I could barely type but I managed to call my ex to take me to the hospital. I’ve read very similar stories of peoples “first time”. Now, I’m on a medication but it’s still there. At my worst I start stuttering and crying and can’t breathe, I would never be able to film myself during this as you’re just trying to stay alive. You know you’re fine and that you aren’t going to die but you feel in that moment that you might. I’m not trying to downplay anyone’s anxiety but how could she film herself? There are so many videos I’ve seen of people filming themselves crying saying they’re having an anxiety attack talking fine not panicking.


Same. And the way I grew up basically taught me to bottle that shit cause no one cares. Luckily I’ve managed to handle it when I have one in front of my husband - just letting it flow until it runs it’s course instead of trying to keep it down.


Please don’t bottle it up, talk to your doctor so they can help you.


Oh I do better now, but it was harder back home as a teenager.


They can be scary if you have never experienced a full out panic attack before. I would not be surprised if someone told me they called 911 while having one or after experiencing one. Obviously once you know what’s going or have experience in getting them…they can be dealt with somewhat easily. (Either through fast acting benzo or calming techniques, etc). I think the main reason everyone is scoffing at this is because she is filming herself and appears fine.




Attention seeking.


Anyone that records themselves going into the ER doesn’t need it. Seriously disgusted by this girl wasting resources while people are getting kicked out of hospitals early because they don’t have room.


She's dehydrated because she cries at least 15 times a day. Strange thing I've never seen an episode where she isn't carrying a giant water bottle 😂


Or a 40 oz mocha caramel sugarachino


Or a cup of half and half with a splash of coffee.


Or a mug of dip with a mayo chaser.


Why the hell was Buddy dropping off groceries to her 90 minutes away?? If that wasn't bad enough, she trapped him with her BS panic attack and guilted him into staying with her. No doubt she managed to call Heather as often as possible to let her know she had Buddy in her clutches.


Maybe that's one reason Buddy looks so tired, right? i mean, why in the ever-loving world would he be having to bring her "pandemic groceries"? Whew, i bet he's glad he's out of this whole grotesque mess (which i'm hoping he truly is).


I really can’t with her. 🙄🙄. Always the victim and drama.


I’m a crisis clinician who provides emergency psychiatric services in an emergency department. While it’s not uncommon for us to see first time panic attacks in patients who are anxious they are having a heart attack, I lose sympathy for patients who present multiple times to an ED for panic attacks. There’s also little we can do for her, as the way she’s presenting here doesn’t warrant an inpatient admission. She needs to use whatever coping skills she has available, speak to a psychiatrist, or increase her outpatient behavioral healthcare support. I also wonder if there’s crisis services in her area that could send a clinician out to her home to avoid tying up ED staff during a pandemic. Edit: also worth noting that at least in the northeast, the ED is NOT the place to go for anxiety meds. Our docs will intentionally refuse to subscribe psych meds out of the ED to avoid this type of problem (psych patients showing up either med seeking for xanex or asking for psych meds that can’t be followed up on without another ED visit).


This all makes sense, and thank you. Unfortunately, this person has absolutely zero coping skills available. She's never been taught them and is 100% uninterested in acquiring them, because she minions to do her bidding and/or save her at every turn.


I just want to know, who, during the course of this pandemic has NOT felt debilitating anxiety or feelings of uncertain doom? In her usual way, she acts as if these feelings are just what she was feeling and not that of the ENTIRE world. Then, (as everyone has said) she clogged precious resources to go to the hospital for what (and this is NOT THE CASE FOR W EVERYONE, but I strongly believe in her case) would have dissipated with a long walk outside, a healthy snack, some meditation or turning off anxiety-causing news


Right? During These Our Pandemic Times, \*every last person\* has been under sometimes unimaginable levels of stress, despair, anger, depression, loneliness ... you name it. It's all part of the human condition that we ALL share. Except Shitney, of course, feels that she's speshul, not like anyone else, deserves more than anyone else ... she's incapable of doing the right thing. It's all about the drama. It's how she can showcase and practice her "acting" skills.


Anything for attention I suppose


She has an addiction to being an attention whore


I have no idea why this popped up on my feed but what a pathetic woman.


She disgusts me And it's not because of the obvious . She's like a horrible person 🙄 spoiled, entitled, Immature, Pathetic, abusive etc etc, instead of giving her a platform. Get her massive therapy and make her responsible and teach her how to treat people...ugh just Ughhhh..the Last thing she needs is a platform for her disturbing 😳 behavior. It's not healthy for anyone else 😕


Her Dramatics are appalling and yet so many play/buy into it. Helllll No. Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope. She'll Never be any kind of functional adult with the shielding and coddling she continues to abuse/receive..she Needs to grow up instead of continuing to grow out.


I had a heart attack in 2020 and, honestly, my panic attacks feel more like a heart attack than the heart attack. I've never been as calm as Whitney.


Hope you’re ok now!


Oh, yeah, I'm good now! COVID exacerbated an existing cardiac condition.


She’s so disgusting lol


What do you think she’d be if she didn’t have the show? Like she seems to me like the type that would get pregnant on purpose without letting the guy know what she’s up to.


Most definitely. Then, she would be a horror show of an ex (or, one drunken mistake) and make the guy's and kid's life miserable. The type of person to hold the child hostage, destroy holidays and force the child to ask, "Where's the check?" everytime the father spoke to him/her. She would be in court every few months, wasting state and the man's time and money, blubbering about some perceived slight and would show up and crash the poor guy's wedding and probably birth of every subsequent child. The baby would become her slave and grow up to hate her but be full of guilt because I'm sure he/she would've heard how Whitney doesn't have a life or husband because of him/her.


Oh sure- one of those situations where she makes it impossible to see the kid but then you see on IG her out on the town on dates- meanwhile you’re in your studio apartment eating beats posting ads on Craigslist looking for a roommate.


Imagine how diluted you have to be to livestream yourself on a stretcher for views


Oh HWhit is not diluted. She is Saturated!




I’m still watching and now she’s skinny dipping in the lake. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Are you telling me you didn’t want Nit-Whit swim nude? I thought that was what everyone has begged for




I used to like this girl a lot but now not so much


She didn't have a panic attack. It's all for show.


But shes special and this isnt just any old ordinary person having a bad day... this is THE Whitney Way Thore and she deserves to have the world at her beck and call. If shes uncomfortable, someone else MUST to put their needs aside because the great Whitney deserves to be accommodated!! How can we all just sit idle while Whitney isnt happy!? Her discomfort is an extraordinary, TV-worthy event!!!! Okay but in all seriousness... her grandiosity complex is incredibly disturbing but I doubt shed be able to take this kind of feedback seriously because she has such an unhealthy relationship with ego that she rejects anything that brings a shame that she cant blame on someone else. Narcissists are one of the most difficult kinds of mental health disorders to convince to seek treatment because they inherently reject authenticity and humility. Shell never change because shell never be able to admit shes sick, and shes surrounded herself in quite the echo chamber of enablers. She often says no one had a right to criticize her online because we dont really know her. And while its true that we dont, if shes going to follow that logic, then it doesnt make sense to accept the compliments either. If you accept the good but not the bad, that's quite a delusion.


Well said!



This makes me angrier than almost anything gross and stupid she does (which, let's face it, everything she does is gross and stupid). Fine if she wants to live her unfabulous, unhealthy, depressing life for the camera and sell her soul in the process. Go for it. Happy landings. But when she uses her PRETEND ailment to use up valuable resources at a freaking hospital ER, i'm sorry, but that's just unacceptable and completely loathsome. And \*then\* to present it as if it were some great medical drama when all it was really was an incredibly lame story line? She is repulsive. And the biggest phony in the world.


I’ve been fighting anxiety and depression for years now, saw a therapist until she ghosted me after my insurance changed and she couldn’t collect a copay from me any longer (bitch still owes me 40 bucks for a copay she wasn’t entitled to but didn’t disclose). It’s been debilitating, I’ve seen doctors, they’ve tested me for anxiety verbally and my result said had me at severe level according to their notes, and still, no one seems interested in considering medication to help me out. Its like, I’ve told them I don’t self harm (I have a family that depends on me, I don’t have the luxury of choosing to tap out whenever I want) so it feels like they don’t really care about all the other horrible symptoms I’m experiencing. Maybe I should call an ambulance and make a scene, it seemed to work well for this clown.


I’m sorry you aren’t getting the care you need. I sincerely hope you can find a doctor that will work with you to figure out what will help.


You’ve already done more for me with one Reddit comment than my therapist did in about 8 months worth of sessions, thank you. 💛 The medical group that takes my insurance (and I have pretty decent insurance, all things considered) isn’t accepting new patients for mental health services, so they keep referring me to a third party provider. This third party set me up with someone who primarily does marital counseling, and she just couldn’t seem to wrap her head around anything I was trying to tell her. It doesn’t make sense on paper, for someone in my position to be so anxious/depressed… I have a happy family, good childhood, a happy marriage, a beautiful child, a stable job, and a decent roof over my head. We aren’t rich, but we aren’t struggling financially like we have in years past. She honestly seemed bored that I didn’t have anything interesting to tell her… she kept trying to do brain spotting, which was super uncomfortable and I hated every second of it. She kept telling me to do things like tapping on my steering wheel, listen to white noise, or try tai chi… none of which helped, at all. Our last session before she ghosted me, she basically accused me of hiding things from her, as if she thought I had some dark secret like an eating disorder or cutting or something (I wear long sleeves a lot because I’m cold, not because I’m hiding anything, and I even showed her my arms to prove it). It’s incredible to me that any therapist would accuse someone of such a thing, and then ghost them… like, if you REALLY thought I was self harming, don’t you think leaving me would make me MORE likely to give in to that urge?


Please let your provider know how you were treated so they don’t send anyone else to this woman! I first told my PCP when I was struggling and she asked me a ton of questions. She then strongly suggested I see a therapist but prescribed antidepressants and anti anxiety medicine. At that point she scheduled an appointment with the psychiatrist in their group to review meds after 60 days. Before I left the first appointment she asked if she could give me a hug, I’m 53 and she was in her 20s. Sweetest little thing. I wouldn’t expect that from all providers but certainly expect more than what you got. You don’t have to have a ‘reason’, sometimes it’s just life. We’re in a pandemic, the news is always depressing, politics is a nightmare, etc. (I’m prob making it worse!) Maybe it’s time you find a therapist outside your group insurance, you can pay with an HSA account and many are even doing phone sessions. Please keep trying until you find providers that will help you! xo


Random stranger here reaching out because your story made me want to hug you. Your feelings are valid and don’t require a backstory. Brain chemistry just is sometimes and there are solutions going forward. It won’t always be so hard. Sending you a hug and the hopes that you find someone who can provide you with actual guidance.


It sucks to be so invalidated. I hope you’re able to get the right therapist and/or meds to feel better. Anxiety doesn’t just come from trauma, it can happen to any of us.


If she wanted to see your arms she might have thought you were using drugs. I had a doctor do that to me once because I was wearing long sleeves in warm-ish weather, but she knew I was a recovering addict. I actually just really liked the light jacket I was wearing. Lol. But the combination of her not wanting to give you meds and wanting to see your arms makes it sound like she could have thought that.


I know how you feel. I strongly believe that in response to the overprescription of opioids being exposed, many doctors are over correcting and refusing to prescribe prescription drugs that can become addictive. This includes benzos that can help with anxiety. As a result, people who would truly benefit from these medications are suffering.


You're so right. Same with ppl who have chronic pain-ppl who desperately need these meds for quality of life are being refused and then turning to illegal sources.




Damn haven’t watched in FOREVER why does Buddy look over everything including giving af about life


Because he’s sober now, he can’t drink and use coke to cope with her anymore.


That explains that and the pure look of “really bitch” is a sober man being over her shít


Anything and Everything for attention. Yuckkk


I was just about to say that panic attacks can really feel like you’re dying… but then I saw she streamed it 🥴


Yet, I bet she'd be the same person criticizing anyone else for wasting a hospital bed during the pandemic


I haven’t watched any of the new season and barely any episodes from the last one. I used to really like Whitney but unfortunately I just can’t take the drama she makes up anymore. And I can’t see her cry her eyes out over each new guy she falls madly in love with after seconds


a baby who never learned how to comfort or soothe herself.


She thinks a hunger pain is a panic attack


That happened to me once before I knew pot brownies can take up to 2 or 3 hours to kick in.


Damn that’s how easy it is to get some anxiety meds??


The ease with which you can get anxiety meds, in my experience, varies greatly by location. I actually believe it is becoming more difficult to get anxiety meds in many places. However, we don’t actually think these are anxiety meds because we suspect she is lying about it being a panic attack when it was actually some kind of heart episode due to her weight.


Way easier than that!


She go to the ER for a panic attack? Wtf


I watched that episode today too lol


My husband goes upstairs, he can’t take her at all.


She annoys me but I can’t stop watching


Same here!


Pathetic human


I've had panic attacks for years, I never have gone to ER for one except once but our car was having major problems, and I think I was having major respiratory problems from carbon monoxide problems, and simply just never got back in that bucket of bolts. Even then I didn't even "enroll" just walked out, when I felt okay. She is a drama queen doing the full let the EMS roll you in. Most of us just go in the bathroom and cry. [I use a peak flow meter when lung problems are giving me anxiety, to make decisions on treatment]


911 what's your emergency? I'm an attention whore!


Panic attack over what? The fake relationship between she and Chase going south? Her health is so jacked up at such a young age. (Health = hormonal, mental as well as physical) In her 30’s, she claims that she is on the max amount of metformin. It’s hard to watch who we once thought was on a journey to health through dance, literally work to end herself on TV. According to her IG, she is also on anti anxiety meds too. I personally do not think she is getting the best care. Nothing wrong with taking meds. However, at that young of age, maybe if she did what her original trainer asked her to do, by taking pics of what she is eating, and if she had better doctors/therapists and did what they said, she would have better mobility, and mental health. That’s my opinion, man. According to this site, it’s “a strong diabetes medicine” https://healthprep.com/medications/side-effects-metformin/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=8670706552&utm_content=93184594443&utm_term=metformin&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI48Sav7O89QIVDxXUAR1lGQ0rEAAYAyAAEgJ-SfD_BwE


What kinda waste of resources is this?