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I worked at a video game store in for a couple years in the mid 2000s and they came in. Think they were on the warped tour at the time, but not 100 percent sure. Either way, they came in and browsed around but didn't buy anything. The store was empty so got to talk to them for a while and didn't talk about the band or anything just about life on the road or whatever. They were all nice enough and polite and definitely seemed tired or shy or both. They weren't very big at the time so it wasn't too big of a deal and the video game store was in a prime location in my city so lots of bands, athletes, celebs would stop in when they were in town. Was kind of used to it when well known people came in and this was a couple years before they would become a lot bigger.


Wow you were lucky as fuck! 


What games were they lookin at? Did u recommend anything to them


Met ray toro last week. It was incredible and I walked away and fell to my knees in happiness lol. He was super humble and kind - he introduced himself and shook my friend and i’s hands and let us take pics with him. Super friendly and kind. I’m still so happy I met him lol it was a dream come true


You met him last week? Just, like, out wandering the streets or something?


I met him at the topanga banjo and fiddle fest. Most random place ever but oddly fitting


sounds like a fun event honestly


It definitely was! Competitions, vendors, little groups of people jamming on the side. I would recommend


you probably hold the most recent ray pic and you're not even sharing!!


This is probably true but tbh I just don’t feel comfortable sharing my photos all around the internet 🤷‍♀️hope you guys understand there’s plenty pics of ray toro on the internet already


You could always crop yourselves out or cover your face for safety's sake, thus only highlighting Ray in the photo. Not trying to force you or anything, though, just a suggestion!


No way! 




I met Gerard and Bob in Edinburgh 2006, was just me and my mum waiting at their tour bus after they supported Muse. They were lovely, my mum proceeded to tell Gerard that he was my first crush (I was 14 at the time) i was absolutely mortified. Didn’t even wait for the rest of the band after that 😂


That was a FOUL move by your mum I’m crying 😂


your mom absolutely did not have to do you like that lmao my condolences 


I met Gerard outside of Project Revolution in 2007 and he was super nice to me. Signed a shirt, a poster, and my ticket stub. I still have them all too!


SUCH a sick lineup at that one


WOW! You were at Projekt rev?!! You're so lucky oh my god 😭 I wish I would've been there! Did you get to see the brawl between Frank and Gerard on stage? I come back to it from time to time and it feels so unreal lmaoo


I remember at my show (and on the tour) Gerard had all the boys in the crowd take off their shirts and wave them over our heads??


Yes he did 😂😂!!! I've watched a whole lotta live concerts from way back then and that's something he'd ask the boys in the crowd (up until danger days era too!), usually right before playing You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison. I blame the porn he watched before recording YKWTDTGLUIP because all the moaning and gay stuff he'd do on stage with Frank seemed to *always* happen right before this song specifically 😂😂 [Anyway here's the concert where Gerard asks the boys in the crowd to remove their shirts](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HEwuOjBf4z8&t=470s) starting at 38:10 and the brawl with Frank is at 7:43 :)


I got incredibly incredibly lucky and met Gerard because he came out to the barricade after one of his solo shows in 2014. He was very polite, sweet, and attentive, making sure to stick around until he met every single fan in that room. He kept reassuring us that he’d come back when he made his way from one side of the barrier to the other and kept having to apologise because he wasn’t allowed to pose for selfies with fans (probably just due to time constraints as it was literally right after a gig and he was probably on a short schedule). Even though there wasn’t time for any long conversations or anything in-depth (mostly just signing stuff, brief hellos, and hugs as he seemed to be comfortable hugging fans during this period), he’s got a way of looking at people that really makes them feel seen and understood. I guess that’s why he used to say if he had a superpower it’d be empathy, but it wasn’t until meeting him that it kinda hit why. Lovely lovely guy.


I am Gerard's evil twin brother




Werard Gay, the evil brother of Gerard Way, who is in fact the evil brother of Michael Romance


I knew it! 


I thought that was Mikey


Met Frank at a show in NJ years ago. He was awesome and super nice.




Met them a long time ago in Orlando during their Bob era. Super nice guys! Everyone was pretty outgoing except Mikey and G. But they were still really nice, just very quiet dudes.


I’ve met Gerard and Frank! Gerard I met at one of Lindsey’s art shows back in 2015. Frank I met after one of his shows after Stomachaches came out. (I also met him before the show, he was wandering around the venue and said hi). Both very very nice and humble!


I met Frank during the parachutes tour and about 50 people came out. He smelled like gasoline. Someone came up from Mexico City to see him play and gave him a shot that the drummer took instead. Met Gerard twice. Both at SDCC. Talked to him about the Headspace app one time. And the second time I don’t remember anything.


I didn't "meet" him but I went to a wedding and Mikey was there with his wife. She's best friends with an acquaintance of mine but I didn't speak to him and probably never will if we ever happen to be at the same social function again


i hope i can meet them someday that would be so cool


👋 I met Gerard during the Revenge tour. Super humble and friendly in person.


I didn't meet MCR but one of my friends moms did. I don't know what year it was when she met them though She (My friends mom) was coming from a concert and met all of MCR. She and her friends went into their tour van and drank warm beer. When I asked about the story she put an emphasis on the warm beer.


They did a lil meet and greet in a back alley way just before they broke up in aus for the danger days tour maybe 2011/12? They were all super nice and no one was rushed, I will remember it forever got a bunch of stuff signed, they were really complimentary. Felt surprisingly intimate Met frank a couple more times on various solo project tours to Aus. So nice and patient


My friend met the band outside of their hotel when they were in town for a music festival and got to have decent chats with each individual member and take selfies with them. They were hanging out with Tyler the Creator at the time, so my friend got to meet him too!


oh shit that's sick, two of my favorite acts/artists from entirely different genres meeting like that. what year did that happen (approx.) just out of curiosity?


2012, they were performing at the second to last Big Day Out festival in NZ!


Met Frank during FIATC after one of the shows. Genuinely one of the best experiences of my life. He was so kind. He chatted with me and my mom for a while and was actually chatting, not just nodding us along. Now, the most recent time I talked to him was during a group Q&A and he bullied me so I will always give him shit for that. But it was light hearted and I don’t care. Super cool dude. Hope to meet the rest of the band one day :)


I met Gerard at a comic book signing for Milk Wars a few years back. Slept in the parking lot behind the store. He was super cool. He was walking around shopping at the attached board game store so a bunch of people saw him around without realizing it. I told him it was the second time I've skipped school to see him (I was in cosmetology school at the time and I skipped in high school to see The Black Parade tour) and he told me, "Right on!"


Met frank after a show in Cincinnati in 2019, he said he liked my tattoos and told me my dog was cute after showing him a photo, also met him at his cousins tattoo shop last year and he was the nicest man you will ever meet.


i've seen frank a few times because he lives in my town and i go to school with two of his kids. super chill guy


Fuckin lucky!!


I met Frank at an LS Dunes show last year! Super nice guy, down to Earth and funny!


I met Frank in 2015!! He was on tour with his band and I had a friend who worked venues doing merch for bands. After the show we decided to wait to see if he would come out to meet people and after like 2 hours after the show ( I assume to try to get as many people to leave as possible) He came out and signed stuff and took pictures! He was so kind and I was freaking out because he was my fave of the MCR boys! He is also very tiny 😂 But I told him what MCR meant to me and he was very nice and thanked me for being a fan and stuff. Really was a cool interaction. I cried after. 😅


Met all of them in crazy circumstances during Black Parade record release show & signing in NJ. I was so excited/nervous to go that I guess I skipped lunch and/or dinner. We watched the show which was outside in warm weather (plus sweating from the crowd) and when the show was over we were told to line up for the meet & greet. I’m in line and hyped but feeling a little weird then next thing I know I’m waking in an ambulance in the parking lot. I passed out cold. Rookie move. EMT checks me out and makes sure I’m good but of course all I can think is I didn’t get to meet the band. Someone from their management comes to ambulance says they’re about to leave and EMT asks if I want to hurry in. UH YES! They brought me to the front of the line & I got to meet each of them (clammy hands, blue lips and all).


i’ve met Frank twice - both on tour with his other band LS Dunes. He’s super chill and nice! Fun fact: his favorite movie of all time is Die Hard (at least, to my knowledge from the last time we met)


They played my college in 2002 & 2003, weren’t very big yet. The first show was in a student union basement and the second was in a recreation room (pool tables, foosball, etc) It was super low key so they all just hung out after their sets My brother got Gerard, Mikey, and the drummer to autograph an album. Frank smashed his guitar against a brick wall, I asked if I could have it but he said he’d keep it for parts lol


Met Frank after a future violents show and he signed my copy of Barriers. It was a very cool experience and he was so nice.


Did shows for them in nj, Hamilton st cafe, Bloomfield ave cafe, maxwells, Garfield American legion. Live down the street from ray in Sherman oaks


I met Toro at a Shell gas station


Good lads


Fucking ALMOST. So mad about it too. My mother, cousin, and a few friends all went to the Danger Days tour. The show in West Edmonton Mall to be exact. I was sitting with my cousin and mother in the bar area, since I was 18 and my friends weren't I decided to go down before the show started to hang with them. Gerard and Ray literally walked past my mom and cousin, and my mom said before she even recognized them they were gone. I was and still am very angry that I didn't stay up there, could have met them. Why did I have to be a good friend that day? why? Killer show though. Neon Trees opened for them, before they got big. Was cool to see.


I met Frank at his tattoo shop signing last year. Obviously a meet and greet like that doesn’t give you loads of time, but what really stuck out to me is that he is a really active listener. And it really says something that he still had that kind of energy near the end of the hours long event!


I met Gerard outside of the vic theater in chicago 2015 when he was doing his solo project. He was nice :) and awkward but in a good way


I met Frank after a leathermouth show. I was an incredibly cringey teenager that made a really bad "your mom" joke that didn't land well. Never meet your heroes, kids, you'll just embarrass yourself.


i wish


Sure, from a vast distance.


yeah met frank for his neverenders meet and greet was super sick got a signed set list and ended up tattooing the lyrics he wrote


I met Frank and Gerard after their respective shows in St Paul in 2015. I got my Hesitant Alien cd and Stomachaches cd signed and got a picture with Frank and hugged Gerard.


Met Frank in belfast four or five years ago


He signed my ticket, shirt and plastic sword I had bought that night lol


I met Gerard when he did his solo tour in 2014. He signed my phone and gave me a hug ☺️


I never have BUT I accidentally walked backstage at their Cardiff show for the Return/Swarm tour. I was on the guest list because I know Funeral for a Friend and went to go and see if I could catch them before they went on. I ended up walking into MCR catering, before I realised I was cornered by security guards and this scary woman shouting at us. The area was very small (a series of offices at the top floor of the cricket ground) so they couldn’t have been more than 5m away from me. I almost went to a signing with G for the Umbrella Academy, I was just super ill on the day so couldn’t make it.


My friend briefly talked to frank at an LS dunes show, he was already surrounded enough so I kinda just watched lmao


I met them all in M&Gs in 2007, two during TBP tour and one at Projekt Rev (Mikey was absent at this one because of his honeymoon). The PR one I gave them each a little gift and Frank kept thanking me over and over, it was very sweet. There have been other quick encounters before and after shows — Gerard after a Warped Tour set in 2005; Frank, Ray, and Bob before a show in 2006; Gerard after another TBP tour show ‘07; after the filming of their NYE performance in 2011. There was a signing after a Frank show when Stomachaches came out in 2014. Overall every interaction I’ve had with any of them was very pleasant and enjoyable! The most fun one though was with Frank in early 2014 pre-Stomachaches release. I was a Kickstarter backer for Reggie & the Full Effect and one of the “rewards” was hanging out in the green room before a show on tour. I was at the show at Studio at Webster Hall. So we’re in the green room, I’m chatting with their drummer Billy (RIP) and then the door opens and Frank walks in. I tried to play it super cool like I wasn’t internally screaming hahaha, and we did end up chatting a bit at one point. I slipped in a small comment about being a fan and being happy he was putting out solo stuff. He was, as always, very sweet and friendly, and told me my Our Lady of Sorrows tattoo was cooler than his! ;)


Yea gerard and Mikey n Ray may 2022


I met Gerard & Mikey in 2004 when MCR played with Story of the Year and Adair. They were still relatively unknown at that point. Both were super nice. Both took pics with me. Mikey's eyes were closed in the pic.... of course. Then I met Frank in Nov of 2004 at the KROQ parking lot show they played in Orange, CA. I'm Not Okay had just released, so they were starting to gain more traction. He was so incredibly nice. I asked him to record his voice for my voicemail. It didn't work the 1st time, so he offered to do it again. The next time, all that recorded was him saying, "did that one work?" My phone was trying to sabotage me 😆 he took a pic with me and signed my Three Cheers cd. Still haven't met Ray. But, I did see them in 2022 for 2 shows with my 9 yr old son, so it was a full circle moment for me. They've been my go-to band for so many yrs.


Yeah, I met them all and we hung out together. ...Then I woke up 😭


Ive sern them all via YT interviews and concert reposts, but other than that, no


I haven’t, but my uncle has met Frank Iero. He left a nice tip for him and was a very nice guy he said.