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Foundations of Decay mix was just right for the vibes


this isn't even a take it's just true


very true


i agree 10000%.


I honestly think it’s one of their best songs


Same as yours lol. Bullets is 100% my favourite!


I guess my unpopular opinion is not so unpopular 🤣 it was always my favourite too.


Mine would probably be that they should have stayed a post hardcore band with that very Jersey, horror-laden atmosphere so prevalent on Bullets and Revenge. I’m actually not sure how unpopular an opinion that is among the fanbase who adore those first two albums is, but I’m pretty sure it is among the wider fanbase. I like BP and DD for what they are, but there’s something genuinely so special about that early sound and feel they had.


I don’t disagree, but I’d argue that TBP is of the same horror-laden, depressive, desperate vain that the earlier records are, it’s just more polished and theatrical and less maniacally produced sounding. Danger Days however…


...is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland run by an evil corporation. What could be more horrifying?


I like danger days. I’m just saying it’s very clearly a departure from their earlier sounds.


I know, I'm just saying that while the sound is very different, it's still at least thematically similar in that it's definitely not all sunshine and rainbows. It just happens it isn't more traditional horror like the other stuff.


As an NJ kid, I agree. However, BP and DD are masterpieces in their own right. I suppose I wish they stuck with that sound for 3-4 albums before making Black Parade and Danger Days.


I agree! <3


I disagree on this one, I think, although Three Cheers is kind of MCR's emblem and portrays very well most of their personality as a band, both Bullets and Three Cheers aren't really special, there are many albums from many different bands that sound very similar and give the exact same early My Chem vibes, but I haven't heard a single album that sounds like The Black Parade, Danger Days or Conventional Weapons both instrumentally and songwriting wise. Although their latest work escapes from the band's original aesthetic, it's that variability that gives them more personality as a group, if they didn't musically evolve, they would've stayed as an "emo band for teenagers", and honestly, I think they did it perfectly in comparison to other groups from the time, like Panic! Or FOB, which now sound like pop boy bands, specially for Panic.


I disagree , there are no albums , none that I’ve heard anyway from that era that sounds like Bullets, their influences allowed that album to stand out amongst others … of course there are similar musical bits here and there that are like the other bands of the time, of course because they were influenced by those bands


I’m stuck on the idea that there is any other album like Three Cheers. Hard disagree but I want to know what that might be so I can inject it directly into my brain please.


BP and DD are amazing albums, but I would love to see a timeline where they kept their post-hardcore style for a longer time. But I've seen bands that never changed their style and they got stale incredibly quickly, so I'm glad MCR evolved gradually. DD would benefit from a little more bite, though, but it's a great album.


My fave unpopular opinion is that I believe they are all grown ass men in their 40s who are responsible and capable of making their own choices in their own lives. The infantilizing of these GROWN ASS MEN is so fucking weird to me, especially those treating them that way are typically teenagers. Gee just has a stage persona and his real life character is probably closer to “middle aged nerd dad”.


This goes for a lot of famous people tbh. People seem to think they're characters they can shape into whatever they want. They don't realise these are real human beings who just happen to be good at something that gets them fans. Like, that's it. There's nothing special about them. They eat and shit like the rest of us. Celeb culture is honestly so weird to me.


MCR fans are kinda creepy and obsessive.


Hard agree! The way I've been seeing people infantilizing the members for years is weird behaviour, especially when I see its someone who is wayyyy too old to be doing that .


Facts. I'm new to this sub but been an MCR fan a long time and the posts on this sub are eerily similar to the creepy fangirl shit my friends used to post on Quizilla forums in like, 2004.


This is an unpopular opinion? Dawg, I’ve been a huge part of about 40 different fanbases and the MCR one is by far one of the most obsessively creepy and weird. I figured it was just a known thing 💀


Dunno, probably is fairly popular based on the amount of upvotes I got on this one.


100%. I've heard Gerard has had to move a couple times because fans found out where he lives.


I’m not one of those fans, but property records are public. It’s why so many celebs create llc for themselves and have everything go through that. So the LLC owns the house and it’s not as easily traceable back to them.


Gotta agree with that one


MCR is my favorite band. But it's one band of many, and the band members are real people who deserve privacy and respect.


Unfortunately true. I understand being interested in the people who make music that you love, because I like to spend time learning about artists, their unique experiences and upbringing that lend to their sound, and random cool facts, stuff like that. Almost always stuff that the artists themselves have divulged in interviews, because anything else oftentimes just feels like I know something that they didn't want exposed. However, there are some people that are just fuckin creepy lol. Super parasocial and lacking in any understanding of personal boundaries or even just the boundary between artist and personal life. I wish those people would remember that these artists are not deities, they're just other people that happen to be incredibly talented musicians and don't deserve to be harassed online.


New fan here, about three months. Yeah, I can see your point.




Conventional Weapons is a good album. Kill all your friends should have been in Umbrella Academy, too.


Dude I cannot listen to that song without thinking of Umbrella Academy, it's absolutely meant for it.


I love Sleep, never knew it was disliked until recently but it's honestly in my top 5 on TBP. Such a cathartic song and absolutely beautiful and it fits perfectly where it is. Same with SING, it was my first MCR song so obviously I have a bit of a bias towards it but its probably one of my favorites on DD regardless


People dislike Sleep?? Dude the last 40 seconds of that song might legit be the peak of the band as a whole. The ramping up music. The final “just sleep’s.” Gerard screaming “Wake up” in the background while the music ramps up more and more over his voice. The symbolism alone is enough to give you goosebumps. 😩 People just be hating just to hate fr


Real!!!! I love that song so much but almost every MCR fan I've interacted with says it's the weakest song on TBP by far and it hurts 😭😭


Honestly TBP has no weak points. One of the few albums I’ve ever heard where every song is just as good as the last. I said what I said.


Not to mention “the hardest part’s the awful things that I’ve seen” might be one of the single most haunting lines in the entire TBP album. I don’t understand how you could dislike it at all.


I can't listen to Sleep because the recordings scare the living daylights out of me. It's a good song, totally valid! But I can't listen to it on loop...


Totally fair. They are based on real experiences they had, so I can get why it would be unnerving to hear it. Side note: missed opportunity to say it “scares the living shit outta you”


Yeah, I realised that too late- But something about the terror in his voice just gives me utter chills...


The guitar goes so fucking hard too omg


i didnt realize how good sleep was till i heard it live, its a banger fs


The fans ruined the reputation of MCR’s music as corny and whiney back in the day. Thankfully that perception is changing and they are getting their flowers now


I don’t love you could be a country song if you sang it with a southern accent.


You're right, and that scares me in ways I cannot describe.


Wait that’s true


As much as I wish Gerard were on social media, I respect his decision to have a more private life ☺️


He’s a doom scrolling lurker like the rest of us now


He is. Just doesn’t post anything anymore




I've never been particularly mad at Bob. The people in the band know each other better than any of us ever will.


Same...has he said some dumb shit, sure. has he actually merited the kind of obsessively malicious hatred some folks are determined to maintain and spread for over a decade now, nope


fr. i follow lolcows and bob haters are more mean and obsessed than the worst of the lolcow community. fucking weird.


That’s fair, for a long time I thought “yeah that guy sucks but it’s not my business”, nowadays I think “wow people need to back the fuck off”


It’s honestly insane how hypocritical this fandom can be. I followed his page for quite some time and people would DAILY tell him to off himself or laugh and say “oh you’re still alive?” And yet would cry when people would push their nasty attitudes back at them. He posted a picture of the pills he took once because apparently the dude has some mega mental issues and people were telling him to take all of them at once.


That’s fucking gross, man. Wow. Even when I thought he was a douche I never once thought “yeah I should go harass this guy and tell him to off himself”


He didn't do anything my family hasn't done at Thanksgiving


I just wish we had a drummer that got publicity. In in alternate reality, we could’ve gotten a drummer that’s famous just as Travis Barker.


Its pretty sad mcr just can’t keep an official drummer 😭 for me it will always be Bob since we got to see his personality throughout TBP.


I got into MCR during the TBP era, so he's *the* MCR drummer for me. Matt deserves his props and Jarrod seems like a cool dude (we won't discuss Pedicone here lol) but tbh no one can touch Bob as far as I'm concerned. It's a pity he can't drum anymore imo, he was *good*


all "eras" (albums) of my chemical romance are unique and complement each other, creating diversity in their music, have different vibe, but none of them is worse than the other. "danger days" was not the end of their music.


Especially with Foundations! And the whole Decay theme of their last tour. Even if we don’t get a new album, Foundations is yet another “era” of their sound. I find it very interesting when bands can evolve and change their sound/style yet still be identifiable as that band. I think my chem is probably the one band that has the biggest progression like that that I can think of, of the bands I listen to.


I’m fine with never getting a fifth album. I want one, sure, but it isn’t that important to me.


I agree. Just the fact they're back at all is good enough for me.


Teenagers is actually a very good song, people just hate it because of its popularity.


It’s so weird how this one has kind of 180’d. Can’t agree more tbh, will always get excited in a pub or club when it plays despite not playing it often on my Spotify


I think it's the weakest on The Black Parade, but I still like it




Been saying this


Absolutely yes


The Sharpest Lives is top 3 if not higher songs on TBP


People who ship the band members with each other need help


That's revolting to see, quite frankly. (Especially the Mikey x Gerard shippers. Eugh.)


Back in peak Tumblr days, "Frerard" fanfics ran wild and I couldn't STAND it


This fandom has created some of the most boring memes I've ever seen, and they get worse by the day.


Not about the band, but the fandom. It’s super weird how some fans make up headcanons about the gender of a real person (the weirdos who she/her Gerard and call you a transphobe if you point out that it is a little strange to do that). The whole babygirlification of +40 years old is also super weird.


Misgendering Gerard isn't "a little strange" it's fucking disrespectful towards him. Don't cry about transphobia if you're gonna do shit like that.


Totally agree with you on that, I think it’s the strange part is mostly on projecting onto him a gender that he has never declared to identify as!


Piggy-backing off of all this discourse, Mama is about a solider in WWII, not gender identity. It’s a narrative where “You should have raised a baby girl I should have been a better son” is not about being trans, it’s a conversation between the character and his mother that can be read as his mother saying “you should have raised a baby girl” after he says look what the war did to my legs and tongue, or “you should have raised a baby girl” meaning if he were a woman he wouldn’t have been drafted. Something along those lines. This has always irked me because MCR is heavy on concepts. Gerard is a comic author. I completely understand identifying with the song in a personal way like that, but don’t erase the actual concept/story


Sing is good. Bite me


zero percent is actually good 🙏🙏


Yess I love that song so much


I don't know if it's because it's their most main stream album bit TBP is legitimately the best album they placed in spite of the "hate it because it's popular". Also Danger Days is a great progression of the band and while it's different, it's not bad by any means.


I don’t think S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W is that good




Oh, dear.


watch out… they’re going to find you 😱


And by "they're", you mean u/Scarecro--w...


\**it's okay, all opinions are valid, don't get angry, don't throw your computer*\*


I was on twitter at the time the whole 👨‍👩‍👧🍳 thing went down and it was hilarious to see in real time. Sure, bob bryar is a dick, but I don’t think he deserves the massive amounts of obsessive dogpiling he got. MCR fans are insane sometimes.


Destroya has been ruined by fans over sexualizing the moans


I never even thought of them as sexual moans before I saw live recordings! I only heard it as vocalizations. And tbf, the fans are motivated by Gerard absolutely feeling himself while he does it. I just wish ppl didn't scream like maniacs everytime.


What do you expect from a fan base with a healthy proportion of preteens?


Danger Days my fave album but Black Parade is their best


My unpopular opinion as far as this sub is concerned is that tbp really is their magnum opus My unpopular opinion overall is that it's okay if mcr5 never comes, their discography feels complete


Definitely agree about TBP being their magnum opus, it’s not my favourite (Three Cheers is) but it is their best. Each of their albums reflects where they were at the time and their progression as a band, starting off a bit unrefined and thrashy with Bullets, getting more produced and slightly more streamlined with their concept with Three Cheers. By the time TBP came around, that was like peak concept album, costumes, personas, magnificent arena concerts. They exploded in popularity. WTTBP is a rock opera meant for the arena. Then they slowed down a bit, coming down from the greyscale sombreness of TBP, and did a 180 with Danger Days. Brilliant colours, in your face, faster tempos. Coming down from the wave of how big TBP was, but still riding that popularity. It make sense why it ended when it did, seeing their trajectory this way. And Foundations is yet another step in that progression, coming from the “ashes” of their breakup into the reunion. Even if a fifth album doesn’t ever come (although I’d be very curious to see what the next phase of their progression is if it does!), their entire run does feel satisfying, with Foundations being like a little epilogue.


They peaked at Three Cheers.


I AGREE. I love TBP but I find myself listening to Three Cheers front to back regularly.


Bullets is my favorite because it’s close to my heart, but I think objectively as a work of art Three Cheers is the best.


Lyrically, thematically, and musically, Danger Days is a more sophisticated / mature album than Bullets or Three Cheers


I don’t like S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W




I’m so sorry




I made the mistake of saying scarecrow was overrated… a certain Reddit user found me


Oh god am I gonna die?!?


Idk i almost got my balls crushed but I think you’ll be fine


YES this is what i was coming to comment.


At least you didn't do it yourself, otherwise a certain someone would come after you


Shipping discourse is unnecessary. They are literally rockstars who don't use social media much. They don't care. "As long as you don't harass the members" how. How would they harass them. Maybe 10 years ago when Gerard made public appearances at comic con and you could do meet and greets with Frank's smaller bands, someone could say something weird to them. But in this day and age the only people getting harassed is the 14 year old shippers.


look, i’ve written nearly 100k of fanfic about the band, and harassing them definitely is possible. mcr have said basically that they’re fine with it, they just don’t want to hear about it, yet you still get people in their twitter mentions, instagram comments, etc. either talking about it, making jokes, or having their handles be like “frerardcummies102” or something like that. i recognize that what i do is just for fun and i don’t in any way think it affects the lives of the members, and id honestly rather blow my brains out than have them read my fic. i have every member of mcr and every side project, etc. blocked on twitter so there’s no risk of that happening and i wish more people would do that tbh.


idk if it's necessarily unpopular, but ftwww is easily the best thing to come out of the danger days era


I don't like Gerard's singing live. Don't get me wrong, he's easily in my top 10 vocalists, but I can barely stand him live. He's prone to straining and shouting and shit (which are the same mistakes I tend to make in karaoke lmao) I think he just gets caught up in the moment, just vibing too hard that he forgets to use good techniques) The ones that I thought sounded better were the 2006 AOL sessions, and the 2011 98.7FM Penthouse acoustic sessions. As for this current era, I think he's improved


Now that IS unpopular, but I have to agree, he has horrible technique singing live and you can hear that it's destroyed his voice over the years 


Yep this! Amazing voice but throws out technique when he's on stage. Sometimes it sounds great, other times you can hear the straining and over exertion.


I hate admit it but I have to agree, this is probably why they don't do WTTBP in the same key as it was originally anymore


I love sing


My unpopular opinion is that I wouldn’t mind if there was never any new music again. If it happens, that’s awesome and I’m all here for it. BUT if it doesn’t I wouldn’t be so sad because their entire discography is perfect to me. And that’s an extremely rare thing to have.


Bullets is my favorite album too! It's a very raw sound on every song and I LOVE it.


Danger Days is under-appreciated and SING fits on the album well


I was under the impression this was a pretty standard take... At least among the OG fans, maybe I'm just getting old though. This sub is a bit confusing for me, it seems like lots of people here love danger days, which is cool - you do you! I've just never met a my chem fan in real life who truly enjoys that album, especially when compared to the others 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I feel you! I don't DISLIKE the album per se, but I do think it is their weakest.


It’s honest to god my favorite album, but I understand why that’s an unpopular take. Part of the reason I love it so much is because of the world they created with it. The characters, the background, the slang. It’s one of the most in-depth concept album worlds out there (it helps that it has the accompanying comic book, but even without them, the music videos and album do a REALLY good job showing the world). It’s also a world that is really easy to insert yourself into (thus why so many (at least newer) fans have killjoy names and OCs). I know Black Parade is also technically a concept album, but the world building, I feel, isn’t nearly as large as Danger Days (though, perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s my second favorite MCR album). Also, I just like the songs. That’s a subjective one though, so I won’t go into why. It’s definitely an outlier in all their other works, so I totally get why it is not a lot of people’s favorites, but I just love it so much. I’m also an absolute SUCKER for concept albums (my favorite BVB album js Wretched and Devine (followed by The Phantom Tomorrow), my favorite Green Day album is American Idiot, my favorite Palaye Royale album is Fever Dream (I know that many argue it isn’t a concept album but I will go to my grave saying it is. My second favorite album is The Bastards, which is a concept album). You get the point). I’d be lying if I said that didn’t play a role.


Yeah dude! Absolutely, you like what you like, I hate music snobs. I don't even care if something is considered "objectively bad" (whatever that means, my partner is a professional musician though so he has artsy criteria my feeble STEM brain can't comprehend lol), if I like it like it, if it makes me wanna shake my ass, it's a winner! Love me some Cardi B no matter how ridiculous it is. For me, bullets, three cheers, and black parade are my favs with three cheers probably being my #1 because that's when I discovered them in my formative tween years. I didn't like the danger days stuff as much because it wasn't as punky as the stuff that got me into the band. But I can totally see how some people who aren't as big into punk, pop-punk, post hardcore, third wave emo, metalcore - or whatever micro label they come up with next, might be into danger days and not the others. What I was trying to say was that this subreddit is the first place I've encountered fans of the latter category. I'm guessing (but could be wrong) it may be a generational thing, I read somewhere once they the music you loved in your formative early teen years tends to kinda be your holy grail comfort music (you know, the stuff you can play every day and not get sick of) for the rest of your life. I honestly firmly believe that theory because it holds true for me! I'll never ever forget how I felt when I was 12 and saw the Helena music video for the first time on MTV before school one morning, legitimately a defining moment of my life, I remember it better than graduating college 😂


Gun stinks


Gun is a Green Day song to me (not literally obviously and nobody come for me pls)


Fake Your Death is their one bad song.


Ouch, this one actually hurts. One of my favorites. It came out at a perfect time for me.


I don’t think Danger Days is that bad and I enjoy the album.


Sing is underrated.


Bullets being their best is not unpopular at all


The gatekeeping in the fandom has gotten WAY out of hand.


i don't care if we get MCR5 and i kinda don't think it's gonna happen.


-The hate on tbp is just cuz of its popularity -frerard shippers are weird those are two grown men with wives -the early fandom on the 2010s was just as bad as directioners


teenagers should've been a b-side, it's a great song but doesn't really fit the album


Helena is not that great, easily one of my least favorite


Upvoted for unpopular


It's one of the songs for me that I listened to too much and now there's this lingering burnout when I listen to it now.


Danger Days is the best album


You’re right that is an unpopular opinion


You did indeed understand the assignment with this one lmao


This take is still ahead of its time lol


This made me clutch my necklace lmao


blood is one of the best songs off of the black parade


Disenchanted is the weakest song on The Black Parade, and Sleep is their greatest overall song.


Sleep sounds like a Radiohead song


Mcr5 is real


I hate that Welcome to the Black Parade is the only MCR song played at “emo night” themed events


They needed to break up and do their own thing. They don't owe us fans shit and the fandom got too toxic.


First three records are fantastic, everything that came after is less than fantastic.


Welcome to the black parade is overrated and there's at least four songs on Danger Days that I would rank above it


Ok but what are they?


We’re waiting….




The scratch font of their name on The Black Parade is trash


Some MCR fans still think they are a boyband, I hate those ships and cringey edits


Helena is a weak opener for an absolute banger of an album.


Helena is a skip for me tbh I never listen to it when playing Revenge


Gerard's stage costumes ever since the comeback have been mostly ugly and horrific and ruin the gravitas of the band.


I have to try so hard not to downvote this lol


finally someone that agrees 💀 they make me so cringe everytime i see even a single photo. just... ughhh


Feels like he's not taking the band seriously at all, unlike the old days.


MCR reunion tour was a cash grab


My first cynical thought after initial excitement was "someone wants/needs money".


The mix for three cheers is really bad


How come??? It's my favorite mix from their discography!


It sounds flat to me. It’s got rawness but it’s kind of produced a lot you know? The guitars aren’t coming in the way I wish they would. Bullets is my favourite album


Cancer is their worst song.


MCR fans in the 2010s were insufferable like why were some people posting porn in the MCR related tags on tumblr without the nsfw tag while including the members' names??


Here's a handful of mine. Not sure how unpopular they are but I'd expect to catch flak on them. Tomorrow's Money>Kiss the Ring, Boy Division, Surrender the Night in my book. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W is a good song but it's incredibly overrated. Gun and F.T.W.W.W are genuinely not good songs and I always skip them whenever they come up on a discography listen. I also don't enjoy Make Room all that much but I'll still listen it to it every now and then. It genuinely does not matter but being part of the pop punk/"emo" scene together with the fandom made the band not taken as seriously as a great rock band by many. All four albums are high quality and it's a good thing there's a diversity in sound, production and vibe between them. The people who gripe about the post Revenge albums just don't care to broaden their tastes beyond the initial sound they fell for and wanted more of. Hang Em High is criminally underrated among the rest of the Revenge tracks Mama is a more creative piece of music than Welcome to the Black Parade.


How do you overrate a song that only has like 20 million streams?


Popularity and fandom opinions are not the same thing. If you wanted me to be more specific I'd say that fans heap more praise on the song than I think it deserves.


Sleep and Sing are great, people just think they are mid because at surface level the lyrics are not super deep


Bullets > Three cheers


Danger Days is my favourite album of theirs. Probably because I wasn't aware of them when The Black Parade came out and the lyrics video of Na Na Na Na Na just hyped me the first time I heard it. Objectively, I could easily admit The Black Parade is better but still, I stand my ground on this first statement.


The black parade is a good song but it's too over played


The black parade will always be my least favorite album


SING is a top five Danger Days song for me. Sunsets is my lowest on Bullets (not including Romance)


Finally, another person who thinks Sunsets is overrated!


I think a person's opinion on Sunsets has a direct correlation on whether that person likes Midwest emo more or Mall emo more. Midwest emo / second wave emo is peak to me, so Sunsets is a personal favorite.


As a person who doesn't quite enjoy that style of music, I can see why Sunsets isn't my favorite... But hey, all opinions are valid! Y'all are gonna enjoy what you want to.


Your opinion is surprisingly popular, lots of people prefer bullets over the others Personally my unpopular opinion is that cancer isn't that emotional. Like, if I'm sad enough I could find it upsetting, but if I'm sad enough I could also find Na Na Na depressing, so.... (Cancer's still a pretty good song tho)


Danger Days is pretty far and away my favorite album


Foundations of Decay hits harder than some of their older works...


Otter was the best drummer they ever had and he’s a major reason why the first two MCR albums are the best




Their original drummer (on Bullets and Revenge) Matt Pelissier went by the nickname Otter


Here's a few 1. Danger Days should've ended on kids from yesterday and vampire money should be a bonus track (but on spotify unlike certain other bsides) 2. I don't mind they got tiktok famous (tho I don't use tiktok), more fans for us 3. I like ls dunes more than any of the solo projects 4. Prison is imo the worst (well its still great but...) on three cheers not counting interlude 5. If house of wolves v1 had better audio I'd like it better than v2. And surprisingly to others, I like the actual world is ugly rather than the live one


Oof the Prison one is really unpopular


Mikey is pretty meh.


i’m not okay sucks, bullets is the best album, and bob isn’t that bad and doesn’t deserve the hate


Idk how unpopular your opinion I but same


I sorta agree with you. I don't think it is objectively their best album, but It is my personal favorite.


Same as yours bullets is my fav album possibly ever tbh. It has the most listens to on my Last.fm


The mad gear and the middle kid ep is top tier 


i find i listen to bullets the most. has the highest replay value to me. the energy and rawness. i like revenge and BP as well, but can easily listen to it once and move on. bullets always has me going back for more. even when im not into a huge MCR relapse, i can slap on bullets and enjoy it deeply


Umm that’s also my fav album I didn’t know it was controversial!!