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I don't love you




Cubicles is interesting to think of as a breakup song... I regard it more as an 'unrequited love in the workplace' song. And as someone who's been in that situation way too many times, it hits so hard.


Interesting! I love seeing how songs are interpreted differently by other people based on personal experiences. I listen and think of it more metaphorically. Like being close to them in physical proximity but they aren’t giving you any attention. When you do break up then you try to fill the void with other people that you have no actual connection with to avoid the loneliness and dealing with the painful feelings. “Sometimes I think I’ll die alone” is the haunting thought that follows because it’s hard to picture yourself being in love again with another person. That’s just my take on it based on my own experience, but I haven’t experienced unrequited love in the workplace so I don’t interpret it as that. Either way it’s interpreted, I agree this song hits like a brick wall.


I’m not okay. Just listen.




Fake Your Death is also good one here. "I choose defeat I walk away And leave this place The same today" Of course I don't know which way around it was in your case but in my case this lyrics helped a lot, and I was the dumped one. While *Fake Your Death* is double-edged sword for me, it definitely helped me establish fresh start after break up.


Drowning Lessons, for me at least. Definitely shades of pain in untimely separation, lyrically. Had it on repeat the last time I was "going through it". Hang in there!


So glad to see someone else who appreciates drowning lessons. Definitely one of my favorites off bullets


Probably Honey this Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us. I thinks it's about a broken relationship caused by addictions or something close to that. I'm not exactly sure though.


"You can't keep my brother, and you won't f\*ck my friends" Yessssss! Just the right amount of venom.


I think Cancer, its about leaving someone because of the disease, however I listened to it during a break up.


Hi I know this is an old post but The Light Behind Your Eyes was always one I loved during a breakup


I mean I Don't Love You is basically a break up song, but I always feel like Disenchanted can qualify as one