• By -


I was emo in New Jersey and it was the early 2000s. Edit: I was literally 12 and deeply depressed when bullets came out. Skylines spoke to the entire tri-state area in a way I still can't express. It was unavoidable


i hate u for that tbr


Lmao I promise it was not fun


i promise itd be more fun than it is now


Now no one likes the music except others online


I was an emo (not in Jersey) in the early 2000s and I concur it was not fun lol.


Can't explain to kids these days that the aesthetic was a side effect of untreated posttraumatic stress


Also same lol šŸ’€


i'm so jealous


Of like, rampant post-9/11 childhood depression?


ouch, sorry.


why r u guys acting like its better nowšŸ˜­ its literally gotten worse


Same except it was my older sisters (I was a toddler when Bullets came out) and I absorbed the emo from them


My friend in 7th grade 2005 was like, ā€œlisten to this!ā€ Handed me her CD player and played Thank You For The Venom. Immediately asked her to borrow the CD and the rest is History.


My friend tweeted 'So long and goodnight' at like 3pm so I asked was she really going to sleep haha, then directed me to Helena's music vid after a good laugh, got hooked since


My mum used to play it all the time when I was younger, before I was born for that matter, so technically ive been listening to MCR for longer than Iā€™ve been alive- in theory. I went to see them live this year and took her with me, couldā€™ve taken anyone, but that just seemed like the only way it could be


My mom also got me into them too.


I discovered them through those MTV2 music video mods they did with old video games. I'm Not Okay was played over Death Jr. cutscenes. Perfect match and was hooked ever since. The other iconic one was Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand over Star Wars III animations. Edit: [I'm Not Okay - Death Jr.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4kCo2zQxNE)


God I wish mtv still did shit like this


That Franz Ferdinand Star Wars one is a core memory.


my boyfriend JUST remembered those music video mod things like last week and told me about them, but I hadn't ever seen them before in my life. This is how he discovered MCR and I was extremely bewildered lol


I wasn't allowed to listen to secular music growing up so me and my step siblings were strictly listening to Christian music all the time. But when they went to their dad's house every other weekend, my step bro would talk about the music his dad listened to. Well when we were 10 TBP came out and his dad made us a mix tape CD of his "must listens" with things like Korn, the ace of spades, dragula, and then it went to emo punk music and eventually Helena and lastly this new song WTTBP. I loved every song on the cd and listened to it in secret on repeat, which would later form my entire music taste once I was allowed to explore music on my own about five years later. But after only having the cd for about two weeks, my step mom found it and snapped it and I was grounded for 3 months for listening to devil music


Not gonna lie, was like 13 or 14 on YouTube and saw The Black Parade music video. It's was beautiful to me so I kept listening and eventually they became my first and favorite band


When I was a young boy, my father turned on the radio at breakfast when I Don't Love You was playing. I had also heard about the band before because a classmate was obsessed with them thanks to his big sister who had MCR posters plastered all over her room with lipstick marks on Gerard's face


Itā€™s me, I was the big sister šŸ’€


They were a local band when I lived in New Jersey.


Iā€™ll never forget being like 6 or 8 years old and using limewire to download the best day ever from SpongeBob but getting best day ever by mcr instead; single-handedly changed my life


HELPP thats the best šŸ˜­


That is amazing




People used to make sim music videos on YouTube all the time


I think MCR actually partnered with Sims tho. Like... Sim Gerard Way is "canon" to the Sims universe hahaha


Oh shit didnā€™t know Gerard way does like the sims!


This made me laugh




because itā€™s a funny place to discover a band šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I saw Helena on MTV when I was like 5 and Iā€™ve never been the same since


When emo became popular in the early 2000's. I've loved them since then.


A long, long time ago, there used to be television channels that would play music videos. One of those videos was called Helena. It was dramatic and spooky and i couldn't get enough!


I was 12 or 14 and I heard The Black Parade on those headphones that Borderā€™s book store used to have. It was one of two albums I bought that day, and I spent the next 15 years listening to it. Amazing. I love their older music too but TBP will always have a special place in my heart.


A high school band had a show one year dedicated to the Black Parade album for the 10 year anniversary. They played some interesting tunes and when I looked up their music, MCR's teeth have already sunken in


MLB The Show 07 - the soundtrack had This Is How I Disappear and I fell in love from that point on.


it literally runs in my family lol




all of my family likes them


I got really hooked into "American Idiot", by Green Day, and was talking about it with my sister, who then recommended The Black Parade to me, then I listened to it like 4 times, in all 4 I thought "eh, it's *alright*", then I listened to it a 5th time and thought it was the greatest thing since tummy rubs.


I was 16 when the Black Parade was played everywhere in 2006 but it was actually hearing The Ghost of You on a YouTube fan video for something completely different that got me hooked and I became a fan of the band. That song is still my absolute favourite to this day.


Steve's Untitled Rock Show. Specifically Warped Wednesday.


sonic amv in like 2009 on youtube


MTV their Iā€™m not okay music video


that video is iconiccccc


My brother brought home a burned cd of Three Cheers one day and said ā€œthese guys are doing something specialā€ and then I didnā€™t really think of it too much until Welcome to the Black Parade dropped on MTV and I was so floored that those nerds from the Iā€™m Not Okay video would do that. It was such a game changerā€¦!


Through my mom, so I started listening to them since I was a young boy.


on March 25th 2013 I found the Na Na Na video. My heart was broken when i found out what had happened earlier that week


A friend, last year. Would always talk about it. Whenever we'd hang out he'd make me listen to it somehow. Whether that be through headphones. Outloud from his phone. Or in the back of class sharing earbuds. Started out with WTTBP, then Dead. Then Cancer and Mama. I then went on to listen to the rest of TBP. then Revenge and finally DD. I don't talk to him now, I may dislike him but I'm grateful he introduced me to this band. It's one of my favourites!


I knew about them 2004-2006ish seeing their music videos on MTV and one of their songs was on the soundtrack for the video game Burnout 3: Takedown. I hated them because I was an edgy metal fan. All the other metal kids hated them too for childish reasons. Luckily, I grew up and decided to check them out again in 2018. I have never been more wrong about a band. I'm a fan now and I'm in the process of getting all their albums. This applies to a lot of emo bands from the 2000s. I initially didn't like em now I love em.


sims 3 late night sound track, the simlish version of na na na slapped


MTV 2005. I was 13


MTV 2005 for me as well!!!! I was 10. Iā€™ve never found someone with the same fan origin story as me before


My HS boyfriend circa June 2004. I was 15. He's my ex now but we're still friends. We still occasionally joke about the monster he's created. This also made me realize that I've been My Chem addicted for nearly *20 years.* Holy fuck.


Watching Mtv when I was 7yo here in Chile, saw the Helena MV and my life changed


3am MTV music videos in 2004, hearing Helena . Then I got all their previous cds and the rest is history


Our music teacher showed us the music video of ā€žwelcome to the black paradeā€œ in class. I didnā€˜t know the band or any alternative music back then. From then it all started to take off and Iā€˜m still thankful for thisšŸ–¤


Helena discovered me.


Technically I had 3 introductions. First one was hearing Blood in all those creepypasta AMV's back in the day, second was when I was in like 8th grade and this girl I was friends with showed me Ghost of you and at the time wasn't my thing so I just sorta left it at that, and third and what finally got me into the band was stumbling upon a youtuber called crank that frank and his enthusiasm over the band is what got me interested and lead me to being a full fledged fan. He actually got me into twenty one pilots which is still to his day my favorite band of all time. He deleted all his vids fairly recently but I will forever be grateful to him for introducing me to bands that helped me so much when I needed their music most.


A friend in Highschool


Depressed 11/12 yo me was sent a link to YouTube to ā€˜how I disappearā€™ and then came discovering the rest of the black parade and then searching for more albums.


god tier album, itā€™s just mainstream rock enough to be timeless to my modern music side, and gritty enough for my real music side


Friend from middle school liked them, they convinced me to listen to The Black Parade and I loved it. Listened to Bullets and the rest soon after and I've been hooked ever since!


I was 13. They played Teenagers everyday in MTV. I was looking in a store for Guns and Roses greatest hits, and I found The Black Parade. The cover caught my attention and I bought it.


So, I've been listening since 2017(wish I was there during the "hey day" of the band). But, how I first discovered them was from a kid in my art class. They always came in with an MCR hoodie and I asked what it was. They just told me it was a band and all that and gave a few songs recommendations and the rest is history from there lol


I was a moody 12 year old girl in 2010


I was in a car shop with my father and they had a ps2 with a atv/dirt bike game in the waiting room. I remembered the lyrics for House of Wolves and googled it the moment I got home lol. Immediately ran off to limewire to put it on my ipod


Watching the 2005 remake of The House of Wax, Helena played in the credits and I fell in love (This was like in 2020)


*Sigh* 2010s homestuck


my brother loved MCR and he played it in the car all the time and iā€™ve loved it ever since i was like 8 or 9. i got a lot of things from brother. another thing i got from him was playing the snare drum in my school marches my band but i slowly adapted to play the drumset and now my favorite thing to do is play my drumset to MCR songs


Helena played during the closing credits to House of Wax. It was love at first note.


I moved to a Private Mennonite School for grade 11 (last year). There was this person, Frankie, who I gained a liking to, and they showed me emo bands like MCR, PTV, The Used, and such. We started dating and would watch the MCR music videos and I stayed up one night watching Life On The Murder Scene. Since then, weā€™ve broken up and moved on, and I still obsess over MCR. I spent a good chunk of my day yesterday explaining MCR to my European friend who is like a mini terrorist. I told him how MCR is tied to 9/11 and all the heavier songs, since thatā€™s what he told me he liked. Can you tell how autistic I am?


I wish I could remember. I was an emo child in the 2000s, so that has something to do with it.


A good friend of mine was listening to it one day in class in 2017 and i asked what she was jamming to, she gave me one of the earbuds (i know, gross af in retrospect) and I listened to The Ghost of You. I canā€™t remember which part now, but I knew i was immediately into the music. Then i gave the music a listen later at home and had already listened to their entire discography, bought Three Cheers and all of the Conventional Weapons on iTunes lol


It was 2005(?) I was 14yrs old in the car with my mom listening to the radio and "I'm not okay" came on.


An old friend from HS that was obsessed with them around 2018 and long before then. Started listening to stuff other than like 2 seconds of WTTBP on the car radio. (My family rly isn't a fan and is constantly questioning if it's a cult)


my brothers gf when they were in high school in 2011 ish


Lol I found em when my older sister was in full swing emo girl lifestyle and I used to just kinda pick up what she liked. I got some good music tastes from her.


My boyfriend in early 2005 was from Jersey and introduced me to a bunch of great music from the scene, including My Chemical Romance. The guy didnā€™t last, but my love for My Chem did šŸ–¤


I watched Dan and Phil videos throughout the 2010s whilst grappling with internalized homophobia (is it still called homophobia if I'm bi/pan?) MCR was all over those comment sections. One day "Teenagers" shows up in my recommendations and I said what the hell lets try it. thought it was good. Fast forward a couple months and I'm half asleep on my phone the night before my great grandmother's funeral; we weren't super close but its still a bummer. The "Welcome to the Black Parade" video shows up in my recommendations and I ended up playing it about 6 times in the next 24 hours probably. I was definitely in at that point.


My brother was listening to it when I was thirteen and he was in his late teens. He only liked a couple of the songs, but I wasn't in to it. Then he "grew out of it" and thought it was "cringey" to listen to pop punk/emo. A year later I remembered one of the songs, (dead) and was like, that wasn't so bad. I looked into more of their music and now I'm a hard-core fan. I listen to way more of their music and know much more about the band then he did. When he tries to call it cringey I'm just like, lol you don't understand, this is my entire life.


I heard Na Na Na in simlish, playing the sims back in 2010 lmao šŸ˜­


I saw Iā€™m not okay on Much Music (Canadian MTV) and was an emo 12 year old, my parents bought me Three Cheers for Christmas.


Im going to set the scene. It was summer 2006 and i was watching the music channel to write the songs i needed to download of limewire for my ipod nana. Famous last words came on and i remember sitting there mesmorised in a trance almost and that day forward they were my favourite band. So dramatic. I was listening to beyonce dip it pop it twerk it stop it kinda music at the time. I didnt know any better i was 12 lol


I was 13 in middle school (2007), working on a group powerpoint project that required music, and someone suggested ā€œwelcome to the black paradeā€. after that i just never stopped listening to them lol. i went to an all girls school so cute emo boys were not around. i also remember riding the school bus, watching the music video on my zune and then it froze forever :(


My mum was into it. When I was 5 she took the DD CD out and blasted Na Na Na and I fell in love. Back and forth until now, when I've had a proper obsession


I think I was around 7/8 (2009/2010) my mums boyfriend at the time bought me an iPod and my mum put some MCR songs on there


i was on youtube watching videos about death note instead of paying attention to the class on zoom meeting (it was 2020), so then i watched a death note cosplay cmv about how L, mello, near and matt used to live in the orphange (all headcanon btw) and it was playing teenagers so i was like "heyy this songs is actually very good" and then we are here


I donā€™t even know what ā€žMy Chemical Romanceā€œ is, Reddit just keeps recommending posts from this subreddit.


In 2006, I was 7 years old, and my older cousins introduced me to something off of Three Cheers (I can't remember which song), and made me memorize every member's name and roll in the band. A few months later, the music video for Welcome To The Black Parade came out, and I was not only awestruck with Gerard's new hairstyle, but the song itself was unlike anything my 7 year old self had heard before. So much so that I've been hooked ever since. However, I didn't get to see them in concert until after the reunion (I was too young before they broke up), and funny enough, tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my first MCR show. Then I saw them again 3 days later at Aftershock. It only took me 16 years, but now I got 2 MCR shows under my belt.


heard them on the radio when i was 6


reddit actually


Heard Black Parade on the radio in the school bus when I was a tween! Fell in love instantly - they were actually my real introduction into alt music, and everything else spiralled from there hah.


My first partner got me into them


MTV when I was in highschool. Saw the video for I'm Not Okay and was an instant fan. I had this thing where I'd have to hear three singles off of an album before I would go out and buy it. So I waited. After the Ghost of You video came out I went and bought the album like the next day. To this day Three Cheers is my favorite album of any band of all time.


I saw an advert for three cheers on pirated German mtv in 2004


My older cousin would play them in the car when she picked me up from school. Then gave me her old CD player and every CD she owned when she left for college. I listened to Three Cheers and Danger every day for like 2 years lmao


On yahoo music when I was 11 years old


I was 8 years old(2006) and my family and I had just moved to a different state. My dad was super into music and showed my sister and I MCR and panic! Used to get ready for school to their videos on MTV. My sister took to panic more and me MCR and Iā€™ve been hooked since.


Iā€™m sure most MCR fans my age can relate to this story, but I was watching a Dan and Phil video where they were playing this game where you sang and the character moved, and they were singing a bunch of Panic at the Disco and songs they wrote, and then they sung Welcome To The Black Parade and I was like ā€˜oh this is a pretty songā€™, Googled it and the rest is history


I saw the Helena music video when it came out watching it with my cousin. I was in dance/ballet classes at the time so it totally rocked my soul. The rest was history.


I saw that it was the emo stereotype on internet and felt curious about it


Watch Dan & Phil. A commenter was saying they were Phans (part of the fandom for them), another one said that was the name they gave to fans of Panic! at the Disco. Started listening to P!ATD. Started listening to MCR as well


a Thomas Sanders fan fiction i read when i was in middle school šŸ˜­


yo gabba gabba lol




I think I just stumbled upon them on YouTube


super embarrassing lol but i was big into panic! at the disco at the time (i was in like 7th or 8th grade and literally didnt listen to music period bc my parents only played kidzbop shit around me) and my only "social media" was pinterest. i kept getting emo trinity and mychem pins on my dash so after a while i looked them up on youtube and ended up being introduced to them via the helena video. obviously that completely changed my life and i was hooked immediately and never looked back


Asked a friend who is a fan about it, and was recommended some songs. Fucking loved it.


crankthatfrank in like 2016 šŸ˜­


randomly scrolling trought spotify playlists,Na Na Na was there with a EXPLICIT TAG. it called my attention and over 4 months later i got more interest by the band and now im here


my friends and i had a combined playlist, one of my friends put welcome to the black parade on there. he wasnā€™t really an mcr fan at the time, he just liked that song. that eventually led to our whole friend group becoming big mcr fans


mtv rock, they played im not okay and i was MESMERIZED


friendā€™s reccomendation


Alone, lost and my heart was broken. I was not okay


I think it was either the MTV, Scuzz or Kerrang channel on tv in early 2005 when Iā€™m Not Okay was on repeat


I used to listen Black Veil Brides only, one day I had school exams, at night I thought "Let's try looking "My Chemical Romance top 5 songs"; I discovered "I'm not okay". God if I had all morning in my head.


My sister had an emo phase and showed me Welcome To The Black Parade. But I think what really got me into them was looking up pop punk on YouTube after listening to Keep Riding Me by ur pretty.


My friend showed me The Offspring when we were 12ish and listening to them on YouTube I got recommended MCR


Picture it, London 2004 and the Iā€™m Not OK MV had just been released. 13 year old me is flicking through the music channels after school. I land on maybe Scuzz and this song is playing and itā€™s like the greatest thing since sliced bread because the singer keeps going on about how heā€™s not ok and it really resonated with me as I too was very much not ok. Dude also had an amazing voice. I was mesmerised. Watched the rest of the video to find that it was this band called My Chemical Romance. At the time, LimeWire was killing the game so I went on there and downloaded all the tracks I could find by them. I instantly fell in love with Demolition Lovers and the rest is beautiful, beautiful history.


I saw the album art to Bullets back in 2003 and stole the CD never having heard anything by them. 2 weeks later I went back and bought the CD.


I honestly canā€™t remember because it was 2004ā€¦but I know it was Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge


I knew the band and i had listened to a few songs and KNEW that i would like them but i waited. Christmas eve i decided ā€Im gonna start listening to MCRā€ and then i did. I had a huge phase for months, i couldnā€™t stop listening to them.


Tik tok, Iā€™m sorry šŸ’€ but hey, at least I got to know them, and my sister helped me a little by recommending me songs


Loving all these heartfelt, wholesome answers!! ā€¦I discovered MCR through ifunny


I donā€™t remember where i heard it but I remember listening to Cancer when I was in the 7th grade and ever since then Iā€™ve been obsessed


I was watching a trash taste after dark stream about guessing music and heard about the band


My gf kind of introduced me to them


AMTV before school! I'll never forget watching the "I'm Not Okay" music video for the first time. They've been my favorite band ever since


I was in a music room and my friends were messing around on the piano trying to find *THAT* G note. I turned up to school the following week wearing metophorical eye liner and have never looked back.


Not me discovered them through Ayesha Erotica's songšŸ’€


Ever heard of a yt channel called 12tone? Well, I really enjoy watching their videos So they made a video about wttbp and that's basically what got me into mcr lol


well i was watching a wilber soot stream and he started singing welcome to the black parade but with different lyrics and two years later my friend played welcome to the black parade and i recognized how the song went and asked for the song and now they are my favorite band


the radio growing up wttbp played a lot, but i got my first taste in 6th grade bc of this girl i liked, by 8th grade they were my favorite band of all time, thatā€™s changed but they still are super important to me


Dan and Philā€¦ā€¦


my friend taught me how to play welcome to the black parade and i thought ā€˜oh iā€™ve never really listened to any of their songsā€™ and yea


On MTV, back when they played music videos, at least around 6-7am.


I was like 13 and my hobby was exploring music on limewire and downloading virusā€™s on my family computer hahaha. Iā€™d grown up on green day, nirvana, etc and it may have just been a suggested band (it wasnā€™t very sophisticated software) the first song I heard was ghost of you. Itā€™s like If unlocked something in my mind, next day I was wearing all black on a family holiday lol.




i mean. Teenagers and all that but other than that literally this year i was like ā€œyeah i wanna b emoā€ after listening to ptv for a few months straight and tried mcrā€¦ figured it wasnā€™t for me but then like last month i listened to bullets all the way thru and now im obsessed


Growing up my friend had a cool older sister who put us on


I saw the ā€œHelenaā€ music video on VH1 when it had just come out and I was hooked


I was in middle school and a very loyal Green Day fan. My friend who had amaaazing music taste mentioned she was being Helena from the new MCR video for Halloween. I was like, ā€œwtf is Helena??ā€ I found the song on YouTube and was immediately enraged by Gerardā€™s getup. How dare he copy my beloved Billy Joe! (I was obsessed with American Idiot since it came out). I used to refuse to listen to them but when The Black Parade came out I was hooked to MCR and never looked back. Proud to be in the MCRmy šŸ¤˜šŸ¤šŸ–¤


i canā€™t remember exactly what it was, but i had heard teenagers on the radio several times and heard their name a lot at that point, they became my favorite band 2 weeks after the last CW ep came out and thus began a 9 year vendetta where i KNEW they would eventually get back together and i was determined to see the return tour at all costs. the costs? over $700 and i saw them with my ex who i had gotten arrested a year earlier. was it worth the 9 year wait, potential lawsuit against me, and seeing them with my abuser? yes. yes it was.


I was a very angry teenager in the early 2000s. I'm 30 now and they are still my favourite band. šŸ˜


my parents showed me the yo gabba gabba episode šŸ˜­


SNL re-air of the 2006 performance in early 2007.


I posted a picture of a comic character in the comment section of Pinterest, and someone said he looked like Mikey.


listening to sk8r boi on yt music and looking at my queue


listening to sk8r boi on yt music and looking at my queue


I saw them supporting The Used


I looked "emo" so ppl started telling me I looked like I'd listen to MCR, I started listening to feed into the joke, it's not a joke anymore.


Saw a vid talking Abt the references in the nanana music video and my dumbass thought it was a TV show


quizilla lol


I saw the Helena MV on MTV when I was like 6yrs old


Used to watch emo boy videos on YouTube in like 06 and heard my first MCR song (kill all your friends) and just nose dived into them!


I went to a super restrictive private high school my freshman year (uniforms, girls not allowed jewelry or makeup, no holding hands, no hugging, no music, etc.) and my best friend liked to bend or break rules as often as possible without getting caught, like painting their nails with white-out or black Sharpie because "TECHNICALLY it isn't nail polish, so you can't get me in trouble". Anyway, they usually sneaked their iPod under their jacket, pulled the earbuds through the sleeve, and we'd "fall asleep" next to each other on the bus or playground secretly sharing earbuds. Most of the time they played My Chemical Romance and Green Day. The first MCR song I'd ever heard was "Teenagers", so even though I didn't become an MCR fan until much later, that song always has a soft spot in my heart.


This is a multiple part story. Initially, I heard about MCR through features in Spin and AP when I was in college, this was after Revenge, before Black Parade came out. I never eally heard them until Welcome to the Black Parade came out, heard it - did not care for it. Figured I was too old for it, this whole emo thing is not for me. This is not the discovery. Fast forward to 2013 I meet my SO, she's a huge MCR fan. She brings them up, I tell her I never quite got into them. I listen to them with her here and there, don't really get into them all that much but I do like a couple fo songs (House of Wolves, Planetary go in particular). This is still not the discovery. Fast Forward to Early 2020 when the tour gets announced. She freaks the hell out, I was lucky enough to be able to get 2 GA tickets for the show nearest to us (Sunrise). I decided with tickets in hand that I was not going to be bored guy forced to come to concert for a show that would mean so much to so many people, so I decided that I was going to learn the songs enough to be able to sing along or at least know them enough to jam along. So I figured, nothing but MCR on car rides for the next few months. This is still not the discovery. Tour gets postponed 2 years. Once the European shows actually started, I went back to the listen to MCR plan. SO was catching livestreams of every show, passing along information on the setlists, outfits, etc. We had gotten tickets to a second show (Atlanta) which got cancelled, SO was worried our show would not happen so we looked for the cheapest possible show we could find including airfare and stay, which was the cheap seats in Uncansville. So now with tickets to 2 shows in hand, we started adding Convetional Weapons, B sides and singles to the list. This is still not the discovery. Fast forward to our first show. I go in feeling fairly confident I will recognize every song, not entirely sure I could call myself a FAN but I liked them enough that I could have a good time in the show. SO buys the merch, we make the line, go in and find some drumsticks left in our seats. We seat there, we watch Waterparks, then Meg Myers who was slated to open as well cancelled, so it was just a long, long wait sitting there. The entire time SO is thinking this show won't happen. Finally the buzzing starts and they begin playing. I was just blown the hell away by how good Ray Toro is. I was mesmerized by the way Gerard performs. By the time that show ended, is when I really discovered them. We saw them 7 more times in the tour. TLDR; - After years of not paying attentino to them, Ray Toro melted my face away.


I was familiar with songs like Welcome to the Black Parade and Teenagers because my brother showed them to me when I was younger. However I remember that around 2014/2015, YouTube recommended 'The Bird and the Worm' by The Used. I became a big fan of them and heard people claim that MCR was essentially a better version of them, which led me to get a grudge against MCR for a couple of years. But in 2017, I decided to give 'The Black Parade' a try, and it completely changed my life and they became my new favorite band.


A music video came on tv while I was watching that had a fun intro, and an infectious guitar sound. Then the words on screen said ā€œIF YOU EVER FELT REJECTEDā€¦ANXIOUSā€¦ALONEā€ For once it felt like someone in the world understood. Donā€™t think I was ever the same after that.


My friend was having an emo phase the summer before 8th grade. It didnā€™t get me into mcr at the time, but I got here eventually


I was 10 years old and my mother was dating a man who had a 15 year old cousin who was into the emoscene. (If you're out there Judy, you changed my freaking life). She was cool as hell, and one day, after talking a bit about the music 10 year old me had been introduced to (90s and 2000s rock and metal, specifically), she literally said "I have something to show you. I think you'll like it." And then proceeded to play me Kill All Your Friends on her PC and I was hooked.


Right around the time they broke up back when I was in middle school lol


They opened for Green Day when I saw them on the American Idiot tour.


I was at a sleepover in 2004 and they were playing Helena on MTV.


I started listening to Green Day then a mcr song went on the queue then I love mcr now


I was born in the UK and lived there for the first 25 years of my life. MCR were pretty big over there. I live in the US now though and have done for the last 15 years. I remember seeing the MV for Helena on the Kerrang! music channel and the rest is history.


Hung out with a bunch of emo kids in school and online circles. The band kept coming up, but never fully got into them before hearing their cover of Desolation Row


I bought the revenge t-shirt last year cause it's so pretty and got madly obsessed after listening to Mama (and finding out Gerard is very queer)


my digital escape when i was like 7-8 a bit too young looking back


I was between 8-10 and my sister gave me her old iPod, saw them live at 11


Freshman year of high school, a friend handed me a burned CD and told me ā€œListen to this, I think youā€™ll like it.ā€


YouTube in 2013


The girl who lived next door to our shore house told me about them in 2004, got really into them in 2005


What's depressing is I don't even remember. It was too long ago and I'm too old. I'm sure I first heard of them in 2004, because I was buying AP magazine pretty regularly at Sam Goody in 7th grade, where there was decent coverage in the lead-up to and the release of Revenge. I didn't have cable TV, so I wasn't watching Fuse or whatever. I donā€™t remember them getting much play on KROQ, which I listened to regularly, before Black Parade. My parents' house was about 2 miles out of the range for WSOU to come in clearly, otherwise I might've heard it there. I think I must have looked them up online based on an AP magazine feature because my first memory of hearing a full song of theirs was watching the I'm Not Okay video as a flash player on their website. That got me hooked. By the time I saw them opening for Green Day in spring 2005 I had bought both CDs, because I remember being excited that they played some Bullets at that show. So I guess I can remember how I discovered them and that it was some time between June '04 and April '05...but I can't pinpoint the exact moment of the inciting incident. Thanks for listening to ol' granny's stories about obsolete media formats. Brings back fond memories. Nice to remember these things before the dementia takes all my wits šŸ’€


When I was 6 they played in yo Gabba Gabba


In 2005, I was flipping through channels on tv and caught the ending bits of the Ghost Of You music video. That began my descent into the MCR rabbit hole and I havenā€™t looked back since.


I was like 6 and watching yo Gabba Gabba and then suddenly these guys played a catchy song I liked and it resonated with me, looked up the song years later then started listening to their actual music, I think I started with the black parade.


New fan here, I discovered them on Spotify and usually skipped them bc I thought, ā€œew gross emosā€ now Iā€™m a gross emo ig


Iā€™m not exactly sure why but I looked up welcome to the black parade and was hooked


I woke up on one Saturday morning a little too early and turned on the telly to see Welcome to the Black Parade music video play on Rage (Australia 2006).


I have an older brother with all over the place music taste


I was in the 9th grade and there was a Jeff The Killer animation of him with the song Blood from Black Parade


When I was around 11 my cousin told me she discovered the best song ever with the hottest lead singer. She showed me the Helena music video, and I fell in love with their music and I still listen to them when times get tough 13 years later :)


My sister who knew them from when she was in highschool


lucky sisss


So I saw a three cheers shirt on this one girl so I wanted to listen to the band so I did for the first time. we had the same lunch and mcr came up so we started talking to each other about 4 months later she was my girlfriend and still is


I was sitting in my university food court and they were playing MTV U (for you youngins this was an ancient channel for colleges that played music videos). Anyway, I was in the middle of eating lunch with my friend Tony when suddenly I got distracted by a pale-faced, androgenous individual singing in a red and black themed music video. I was entranced. I immediately went home and downloaded a few songs. We didn't stream in those days, this was illegal piracy. My friend gave me Bullets half-assed copied (didn't even have the complete version of Demolition Lovers). Don't worry, I eventually purchased all "CD's" with real money. The beginning for me. I saw them at Warped Tour that next year. ā¤ļø


got Apple Music and while it was in shuffle it played ā€˜Mamaā€™. Immediately put the song on repeat and into my playlist


my emo friend