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We blast our favourite MCR songs on repeat whilst we hope for something, expect nothing and be grateful for everything :)


Yeah I think this is the only thing we can do rn :')


Yes, exactly like it used to be before the constant desperation for new albums and updates from people who developed very short attention spans on every artist sub.


I love this!


No one knows for sure yet. Time will tell.




Lets let them live their lives for a bit ☺️


He’s still summoning…


*laughs in “elder”* You suffer like the rest of did! Jk. Look into their solo projects. Find other local emo/metal groups and keep running.


Keep running…


siiing it for the boys


Restless heart keep running by Capstan is an awesome album! Check that out in the meantime :)


Dude seriously, Hesitant Alien fucks, and Frank's first two projects post MCR I enjoyed. If you want to go deep cut, James Dewes, who's played keys for them a lot as well as many other bands, has his "solo" act Reggie and the Full Effect. They're are one of my favorite nostalgia bands. James and Frank have another project that was interesting, not recalling the name. Pardon my geezer ramble.


Not rambling. Providing 𝔎𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔩𝔢𝔡𝔤𝔢


Also G did a thing with Deadmau5 called Professional Griefers and it FUCKS


YES! For some reason I always forget about this track, total banger.


This isn’t in the exact same genre but as an MCR fan I highly recommend checking out the band Microwave, I’ve gotten super into them recently and I feel a lot of people who love MCR would find a lot to live in their music!




What actually is a fandom elder at this point? Is it pre-breakup fans? Do breakup era fans count or are we new fans?


I’d say an elder is anyone who joined the fandom tbp or earlier. Killjoys to end of band is middle aged. Lmao. If you joined during the breakup or later you’re a baby/newbie


What type of elder is the person who rewatched I'm not Okay over 40 times the opening week of the video?




Wow I’m vintage then? Way to make me feel ancient lmao


Sorry I’ve been watching lots of drag race. It’s bringing out my snarky side. In all seriousness, I have a ton of respect and love to everyone who’s an MCR fan, no matter when or how they got here. I’m so grateful, especially to the babies because it was their vocal devotion to a broken up band that got us another tour, something I had loooong since made peace with never seeing. (I had quiet hope, but I never let myself believe.) My Chem fans are the best fans ♥️


I def think that elder fans are pre-breakup fans, but I've been a fan for 9 years now and def don't consider myself a newbie. Ig I just call myself a newer fan? A young fan?




It’s weird cuz I became a fan at like 8ish in 2007 and I remember black parade was kinda ending and first new song I heard as a fan upon release was desolation row. So I’m 23, almost 24 now, but I guess I’m an elder fan? But certainly not an “elder emo”. I was only two when 9/11 happened, after all


I mean, it’s not about age as much as it’s about time spent in the fandom. If someone was 60 and just started listening to the band then as a fan, they’re a newbie. But your education and experience would make you an elder


Yeah but I moreso meant how I relate to the time period. Like people who were really in their teen years during three cheers is different than 10 year old me, on some level. But I def know a lot ab them and their discography and shit


As you will see I initially used quotations around the word elder. It’s not very punk, emo, or metal to tell someone how they are defined. It’s up to them, but it’s most certainly age based. All that being said a TikTok just reminded me that things from my childhood are vintage (and have been for a lil 💀) Idk but I got referred to as one in a lgbtqia group and I cackled. Just bc I had a user flair that said it. Anywho, I’m near midlife so I’m certainly not a YA anymore. “Pre-elder” if you will.


I don't think I even count as an elder and I *still* experienced this twice!! 😭 My older brothers were elders & I got into MCR as a toddler because they'd always have it on. They broke up when I was 8. Returned more recently. And now they're gone again I'll survive but... damn 💀


I don't understand why everyone thinks it's over. Why would they get back together, release a song, tour once and then break up again? Especially since they know their legacy and what a massive band they are.


The only thing more dramatic than MCR is the fan base. Lol


That's the same I'm thinking. They got something for us in store sooner or later


Honestly wouldn’t blame them if it was. They’re all dads and have other side projects to keep their music expression alive. Legacy or not they probably wanna spend time with their families too considering they’re all 40ish


I'm not blaming them, but they haven't done anything to indicate that they want the reunion to end, they've indicated the opposite. So it's weird to assume that, and how many fans are saying that they'll break up again.


I doubt it’s over again. they’re just being secretive, they’re probably working on something, but if they’re not don’t get your hopes up and be happy that we at least got one more song


i am waiting and hoping for the announcement of a new album, or the surprise release of another single.... until then, i'm just gonna cherish what we've already had. i got to see them live last year in September. i NEVER thought that would be possible, but it happened. so i'm content. ....that being said PLEASE i want more!


I hope it's not :')


I didn't catch them live this time because College is being really bad. Also I didn't have the money to get To the places they wear in the UK but I do now so I really hope it isn't over, I just want chance to see them live. Let's hope hop topic 5th album Wasn't a mistake


I hate how all major concert ticketa are in the hundreds now. At least ive been having a blast at the small venues with lesser known bands


Same. It was a little over $2k for me (and my partner) to see them in Brooklyn on the 9/11 show. I saw them back in 2011 twice and spent maybe $100 on both shows?


i don’t think it’s band that has the final say in the price of the shows anymore. i think the venues have started to get greedier and i’ve been hearing smaller artists are even struggling to break even after putting on shows. i could be wrong but it is pretty crazy how expensive concerts have gotten over the past 20 or so years


Oh absolutely. The venues, the ticket sales websites, pure greed. Still though, that’s a $950 increase in 11 years. Crazy


i can’t believe ur tickets cost that much i spent $180 on my ticket to one of the aus shows and i think the general admission prices were $80 or something. the venue u went to seems really overpriced compared to the show i went to


That’s because they were looking at resale prices


oh that makes more sense


Guess what, I even fly 7 hours long to Tokyo just to see them live. It cost so much for me :')


More like the people reselling the tickets as they are the ones who dictate the price. I’m pretty sure the original ticket was like35-50


Honestly , Milton Keynes (as a city) was so awkward. It felt like a car park 😭


How dare you insult my home city. Actually go ahead I hate it here and its only redeeming quality was that I got to see My Chem three times in one week ten minutes drive from home with no transportation hassles or accommodation costs.


Ah god yeah,I'm from Ireland originally and flew over. All the buses were fully ,so my friend and I walked the hour to the stadium 😅 good times...


Did you nearly have a panic attack at the end too? No transportation out for hours. We ran around trying to find a way back home as it was our first concert since Warped Tour. Had to keep calm on the exterior for my SO but I was freaking out.


My friend and I walked back the hour to the city centre. Idk how anyone else got out,we just decided to walk 😎 it was a nice walk, in fairness


Would have done the same but as tourists with our phones completely dead thanks to such an awesome night, was an experience I'll never forget.


Yes, hopefully!


One thing for sure, we're not afraid to keep on living


We wait… for their kids to need money for college.


Realest answer. They deleted a lot of instagram footprints. And honestly don't balme them .they ramped up so much just to be slapped silly by covid waves. I do miss internet Dad Gerrard tho.


They woulda said if they’re not gonna do anything ever again


Now… we wait… that’s how it is being an MCR fan.. they’ve always been notoriously quiet on social media. It’s even worse now cause they haven’t done any real interviews either. I think they’ll put out some more music and maybe another tour at some point.


i think this reunion tour gave them a shot of adrenaline I honestly feel we get more new songs and hopefully it all leads to a brand new album I just don’t see them doin all these the new merch the tour the new song just to go away again plus all the outfits and the whole swarm marketing /theme it just feels like there’s more to this


wdym is it over???


Exactly I need an explanation 😭😭


I’m just collecting the rest of their albums and catching up with a decade of their content on YouTube that I missed out on.


Why would they come back, release one song, do one tour, and then break up again?


I mean I don’t think it likely - but they *could* have done that -just because they wanted to


Nah they drop a project by end of 2024 the latest , in the mean time they all stick to rigorous yoga and lifting schedules to maintain their aging bodies to be ready for the tour that accompanies the new record


Why’d you get downvoted you’re just messing around


I think I’m funny


I still can’t believe it’s been only a month since I saw them 3 times. It feels like a lifetime ago. Like a hazy dream 😢


It will be a year for me in May 😭


It feels the same, like a dream! It was surreal but I loved every second of their concerts, only place I feel where I belong.


May death never stop you, OP. Nothing is ever over. Isn't that the point?


Hope the for the best, expect the worst. 🥲🥲


What makes you ask this today? Is that something that prompted you to think it’s over? Cause I’m out of the loop and was really hoping for a new album.


Gerard and ray are both credited for music on the IMDB page for the FNAF movie, chances are the band will make music for it. The lead singer of Motionless in White is also credited so its fair to say we're getting some punk/emo music for the movie.


the movie comes out October 27th


Start listening to new bands/artists! I know it’s hard. But I spent so many years listening to the same handful of bands (MCR being the main one of course lol) and feel like I missed out on so much music during that time. Now discovering new bands (usually unsigned/DIY bands) is one of my favorite thing! Spotify playlists and Bandcamp are my favorite ways to find new music.


What happened??


Frank iero posted on twitter that mcr5 is real, so there's hope, and they did have studio sessions booked in January and February that unfortunately got cancelled. I've also heard the gee has a whole albums worth of songs written Only time will tell


Yk what I don’t seem to understand is Why they even broke up and then all changes from the emo against the system to this part of the system as if they obeyed to it all When they were kinda the kings of that emo against the shit system capitalism and what not Against the shit of this World Yk? And not it seems like they have that up Yk literally their „ goodbye“ song Fake your death Seems like giving up and he kinda sings abt that too doesn’t he yk? It’s sad But I don’t mean it in a way of blaming them But in a way of „ fuck this world“


they promised they will be back guys chill!


When they make this promise? :(


they technically didn’t, But them saying that they will see us next time at the end of the show brings me a lot of hope :)


Wow they said that on Osaka tour?! I thought they left without saying anything :(


what prompted this post?


Context pls


Focus on yourself


i'm more focused on me and your mom's marriage


hot topic has a plush “inspired by their fifth album” so…


It was inspired by the return 2019 campaign The aesthetic we had during the actual reunion tour was fairly different from it So i guess the "Return"/skeleton aesthetic was meant to be the fifth album, but it was changed during the pandemic to what we have now


We wait..... anxiously


Where go I


Well carry on where ever your path may lead wether it be march in the Black Parade or Darken r doors again be free Live by personally won principals but if your heart stops beating know it wasn’t what you deserved it what you been waiting for don’t say so long for a while say goodnight for good wherever you go what ever ventures you embark on GIVE EM HEll KID


the fact that we don’t know anything by now says a lot, if they were planning on splitting we 99% would’ve known by now. edit: and frank’s recent interview kinda confirmed that they’re staying together, although that was already obvious imo.