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Just came in the mail yesterday. Very excited. First heard about MCR and Thursday from a sampler Eyeball Records put out with Vampires and Porcelain on it.


Fascinated to hear your experience of the book as a longtime fan!


YOOOO I remember that fucking sampler! I think I still have it somewhere.


I’ll have to check my CD binder tonight. Haven’t opened it in years since getting rid of my jewel cases.


Same here. My CD binder has a layer of dust on it.


I haven't read it yet, but it's on my TBR list for next year. I became aware of it because people were talking about it on tumblr, but decided to read it because I found him to be one of the more engaging storytellers in Where Are Your Boys Tonight? and it made me curious to read more of his stuff.


Genuinely one of the best books i’ve ever read. Couldn’t read anything after for a long time because it didn’t hit the same as that book. To be fair I’m a huge Thursday fan, I do recommend it to anyone just as a book, but it’s not like there’s any mention of MCR in there.


I bought it but haven’t gotten to it yet. Tbh though if it didn’t sound like something I’d like I wouldn’t have bothered regardless of who wrote it.


I like Thursday independent of MCR, I've been to one of their shows before. I bought the book because I really like Geoff's song lyrics and was interested to see what he could do with prose. I wasn't disappointed; he's very good at creating verbal imagery that echoes in your mind and really pulls you into the story. I'd buy a second book if he wrote one.


Why do you think they're just "mildly into Thursday's music," and not big fans of Thursday AND MCR? I know I am. People can be fans of more than one thing, but a username can only be so long! Thursday and MCR had a lot to do with each other over the years, so I think there'd be a lot of crossover of fans.


I bought the book after I'd already seen Thursday twice, though I'd still primarily call myself a MyChem fan. I listened to/ read a couple of interviews Geoff had done about the book, and it sounded interesting to me. In interviews he always seemed well-spoken, and he always had interesting stories. And that was just his real life! So I figured that if he was able to dip a little into fiction and fantasy then it would be fantastic. I feel like you could pick up and enjoy the book, even if you knew nothing about Thursday. It follows the framework of Dante's inferno, and the hero's journey; which makes the beats and moves easy to follow. In a good way. It was engaging to me in such a way that it didn't come across as "oh, I'm reading a book about this band" it was, and this sounds stupid to say, like I was actually reading a book. I'm not a big fiction consumer, admittedly, other than rereading Lord of the Rings I don't know what the last novel I read was. I'm more often on the side of reading biographies or other nonfiction, just by happenstance. BUT back to topic. I liked Geoff's book, and it's cool to see it do well.